No person shall establish, alter, add to or construct any mobile home park except as provided in this chapter.
The design and development standards and requirements of this article apply to mobile home parks developed and maintained under single ownership, a partnership, corporation or other legal entity where spaces are leased or rented for a period of not more than 12 months. Mobile home parks developed for sale or lease of spaces for a period of more than 12 months shall meet all standards and requirements for a single-family structure residential subdivision.
All mobile home parks shall have a total land area of not less than 20 acres.
All mobile home parks shall be located on well drained land; the average natural slope of the area of the site intended for development shall not exceed 10%.
No mobile home site shall be located within 50 feet of any swamps, marshes or streams nor shall any mobile home park be adjacent to swamps, marshes, breeding places for insects and rodents or heavy industrial zones with objectionable odors or noise.
The location and layout of the proposed mobile home park shall be consistent with the Township Comprehensive Plan.
The site of the proposed mobile home park shall not be subject to flooding or to any other hazards.
The proposed mobile home park shall have direct access to paved public streets.
Good natural drainage shall be required for all proposed sites; drainage shall not be such as would endanger the water supply. The area of a mobile home park shall be properly graded so as to prevent the accumulation of stormwater and to encourage drainage away from roadways. Ditching, when done, shall not create an accident hazard, accumulation of stormwater and to encourage drainage away from roadways. Ditching, when done, shall not create an accident hazard.
All provisions of Article IV shall apply with respect to submission, application and approval.
The design of the mobile home park shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and the requirements of DEP for trailer parks, the developer shall submit proof of approval of the proposed plan by DEP before the plan will be considered for final approval by the Commission and the Board of Supervisors.
The Plans of the proposed mobile home park shall conform in content to the following:
The name and address of the owner of the piece or parcel of land and his authorized agent, if applicable.
Location, extent and area of the proposed mobile home park, including bearings and distances of the perimeter of the proposed park.
Locations of roadways, driveways, walkways and public streets.
Locations and sizes of lots.
Locations of vehicle parking areas.
Locations of service buildings and statements of details of construction heating, ventilation and sanitary systems which are to be included therein.
Location of swimming pools and other recreation or playground areas.
Plan for surface drainage.
Location of electrical power lines and lighting facilities for the mobile home park, mobile homes and service buildings.
Location of water lines and a statement as to the water source, expected capacity and size of well, pump rating, water storage facilities, method of sealing well, housing for pump and storage tank, distribution system together with size of materials therefor and valve locations.
Location of sewage lines and a statement as to details of construction, size slope, materials and manhole and cleanout construction and location and the results of approved soil testing, if soil absorption type system is used; further, a copy of the plan of the sewage disposal facility meeting the standards of DEP regardless of whether it is an in-ground system or a treatment plant.
Location and construction of refuse and garbage storage areas and proof as to disposal methods.
Fire extinguisher locations.
Statement as to rodent and vector control methods.
North arrow on all maps.
Names of adjoining property owners.
Watercourses, lakes, swamps, wetlands, rock out crops and stone fields.
Location and type of existing rights-of-way and easements.
Scale of the plan.
Contour lines, existing and proposed.
Road profiles.
Street alignment.
Delineation of any defined 100-year floodplain area.
The Board shall retain and keep on file, copies of approved plans.
All interior roadways shall be continuous, have a right-of-way width of at least 30 feet and a paved travel way width of at least 20 feet meeting requirements of minor streets. Roadways shall be easily accessible to a public street or highway. Access to all spaces shall be from interior roadways. No parking shall be permitted along roadways.
No mobile home park street may be offered for dedication. Constructing and maintenance of mobile home park streets shall be the sole responsibility of the record owner, developer or operator of the mobile home park as the case may be.
Adjoining each mobile home shall be not less than two paved parking spaces. Each such parking space shall have a minimum width of 10 feet and a minimum length of 20 feet. Every mobile home space shall be served by a separate parking spaces.
In addition to the individual parking spaces there shall also be an area or areas reserved for general parking. Said area shall be for general use. The total area to be reserved for general parking shall be 150 square feet, exclusive of aisles multiplied by the number of mobile home spaces. The area or areas shall be distributed throughout the park to provide general parking within 1,000 feet of any site. The parking area shall be paved.
Mobile home spaces shall be at least 50 feet wide and comprise an area of not less than 7,500 square feet. There shall not be less than 25 feet between mobile homes, buildings, or structures and not less than 20 feet between a mobile home and an interior roadway or not less than 100 feet between a mobile home and a public street, highway or exterior property line.
Every mobile home space shall be graded to provide a level, well drained stand for the mobile home. The stand shall be gravel, crushed stone or impervious material.
All mobile home parks shall require that all mobile homes in the park be enclosed from the bottom of the mobile home to the ground or stand using industry approved fire resistant skirting material.
All mobile home parks shall provide not less than 10% of the total land area for public open space purposes, which shall be improved whereby the same will be accessible for recreational purposes to all families residing within the said mobile home park. The required public open space shall consist of areas free of health and safety hazards and of adequate size, shape, slope, soil type and other physical characteristics suitable for outdoor recreational use or be improved to insure suitability for such use. Such area provided for public open space shall be in addition to the buffer strip around the perimeter of the mobile home park.
A buffer strip of 100 feet shall be required for the separation of this land use from all other property and existing public roads or highways.
With the exception of access roadways, there shall be no construction of any kind, outdoor storage or parking of vehicles permitted in any buffer strip.
Buffer strips shall be required to be planted with evergreens so as to form an effective screen. Existing plant material may be considered as part of the required screening in the buffer zone. Such new or existing planting shall not be less than five feet in height above the ground when planted.
Additional planting as indicated herein shall be required, where necessary, and in sufficient widths as necessary, to effectively screen from view all units, vehicles, construction and land use within the area from any point or structure existing outside thereof.
All subdivisions or developments for this land use shall have a total land area of not less than 20 acres.
No permanent structures or buildings or sewage collection or disposal systems shall be located within any defined 100-year flood plan area.
All mobile home parks shall have a safe, potable, adequate and approved supply of water to each mobile home and to all service buildings.
If a public water supply system is available, connection shall be made thereto. Where no public supply is available, a private central water supply system shall be developed and constructed in accordance with plans and standards approved by the Board of Supervisors the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Wells shall be located at a safe distance from sources of contamination, shall be constructed in accordance with DEP standards for public water systems, and shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
No pumps or appurtenances which are necessary for the proper functioning of a water system shall be located in pits below ground level except where pit floor drainage is provided by gravity to the surface of the ground. The casing of a well shall extend at least 12 inches above platform level and for additional protection, the platform shall be sloped away from the casing.
Plumbing shall be in accordance with such standards as will prevent the contamination of the water supply by backflow or siphonage.
A potable water supply shall be provided under pressure at each space.
In service buildings, any potable water supply faucet or outlet shall be separate from other outlets or facilities such as sinks or washbasins.
If drinking fountains are provided, they shall be of an approved type of angle jet nozzle with guard.
All mobile home parks shall have a centralized sewage system.
All sewer connections shall be constructed as not be become a public health hazard. Each space shall be individually connected to a sewer line and mobile home sewer connections shall be concrete aproned at ground level. When a space is not in use, the sewer connection shall be capped to prevent the escape of sewer gases. All collection and disposal systems shall be designed and constructed to Department standards relative to public sewage facilities and shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The mobile home park record owner, operator or licensee shall be responsible for the storage, collection and disposal of refuse in such a manner as to avoid the creation of a health hazard, and shall keep the mobile home park area free of litter, rubbish and inflammable material at all times.
All refuse collected and temporarily stored within the mobile home park shall be placed in a rodentproof enclosure. Such enclosure shall be screened from public view.
Each record owner, operator or licensee shall develop and carry out an approved program of vector control.
An electrical outlet supplying at least 110 volts shall be supplied to each space. All electric lines, telephone wires, cable television wires, and any other wiring shall be installed underground in an approved manner. No electrical line, which would endanger life or limb shall be permitted to lie on the ground. Mobile homes shall be grounded in accordance with Underwriter Laboratories Standards. Capacity of service to each space shall be a minimum of 100 amps.
Whenever a food service establishment is conducted as part of a mobile home park, the establishment shall meet the minimum requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection and other appropriate agencies.
Each mobile home park shall be provided with one or more approved service buildings which shall be constructed to the following specifications and provide as follows:
Is of permanent construction of moisture-resistant material, which will permit easy and effective cleaning.
Has the required facilities properly installed and connected to an approved sewer system.
Has adequate heating and ventilating equipment. Heating of at least 70° F. shall be maintained during cold weather. All openings to outer air shall be effectively screened.
Has a minimum hot water capacity of 1 1/2 gallons per hour, per space, during peak demand hours.
Has a minimum illumination level of five footcandles at all times with additional illumination on closer working task, areas such as on ironing boards.
Service buildings for independent mobile home parks shall have the following minimum facilities for each 20 spaces or fraction thereof:
Washers and Dryers
Separate toilet and lavatory facilities shall be maintained for each sex.
The Board shall have the right to order removal of any vacated mobile home when it is evident that it has become a health hazard to the balance of the mobile home park or community by virtue of insect or rodent harborage condition, or is a menace to the welfare of the mobile home park or the Township.