The provisions of the Town of Genesee Building and Construction Code (this chapter) shall govern the design, construction, alteration, demolition and moving of all buildings and structures constructed per the State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (SPS) and all Wisconsin Administrative Codes, including the Uniform Building Code.
These regulations shall be known and cited as "Municipal Building Code" and shall be construed to secure their expressed intent and to ensure public safety, health and welfare insofar as they are dependent upon building construction.
The following Wisconsin Administrative Codes, their referenced codes and standards, and subsequent revisions are hereby made a part of this chapter and adopted for municipal enforcement by the Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Inspector, whom shall be certified as DSPS Inspector(s) by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services in both UDC and non-UDC (including Commercial) and other categories.
Electrical Code
SPS 316 Electrical: This chapter is adopted in its entirety
ICC Codes
2015 International Building Code (IBC), with Wisconsin amendments
2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), with Wisconsin amendments
2015 International Mechanical Code (IMC), with Wisconsin amendments
2015 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC), with Wisconsin amendments
2015 International Existing Building Code (IEBC), with Wisconsin amendments
Wisconsin Commercial Building Code
SPS 360 Erosion control, sediment control and stormwater management
SPS 361 Administration and enforcement
SPS 362 Buildings and structures
SPS 363 Energy conservation
SPS 364 Heating, ventilating and air conditioning
SPS 365 Fuel gas appliances
SPS 366 Existing buildings
SPS 360 to 366 Appendixes A and B
The Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code, SPS Chapters 320 through 325, inclusive and all amendments thereto, are hereby made a part of this Code by reference and shall apply to all one- and two-family dwellings and alterations and additions thereto. Except as provided in § 250-7, this chapter shall also apply to alterations and additions to all one- and two-family dwellings constructed prior to the effective date of the Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code. A copy of said code is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
All buildings and structures hereafter erected, altered, repaired, moved or demolished that are used or designed to be used for the purpose herein defined shall comply in full with the requirements of this chapter.
Zoning laws. No provision of this chapter shall be construed to repeal, modify or constitute an alternative to any lawful zoning regulations.
New buildings. The construction requirements of the Wisconsin Uniform Building Code shall apply to all buildings not covered under § 250-3.
Existing buildings. This chapter shall also apply to buildings and conditions described in this section.
An existing building to be occupied as a one- or two-family dwelling which building was not previously so occupied.
An existing structure that is altered or repaired, when the cost of such alterations or repair during the life of the structure exceeds 50% of the equalized value of the structure, said value to be determined by the assessor of the municipality.
Additions and alterations, regardless of cost, made to an existing building shall comply with the requirements of this chapter. The provisions of Subsection A(4) of this section shall also apply.
Roof coverings. Whenever more than 25% of the roof covering of a building is replaced in any twelve-month period, all roof covering shall be in conformity with applicable sections of this chapter.
Additions and alterations. Any addition or alteration, regardless of cost, made to a building shall be made in conformity with applicable sections of this chapter.
Alterations and repairs. The following provisions shall apply to buildings altered or repaired:
Alterations. When not in conflict with any regulations, alterations to any existing building or structure, accommodating a legal occupancy and use but of nonconforming type of construction which involves either the structural members of floors or roofs, beams, girders, columns, bearing or other walls, room heating and air-conditioning systems, arrangement, light and ventilation, changes in location of exit stairways or exits or any of the above, then such existing construction shall be made to conform to the minimum requirements of this chapter applicable to such occupancy and use and given type of construction.
Repairs. Repairs for purposes of maintenance or replacements in any existing building or structure which do not involve the structural portions of the building or structure or which do not affect room arrangement, light and ventilation, access to or efficiency of any exit stairways or exits, fire protection or exterior aesthetic appearance and which do not increase a given occupancy and use, shall be deemed minor repairs.
Alterations and repairs required. When any of the structural members of any building or structure have deteriorated from any cause whatsoever to less than their required strength, the owner of such a building or structure shall cause such structural members to be restored to their required strength; failing in which the building or structure shall be considered a menace to public safety and shall be vacated and thereafter no further occupancy or use of the same shall be permitted until the regulations of this chapter are complied with.
Extent of deterioration. The amount and extent of deterioration of any existing building or structure shall be determined by the Building Inspector.
Use of unsanitary building. It shall be unlawful to occupy or use or permit the occupancy or use of any building or structure that is unsanitary or dilapidated, or deteriorated, or out of repair, thereby being unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use until the regulations of this chapter have been complied with.