No person, firm or corporation shall vend, sell, deal or traffic in or have in their possession with intent to vend, sell, deal or traffic in or, for the purpose of evading any law or ordinance, give away any intoxicating liquor or fermented malt beverage in any quantity whatever, or cause the same to be done, without having procured a license as provided in this chapter nor without complying with all the provisions of this chapter, and all statutes and regulations applicable thereto, except as provided by §§ 125.16, 125.27, 125.28 and 125.51, Wis. Stats.
A license shall be required for each stand, place, room or enclosure, or for each suite of rooms or enclosures which are in direct connection or communication to each other where intoxicating liquor or fermented malt beverage is kept, sold or offered for sale, and no license shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation for the purpose of possession, selling or offering for sale any intoxicated liquor or fermented malt beverage in any dwelling, house, flat or residential apartment.
Retail "Class A" liquor license. A Retail "Class A" liquor license, when issued by the City Clerk under the authority of the Common Council, shall permit its holder to sell, deal and traffic in intoxicating liquors only in original packages or containers and to be consumed off the premises so licensed.
[Amended 11-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1717-2021; 4-9-2024 by Ord. No. 1783-2024]
Retail "Class B" liquor license. A Retail "Class B" liquor license, when issued by the City Clerk under authority of the Common Council, shall permit its holder to sell, deal and traffic in intoxicating liquors to be consumed by the glass only on the premises so licensed or off the premises if the licensee seals the container of intoxicating liquor with a tamper-evident seal before the intoxicating liquor is removed from the premises. The "Class B" license also authorizes the sale of intoxicating liquor in the original package or container, in any quantity, to be consumed off the premises. The City elects to come under the provisions of § 125.51(3)(b), Wis. Stats.
[Amended 6-8-2021 by Ord. No. 1708-2021]
Class "A" fermented malt beverage retailer's license. A Class "A" retailer's fermented malt beverage license, when issued by the City Clerk under the authority of the Common Council, shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell or offer for sale fermented malt beverages only for consumption away from the premises where sold and in the original packages, containers or bottles.
[Amended 11-9-2021 by Ord. No. 1717-2021; 4-9-2024 by Ord. No. 1783-2024]
Class "B" fermented malt beverage retailer's license. A Class "B" fermented malt beverage retailer's license, when issued by the City Clerk under the authority of the Common Council, shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell or offer for sale, fermented malt beverages, either to be consumed upon the premises where sold or away from such premises. The holder may also sell beverages containing less than 1/2 of a percentum of alcohol by volume, without obtaining a special license to sell such beverages.
Class B outdoor venue license. A Class B outdoor venue license, when issued by the City Clerk under authority of the Common Council, as provided for in § 125.26, Wis. Stats., shall entitle the holder of a "Class B" intoxicating liquor license or a Class ''B" fermented malt beverage retailer's license to keep, maintain, conduct or operate any outdoor venue. All requirements set forth in Section 7.05.51 must be satisfied prior to a Class B outdoor venue license being issued.
Temporary Class "B" fermented malt beverage or wine license.
License. A temporary Class "B" fermented malt beverage or wine license, when issued by the City Clerk under authority of the Common Council, as provided for in §§ 125.26(6) and 125.51(10), Wis. Stats., shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell or offer for sale fermented malt beverages, wine or both at a particular picnic, post meeting, fair or similar gathering. Such license may be issued only to bona fide clubs, state, county or local fairs, chambers of commerce, associations or agricultural societies, lodges or societies that have been in existence for not less than six months prior to the date of application for such license or to posts of ex-servicemen's organizations now or hereafter established. Such license is valid for dates as approved by the Common Council. Irrespective of other sections of this chapter, the Common Council is hereby authorized to issue a fermented malt beverage or wine license to any local civic, or any local religious or any local not-for-profit organization pursuant to this section.
Application. Application for such license shall be signed by the president or corresponding officer of the organization making such application and shall be filed with the office of the City Clerk, together with the appropriate license fee as set forth on the City of Onalaska Fee Schedule. Such application shall clearly specify whether the application is for fermented malt beverages, wine or both. Any person fronting for any group other than the one applied for shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of $200, plus costs, and will be ineligible to apply for a Special Class "B" license for one year. The license shall specify the hours and dates of license validity. The application for an event lasting more than four days shall be filed a minimum of 15 days prior to the meeting of the Common Council at which the application will be considered. The application for an event lasting four days or less shall be filed a minimum of five days prior to the meeting of the Common Council at which the application will be considered. If the application is for a license to be used in a City park, the applicant shall specify the main point-of-sale facility.
Issuance. Any license under this subsection may be issued directly by the City Clerk without approval of the Common Council in the event that the City Clerk determines that all criteria for the issuance of such license are met and the person or entity seeking such license has previously been issued a temporary Class "B" fermented malt beverage or wine license by the City of Onalaska within three years prior to the date of application for the current license. In the event such person or entity has not previously been issued a license as set forth hereunder, the application for the license currently being sought must be approved by the Common Council before issuance.
Limitation on number of licenses. An organization may not be issued more than two licenses for a temporary Class "B" license for fermented malt beverages or wine in any twelve-month period except as provided in Section 7.02.41.
Wholesaler's license. A wholesaler's fermented malt beverage license, when issued by the City Clerk under authority of the Common Council, shall entitle the holder thereof to possess, sell or offer for sale fermented malt beverages only in original packages or containers to dealers, not to be consumed in or about the premises of said wholesaler.
Retail "Class C" wine license. A retail "Class C" wine license, when issued by the City Clerk under the authority of the Common Council, shall permit its holder to sell, deal, and traffic in wine to be consumed by the glass or in an opened original container for consumption on the premises where sold.
There shall be the following classes and denominations of licenses which, when issued by the City Clerk under the authority of the Common Council after payment of the required fee as set forth in the City of Onalaska Fee Schedule shall permit the holder to sell, deal or traffic in intoxicating liquors or fermented malt beverages as provided in §§ 125.04(5) and (6); 125.28(1)(a), (b), and (d); 125.28(2); 125.31(2)(a);[1] 125.22(1), (2), and (4);[2] 125.32(4)(a);[3] 125.31(2)(b); 125.26(2); 125.04(6); 125.17; 125.68(2); 125.32(2); 125.51(2); 125.51(3); and/or 125.57,[4] Wis. Stats. All licenses shall be reviewed annually unless otherwise indicated:
Retail "Class A" liquor license.
Retail "Class B" liquor license. New applications for retail "Class B" intoxicating liquor licenses shall first be reviewed to see if any Non-Reserve "Class B" intoxicating liquor licenses are available; if there are no Non-Reserve "Class "B" intoxicating liquor licenses available, applicant will then be reviewed for a Reserve "Class B" intoxicating liquor license. Reserve "Class B" intoxicating liquor license-initial/one time fee shall be as set forth on the City of Onalaska Fee Schedule. Club licenses as defined in Wisconsin Statutes shall be issued for as set forth on the City of Onalaska Fee Schedule.
Class "A" fermented malt beverage retailer's license.
Class "B" fermented malt beverage retailer's license. A fee as set forth on the City of Onalaska Fee Schedule or for licenses issued for less than 12 months, the fee shall be prorated according to the number of months or fraction thereof for which the license is issued. Class "B" fermented malt beverage retailer's License for brewers shall be pursuant to §§ 125.31(1)(a)[5] and 125.06(1), Wis. Stats.
Editor's Note: Said § 125.31, Wis. Stats., was repealed 7-1-2011 by 2011 Act 32, § 2604ge.
Special Class "B" fermented malt beverage retailer's license. To be reviewed per event and accompanied by such fee as set forth on the City of Onalaska Fee Schedule. Three-day fermented malt beverage licenses may be issued to bona fide clubs, chambers of commerce, lodges or societies which have been in existence for more than six months or to organizations of ex-military service personnel, authorizing them to sell fermented malt beverages at a particular picnic, gathering or meeting.
Wholesaler's license.
Retail "Class C" wine license. A fee as set forth on the City of Onalaska Fee Schedule or 3/4 of that amount for a period of six months or less, to be reviewed annually.
Editor's Note: Said § 125.31, Wis. Stats., was repealed 7-1-2011 by 2011 Act 32, § 2604ge.
Editor's Note: Section 125.22, Wis. Stats., does not exist.
Editor's Note: Section 125.32, Wis. Stats., was repealed by 1989 Act 253.
Editor's Note: Said § 125.57, Wis. Stats., was repealed 7-1-1990 by 1989 Act 253, § 82.
All retail "Class A," Class "A," "Class B" and Class "B" licenses granted hereunder shall be subject to the following conditions, and all other conditions of this section, other ordinances and regulations of the City applicable thereto:
Consent to entry. Every applicant procuring a license thereby consents to the entry of police or other duly authorized representatives of the City at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection and search, and consents to the removal from said premises of all things and articles there had in violation of City ordinances or state laws, and consents to the introduction of such things and articles in evidence in any prosecution that may be brought for such offenses.
Employment of minors. No retail "Class B" or Class "B" licenses shall employ any underage person, as defined in the Wisconsin Statutes, but this shall not apply to hotels and restaurants. Family members may work on the licensed premises but are not permitted to sell or dispense alcohol beverages.
Licensed operator on premises. There shall be upon premises operated under a "Class B" or Class "B" license, at all times, the licensee, members of the licensee's immediate family who have attained the legal drinking age, and/or some person who shall have an operator's license and who shall be responsible for the acts of all persons serving as waiters, or in any other manner, any fermented malt beverages to customers. No person other than the licensee shall serve fermented malt beverages in any place operated under a "Class B" or Class "B" license unless they possess an operator's license or there is a person with an operator's license upon said premises at the time of such service.
Health and sanitation regulations. The rules and regulations of the State Board of Health governing sanitation in restaurants shall apply to all "Class B" or Class "B" liquor licenses issued under this chapter. No "Class B" or Class "B" license shall be issued unless the premises to be licensed conform to such rules and regulations.
Credit prohibited. No retail "Class A," Class "A," "Class B" or Class "B" liquor or fermented malt beverage licensee shall sell or offer for sale any alcohol beverage to any person or persons by extending credit, except hotel credit extended to a resident guest or a club to a bona fide member. It shall be unlawful for such licensee or permittee to sell alcohol beverages to any person on a passbook or store order or to receive from any person any goods, ware, merchandise or other articles in exchange for alcohol beverages.
Licensee or permittee responsible for acts of help. A violation of this chapter by a duly authorized agent or employee of a licensee or permittee under this chapter shall constitute a violation by the licensee or permittee. Whenever any licensee or permittee under this chapter shall violate any portion of this chapter, proceedings for the suspension or revocation of the license or permit of the holder thereof may be instituted in the manner prescribed in this chapter.
Closing hours shall be established in conformance with § 125.32(3), Wis. Stats., and further restricted as follows:
"Class B" or Class "B" licenses.
No premises for which a retail "Class B" or Class "B" license has been issued shall be permitted to remain open between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and 2:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday except that on the Sunday that daylight saving begins as specified under § 175.095(2), Wis. Stats. the closing hours shall be between 3:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. There shall be no closing hours on January 1.
Hotels and restaurants whose principal business is the furnishing of food or lodging to patrons shall be permitted to remain open for the conduct of their regular business but shall not sell liquor or malt beverages during the closing hours of Subsection A(1)(a) above.
The licensee or permittee, and one employee, shall be permitted to check out receipts, check the licensed premises for security and do minor cleaning after closing hours. Under no circumstances shall the consumption of alcohol beverages be permitted after closing hours. Commercial janitorial service personnel shall be allowed to enter the licensed premises for the purpose of cleaning during closed hours. The premises shall be well-lighted during cleanup. Prior approval must be requested and granted by the Chief of Police or their designee for any variance of the above exigent circumstances.
"Class A" or Class "A" licenses. "Class A" or Class "A" licensed premises may not remain open for the sale of intoxicating liquor between 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. nor may such "Class A" or Class "A" licensed premises sell fermented malt beverages between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m.
[Amended 11-14-2023 by Ord. No. 1775-2023]