[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
This section shall be known and may be cited as the Property Maintenance Code of the Township.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
It is hereby found and declared that there exists in the Township, structures, premises and vacant lots which are, or may become in the future, substandard with respect to structural integrity, equipment or maintenance; or further, that such conditions including but not limited to structural deterioration, lack of maintenance of exterior premises and vacant lots, infestation, lack of maintenance or upkeep of essential facilities and utilities, existence of fire hazards and unsanitary conditions constitute a menace to the health, safety, welfare and reasonable quiet comfort and property values of the citizens and inhabitants of the Township.
It is further found and declared that by reason of lack of maintenance of buildings and grounds, and ensuing progressive deterioration, certain premises have the further effect of creating blighting conditions, and initiating slums, and if same are not curtailed and removed, the aforesaid conditions will grow and spread and will necessitate, in time, the expenditure of large amounts of public funds to correct and eliminate the same, and that by reason of timely regulations and restrictions as herein contained the growth of slums and blight may be prevented and neighborhood and property values hereby maintained, the desirability and amenities of premises and neighborhoods enhanced, and the public health, safety, quiet comfort and welfare protected and fostered.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
The purpose of this Code is to protect the public health, safety, quiet comfort, welfare and property values by establishing minimum standards governing the maintenance, appearance and condition of the exterior of residential and nonresidential premises; to avoid, prevent and eliminate the maintenance of, or creation of, hazards to the public health or safety; to avoid, prevent and eliminate conditions which, if permitted to exist or continue, will depreciate or tend to depreciate the value of adjacent or surrounding properties; to prevent the creation, continuation, extension or aggravation of blight; to fix certain responsibilities and duties upon owners, operators and occupants of property; and to provide for administration and enforcement of this section and to authorize and establish procedures for the inspection of such premises, to fix penalties for the violations of this Code. This Code is hereby declared to be remedial and essential for the public interest and it is intended that this Code be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes stated herein.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
Structures and Premises Affected by this Code. Each and every residential and nonresidential structure and the premises on which it is situated in the Township, used or intended to be used for dwelling, commercial, business or industrial occupancy shall comply with the provisions of this Code whether or not such structure shall have been constructed, altered or repaired before or after the enactment of this Code, and without regard to any permits or licenses which shall have been issued for the use or occupancy of the structure or for the installation or repair of equipment or facilities prior to the effective date of this Code.
Conflict with Other Ordinances. In any case where the provisions of this Code impose a higher standard than set forth in any other ordinance of the Township or under the laws of the State of New Jersey, then the standards as set forth herein shall prevail; but if the provisions of this Code impose a lower standard than any other ordinance of the Township, or of the laws of the State of New Jersey, then the higher standard contained in any such other ordinance or law shall prevail.
Existing Remedies. Nothing in this Code shall be deemed to abolish or impair existing remedies of the Township or its officers or agencies, or of the Board of Health, or regional health commission, relating to the removal or demolition of any buildings or structures which are deemed to be dangerous, unsafe or unsanitary.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
The provisions of this Code shall constitute the standards to guide the public officer and authorized agents in determining the fitness of premises for human habitation, use and occupancy and in determining whether premises are being maintained in such condition as to not constitute a blighting effect upon neighboring properties nor an element leading to a progressive deterioration and downgrading of neighboring properties with an accompanying diminution of property values.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
As used in this section:
Shall mean the condition of a structure or part thereof characterized by holes, breaks, rot, crumbling, cracking, peeling, rusting or other evidence of physical decay or neglect, leak of maintenance, or excessive use.
Shall mean those portions of the grounds, buildings or structures which are exposed to public view or are visible from adjoining or adjacent properties, including all outside surfaces and appurtenances thereto, and the open space on the premises outside of any building or structure erected thereon.
Shall mean the control and elimination of insects, rodents or other pests by eliminating their harborage places, by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food by poison, spraying, fumigating, trapping or by any other approved pest elimination methods.
Shall mean anything or any act which increases or may cause any increase of the hazard or menace of fire to a greater degree than that customarily recognized as normal by persons in the public service of preventing, suppressing or extinguishing fire; or which may obstruct, delay or hinder or may become the cause of an obstruction, a delay, a hazard or a hindrance to the prevention, suppression or extinguishment of fire.
See Chapter 3, subsection 3-1.1.
Shall mean any occupant, owner, agent, tenant, lessee, caretaker, or other person or corporation in charge of, residing, living or sleeping in or on the premises of or having actual possession or use of a business, dwelling unit or rooming unit or other premises affected by this Code.
Shall mean any person, persons, or entity, not the owner, who has charge, care or control of a structure or a part thereof, with or without the knowledge, consent or authority of the owner.
Shall mean any person, persons, or entity who shall have legal or equitable title in any form whatsoever to any premises or part thereof, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or who shall have charge, care or control of any lot, premises, building, structure or part thereof, as owner or agent of the owner, or as fiduciary, trustee, receiver, guardian, lessee or mortgagee in possession, regardless of how such possession was obtained. Any person, group of persons or entity who is a lessee, sublessee or assignee of a lessee of any part or all of any building, structure or land shall be deemed to be a co-owner with the lessor for the purposes of this Code and shall have responsibility over that portion of the premises so sublet, leased or assigned.
Shall mean a lot, plot or parcel of land, including the buildings, structures, grounds and improvements thereon.
Shall mean the person or persons who are authorized by this Code to exercise powers prescribed by this Code.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
Owners, operators and occupants shall have all the duties, obligations and responsibilities prescribed in this Code and no such person or entity shall be relieved of any such duty, obligation or responsibility hereunder, nor may any such person or entity assert as a defense against any charge made under this Code that another owner, operator or occupant, or any other third person or entity, is also responsible therefor and in violation thereof.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
Exterior of Premises. The exterior of all premises shall be maintained so that the appearance thereof shall reflect a level of maintenance in keeping with the standards of the neighborhood or such higher standards set forth by this Code. The exterior of all premises shall be maintained and kept free from Code violations which include but are not limited to the following:
Garbage and rubbish shall be confined to containers designed for that purpose. Only garbage and rubbish resulting from the actual use on the premises may be permitted on the premises. Residential solid waste must be disposed of at least weekly and not be held or placed in public view at any time.
Unsafe or Unsound Structures. See Chapter 9, Section 9-2, Housing Code.
Discarded Appliances. Abandoned refrigerators, boilers, water heaters, television sets, and other similar major appliances, or the boxes, crates or container in which they were shipped shall not be placed in public view, except only in connection with a Township clean-up campaign and then only on the days scheduled for the area in which the premises are located.
Natural Growth.
See Section 10-2 covering the removal of brush, weeds, debris, etc. and adopting the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.13 and 40:48-2.14.
Trees shall be kept pruned, and dead wood one inch or more in diameter shall be removed. Heavy undergrowth and accumulation of plant growth which are unsightly, noxious, or detrimental to health shall be eliminated or removed.
Hedges and shrubs shall be kept pruned or trimmed. Grass shall not be permitted to exceed six inches in height. All pruned or cut trees, hedges, shrubs, plant growth, and grass shall be promptly removed from the premises after pruning or cutting. The same shall not be kept in public view while waiting to be removed.
Overhangings. Loose and overhanging objects, whether natural or man-made, and accumulations of ice and snow, which by reason of location above ground level constitute a threat to the health and safety of people, shall not be permitted to remain.
Ground Surface Hazards. Hidden or uncovered ground or surface hazards, such as holes, sudden depressions, excavations, sharp or jagged projections or obstructions shall not be permitted to exist.
Inoperable Vehicles. See Section 3-6 et seq.
Structural Soundness. The primary provisions relating to structural soundness and fitness for occupancy for residential structures are set forth in Section 9-2 Housing Code, in Chapter 9 Building and Housing, adopting the "New Jersey State Housing Code", pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:49-5.1, and in the provisions of the Construction Code. As a supplement thereto, and not in replacement thereof, the following provisions are also part of this Code.
Unsound Foundation Walls. Inadequate or unsafe foundation walls, piers and columns, and other similarly unsound, damaged or defective load bearing components which are incapable of supporting the imposed loads safely at all points shall not be permitted.
Unsound Exterior Porches, Landings, Balconies, Stairs and Fire Escapes. Structurally unsound, loose, dangerous, crumbling, missing, broken, rotted, or unsafe exterior portions of buildings or structures including but not limited to porches, landings, balconies, stairways, handrails, steps, walls, overhangs, roofs, fences, supporting members, timbers, abutments, fire escapes, signs, loose, crumbling or falling bricks, stones, mortar or plaster shall not be permitted.
Projecting Surfaces. Exterior surfaces or parts of buildings or structures containing sharp, rough or projecting surfaces or objects which might cause injury to persons coming in contact therewith shall not be permitted.
Windows, Doors, etc. Broken glass or windows, rotten, missing or substantially destroyed window frames and sashes, door frames, exterior doors, or other junior exterior component parts of buildings or structures shall not be permitted.
Unsound Exterior Walls, Sidings and Roof. Exterior walls, sidings, gutters and leaders and roof shall be kept structurally sound, in good repair and free from defects. Exterior wood surfaces of buildings and structures that are not inherently resistant to deterioration shall be periodically treated with a protective coating of paint or other suitable preservative.
Exterior Chimneys. Exterior chimneys shall be maintained structurally sound, free from defects and so maintained as to capably perform at all times the functions for which they were designed.
Steps, Walks, Driveways and Parking Lots. Steps, walks, driveways, parking lots, parking spaces and similar paved areas shall be maintained so as to afford safe passage under normal use and weather conditions. Any holes or other hazards that may exist shall be filled; necessary repairs or replacement shall be performed promptly. The occupant, operator or owner shall keep all and every part of the premises which he or she owns and the steps, walks, driveways and parking areas located in the front, rear or side of the premises, from the building line to the nearest public street line, in a clean, sanitary and safe condition and free from litter, debris, paper, dirt, garbage and junk and, except for public improvements, in good repair.
[Ord. 3-11-85 § 1]
Enforcement Officer. Inspection of premises and the issuing of orders in connection therewith under the provisions of this Code shall be the responsibility of the public officer of the Township.
Inspections and Orders. The public officer is authorized to enter upon any land at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspection and performing his or her duties under this Code. Wherever, in the opinion of the public officer, it is necessary or desirable to have inspections of any condition by any other department, the public officer shall arrange for this to be done. No order for the correction of any violation under this Code shall be issued without the approval of the Township Committee, and it shall be the responsibility of the public officer, before issuing any such order to determine that the order has the concurrence of any other department or official of the Township concerned with any matter involved on the case in question.
Enforcement Procedure. Whenever the public officer determines that there is or has been a violation of any provision of this Code, he shall give notice of such violation to the person, persons or entities responsible therefor under this subsection.
Such notice shall be in writing and shall include a concise statement of the reasons for its issuance.
Such notice shall be deemed to be properly and sufficiently served if a copy thereof is sent by regular mail to the last known address of the person or entity upon which the same is served, as shown by the most recent tax records of the Township; or a copy thereof handed to the person; or a copy thereof left at the usual place of abode or office of the persons or entities. Notice shall be given as aforesaid within or without the Township. The notice shall also state that unless the violation is abated, removed, cured, prevented, or desisted within seven days of the date of service of such notice (exclusive of the date of service), a summons will be issued for such violation. The public officer may extend the period for compliance with the requirements of this section in regard to the violation stated in the notice for a period in excess of the aforesaid seven days if, in his or her judgment, the abatement, removal, prevention, cessation or cure of the condition violated cannot reasonably be effected within the seven-day period; and in such cases the public officer shall state such reasonable required extended period in the notice, which shall then be applicable instead of the aforesaid seven days. In the event the violation is not abated, removed, cured, prevented, or desisted from or otherwise fully remedied within the seven day period or within such extended period as set forth in the notice, pursuant to the foregoing, a summons shall be issued against the person or entity so notified. Any extension beyond 30 days must be approved by the Township Committee.
[1973 Code § 8:5-15a]
The Township of Green Brook does hereby adopt the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.13 and N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.14.[1]
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.13 concerns removal or destruction of brush, weeds, debris, etc. N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.14 concerns cost of removing brush, weeds, debris, etc., lien.
[1973 Code § 8:5-15b]
The officer hereby designated as the officer of this Municipality to enforce the provisions of this section, shall be any public officer under the Housing Code of this Township, or any police officer designated by the Chief of Police as an officer for the enforcement of the provisions of this section.[1]
Editor's Note: Housing Code codified in Chapter 9, Section 9-2.
[1973 Code § 8:5-15c]
Whenever the public officer or other officer designated to enforce this section, as hereinabove provided, shall determine it to be necessary and expedient for the preservation of the public health, safety or a fire hazard, the owner or tenant of lands lying within the limits of this Township shall remove from such lands, brush, weeds, dead and dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growth, filth, garbage, trash and debris within 10 days after notice to remove the same.
[1973 Code § 8:5-15d]
In the event such owner or tenant, as the case may be, shall have refused or neglected to remove the same in the manner and within the time provided above, the public officer or other officer designated to enforce this section, as hereinabove provided, may cause the same to be removed and the condition to be abated by or under his direction. Upon completion of such removal and abatement, such officer shall certify the cost thereof to the Township Committee, which shall examine the certificate, and if found correct, shall cause the cost as shown thereon to be charged against the lands; the amount so charged shall forthwith become a lien upon such lands and shall be added to and become and form part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lands, the same to bear interest at the same rate as taxes, and shall be collected and enforced by the same officers and in the same manner as taxes.
[1973 Code § 8:5-15e]
The rights hereinabove set forth in subsection 10-2.4 shall be in addition to the penalties provided in Chapter 1, Section 1-5 of this Code for failure to comply with the provisions of this section.
[1973 Code § 9:3-1]
The owner or tenant of lands abutting or bordering upon the sidewalks of public streets in the Township shall remove all ice and snow from that part of the sidewalk lying in front of their respective premises which is paved with flagging, broken stone, concrete, asphalt, or other artificial covering, within 12 hours of daylight after the same shall be formed or fall thereon.
[1973 Code § 9:3-2]
In all cases in which ice shall be formed upon or adhere to that portion of the sidewalks of any public street in the Township which is covered with flagging, broken stone, concrete, asphalt, or other artificial covering, it shall be the duty of the owner or tenant of lands abutting or bordering on such sidewalks to cause such ice to be strewn with ashes, sawdust, sand, or other material which would have the same effect, within four hours after the same shall have formed upon or adhered to such sidewalk, except when the ice shall have been formed upon or adhered to such sidewalks during the night, and in that case then within four hours after the sunrise of the next following morning, and to keep the ice so strewn with ashes, sawdust, sand, or other material having the same effect, until the ice shall be removed as provided in subsection 10-3.1.
[1973 Code § 9:3-3]
It shall be the duty of the Police Department, at the expiration of the time limit set forth in subsections 10-3.1 and 10-3.2, to notify the owner or tenant of lands abutting or bordering upon the sidewalks of public streets in the Township who have failed to comply with the provisions of this section, to remove all ice and snow from that part of the sidewalks lying in front of their respective premises, as provided in this section, and upon failure to comply with the notice, to summon the violations of the provisions of this section to appear before the Municipal Court to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this section. A list of the persons summoned shall be furnished to the Township Committeeman having supervision of roads. Service on nonresident owners shall be either by serving notice on the tenant in possession or, if there be none, by mailing to the last known address of the owner of the property, a copy of the notice, which shall be deemed good and sufficient notice.
[1973 Code § 9:3-4]
The owner or tenant of lands abutting or bordering upon the sidewalks of public streets in the Township, shall remove all grass, weeds and other impediments (not specified in subsection 10-3.1) from those portions of the sidewalks lying in front of their respective premises, within three days after notice to remove the same, which notice may be given by the Township Committeeman having supervision of roads, or on his behalf, in writing, served personally or by mail addressed to the last known address of the owner of the property.
[1973 Code § 9:3-5]
Whenever the owner or tenant of lands abutting or bordering upon the sidewalks of public streets in the Township shall refuse or neglect to remove snow, ice, grass, weeds, or other impediments therefrom, as required by the foregoing subsections, or any notice given hereunder, the snow, ice, grass, weeds, or other impediments may be removed by or under the direction of the Township Engineer, and in the event of the removal of such snow, ice, grass, weeds, or other impediments, as provided in this subsection, the cost of removal shall be certified to the Township Committee by the Township Engineer. The Township Committee shall examine such certificate, and if found to be correct, shall cause such cost to be charged against such real estate so abutting upon such sidewalk, and the amount so charged shall thereupon become a lien and tax upon such real estate and be added to and be part of the taxes next to be levied and assessed thereon, and enforced and collected with interest by the same officers and in the same manner as other taxes.
[1973 Code § 9:3-6]
Nothing in this section shall prevent the Township, by and under the direction of the Road Committee or Township Engineer, to remove the ice and snow of absentee owners and to render the bill for the costs thereof, together with notification that the same has been done, pursuant to the statutes made and provided, and this section, at the owner's expense, under the police powers of the Township for the protection of the public and users of the sidewalks.
[1973 Code § 9:3-7; New]
Any person, firm or corporation, owner or owners, tenant or tenants, who shall violate any provision of this section, or any notice given pursuant to this section, shall be liable to the penalties provided in Chapter 1, Section 1-5 of this Code.
Each day that a violation occurs or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate violation.
Such penalties are additional to, and not alternative to, the remedies set forth in subsection 10-3.5.
[1973 Code § 8:2-13]
No person shall, within the limits of the Township, erect or maintain on any corner lot any fence, structure or planting which is more than 30 inches in height and within 30 feet of the intersection of the road right-of-way lines so as to interfere with traffic visibility across the corner.
[1973 Code § 8:2-14]
No person shall, within the limits of the Township, keep or maintain on any public or private property any open cistern, open hole, unsafe structure, dilapidated vehicle or junk which would be likely to endanger the health or safety of any person.
[Ord. No. 2001-666]
Shall mean those components of a stormwater management facility which regulate the outflow of the stormwater from the stormwater management facility, which components may include but shall not be limited to piping, headwalls, rip rap aprons, emergency spillways, and trash racks.
Shall mean any owner of the lot, site and or lands upon which the stormwater management facility is located, including, but not limited to a homeowner's association, fee simple owner, or otherwise.
Shall mean such routine maintenance of the stormwater management facility including but not limited to the mowing of vegetation, and removal and disposal of accumulated particulate material and debris from the basin, and maintenance and repair of any fencing and landscaping surrounding the basin.
Shall mean any impoundment basin, detention basin, detention pool, retention basin, or alternative structure designed to temporarily retain stormwater runoff as otherwise defined by N.J.S.C. 7:8-1.3.
[Ord. No. 2001-666]
The Township of Green Brook, upon acceptance of improvements and dedication of drainage easements contained on subdivision plat or site plan, shall maintain, repair or replace as needed, those fixtures as defined in subsection 10-6.1 of this section, and shall make such repairs as needed, which may develop in the stormwater management facility.
[Ord. No. 2001-666]
The owner of the lot, site and/or lands upon which the stormwater management facility is located shall be responsible for all routine maintenance of such facility as defined in subsection 10-6.1 of this section. The owner shall also immediately notify the Clerk of the Township of Green Brook of any necessary repairs, replacements or remediation within the stormwater management facility which come to the attention of the owner. The owner shall also maintain, repair or replace as needed, these fixtures as defined in subsection 10-6.1 of this section that have not been accepted by the Township.
[Ord. No. 2001-666]
Any applicant for minor or major subdivision of lands or for final minor or major site plan approval shall enter into an agreement with the Township of Green Brook for the routine maintenance of each stormwater management facility. Such agreement shall be in a form satisfactory to the Township Attorney and shall include but not be limited to a maintenance agreement, personal guarantee, deed restrictions, the grant of an access easement to the Township of Green Brook, covenants and bonds or performance guarantees, in accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 5:21-7.5.
[Ord. No. 2001-666]
In the event the Township of Green Brook must perform any maintenance on the stormwater management facility which constitutes routine maintenance as defined in subsection 10-6.1 of this section, the Clerk of the Township of Green Brook shall notify the owner of the property that an assessment in the amount of the cost of such maintenance is pending against the lot, site and/or lands upon which the stormwater management facility is located. The notice shall state the date, time and place fixed for confirmation of the assessment by the Green Brook Township Committee. The Green Brook Township Committee shall confirm the assessments to record the same in the book in which other assessments of the Township are recorded. In the event the owner constitutes an association, the secretary or other officer of the association shall be notified, and the assessment shall be recorded against all properties which are encumbered by the association, the amount of which assessment shall be proportionate to the number of lots encumbered by the association.
[Ord. No. 2001-666]
The provisions of this section, except for subsection 10-6.4, shall apply to all stormwater management facilities within the Township of Green Brook constructed both prior to the enactment of this section.
[Ord. No. 2013-800]
The purpose of this section is to control the planting, growing or cultivating of invasive plant species within the Township and to prevent their spread to adjoining properties.
[Ord. No. 2013-800]
As used in this section, invasive plant species is defined as follows:
Any monopodial (running) tropical or semi-tropical grasses from the genera Bambusa including, but not limited to, Bambusa, Phyllostachys, and Pseudosasa as well as Common Bamboo, Golden Bamboo and Arrow Bamboo.
[Ord. No. 2013-800]
No person shall plant, grow, cultivate or permit an invasive plant species to grow or extend beyond the boundaries of their property.
An invasive plant species may be planted within an above-ground planter, barrel or other container of such design, material and location so as to prevent the spread of the invasive plant species beyond the confines of the container. The invasive plant species shall be located, trimmed and maintained so that no part of the invasive plant species extends beyond the boundaries of the property.
An invasive plant species may be planted, grown or cultivated in the ground no closer than 10 feet from any property line, provided a properly constructed and maintained barrier system is installed to prevent the invasive plant species from growing or extending beyond the boundaries of the property.
[Ord. No. 2013-800]
The provisions of this section may be enforced by the Zoning Officer or any Deputy Zoning Officer of the Township.
Whenever the Zoning Officer or any Deputy Zoning Officer of the Township determines there has been a violation of any provision of this section, notice of such violation shall be served on the property owner of record by way of certified and regular mail or personal service. The notice shall specify the nature of the violation and provide the property owner 30 days from the date of mailing or personal service to correct the violation. If the violation is not corrected within this thirty-day period to the satisfaction of the Zoning Officer or Deputy Zoning Officer, the penalty provisions of this section shall apply.
In the event the property owner fails to correct a notice of violation, the Township, as authorized by way of Resolution adopted by the Governing Body, may enter upon the property and perform all necessary work to correct the violation and bring the property within compliance with this section. The property owner shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the Township in correcting the violation and bringing the property into compliance with this section. The Township may also place a municipal lien against the property for all costs incurred by the Township in bringing the property into compliance. The amount of the lien shall be authorized by way of Resolution adopted by the Governing Body and become part of the taxes to be assessed and levied upon the property bearing interest at the same rate as taxes and collected and enforced in the same manner as the taxes upon the property.
[Ord. No. 2013-800]
Any person who plants, grows, cultivates or permits an invasive plant species to grow or extend beyond the boundaries of their property or who is found in violation of any provisions of this section shall be subject to the violations and penalties set forth herein.
The Township Municipal Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and decide all complaints pertaining to any violation of this section. The maximum penalty upon conviction of a violation of this section shall be a fine not exceeding $1,000 and/or imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding 90 days, or both, or community service not exceeding 90 days at the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge. Each and every day in which a violation of any provision of this section exists shall constitute a separate violation.
In addition to the penalties set forth herein, any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be liable for any damages caused to any adjoining property, including, but not limited to, the cost of removal of the invasive plant species extending onto the adjoining property as well as the repair and replacement of any property damaged by the invasive plant species.