[Added 7-27-2020 by Ord. No. 17-2020]
[Added 7-27-2020 by Ord. No. 17-2020]
The BP-1 Business Park 1 District is designed for comprehensively
planned office, administrative, and laboratory research centers, a
variety of light manufacturing, and warehouse uses in single- and
multitenant buildings.
[Added 7-27-2020 by Ord. No. 17-2020]
A. The following uses of land and buildings, and no others, are permitted
principal uses, subject to the requirements below:
Residential uses and structures in existence prior to September
1, 1992, that conform to the R-1 District Area Restrictions and Regulations.
In addition, residential uses and structures on exception areas within
tracts of permanently preserved farmland that conform to the R-1-A
District Area Restrictions and Regulations.
Offices for administrative, executive, business, utility, professional
and financial services, insurance, photography, polling, advertising,
public relations, marketing, translation, promoters of performing
arts, sports, or similar events, and managers for artists, athletes,
entertainers, or other public figures.
Establishments that provide health services, including urgent
care, outpatient care, outpatient mental health and substance abuse
care and counseling, medical offices, including, but not limited to,
physicians, dentists, chiropractors, optometrists, physical therapists,
occupational therapists, speech therapists, audiologists, health practitioners,
and medical and diagnostic laboratories.
Facilities that engage in scientific research and development.
Establishments that provide information technology services, including management, programming, consulting, installation, integration, publishing, motion picture and sound recording, broadcasting, telecommunications, data processing, hosting and related services, and internet publishing, except telecommunications and broadcasting towers [see §
180-67.2C(2), conditional uses].
Providers of educational services, including special education,
business schools, computer and management training, technical and
trade schools, driving schools, life-skills training, and educational
support services, except academic tutoring services and exam preparation.
Gyms, health clubs, and facilities for indoor sports or sports
training, recreation, performing arts, dance facilities, including
instruction of same.
Facilities that provide child care, adult care, special-needs
care, services for the elderly and persons with disabilities, transitional
and supported employment services, occupational skills, or job training.
Establishments engaged in the construction industry, including
general contractors, building or civil engineering, specialty trade
contractors, building equipment manufacturers and suppliers, and finishing
Establishments engaged in manufacturing, including production,
processing, distribution, and wholesale sale, of fresh, refrigerated,
and frozen food (except animal slaughtering), beverages, breweries,
wineries, distilleries, pharmaceuticals and medicines, durable medical
goods, textiles, apparel, printing, machine tool, machinery, computer
and electronic products, electrical equipment, appliances, components,
transportation equipment, and furnishings.
Facilities that provide storage, including self and personal
[Amended 5-22-2023 by Ord. No. 10-2023]
Wholesale trade establishments that engage in wholesaling merchandise,
such as goods for resale, capital or durable nonconsumer goods, and
raw materials and supplies used for production.
Establishments that provide transportation, including truck,
transit and ground, passenger, scenic and sightseeing, charter and
school bus, special needs, medical (nonemergency), postal services,
couriers and messengers, motor vehicle towing, or moving and storage.
Support services providing routine support activities for other
organizations, including administration, clerical, security, and cleaning.
Wind and solar facilities pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.11.
B. The following uses of land and buildings are permitted accessory
Signs in accordance with the applicable provisions of Article
Restaurants or cafeterias, outdoor picnic, and outdoor recreation
areas for employees, students, patients, and occasional visitors.
Retail food and beverage stores and retail banks only within
an existing building.
Maintenance, security, or real estate rental and leasing services
and offices, serving the business park.
Training facility or center for employees.
Outdoor sports training facilities, comprising an area of no
more than 25% of the interior floor area of an indoor sports training
facility, and not located within any required parking or service area.
Seasonal warehouse sales, permitted one time per quarter year,
except for brewery, winery, and distilleries where the products can
only be sold wholesale and distributed, and a warehouse can be maintained.
Truck terminals or specialized distribution buildings used to
redistribute goods from one truck to another, serving as an intermediate
transfer point for staging, not long-term storage.
Accessory uses and structures on the same lot and customarily
incidental to the principal use, including but not limited to loading
docks, satellite dish and television antennas, security office, guardhouse,
and guard gate.
C. The following uses shall be permitted when approved as a conditional
use by the Planning Board subject to meeting and following the conditions
set forth below:
Horticulture and agricultural uses, on no less than five acres,
for the growing and harvesting of crops, including nurseries. Roadside
stands and garden centers providing support of same pursuant to the
following requirements:
Stands shall be set back from the right-of-way a minimum of
30 feet.
The floor area of the display/stand shall not exceed 400 square
Approval of the ingress and egress driveway(s), location of
parking, on-site circulation, and other public safety concerns.
Telecommunications and broadcasting towers, conforming to the
following conditions:
The minimum lot size shall be two acres.
The maximum height of a telecommunications tower, excluding
antennas, shall not exceed 150 feet, nor 175 feet, including antennas.
This limitation shall not apply to broadcasting towers.
The tower shall be set back a minimum distance equal to 1.1
times the total height of the structure from all property boundaries
of the site. The minimum distance shall increase to twice the total
height from any abutting property boundary containing either a residential
use or a residentially zoned district. Antennas to be attached to
existing structures shall not be subject to this subsection.
Prior to the granting of any such approval, the applicant should
demonstrate that no existing tower, utility, building, or other structure
is feasible for such use based on bona fide inquiries for co-location
of antennas and equipment.
Any telecommunications tower shall be structurally designed
to permit at least two additional carriers to co-locate on the tower
and to place equipment thereto, and any approval shall require the
applicant to permit the co-location of at least two additional carriers
and to place equipment thereto.
No sign of any kind shall be placed upon the antennas, tower
structure or encircling fence, with the exception of incidental signs
indicating "warning," "no trespassing" or similar admonition and one
sign at the entrance of the gate or property indicating the name of
the owner and a telephone to which incidents involving the tower may
be reported.
Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, the tower
shall be enclosed by a fence or wall, no less than six feet or more
than eight feet in height, to deter trespassers. Such fencing or wall
may be topped with three strands of barbed wire.
The base of the tower shall be screened with landscaping from
the view of a passerby on a public street, from within public open
space, or from a residentially used property in accordance with Township
Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, no tower
shall be located on a site containing an historic building or structure
as identified in the Historic Preservation Element of the Master Plan.
(3) Breweries, distilleries and winery salesrooms when authorized as a conditional use by the Planning Board in accordance with the standards set forth in §
[Added 5-10-2021 by Ord. No. 15-2021]
(4) Cannabis Establishments when authorized as a conditional use by the Planning Board in accordance with the standards set forth are permitted as a conditional use in this zoning district subject to the conditions outlined in §
180-96, Conditional uses E.(4).
[Added 8-9-2021 by Ord. No. 26-2021]
Warehouse and distribution centers, known as last-mile fulfillment centers having a floor area from 50,000 square feet to 150,000 square feet, micro fulfillment centers and traditional warehouses are permitted as a conditional use subject to the conditions outlined in §
180-96E(5) and conditional use approval by the Planning Board.
[Added 5-22-2023 by Ord. No. 10-2023]
D. In addition to the prohibited uses set forth in §
180-90, the following uses of land and buildings are prohibited:
All uses not expressly permitted.
Retail uses, except as otherwise permitted.
Retail gas stations or fueling stations.
Landscape contractor storage or wholesale landscaping supplies,
including but not limited to fertilizers, pesticides, topsoil, decorative
stone or mulch.
Uses which utilize in process any substance listed in N.J.A.C.
7:27-21, Appendix 1, Table 1, Toxic Air Pollutants To Be Reported
in Emission Statements.
E. The following limitations are imposed on the use of any land or buildings:
Loading, unloading, or transfer of goods or outdoor storage
of materials and products shall not be permitted in a front yard or
a side yard abutting a street, but may be permitted in rear or side
yard on a lot in compliance with the following:
Setback from property lines in accordance with the district
standards applicable to principal structures.
Screened from the view from any point off the premises by means
of a wall, planting, or opaque fence not less than six feet in height
and not greater than 10 feet in height. The screening must be accompanied
by landscaping which must include a combination of evergreen and deciduous
materials designed in conjunction with the overall site landscaping
Materials stored within an outside storage area shall not be
stacked higher than the height of the screening material or 10 feet,
whichever is less. An opening of adequate size shall be provided in
any fencing to facilitate firefighting operations.
Outdoor storage areas shall not exceed the building area.
Outdoor storage areas shall not be arranged or organized in
a manner that constitutes a fire hazard.
Outdoor storage of edible products or materials is prohibited.
Hazardous and/or flammable chemicals are subject to the following:
Uses which manufacture, fabricate, recycle, warehouse and distribute a primary
product comprised of a substance in any form containing one or more
of the following: explosives, industrial solvents, pesticides, fertilizers,
biohazards, petroleum products or other hazardous, flammable liquids,
or chemicals having an NFPA Hazard rating higher than Category One.
Notwithstanding the prohibitions set forth above in Subsection
E(2)(a) to the extent that any of the above prohibited substances are used as an ingredient of a final product that is not within any one or more of the prohibited categories set forth above, or to the extent said substance is used as part of a process and/or service by the user, the use of said substance is permitted subject to compliance with current statutory regulations, including but not limited to the Uniform Construction Code and the Uniform Fire Safety Act set forth at N.J.S.A. 52:27D-192, et seq., including all standards referenced therein. Examples of the use of the substances described herein would include propane gas to run equipment, pesticides used by a service provider, industrial solvents used in printing or manufacturing, chemicals used in a research facility or products stored and sold as part of a distributor's product line but not as a primary product.
No noise greater than that provided by the New Jersey Noise
Control Statutes (N.J.A.C. 7:29 et seq., as amended) shall be permitted.
Odor as an air contaminant that unreasonably interferes with
the enjoyment of life or property due to the odor's character, severity,
frequency, and duration should be limited to the property. Where odors
or emissions are created by any process, methods shall be employed
to control odor. Where odor results in complaints, referral to the
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air
Quality for investigation shall be undertaken.
No material or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such
form or manner that may be transferred off the lot by natural causes
or forces or be allowed to enter the air or any stream, watercourse
or wetland.
All permanent outdoor solid waste receptacles shall be screened
on all sides by a fence or wall no less than six feet in height. In
no case shall the receptacle be visible. Receptacles shall not be
permitted closer than 15 feet to any building located on the site.
Trucks and trailers used in conjunction with activities conducted within a building on each site shall be parked only in spaces designated for same on a site plan. See §
All activities, except for loading and unloading, vehicles and
personnel entering and exiting the site, shall be contained within
the building.
No measurable vibration shall be permitted beyond the property
No motor vehicles shall be permitted to run idle on any property
in accordance with NJDEP standards (N.J.A.C. 7:27-14.3, as amended).
[Added 7-27-2020 by Ord.
No. 17-2020]
The following area restrictions and regulations are established,
subject to the area requirements below:
A. Area, yard, height, and other bulk requirements.
Minimum lot area: 120,000 square feet.
Minimum lot frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum lot width at the building line: 200 feet.
Front: 100 feet minimum along main thoroughfares; 75 feet minimum
along other streets.
Side: 50 feet minimum each.
No building shall exceed three stories or 45 feet in height;
provided, however, that structures housing auxiliary mechanical equipment,
the use of which is incidental to the permitted use, may exceed the
actual building height by no more than 12 feet.
All auxiliary structures housing rooftop mechanical equipment
shall be screened from ground-level views with a visually impervious
structure architecturally compatible with the exterior materials of
the building's facade. If the required screening is not achieved by
such structure, the equipment screen shall be set back a minimum of
15 feet from the vertical plane established by the facade of the uppermost
floor. The total area encompassed by the mechanical equipment screening
shall not exceed 45% of the total roof area.
B. Along any residential district boundary line or along any property
line of a lot on which a residential use is located, the following
standards apply:
A landscape buffer of at least 75 feet in width or three times
the height of the nonresidential building, whichever is greater, shall
be provided. A four- to six-foot-high berm shall be provided within
the landscape buffer.
When the residential district boundary line is within a railroad
right-of-way, the landscape buffer may be reduced to 50 feet in width.
No building which is located within 500 feet of a residence
district boundary line shall have any wall facing such a residence
district which is longer than 300 linear feet; further, any continuous
wall plane facing such district or property which is longer than 100
linear feet shall have architectural and landscaping features to vary
the texture and visual appearance of the wall.
No building which is located within 500 feet of a residence
district boundary line shall have a loading platform facing such a
residence district.
The foregoing requirements with respect to plantings, building
and loading platform locations and building lengths may be modified
by the Planning Board at the time of site plan review and public hearing
wherever existing barriers such as parks, railroads, highways, streams,
berms, wooded areas or other features serve as an effective buffer
between a Business Park and a residence district.
C. Off-street parking.
Off-street parking shall be provided according to the requirements of Article
180-73, of this chapter.
Any parking which fronts on a street, whether in front of a
building or to the side or rear of a building, i.e., on corner lots,
shall be suitably screened from the street.
It is the policy of the Township of Moorestown that on-street
parking shall not be permitted in areas zoned Business Park. Parking
standards, as included herein, are considered as minimums, and it
is the owner's and/or user's responsibility to provide additional
parking as warranted.
[Amended 11-17-2008 by Ord. No. 18-2008; 5-10-2021 by Ord. No. 11-2021]
The BP-2 Business Park-2 Zoning District is designed to be a
comprehensively planned technical and manufacturing district to include
office, administrative, laboratory research centers, a variety of
light manufacturing, and warehouses.
[Amended 5-14-1984 by Ord. No. 1216; 4-5-1993 by Ord. No.
1647-93; 9-11-2000 by Ord. No. 1937-00; 11-17-2008 by Ord. No.
18-2008; 5-10-2021 by Ord. No. 11-2021]
A. The following uses of land and buildings, and no others, are permitted
principal uses, subject to the bulk standards below:
(1) Horticulture and agriculture.
(2) Manufacturing including ship, boat, aircraft, aerospace, vehicle,
computer and electronic products, electrical equipment, transportation
equipment, maritime equipment and systems, optical instruments and
lenses, communications, space, security, and medical.
(3) Information technology, including publishing, motion picture and
sound recording, broadcasting and telecommunications equipment and
towers, test and operational towers, data processing, internet publishing
and broadcasting.
(4) Professional, scientific, and technical services, product development
and testing, which are almost wholly dependent upon knowledge and
skills, including but not limited to administration, legal, accounting,
bookkeeping, payroll, architecture, engineering, environment, energy,
safety, physical and cyber security, design, computer system design
including management, programming, consultation, installation, software
design and integration, management, logistics, physics, biologic,
and chemical scientific research and development, advertising, public
relations, marketing, photography, and translation.
(5) Educational services including technical and nontechnical, computer
and management training.
(6) Wind and solar facilities pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.11.
B. The following uses of land and buildings are permitted accessory
(1) Signs in accordance with the applicable provisions of Article
(2) Outdoor storage and facilities which meet the bulk standards below.
However, storage of combustible or flammable materials in outdoor
storage facilities is not permitted.
(3) Restaurants or cafeterias, outdoor picnic, and outdoor recreation
areas for employees and occasional visitors.
(4) Maintenance, security, or real estate services and offices, serving
the principal use.
(5) Accessory uses and structures located in the BP-2 zoning district
under common ownership and customarily incidental to the principal
use, including but not limited to distribution, warehousing, loading,
satellite dish and television antennae, security office, guardhouse,
and guard gate.
(6) Training facility or center for employees, visitors, customers and
government personnel.
[Amended 6-8-1981 by Ord. No. 1082; 7-13-1981 by Ord. No.
1085; 6-27-1988 by Ord. No. 1359; 6-24-1991 by Ord. No. 1576-91; 9-11-2000 by Ord. No. 1936-00; 10-28-2002 by Ord. No.
2013-02; 11-14-2005 by Ord. No. 32-2005; 11-17-2008 by Ord. No.
18-2008; 5-10-2021 by Ord. No. 11-2021]
A. The following bulk standards shall apply to all lots and buildings:
(1) Minimum lot size: five acres.
(2) Minimum lot frontage: 225 feet.
(3) Minimum lot width at the building line: 300 feet.
(4) Setbacks from the property line:
Side: 30 feet minimum each side.
(5) Maximum impervious surface:
(6) No building shall exceed 75 feet in height; provided, however, that
structures housing auxiliary mechanical equipment, the use of which
is incidental to the permitted use, may exceed the actual building
height by no more than 12 feet.
(7) All auxiliary structures housing rooftop HVAC equipment shall be
architecturally screened from ground level views compatible with the
exterior materials of the building's facade. Alternately, the equipment
shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet from the vertical plane established
by the facade of the uppermost floor. Any auxiliary structure housing
rooftop HVAC equipment that is more than 250 feet from the right of
way need not be screened.
(8) Maximum height of broadcasting and telecommunications equipment and
towers, test and operational towers shall not exceed 200 feet and
must comply with all FCC and FAA regulations and shall not require
site plan approval if the area of disturbance is under 5,000 square
feet. Area of disturbance includes any new access to a tower and the
area disturbed for the construction of the tower.
B. Residential landscape buffer. A landscape buffer, in accordance with §
158-26, of at least 75 feet in width shall be provided on all new development located adjacent to a residential district boundary line or adjacent to the boundary line of a lot on which a residential use is located.
C. Off-street parking.
(1) Off-street parking shall be provided according to the requirements of Article
180-73, of this chapter.
(2) Any new parking area(s) which front on a street, whether in front
of a building or to the side or rear of a building, i.e., on corner
lots, shall be screened with a landscape buffer of at least 25 feet
in width between the parking area and the street to shield headlight