Applicability of regulations. This article imposes minimum and maximum parking ratio standards for all zoning districts within the Town of Ledgeview.
General provisions.
Purpose. Parking and loading regulations are established to alleviate or prevent congestion of the public right-of-way, to provide for the parking and loading needs of uses and structures, to enhance the compatibility between parking and loading areas and their surroundings, and to regulate the number, design, maintenance, and location of required off-street parking and loading spaces and access driveways and aisles.
Single-family and two-family uses. Off-street parking for single-family and two-family residential uses are not subject to site plan approval.
Existing facilities. Existing parking and loading facilities shall not be reduced below the requirements for a similar new use, or if less than the requirements for a similar new use, they shall not be reduced further.
Change of use. When the use of a building or site is changed or the intensity of use is increased through the addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, capacity, or other unit of measurement used for determining parking and loading requirements, parking and loading facilities shall be provided for such change or intensification of use as specified in Appendix Table 1.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Uses not identified. The Zoning and Planning Commission shall determine the minimum and maximum parking requirement for any uses that are not specified in Appendix Table 1.
Multiple uses. When a structure or structures have multiple uses, the minimum standards shall apply to each use.
Fractional measurements. When calculations determining the number of spaces result in a fractional space, the fractional space may be eliminated from the required spaces.
Gross floor area. Gross floor area shall be determined by calculating the sum of the gross horizontal areas of all floors within the inside perimeter of the exterior walls of the structure and roofed areas reserved for the display, storage, or sale of merchandise. The gross area of any parking area within a building shall not be included within the gross floor area of the building.
On-street parking. The minimum number of required off-street parking spaces shall be reduced by the number of on-street parking spaces abutting the property lines of the parcel(s).
Limitations. Required parking spaces, loading areas and access driveways shall not be used for storage, display, sales, rental, or repair of motor vehicles or other goods or for the storage of inoperable vehicles or snow.
Minimum parking ratios.
The second column of Appendix Table 1[2] establishes the minimum number of parking spaces required for the identified uses. Parking requirements may be met by one or more of the following methods:
On-site parking spaces. Only spaces that are designed consistent with the standards of this article shall be counted toward the minimum parking required. Spaces at or in queuing lines, gasoline pumps, bay doors, and loading spaces shall not be counted.
Payments in lieu of parking. Payment in lieu of parking spaces may be considered if such an account is established to provide public parking within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed development. The amount of payment for each space shall be based on the estimated cost to provide and maintain such spaces multiplied by the number of spaces required under this article. Complete payment shall be made to the Town of Ledgeview before any final site plan approval shall be issued. Payments in lieu shall not be accepted where such payments are insufficient to provide required parking at the time of occupancy.
Off-site parking within a cooperative parking facility. Cooperative parking facilities must conform to § 135-201 of this article.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Parking for physically disabled persons. The owner or lessee of any public place or place of employment shall provide parking spaces for use by motor vehicles used by physically disabled persons as follows:
Number of accessible stalls.
Total Number of Stalls
Van Accessible
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
500 +
2% of total
20% of total
Size of accessible stall. Parking stalls reserved for physically disabled persons shall be at least 12 feet wide.
Location. Such stalls shall be located as close as possible to an entrance of the parking facility and to the building entrance.
Maximum parking ratios.
The third column of Appendix Table 1[3] establishes the maximum number of parking spaces required for the identified uses. If a maximum parking space ratio applies, the number of parking spaces shall not exceed the maximum number permitted.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Special accessible spaces required by state or local building codes shall not be counted toward the maximum allowed spaces.
Off-site cooperative parking. Off-site, off-street shared parking spaces, where one or more of the users of the parking spaces operates on a different lot than where the use exists or operates, may be provided for two or more properties or uses in a development or for two or more individual developments, subject to the following:
The off-site, off-street cooperative parking facility(s) is within 300 feet of the property.
The parking demands of the individual uses, as determined by the Zoning Administrator based upon off-street parking requirements, are such that the total parking demand of all the uses at any one time is less than the total parking stalls required.
A cooperative parking agreement in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney is executed and recorded in with the Brown County Register of Deeds securing the required amount of parking for each parcel or use. A copy of the recorded document shall be submitted with the project to be kept on file with the Town of Ledgeview. Failure to maintain required parking shall be a violation of this article and shall be subject to enforcement proceedings, including but not limited to an order to discontinue the use for which parking is required to be provided.
An application for approval of a cooperative parking plan shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator by all of the owners of the entire land area to be included within the relegated parking plan, the owner or owners of all structures then existing on such land area, and all parties having a legal interest in such land area and structures. Sufficient evidence to establish the status of applicants as owners or parties in interest shall be provided. The application shall include plans showing the location of uses or structures for which off-street parking facilities are required, the location of the off-street parking facilities, and the schedule of times used by those sharing spaces in common.
Any such plan may be amended or withdrawn if all land and structures remaining under such plan comply with all the conditions and limitations of the plan and all land and structures withdrawn from such plan comply with the regulations of this section.
Any amendment, revision, termination, or withdrawal shall be submitted to the Town of Ledgeview for review and approval.
On-site cooperative parking. On-site, off-street shared parking spaces, may be provided for developments that contain a mix of uses on the same lot in order to reduce the amount of parking using Appendix Table 2,[1] subject to the following:
The minimum parking requirements shall be determined for each land use in the first column of Appendix Table 2 as if each were a different use.
Each amount is multiplied by the corresponding percentages of each of the five time periods in the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth columns of Appendix Table 2.
Calculate the total for each time period.
The total with the highest value is the required minimum number of parking spaces.
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
In general.
Off-street parking spaces shall have stall width, depth, size, angle, and drive lane dimensions as identified in Appendix Table 3.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Access or maneuvering areas, ramps, and other appurtenances shall not be considered as contributing toward required off-street parking space.
Compact vehicles. Compact vehicle parking is not required. Minimum parking dimensions for all stalls are identified Appendix Table 3.
In general. Except as provided in § 135-201A, off-street parking facilities shall be located on the same lot that the use exists.
Rear parking areas.
"Rear parking" is defined as parking areas that are located between the principal building and the rear lot line, or alley, or interior to a block.
Rear parking is required in the following zoning districts:
Multiple-Family District (R-3).
Neighborhood Center District (NCD).
Business District (B-1).
Business District (B-2).
Institutional District (I-1).
Light Industrial District (LI).
Heavy Industrial District (HI).
Any district with a Planned Development District Overlay (PDD).
In general. Off-street parking facilities shall be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with § 135-204B through G, as well as any other requirements of the Town of Ledgeview.
All parking and loading areas shall be paved with asphalt, bituminous, or concrete material to minimize nuisance from dust.
Parking and loading areas shall be graded and drained in order to properly dispose of all surface water and stormwater.
All driveways, drive lanes, and parking areas for vehicles shall be constructed with rock, concrete, brick, asphalt, turf block, or other surfaces of comparable durability.
All driveway, drive lane, and parking area pavement shall be at least five feet from any side yard lot line.
Driveway, drive lane, and parking area pavement is permitted in the rear yard of all zoning districts, except where landscaped screening is required.
When rear area and side area parking is not possible, driveway, drive lane, and parking area pavement may be located in front yard space within the Business District B-1, Business District B-2, Light Industrial District (LI), and Heavy Industrial District (HI). Design and location are subject to review and approval by the Zoning and Planning Commission.
Driveways that connect drive lanes and parking areas to streets shall not be considered part of the parking area.
Wheel guards.
Parking area perimeters shall be provided with wheel guards, bumper guards, or continuous curbing so located that no part of parked vehicles will extend beyond the property line of the parking area.
Separate wheel stops shall be provided for each parking space.
Parking lots containing 10 or more spaces shall be planted with at least one tree per 10 spaces, no smaller than 1 1/2 inches caliper (trunk diameter one inch above base of tree), with each tree being surrounded by no less than 100 square feet of continuous permeable unpaved area.
Required parking lot landscaping shall be located within the designated parking area in a fashion that defines rows of parking with landscaped islands and landscaped peninsulas.
Landscaping vegetation and trees shall be properly maintained. If required plantings die, the plantings shall be replaced within 45 days.
Protective screen fencing and berm.
Areas shall be provided with protective screen fencing or a berm so that occupants of adjacent residential structures are not unreasonably disturbed by the movement of vehicles either during the day or at night.
The protective screen, berm, or any combination shall be at least 90% opaque when adjacent to residential uses.
In no case shall the protective screen, berm, or any combination exceed eight feet in height above the natural grade.
Lighting shall be fully cut off and shielded so that the source of light is concealed from public view and concealed from adjacent residential uses at the lot line.
Lighting shall be arranged so that the source of light does not interfere with traffic on adjacent rights-of-way.
Pervious pavement. Vehicle parking spaces may exceed the maximum number of parking spaces if the additional spaces are surfaced with pervious pavement permitting infiltration, subject to the following:
Pervious pavement shall be located only on soils having a permeability rating of moderate rapid to very rapid.
Pervious pavement shall not be located in soils with a high-water table or a depth of bedrock of less than 10 feet, as identified in the Brown County, Wisconsin, soil survey.
Pervious pavement shall not be located on any slope of 5% or greater (4.5°, assuming 0° is perfectly horizontal and flat).
The pervious pavement area shall be vacuum swept and washed with a high-pressure hose at least two times per year.
Pervious pavement parking area design is subject to review by the Town of Ledgeview in order to verify compliance with existing municipal separate storm sewer permits, stormwater runoff requirements, and illicit discharge requirements.
In general. Bicycle parking spaces shall be required. The minimum number of required parking spaces for each use, structure, and facility shall meet or exceed the minimum bicycle spaces identified in Appendix Table 1.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Bicycle spaces may be provided through parking spaces or bicycle storage racks.
Bicycle parking spaces shall be at least 2.5 feet in width and six feet in length, with a minimum overhead clearance of seven feet.
Racks and other fixtures used to provide for bicycle parking must be securely affixed to the ground and allow for bicycles to be locked and chained.
The design of bicycle racks and fixtures shall be included in final site plans and approved by the Zoning and Planning Commission. The Zoning and Planning Commission will base approval on submittal adhering to guidelines outlined in the Association for Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals (APBP), Essentials of Bike Parking: Selecting and Installing Bike Parking that Works (2015).
[Amended 12-17-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-24]
Bicycle parking areas shall be clearly marked on site plans.
Bicycle spaces may be located indoors or outdoors.
Bicycle spaces shall be located within 50 feet of the primary entrance.
Bicycle spaces shall not be located behind any wall, shrubbery, or visual obstruction lying between the principal building and the bicycle spaces.
Signage shall be posted indicating the location of bicycle spaces if the bicycle spaces are not visible from the right-of-way.
Areas used for required bicycle parking shall be paved, drained, well lit, and maintained.
Spaces used within offices and on balconies that are not accessible to all users shall not be counted toward required parking.
In general.
Truck loading facilities are required for structures containing uses devoted to businesses, industry, manufacturing, storage, warehousing, processing, offices, professional buildings, hotels, multiple- family dwellings, hospitals, airports, railroad terminals, and any building of a commercial nature.
If a structure is enlarged, expanded, or changed, the structure shall not be used, occupied, or operated unless the structure has at least the amount of off-street truck loading facilities that would apply if the increments were a separate structure.
There shall be two sizes of off-street loading spaces: large and small.
Large spaces shall have an overhead clearance of at least 14 feet, shall be at least 12 feet wide, and shall be at least 50 feet long.
Small spaces shall have an overhead clearance of at least 10 feet, shall be at least nine feet wide, and shall be at least 20 feet long.
Access areas, maneuvering areas, platforms, and other appurtenances are excluded from these measurements.
Off-street loading facilities shall be located on the same lot that the structure requiring the loading area is located.
Loading facilities that are available in a cooperative arrangement may be located on another site not more than 300 feet from where the structure requiring the loading area is located.
Service entrances and service yards shall be located only in the rear or side yard.
Construction and maintenance. Off-street truck loading facilities shall be constructed, maintained, and operated utilizing the following standards:
Drainage and surfacing. Areas shall be properly graded for drainage; surfaced with concrete or asphalt; and maintained free of weeds, dust, trash, and debris.
Protective screen fencing. Areas shall be provided with protective screen fencing or a berm so that occupants of adjacent residential structures are not unreasonably disturbed by the movement of vehicles either during the day or at night. Loading facilities and service yards shall be screened from adjacent property, using standards identified in § 135-204D and E.
Lighting. Lighting shall be arranged so that the source of light is concealed from public view and adjacent residential uses at the lot line and will not disturb traffic on adjacent rights-of-way.
Entrances and exits. Areas shall be provided with entrances and exits so located as to minimize traffic congestion.
Combined truck loading facilities. Off-street truck loading facilities for two or more structures may be satisfied by the permanent allocation of the required number of spaces for each use in a combined truck loading facility.
The total number of spaces in a combined truck loading facility shall be at least the sum of the individual requirements unless the Zoning and Planning Commission determines that a lesser number of spaces will be adequate.
In determining the number of revised spaces, the Zoning and Planning Commission shall consider the respective times of usage of the truck loading facilities by the individual users and the character of the merchandise.
Minimum requirements. The minimum truck loading spaces shall be provided for in all districts as set in Appendix Table 4.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Waiver. The Zoning and Planning Commission is authorized to waive off-street loading requirements for structures that are required to provide and maintain fewer than five off-street parking spaces, or any other structure if the design and proposed use of the structure demonstrates no need of off-street loading.
[Added 3-4-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04B]
Parking restrictions and exceptions. The parking of seasonal use trailers, utility trailers, enclosed trailers and camping equipment, as defined in the definition section of this chapter, shall not be allowed in the front, side or rear yard of any residentially or commercially zoned property, whether or not enclosed or fenced, with the following exceptions and conditions, and then only on a hard surface as defined herein:
Seasonal use trailers for motorcycles shall be permitted to park in the driveway or side yard from March 1 through November 15. Seasonal use trailers for watercraft shall be permitted to park in the driveway or side yard from March 1 through November 15. Seasonal use trailers for snowmobiles shall be permitted to park in the driveway or side yard from November 1 through March 31. Seasonal use trailers for all-terrain vehicles shall be permitted to park in the driveway or side yard year round, provided that the all-terrain vehicle is actually being used as opposed to parking merely for storage purposes. No watercraft, snowmobile, or all-terrain vehicle shall be stored in the driveway or side yard of a residentially or commercially zoned property as herein permitted except upon a seasonal use trailer. In the event that the seasonal use trailer is not being utilized for the storage of watercraft, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles or snowmobiles and is otherwise empty, it may be stored in the driveway or side yard year round.
The Town Administrator has the authority to adjust the dates forward for parking of seasonal use trailers based upon weather conditions.
Camping equipment may park in the driveway or side yard of residentially zoned property from March 1 through November 15. Pop-up campers not exceeding 20 feet in length shall further be allowed to park in the side yard of a property on an annual basis provided that the pop-up camper is in a closed position, except when utilized for living and sleeping purposes as provided for in this chapter.
Vehicles, machinery and equipment used for construction activities shall not be stored or parked on residential or commercial zoned property except during the course of ongoing and continuously progressing construction activities at that property.
One utility trailer may be parked in the driveway or rear or side yard of a residentially zoned property year round and need not be on a hard surface.
Nothing herein shall limit or otherwise affect a resident's ability to store any seasonal use trailer, utility trailer, enclosed trailer and/or item of camping equipment entirely within the confines of the resident's garage or other permitted accessory structure.
All seasonal use trailers, utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and camping equipment permitted for parking under this chapter shall not park within four feet of the lot line or required Zoning Code setback, whichever is greater. In addition, no such items shall be permitted to park more than 10 feet from the primary structure housed on the lot measured to the furthest point away from the structure.
The parking of more than two seasonal use trailers, enclosed trailers, utility trailers, and/or items of camping equipment simultaneously on a residentially or commercially zoned property is prohibited. Any two such items cannot be stored in the same lot location together unless one of them is a utility trailer. This quantity limitation shall not apply, and there shall not be counted, any such item(s) parked and/or stored entirely within the confines of the resident's garage or other permitted accessory structure.
Enclosed trailers are permitted to be parked in the driveway or side yard year round.
Living and sleeping purposes. Use of camping equipment for living or sleeping purposes is permitted on a temporary basis in residential zoned districts only under the following conditions:
Such use of camping equipment shall only be permitted on premises with an existing house and not on a vacant parcel of land.
No monetary gain shall be realized by the property owner.
The vehicle must be parked on a hard surface no closer than 10 feet to any lot line or the required setback, whichever is greater.
The combined use of any camping equipment for temporary living and sleeping purposes may not exceed 10 days within any calendar year.
The use of internal combustion engines is not permitted for generation of electricity.
For purposes of this subsection only, such camping equipment need not be owned/maintained by the Town resident.
Owned/maintained and proper working condition. All vehicles and equipment subject to this section shall be at all times owned/maintained and be in proper working condition and have necessary safety equipment and accessories also in proper working condition as required by law. By the act of parking vehicles or equipment on his property or Town streets as provided herein, the property owner does thereby grant to any law enforcement officer, or authorized agent of the Town, express consent to enter upon such property without notice for the purpose of inspecting and verifying that any vehicles or equipment parked thereon are in compliance with this section.
Street parking. Except as hereinafter provided, no owner shall park or leave standing any seasonal use trailers, utility trailers, enclosed trailers, camping equipment, and/or any other item of machinery or equipment which is designed to be towed behind a motor vehicle, regardless of whether or not it is properly hitched, coupled or secured to a motor vehicle, upon any Town street, alley or public way. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to modify, alter or change the general street parking prohibition established by separate Town ordinance.
Vision triangle/obstruction. All seasonal use trailers, utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and camping equipment shall not be parked on the property or on any Town street so as to block line of sight for general vehicular traffic or otherwise cause a "blind spot" for other drivers backing their vehicles onto or driving upon any Town street, alley or public way. Parking on a sidewalk or the blocking of sidewalk access is prohibited.
Unloading. Except as provided herein, camping equipment shall not be parked on residentially or commercially zoned property or on the streets, alleys or public ways of the Town of Ledgeview, except for the purposes of loading or unloading, cleaning or maintenance for a period not to exceed 72 hours.
Manufactured homes. Nonmotorized vehicles built for semipermanent or permanent human habitation, commonly referred to as "manufactured homes" or "house trailers," regardless of size or configuration or whether the wheels are removed, shall not be parked and/or stored on any residential or commercially zoned property or on any Town street, alley or public way.
Parking conditions. All seasonal use trailers, utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and camping equipment shall be kept clean and free of debris, litter, rubbish and any waste materials as defined in § 41-5 of the Town Code. This includes all areas in and around where the seasonal use trailer, utility trailer and/or camping equipment is parked or stored, to include, without limitation, the cutting and trimming of grass around the storage site, removal of weeds, and the preventing of gouging or rutting of the grass and lands of the property in moving the seasonal use trailer, utility trailer and/or camping equipment to the intended parking or storage location.
Other parking restrictions. No person, firm or corporation shall park, or allow or permit to be parked, stopped, or left standing, any seasonal use trailer, utility trailer, enclosed trailer, camping equipment, or any other machinery or equipment which is designed to be towed behind a motor vehicle, regardless of whether or not it is properly hitched, coupled or secured to a motor vehicle, upon a Town street, alley or public way, except as follows:
Construction sites. This Subsection I does not apply to trailers, machinery and equipment of a person, firm or corporation which is engaged in improvements to real estate in close proximity to where such trailers, machinery and/or equipment is parked, stopped, or standing, and such trailers, machinery and equipment are then being used in the construction of such improvements while actively and continuously progressing, and the presence of the same is properly known to travelers upon the street, alley or public way by lighted warning lights, reflectors, and/or barriers of suitable size and brilliance, and which have been placed in a suitable location in keeping with Town ordinance.
Loading and unloading. This Subsection I does not apply to seasonal use trailers, utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and/or other machinery and equipment which is temporarily stopped, standing or parked for the purpose of being, and while actually engaged in being, loaded and/or unloaded, provided that it is then hitched, coupled or secured to a motor vehicle which is then currently licensed to be operated on a public highway.
Hooking up and delivery. This Subsection I does not apply to seasonal use trailers, utility trailers, enclosed trailers, camping equipment and/or other machinery and equipment which is temporarily stopped, standing or parked for:
The purpose of being hitched, coupled or secured, or being unhitched, uncoupled or unsecured, to or from a motor vehicle which is currently licensed to be operated on a public highway and is present on such street, alley or public way, and is then attended by a person who is then licensed to operate the vehicle;
The purpose of being delivered to the premises for storage or use, or removed from the premises for storage or use, all for a reasonable period of time; and
Emergency purposes for as long as the emergency exists.
[Added 3-4-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04B]
Declaration of nuisance. The unsheltered accumulation or storage of wrecked or partially dismantled or otherwise nonoperating or unlicensed motor vehicles, and of any other vehicles, machinery, implements, equipment, any parts thereof, and personal property of any kind which is no longer safely usable for the purposes for which it was manufactured, hereinafter collectively described as "said personalty," within the Town of Ledgeview is declared to be a nuisance and dangerous to the public health, safety and well-being.
Abatement of nuisance. The owner, owners, tenants, lessees and occupants of any lot upon which such accumulation or storage is made, and also the owner, owners, and lessees of said personal involved in such storage, all of whom are hereinafter referred to collectively as "owners," shall jointly and severally abate the nuisance by promptly moving said personalty into completely enclosed buildings authorized to be used for such storage purposes, if the same can be found within the Town, or otherwise by moving said personalty to a location outside the Town.
Removal by Town. Whenever the owners fail to abate the nuisance, the Town shall move said personalty to a location of its selection, and the expense thereof shall be billed to the owners, jointly and severally, which bill shall be recoverable in a suit at law. When said personalty has been removed and placed in storage by the Town, said personalty shall be sold by the Town after the lapse of such time as is provided by § 66.0139, Wis. Stats., or any other applicable provision of law. If the proceeds of such sale are insufficient to pay the costs of abatement, the owners shall be jointly and severally liable to the Town for the balance of the costs, to be recoverable in a suit at law. If the proceeds are in excess of costs, the balance shall be paid to the owners or deposited with the Town Clerk for their use.
Violations and penalties. Any owner who allows the nuisance described in this section to exist, or fails to abate the nuisance, shall upon conviction thereof be subject to a penalty of not less than $25 nor more than $1,000 for each offense, together with the costs of prosecution, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which such nuisance is permitted to exist.
[Amended 3-4-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04B; 5-3-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-05]
Commercial vehicles.
Parking or storage of commercial vehicles as defined in § 135-8, Definitions, of Article III is prohibited in the R-1, R-2 and R-3 Districts. Parking of no more than one commercial vehicle may be permitted in the R-R, AG-FP and A-2 Districts.
Parking of commercial vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of less than 10,000 pounds is permitted in the R-1, R-2, R-R, AG-FP, and A-2 Districts as follows:
Within the front yard on a driveway, subject to all other provisions of this article. Outdoor storage of commercial vehicles is prohibited.
Within an enclosed garage or other permitted accessory structure.
Recreational vehicles.
The parking of recreational vehicles as defined in § 135-8 of Article III shall only be allowed:
Within all districts, parking of recreational vehicles is permitted within a garage or permitted accessory structure for the entire year.
Within the R-1 and R-2 Districts for the time periods of April 1 to November 30 and not to exceed 30 cumulative days during the time period of December 1 to March 31:
In the front yard on a driveway with no part of the vehicle or trailer extending beyond the property line.
[Amended 2-6-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
In the side yard not closer than five feet to the side yard lot line, and only on a hard surface.
[Amended 2-6-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03]
For those properties zoned R-1 which exceed 60,000 square feet (1.4 acres), Subsection B(1)(c) of this chapter shall apply.
Within the R-R, AG-FP, and A-2 Districts:
In the front yard on a driveway for the time periods of April 1 to November 30 and not to exceed 30 cumulative days during the time period of December 1 to March 31.
In the side yard not closer than 10 feet to the side yard lot line for the entire year. No portion of the recreational vehicle may extend in front of the residence.
In the rear yard not closer than 10 feet to the rear lot line for the entire year.
Those motorized recreational vehicles capable of being moved by their own power must be parked on a hard surface, whether in the side or rear yard.
Use of a recreational vehicle for living or sleeping purposes is permitted on a temporary basis in any residential or agricultural zoning district under the following conditions:
Use of the recreational vehicle shall only be permitted on premises with an existing house and not on a vacant parcel of land.
No monetary gain shall be realized by the property owner.
The recreational vehicle must be parked on a hard surface no closer than 10 feet to any lot line.
The use of the recreational vehicle for temporary living or sleeping purposes may not exceed 10 days within any calendar year.
The use of internal combustion engines is not permitted for generation of electricity.
No portion of a recreational vehicle may overlap or restrict use of a sidewalk or extend into portions of the right-of-way not expressly designated for parking on either a temporary or seasonal basis.
The parking of a recreational vehicle shall be prohibited in the R-3 District.
Utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and seasonal-use trailers, as defined.
The parking of more than two utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and/or seasonal-use trailers simultaneously on property zoned R-1 or R-2 District is prohibited, except those R-1 parcels exceeding 60,000 square feet (1.4 acres). Any two such items cannot be stored in the same lot location together unless one of them is a utility trailer.
One utility trailer may be parked in the driveway, rear or side yard year-round and need not be on a hard surface.
Enclosed trailers are permitted to be parked on a driveway or in a side yard, and on a hard surface, in the R-1, R-2, and R-R Districts year-round.
No portion of the enclosed trailer parked in a side yard shall extend in front of the residence.
The parking of seasonal-use trailers, as defined in § 135-8 of Article III, shall not be allowed in the front, side or rear yard, whether or not enclosed or fenced, with the following exceptions and conditions, and then only on a hard surface:
Seasonal-use trailers for motorcycles and watercraft shall be permitted to park in the driveway or side yard from April 1 through November 30.
Seasonal-use trailers for snowmobiles shall be permitted to park in the driveway or side yard from November 1 through March 31.
Seasonal-use trailers for all-terrain vehicles shall be permitted to park in the driveway or side yard year-round, provided that the all-terrain vehicle is being used as opposed to parking merely for storage purposes.
No watercraft, snowmobile, or all-terrain vehicle shall be stored in the driveway or side yard as herein permitted except upon a seasonal-use trailer.
Parking of seasonal-use trailers shall not require a hard surface in the side yard of the R-R, AG-FP, or A-2 Districts.
The Town Administrator has the authority to adjust the dates for parking of seasonal-use trailers based upon weather conditions.
The parking of utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and seasonal-use trailers defined in § 135-8 of Article III shall be prohibited in the R-3 District except within a garage or permitted accessory structure.
Nothing herein shall limit or otherwise affect a resident's ability to store any utility trailer, enclosed trailer, and/or seasonal-use trailer entirely within the confines of the resident's garage or other permitted accessory structure.
All utility trailers, enclosed trailers, and seasonal-use trailers permitted for parking under this article shall not park within five feet of any lot line.
Figure 1: An example of various potential parking arrangements in the R-1 District
135 Parking Arrangements in R-1 District.tif
The storage of ice shanties, hunting blinds, and similar seasonal equipment shall only be allowed in the rear or side yard, not closer than five feet to any lot line, within the R-R, AG-FP and A-2 Districts only. The storage of more than two ice shanties and/or hunting blinds simultaneously is prohibited.
Owned/maintained and proper working condition. All vehicles and equipment subject to this article shall be at all times owned/maintained and be in proper working condition and have necessary safety equipment and accessories also in proper working condition as required by law. By the act of parking vehicles or equipment on their property or Town streets as provided herein, the property owner does thereby grant to any law enforcement officer, or authorized agent of the Town, express consent to enter upon such property without notice for the purpose of inspecting and verifying that any vehicles or equipment parked thereon are in compliance with this article.
Loading and unloading. Except as provided herein, commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles and seasonal-use trailers shall not be parked on residentially zoned property or on the streets, alleys, or public ways of the Town of Ledgeview, except for the purposes of loading or unloading, cleaning or maintenance for a period not to exceed 72 hours.
Manufactured homes. Nonmotorized vehicles built for semipermanent or permanent human habitation, commonly referred to as "manufactured homes" or "house trailers," regardless of size or configuration or whether the wheels are removed, shall not be parked and/or stored on any residentially zoned property or on any Town street, alley or public way.
Temporary residential dumpsters and storage units.
Only one temporary residential dumpster unit may be placed on a residential property.
Only one temporary residential storage unit may be placed on a residential property.
A temporary residential dumpster unit and/or storage unit shall only be placed on a hard surface and shall be located at the furthest point away from the street.
A temporary residential dumpster unit or similar enclosure and/or storage unit is limited up to 30 consecutive days on a property during any 365-day period beginning on the date of the placement of the unit.
In no event shall a temporary residential dumpster or similar enclosure and/or storage unit be placed on a public street or in the right-of-way.
In no event shall a temporary residential dumpster or similar enclosure and/or storage unit pose an obstruction for public safety.
In cases where there is an active building permit for remodeling, addition or new structure, the temporary residential dumpster unit or similar enclosure and/or storage unit, necessary for the project, may be placed on the property as long as there is an active building permit and work is progressing to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector or their designee. Only debris from the permitted project is allowed in a temporary residential dumpster or similar enclosure. Only displaced items from the project are allowed in the storage unit. In no event will the temporary residential dumpster unit or similar enclosure and/or storage unit be allowed to remain on a property beyond the duration of the project. Upon the passing of the final inspection for the project, the removal of the temporary residential dumpster unit or similar enclosure and/or storage unit will be required within five days after the issuance date.
For construction work that does not require a permit, residing, carpeting, kitchen countertop upgrades, etc., Subsection H(4) applies.