Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance Nos. 85-06, 92-05 and prior code §§17.75—17.83.
[Ord. #97-05]
As used in this section:
Shall mean for a fee, reward, donation, loan or receipt of anything of value.
Shall mean and include any of the following diverse philosophies and their associated techniques for understanding beings, events, or circumstances, or forecasting of future events or trends, or furnishing of any information not otherwise obtainable by ordinary processes of knowledge, by means of any special training, or any occult or psychic power, faculty or force, including but not limited to: ancient mysteries or New Age awareness; astrology: augury or other divination; auras or chakras; awareness consulting; casting dice, rune or other objects; cards, cartomancy or tarot; channeling, spirits or contacting spirits; clairaudience, clairvoyance; crystal gazing or attuning; ESP, mind reading or telepathy; feng shui or similar practices; fortunetelling; graphology and hand-writing analysis; geomancy; I Ching; magic or magick of any kind or nature; magnetism, magnetized article or substance; mediumship, mind-reading or telepathy; necromancy; numerology; palmistry; phrenology or face reading; prophecy; psychometry; regression or past-life reading; seership; tea leaves or other such reading; talisman, charm or potion; or any other associated philosophy, craft, art or science not licensed by the State of California or regulated by another section of the Albany Municipal Code.
[Ord. #97-05]
No person shall conduct, engage in, carry on, participate in, or practice alternative consulting or cause the same to be done for pay without having first obtained a business license.
No person shall violate any of the terms and conditions of a business license issued pursuant to this section nor any of the regulations and provisions within this section or any other regulation of the City or the State of California. Each day such a violation or violations occur shall constitute a separate offense punishable as a misdemeanor in the State of California.
The license may be revoked if the applicant does not continuously meet the terms required for granting of a business license.
[Ord. #97-05]
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any persons solely by reason of the fact that he or she is engaged in a business of entertaining the public by demonstrations of mind-reading, mental telepathy, thought conveyance, or the giving of horoscopic readings, at public places and in the presence of and within the hearing of other persons and at which no questions are answered, as part of such entertainment, except in a manner to permit all persons present at such public place to hear such answers.
No person shall be required to pay any fee or take out any permit for conducting or participating in any religious ceremony or service when such person holds a certificate of ordination as a minister, missionary, medium, healer, or clairvoyant, hereinafter collectively referred to as minister, from any bona fide church or religious association maintaining a church and holding regular services and having a creed or set of religious principles that is recognized by all churches of like faith; provided that:
Except as provided in paragraph b,3 hereof, the fees, gratuities, emoluments, and profits thereof shall be regularly accounted for and paid solely to or for the benefit of the bona fide church or religious association, as defined in this paragraph b.
The minister holding a certificate of ordination from such bona fide church or religious association, as defined in this paragraph b, shall file with the City Treasurer's office a certified copy of the minister's certificate of ordination with the minister's name, age, street address and phone number in this City where the activity set forth in this paragraph b is to be conducted.
Such bona fide church or religious association, as defined in this paragraph may pay to its ministers a salary or compensation based upon a percentage basis, pursuant to an agreement between the church and the minister which is embodied in a resolution and transcribed in the minutes of such church or religious association.