[Ord. #98-03, § 1]
The Director shall review and may approve permits to telephone companies, property owners and tenants for the installation and maintenance of public telephones within the public right-of-way of the City of Albany. The number and location of such public telephones and the construction and design of the telephone installations shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director under the criteria and standards of subsection 14-3.3.
[Ord. #98-03, § 1]
Prior to the placement of any public telephone within the City's right-of-way, information must be submitted to the Director as follows:
An encroachment permit application and the required fee as established by the Master Fee Schedule.
A dimensioned drawing with scale not less than one (1") inch equals five (5') feet, showing exact location of pay telephone, face of curb, property line, paved sidewalk area, all adjacent street appurtenances, furniture, utility poles, driveways, newspaper racks, and any adjacent buildings or structures.
[Ord. #98-03, § 1]
The Director shall review and may approve encroachment permits for pay telephones in the public right-of-way under the following provisions:
Location and Placement.
Pay telephones shall be located so that the telephone installation will not create a new protrusion or encroachment within the right-of-way.
Pay telephones shall not be located within ten (10') feet from a fire hydrant, driveway, opening or curb cut unless the Director finds that placement of the pay telephone adjacent to an established encroachment will not cause a pedestrian, bicycle or automobile hazard.
When pay telephones are proposed adjacent to a building, the installation shall be placed as close to the building as practically feasible.
All necessary electrical and telephone connections, cables, wires and associated appurtenances shall be installed underground in appropriate conduits and in accordance with applicable codes.
Design. The style, color, design and dimensions of the telephone installation shall be approved by the Director.
Requirements for Operation and Maintenance.
The permittee shall maintain the public telephones and any associated booths, enclosures, signs, and other equipment in good repair and safe condition, free from exterior or interior damage or vandalism. If the telephone installation is damaged or vandalized, it shall be repaired or restored back to its original condition, at the permittee's expense and to the satisfaction of the Director within thirty (30) days of written notice from the City.
The permittee shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines on public telephone accessibility, including but not limited to, adequate and level space for a wheelchair user, cord length, and height of controls.
Failure to take action to restore or repair the telephone, and/or to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines on public telephone accessibility shall be cause for revocation of the permit under subsection 14-3.4.
The permittee shall hold the City harmless from any and all losses, claims or judgments for damages to any person or property arising from the installation or maintenance of the public telephones. Prior to installation of the telephone, the permittee shall complete a written hold harmless agreement with the City.
The City shall receive an amount equal to at least fifteen (15%) percent of the receipts in lawful currency of the United States, exclusive of Federal communications excise taxes, from the coin receptacles of the public telephones installed under authority of this section. This percentage of receipts shall be paid on a monthly basis to the City, and the City reserves the right to audit the permittee's records, upon thirty (30) days written notice. Failure to pay the required percentage of receipts to the City shall be cause for revocation of the permit under subsection 14-3.4.
The City may sign an exclusive agreement with a telecommunications company to provide telecommunications service within California and/or long-distance telecommunications service for all pay telephones within the City's right-of-way. All telephone companies, property owners and tenants operating a public telephone within the City's right-of-way shall be required to utilize the telecommunications company with which the City has entered into an exclusive agreement.
[Ord. #98-03, § 1]
The permit shall be revocable on thirty (30) days prior written notice to the permittee from the Director, in which event the permittee shall at his/her expense, remove the public telephone or telephones installed pursuant to the permit and shall restore the sidewalk to its condition prior to such installation, subject to review and approval of the Director. Should the permittee fail to remove the public telephone and restore the public right-of-way, the Director may cause such removal and restoration without further notice at the expense of the permittee.