[Ord. #09-04, § 1]
Except as provided in this subsection, for contracts and public works contracts that are required to be advertised, the City may make the award not less than ten (10) calendar days after advertising in accordance with the following:
Except for sole source contracts authorized under Section 13-20, public works contracts for greater than one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars shall be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder who is both responsible and reliable, as defined in this section, that meets the specifications. In the event that the lowest bidder number two (2) or more, the award by the City Council or City official shall be within its sole discretion so long as consistent with the purposes of this section.
Contracts, excluding major public works contracts and consultant agreements, shall be awarded on the basis of an acceptable bid that best meets City requirements after soliciting competitive prices or written price quotations.
Cooperative procurement contracts under a request for proposal or bid will be awarded on the basis of the proposal best meeting City requirements.
The City is authorized to award contracts and public works contracts to the next bidder that meets all requirements when the apparent successful bidder under this section does not meet deadlines for submitting the required bond and insurance documents.