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Plant Category
Plant Characteristics
Points Per Plant
Large Canopy Tree
Deciduous tree with a mature size approximately 50 feet or more
in height and spread. Typically broad, rounded, or ovate in habit.
Medium Canopy Tree
Deciduous tree with a mature size approximately between 25 and
50 feet in height and spread. Typically broad, rounded, or ovate in
Understory/Ornamental Tree
Deciduous tree with a mature size approximately 25 feet or less
in height and spread. Ornamental trees have unique features such as
attractive flowers, bark, or foliage. Habit varies.
Large Evergreen Tree
Evergreen tree with a mature size approximately 50 feet or more
in height. Typically upright or pyramidal in habit.
Medium Evergreen Tree
Evergreen tree with a mature size approximately between 20 and
50 feet or more in height. Typically upright or pyramidal in habit.
Small Evergreen Tree
Evergreen tree with a mature size approximately less than 20
in height. Typically upright, fastigate, or pyramidal in habit.
Large Deciduous Shrub
Deciduous shrub with an approximate mature size greater than
eight (8) feet in height. Typically rounded or spreading in habit.
Deciduous Shrub
Deciduous shrub with an approximate mature size less than eight
(8) feet in height. Typically rounded or spreading in habit.
Large Evergreen Shrub
Deciduous shrub with an approximate mature size greater than
5 feet in height. Typically spreading in habit.
Evergreen Shrub
Deciduous shrub with an approximate mature size less than 5
feet in height. Typically spreading in habit.
Herbaceous perennials, ornamental grasses, and low profile/creeping
evergreens. Height, habit, and seasonal characteristics varies.
1 pt per 10 square feet of area covered*
Note: Turfgrass areas do not contribute to landscape point requirements.
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Perennials/groundcover plantings shall be spaced such that 100%
coverage is achieved at plant maturity for areas calculated and contributing
to plantings requirements.
Adjacent Property Land Use
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Proposed Land Use
Multi-Family Residential
Detached house or Duplex
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Not Required
Buffer Type B
Buffer Type A
Buffer Type A
Buffer Type A
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Not Required
Not Required
Buffer Type B
Buffer Type C
Buffer Type B
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Not Required
Not Required
Not Required
Buffer Type C
Buffer Type B
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Multi-Family Residential
Buffer Type B
Not Required
Buffer Type B
Buffer Type C
Buffer Type B
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Detached house or Duplex
Not Required1
Not Required1
Not Required1
Not Required
Not Required
1 New subdivisions of four (4) or
more detached houses or duplexes shall be required to provide Buffer
Type B, described below, where adjacent to an industrial, commercial,
or civic/institutional use.
The Board of Aldermen will review the appeal and provide a decision
on the modification request.