[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Windham 1-8-1991; amended in its entirety 6-28-1994 (Ch. 71 of the 1991 Code). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for Town regulation and use of the community antenna television system, including its construction, operation and maintenance in, along, upon, across, above, over and under the streets, alleys, public ways and public places now laid out or dedicated, and all extensions thereof and additions thereto in the Town of Windham, including poles, wires, bales, underground conduits, manholes, conductors and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation in the Town of Windham of the community antenna television system; to provide conditions accompanying the grant of franchise and to provide for the Town regulation of CATV operation, including regulation of the rates charged by CATV owners and operators.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person, firm or corporation owning, controlling, operating, managing or leasing a CATV system within the Town of Windham, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "company."
Any community antenna television system or facility that, in whole or in part, receives, directly or indirectly, over the air and amplifies or otherwise modifies signals transmitting programs broadcast by one or more television or radio stations or originates its own signal or signals by wire or cable to subscribing members of the public who pay for such services, but such term shall not include any such facility that serves only the residents of one or more apartment dwellings under common ownership, control or management.
The nonexclusive revocable rights granted pursuant to this chapter to construct, operate, maintain, and reconstruct a CATV network along the public ways within all or a specified area in the Town. Any such authorization, in whatever form granted, shall not mean or include any license or permit required for the privilege of transacting or carrying on a business within the Town as required by other ordinances and laws of the Town.
An individual, partnership, association, organization, corporation or any lawful successor transferee of said individual, partnership, association, organization or corporation.
Use of dedicated access channels by the general public or noncommercial organizations, but not to the exclusion of a CATV franchisee.
The Town of Windham, Maine, organized and existing under the laws in the State of Maine and the area within its territorial limits.
No person, firm or corporation shall install, maintain or operate within the Town or any of its public streets or other public areas any equipment or facilities for the operation of a CATV system unless a franchise authorizing the use of said public streets or areas has first been obtained pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and unless said franchise is in full force and effect.
The Windham Town Council may contract, on such terms, conditions and fees as are in the best interests of the municipality and its residents, with one or more cable television companies for the operation of a CATV system throughout the Town, including the granting of a franchise or franchises for the operation thereof for a period not to exceed 15 years.
An applicant for a franchise shall pay a nonrefundable filing fee to the Town as set by the Town Council to defray the cost of public notice and advertising expenses relating to such application. The application shall be filed with the Town Clerk and shall contain such information as the Town may require, including but not limited to a general description of the applicant's proposed operation, a schedule of proposed charges, a statement detailing its business or corporate organization with a financial statement for the two previous fiscal years, an estimated fifteen-year financial projection of its proposed system and its proposed annual Town franchise fee or the basis for the same and a statement detailing the prior operational experience of the applicant in both CATV and microwave service, including that of its officers, management and staff, to be associated with the proposed operation.
Said franchise contract may be revoked by the Windham Town Council for good and sufficient cause after due notice to the company and a public hearing thereon, with the right to appeal to the Cumberland County Superior Court under Rule 80-B of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure.
Before authorizing the issuance of any such franchise contract or contracts, the Windham Town Council shall review the applicant's character, financial and technical qualifications and the adequacy and feasibility of its qualifications to operate a CATV system throughout the Town and shall conduct a public hearing thereon with at least seven days advertised notice prior to said public hearing, with such public hearing to follow a public hearing conducted by the Cable Television Committee for the same purpose.
Upon the execution of any such franchise contract, the cable television company shall file a surety company performance bond in the amount of $100,000, conditioned upon the faithful performance of said contract and full compliance with any laws, ordinances or regulations governing said franchise, and also evidence of such public liability insurance coverage as the Windham Town Council may require. Said performance bond shall be reduced to $50,000 upon the completion of the installation of said system as per said contract.
When an applicant is granted a franchise to provide CATV to an area which is substantially less than the territorial limits of the Town, the Town Council, after notice and hearing, may either reduce or waive the performance bond required by this section.
To the extent that federal or state law or regulation may now, or as the same may hereafter be amended to, authorize the Town to regulate the rates for any particular CATV service tiers, service packages, equipment or any other services provided by CATV franchisees, the Town shall have the right to exercise rate regulation to the full extent authorized by the law.
Pursuant to the foregoing, the Town hereby exercises its rate regulation authority to the full extent authorized by the 1992 Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act (47 U.S.C. § 521 et seq.) and implementing regulations adopted by the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to such act (47 CFR Part 76, Subpart N). Such rate regulation provisions of the Act and of the Federal Communications Commission regulations are hereby adopted by the Town and incorporated herein by reference. The Cable Television Committee is hereby authorized to enforce such rate regulation in conformity with the act and regulations in effect, and as they may be amended from time to time. Any rate determination proceeding of the Committee shall be a public proceeding as defined in the Freedom of Access Act (1 M.R.S.A. § 401 et seq.) and shall be subject to the requirements of such act, including, without limitation, the public notice provisions.
In accordance with the foregoing, prior to any rate determination of the Committee, including, without limitation, approval of an unopposed existing or proposed rate, the Committee shall provide an opportunity for a public hearing at which public comment from interested parties will be taken, in person and in writing. The conduct of such hearing shall be in accordance with the procedural rules for public comment applicable to the Town Council. At least one public hearing shall be held within 30 days of submission of the CATV franchisee's existing or proposed rates or, in the event of any extension of the thirty-day time period for the Committee's rate determination, at least one opportunity for public hearing and comment shall be provided by the Committee prior to the Committee's rate determination.
In accordance with 47 U.S.C. § 521 et seq., and implementing regulations in Title 47 CFR Part 76, Subpart H, the Town hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the customer service regulations enacted at 47 CFR 76.309 as the minimum customer services standards. Nothing herein shall prevent or prohibit the enforcement of any standard in excess of the minimum which is contained in a franchise agreement, nor from establishing or enforcing any consumer protection law which is not specifically preempted by state or federal law, nor from establishing or enforcing any customer service requirements that exceed or address matters not addressed by these minimum standards.
Violation of the consumer protection requirements may be enforced as provided in § 34-9 below and as provided in the franchise agreement. Such remedies shall not be exclusive, and nothing herein is intended, nor shall it be deemed, to waive or modify another right or remedy which any person or the Town may have in law or equity.
Complaints, disputes and disagreements which are not resolved by a grantee to the subscriber's satisfaction may be filed with the Town Manager, provided such filing complies with the time limits prescribed below.
Any complaint, dispute or disagreement may be filed with the Town Manager, provided it falls within the time limits set forth below:
Within 30 days after final action on the complaint, dispute or disagreement by the grantee; or
Within 30 days after notice of the complaint, dispute or disagreement has been given to the CATV franchisee and it has not resolved such complaint, dispute or disagreement.
Within 14 days after receiving notice of such complaint, dispute or disagreement, the Town Manager shall cause an investigation of the same to be made. After completion of the investigation, the Town Manager shall issue a report either dismissing the complaint or directing the CATV franchisee to take appropriate action to remedy the complaint, dispute or disagreement, and shall cause a copy of such report to be forwarded to each party. The report of the Town Manager shall be final unless either party appeals from it within 14 days after the hearing.
If either party is aggrieved by the decision of the Town Manager, he or she may appeal to the Committee described in § 34-10. The Committee will hold a hearing on the appeal from the decision of the Town Manager within 14 days after receiving the appeal, and its decision will be rendered within 14 days after the hearing.
The Committee shall provide reasonable advance notice of the time and place of hearings.
There is hereby established a Cable Television Committee, hereinafter referred to as the "Committee."
The Committee shall be composed of five members and two alternates appointed by the Town Council. For the initial Committee, two members shall be appointed for a one-year term, two members shall be appointed for a two-year term, and one member shall be appointed for a three-year term; thereafter, all appointments to the Committee shall be for a three-year term. Two alternates shall be appointed annually. Members shall continue to serve after expiration of their term until their successors are duly appointed and qualified; provided, however, that such service shall not exceed 120 days after expiration of their term.
The duties of the Committee shall be to:
Review appeals taken pursuant to § 34-9. Its decisions and findings shall be binding on all parties; however, nothing herein shall prohibit any party from appealing such findings or decisions to the appropriate court or agency.
Review and audit reports submitted to the Town as required by federal, state and local law, and such other correspondence as may be submitted to the Town concerning the operation of the CATV regulatory network so as to ensure that the necessary reports are completed and fulfilled pursuant to the terms of this chapter.
Work with the public and the media to assure that all records, rules and charges pertinent to the CATV network in the Town are made available for inspection at reasonable hours upon reasonable notice.
Solicit, review and provide recommendations to the Town Council for selection of applicants for franchise.
Initiate inquiry on requests for review of rates charged by the CATV franchisees.
Undertake such other duties as the Town Council may assign from time to time.
Make recommendations to the CATV franchisee concerning educational and local interest programming.
Coordinate and advise the educational, governmental and public users of the CATV network access channels in their programming efforts.
Monitor the procedural aspects and operation of the public access channel.
Perform such duties and functions relative to coordination with committees of similar networks to assure the mutually satisfactory interchange of programs between networks.
If requested by the Town Council, prepare and present an annual budget to the Town Council for administration and operation of the Committee.
The Committee shall have the authority to conduct public hearings in the performance of its duties.