[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Livonia 12-9-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Village of Livonia owns significant sanitary sewer transmission and/or treatment improvements within the Village of Livonia that service residential and commercial properties within the Village. Those improvements are operated and maintained by the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority, which does so pursuant to a long-term agreement with the Village of Livonia.
As part of the long-term agreement with the Village, the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority is responsible for the full operation and maintenance of the public sanitary sewer system serving properties within the Village of Livonia.
The purpose of these sewer use rules and regulations is to provide for efficient, economic, environmentally safe, and legal operation of the publicly owned sanitary sewer system serving properties within the Village of Livonia.
In order for the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority to properly administer its obligations under the long-term agreement, it is important that both the Village of Livonia and the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority have consistent rules and regulations that apply to customer usage of the facilities owned by the Village and operated and maintained by the Authority.
Consistent rules and regulations between the Village and the Authority will allow the Authority to most efficiently and effectively ensure proper use of the public sanitary sewer and treatment system and, when such rules and regulations are violated, to seek proper enforcement against violating users.
The specific purposes of these regulations are the following:
To prevent the introduction of substances into the publicly owned sanitary sewer system that will:
Interfere with the publicly owned sanitary sewer system in any way;
Pass through the publicly owned sanitary sewer system to the state's waters and cause contravention of standards for those waters or cause violation of the publicly owned sanitary sewer system's SPDES permit;
Increase the cost or otherwise hamper the disposal of publicly owned sanitary sewer system sludge and/or residuals;
Endanger Authority or any municipal employees;
Cause air pollution, or groundwater pollution, directly or indirectly; and
Cause, directly or indirectly, any public nuisance condition.
To prevent new sources of infiltration and inflow as much as possible and eliminate existing sources of infiltration and inflow.
To assure that new sewers and connections are properly constructed.
To provide for equitable distribution amongst all users of the POTW of all costs, associated with sewage transmission, treatment, and residuals disposal, and to provide for the collection of such costs.
To provide enforcement mechanisms to ensure proper usage of the POTW to further the above purposes.
In order for the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority to properly administer its obligations under the long-term agreement and for the benefit of the Village of Livonia and its residents and businesses, it is crucial that the Authority and Village have the same rules and regulations governing the use of and discharge into the public sanitary sewer and treatment system.
The Village of Livonia hereby adopts, as its rules and regulations governing the use of and discharge into the public sanitary sewer and treatment system serving the Village of Livonia, the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority Sewer Use Rules and Regulations as most recently adopted (as of the date of this chapter) by the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority on September 25, 2019, and as they may be periodically updated by the Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority from time to time. A copy of the most recent Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority Sewer Use Rules and Regulations, as adopted herein by the Village of Livonia, will be available at the office of the Livonia Village Clerk and in the Livonia Building and Zoning Office.