For the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, repair, demolition and removal of buildings and structures erected or to be erected within the Village and for the regulation of other similar work therein, there is hereby adopted that certain building code known and designated as the "New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code" and that certain energy code known as the "State Energy Conservation Construction Code" and the whole thereof shall be and the same is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference as fully as if herein set forth at length.
Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The vertical distance measured from the ground to the highest point on the surface of a flat roof, to the deckline of a mansard roof and to the mean height level between eaves and ridges for a gable, hip or gambrel roof, provided that chimneys, spires and similar projections shall not be included in the height.
A permit issued pursuant to this chapter. The term "building permit" shall also include a building permit which is renewed, amended or extended pursuant to any provision of this chapter.
A certificate issued pursuant to this chapter.
The Code Enforcement Officer appointed pursuant to this chapter.
The Code Enforcement Officer and all inspectors.
An order issued by the Code Enforcement Officer pursuant to this chapter.
The State Energy Conservation Construction Code, as currently in effect and as hereafter amended from time to time.
An inspector appointed pursuant to this chapter.
The Village of Solvay.
A permit issued pursuant to this chapter. The term "operating permit" shall also include an operating permit which is renewed, amended or extended pursuant to any provision of this chapter.
The person to whom a building permit has been issued.
An individual, corporation, limited-liability company, partnership, limited partnership, business trust, estate, trust, association, or any other legal or commercial entity of any kind or description acting individually or jointly. Extends and is applied to associations, clubs, societies, firms, partnerships and bodies politic and corporate as well as to individuals.
An order issued pursuant to this chapter which shall have the effect of causing work to cease, pursuant to the provisions of this article.
Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires a permanent location on the soil, or attached to something having a permanent location on the soil.
The New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, as currently in effect and as hereafter amended from time to time.
The Village of Solvay.
The Village Board hereby designates the Village Code Enforcement Officer as the enforcement officer to administer and enforce all the provisions of the Uniform Code, the Energy Code and the Village of Solvay Code.
To receive, review, and approve or disapprove applications for building permits, certificates of occupancy or compliance, temporary certificates and operating permits, and the plans, specifications and construction documents submitted with such applications;
Upon approval of such applications, to issue building permits, certificates of occupancy or compliance, temporary certificates and operating permits, and to include in building permits, certificates of occupancy or compliance, temporary certificates and operating permits such terms and conditions as the Director may determine to be appropriate;
To grant, suspend, or revoke building permits, certificates of occupancy, and certificates of compliance;
To conduct or cause to conduct construction inspections; inspections to be made prior to the issuance of certificates of occupancy or compliance, temporary certificates and operating permits; fire safety and property maintenance inspections; inspections incidental to the investigation of complaints; and all other inspections required or permitted under any provision of this article;
To perform inspections of rented dwellings in the Village of Solvay;
To issue stop-work orders;
To review and investigate complaints;
To issue orders and notices of violations pursuant to the provisions of this article;
To maintain records;
To collect fees established pursuant to this article;
To pursue administrative enforcement actions and proceedings;
In consultation with the Village of Solvay's attorney, to pursue such legal actions and proceedings as may be necessary to enforce the Uniform Code, the Energy Code, the Village of Solvay Code, and this article, or to abate or correct conditions not in compliance with the Uniform Code, the Energy Code, the Village of Solvay Code, or this article, which may include the issuance of an appearance ticket;
To disconnect a utility service or energy supplied to the building, structure or building service equipment therein regulated by this Code or the State Uniform Code in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property;
To condemn any building service equipment that has become hazardous to life, health, property, or becomes insanitary;
To obtain a search warrant, in the case of inability to gain admission, or by owner or occupant refusal of admission, to make inspections, provided that reasonable or probable cause is shown, except that in the case of an emergency, the enforcement officer may, without a warrant, enter any premises or parts of premises to inspect, at any time, without the permission of the person in possession or occupancy;
To exercise all other powers and fulfill all other duties conferred upon the Code Enforcement Officer by this Code.
The Code Enforcement Officer may request and shall receive, so far as may be necessary in the discharge of the Code Enforcement Officer's duties, the assistance and cooperation of the police, fire and of all other municipal officials exercising any jurisdiction over the construction, use or occupancy of buildings or the installation of equipment therein.
Work to remain accessible and exposed. Permitted work shall remain accessible and exposed until inspected and accepted by the Code Enforcement Officer or by an inspector authorized by the Code Enforcement Officer. Permit holders shall be required to notify the Code Enforcement Officer when any element of construction work as described below is ready for inspection.
Provisions shall be made for inspection of the following elements of the construction process, where applicable, but not limited to:
Work site prior to the issuance of a permit;
Footing and foundation;
Preparation for concrete slab;
Building systems, including underground and rough-in;
Fire-resistant construction;
Fire resistant penetrations;
Solid-fuel-burning heating appliances, chimneys, flues or gas vents;
Energy Code compliance; and
A final inspection after all work authorized by the building permit has been completed.
Inspection results. After inspection, the work or a portion thereof shall be noted as satisfactory as completed, or the permit holder shall be notified as to where the work fails to comply with the Uniform Code or Energy Code. Work not in compliance with any applicable provision of the Uniform Code or Energy Code shall remain exposed until such work shall have been brought into compliance with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code and the Energy Code, reinspected, and found satisfactory as completed.
No official or employee of the Building Department, while acting pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall be personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as the result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his official duties, provided that such acts are performed in good faith and without gross negligence.
Whenever there are reasonable grounds to believe that any material, construction, equipment or assembly does not conform to the requirements of the applicable building laws, ordinances or regulations, the Code Enforcement Officer may require the same to be subjected to tests in order to furnish proof of such compliance.
Authority to issue. The Code Enforcement Officer is authorized to issue stop-work orders pursuant to this section. The Code Enforcement Officer shall issue a stop-work order to halt:
Any work that is determined by the Code Enforcement Officer to be contrary to any applicable provision of the Uniform Code or Energy Code, without regard to whether such work is or is not work for which a building permit is required, and without regard to whether a building permit has or has not been issued for such work;
Any work that is being conducted in a dangerous or unsafe manner, in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Officer, without regard to whether such work is or is not work for which a building permit is required, and without regard to whether a building permit has or has not been issued for such work; or
Any work for which a building permit is required which is being performed without the required building permit, or under a building permit that has become invalid, has expired, or has been suspended or revoked.
Content of stop-work orders. Stop-work orders shall be in writing, be dated and signed by the Code Enforcement Officer, state the reason or reasons for issuance, and, if applicable, state the conditions which must be satisfied before work will be permitted to resume.
Service of stop-work orders. The Code Enforcement Officer shall cause the stop-work order, or a copy thereof, to be served on the owner of the affected property (and, if the owner is not the permit holder, on the permit holder) personally or by certified mail. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be permitted, but not required, to cause the stop-work order, or a copy thereof, to be served on any builder, architect, tenant, contractor, subcontractor, construction superintendent, or their agents, or any other person taking part or assisting in work affected by the stop-work order, personally or by certified mail; provided, however, that failure to serve any person mentioned in this sentence shall not affect the efficacy of the stop-work order.
Effect of stop-work order. Upon the issuance of a stop-work order, the owner of the affected property, the permit holder and any other person performing, taking part in or assisting in the work shall immediately cease all work which is the subject of the stop-work order.
Remedy not exclusive. The issuance of a stop-work order shall not be the exclusive remedy available to address any event described in Subsection A of this section, and the authority to issue a stop-work order shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for or limitation of, the right and authority to pursue any other remedy or impose any other penalty under this chapter or under any other applicable local law or state law. Any such other remedy or penalty may be pursued at any time, whether prior to, at the time of, or after the issuance of a stop-work order.
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, repair, move, remove, demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure or portion thereof in violation of any provision of this chapter, or to fail in any manner to comply with a notice, directive or order of the Code Enforcement Officer, or to construct, alter or use and occupy any building or structure or part thereof in a manner not permitted by an approved building permit.
Appropriate actions and proceedings may be taken at law or in equity to prevent unlawful construction or to restrain, correct or abate a violation or to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure or premises or to prevent illegal acts, conduct or business in or about any premises; and these remedies shall be in addition to the penalties prescribed in this chapter.
No person, occupant or owner of any real property shall permit the use of said property, for hire or otherwise, for the purpose of parking, storing, occupying or permitting to stand thereon any vehicle of any nature or any temporary structure used or occupied as living quarters by one or more persons, except a building or structure of a permanent nature.
It shall be the duty of any person removing or demolishing, in whole or in part, any building or structure to promptly fill in any excavation, opening or hole resulting therefrom.
No license shall be issued for any public hall or other premises where persons are assembled unless such premises has suitable and safe means of ingress and egress in case of panic or fire and unless such premises complies with and conforms to all of the laws, ordinances and regulations for the protection of the public from fire, is properly ventilated and is supplied with sufficient toilet facilities.
The Chief of Police, or any peace officer, or the Code Enforcement Officer, shall have the power to inspect any public hall or other premises where persons are assembled and to vacate or cause such premises to be vacated whenever any provision of any law, ordinance or rule with regard to the same is being violated or whenever any disorder of a gross or violent character takes place therein.