[Adopted 3-1-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-02]
The Straban Township Sidewalk Map is hereby established and made a part of this article, and shall be included as an attachment to this chapter.
Sidewalks shall be required to be installed along all mandatory sidewalk roadways as depicted within the Straban Township Sidewalk Map for all subdivisions and land developments. These sidewalks will be required to be installed at the time of subdivision or development of the lot and must be depicted within the subdivision or land development plan.
Within the Straban Township sidewalk area and along sidewalk roadways, as depicted within the Straban Township Sidewalk Map, sidewalks shall be required for all residential and nonresidential developments as follows:
If there is an existing sidewalk on an immediately abutting lot(s) to the property to be developed, sidewalk shall be depicted on the Plan and constructed on site for all land development plans. The proposed sidewalk shall connect to the existing sidewalk on the abutting lot(s).
In the event that there is no existing sidewalk on immediately abutting lot(s), the applicant shall choose one of the following options:
Option 1 - Depict the proposed sidewalk on the land development plan and construct the sidewalk as part of the development of the property.
Option 2 - Depict the location of the proposed sidewalk on the land development plan and include the following notation on the plan: "If sidewalk is proposed to be constructed or is constructed on an abutting property, Straban Township reserves the right to notify the landowner that sidewalks are required to be installed at this time in accordance with the design plans. The landowner shall be solely responsible for the costs of construction of the sidewalk. The sidewalk shall be completed within 90 days of notice to construct by the Township. After construction, the property owner shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of the sidewalk." Under this option, the sidewalk does not have to be constructed as part of the development of the property and can be deferred until notified to construct by the Township.
Regardless of the location of the residential development, in any residential development with an average lot size or area of 20,000 square feet or less, sidewalks shall be installed on along the existing street and on each side of any proposed interior streets, in accordance with Township requirements.
Sidewalks within residential subdivisions shall be designed with a grass "tree-lawn" separating them from the street pavement. Tree lawns shall be at least six feet wide. Street trees are required within the tree-lawn areas.
Such street trees shall be deciduous varieties of hardy species capable of attaining a mature height of at least 60 feet.
Street trees shall be planted in intervals of 40 feet or less on both sides of the street.
Maintenance requirements of street trees must include, at a minimum, a replacement plan that requires tree replacement within 18 months after planting, through a performance guarantee.
The final plan shall include a typical section showing tree well/berth specifications.
In any development, residential or nonresidential, the Township reserves the express right to require the installation of sidewalks where the evidence indicates that sidewalks are necessary for reasons of public safety.
Sidewalks shall be at least five feet wide and shall be within the right-of-way of the street or as close to the right-of-way as practical considering existing underground, surface, and overhead rights-of-way for utilities. In the event the sidewalk is not located within a public road right-of-way, pedestrian access easements must be provided.
Sidewalks shall be constructed to provide access by the physically handicapped in accordance with state and federal law.
All sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with specifications included within the appendix portion of this article.