A county plat shall be made in conformity with §§ 236.15 through 236.295, Wis. Stats., and Article IV of this chapter.
Prior to submitting a preliminary plat, the subdivider or agent shall meet with the Planning and Zoning Administrator. At this meeting, the applicant should inform the Administrator of the location and nature of the proposed plat. Based upon this information, the Planning and Zoning Administrator shall explain to the applicant which standards of this chapter and Ch. 236, Wis. Stats., apply and the procedures for review of the plat.
The subdivider shall submit sufficient copies of the preliminary plat to the County Planning Agency so that two copies can be submitted by the County Planning Agency to the agencies having authority to review plats under the provisions of § 236.10, Wis. Stats.
The preliminary plat based upon exterior boundary survey by a professional land surveyor shall include:
Lot width and depth;
Existing and proposed streets, parks, public access, community facilities, utilities and easements;
Land characteristics, including seasonally wet areas and slopes over 12%;
Proposed filling, grading, lagooning, and dredging; and
Delineation of shorelines, high-water lines, and any areas which are within a floodplain district of Chapter 370, Floodplain Zoning, of this Code or are within a shoreland-wetland or conservancy district of Chapter 396, Shoreland, Wetland and Habitat Protection, of this Code.
The proposed layout shall be shown on a map at a scale of not more than 100 feet to one inch and shall identify the improvements, grading, paving, installation of facilities, including, if applicable, pre-planned sites for waste disposal facilities, and dedications or reservations of land which the subdivider proposes to make and shall indicate when the improvements will be provided. Any proposed restrictive covenants for the land involved shall be stated.
The County Planning Agency shall approve, approve conditionally, or reject the preliminary plat within 90 days as provided by § 236.11, Wis. Stats. Failure of the County Planning Agency to act within 90 days shall constitute an approval.
Sufficient copies shall be submitted to the County Planning Agency within 36 months of preliminary plat approval unless this requirement is waived by the County Planning Agency. The final plat shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat as approved and to the requirements of all applicable ordinances and state laws. The final plat shall be accompanied by detailed construction plans of all improvements to be provided by the subdivider. Final plats presented to the County Planning Agency shall be accepted or rejected within 60 days of their submission. Approved final plats shall be recorded in accordance with the requirements of § 236.25, Wis. Stats., before lots are sold.