Where an owner desires to extend sewer service to an improved property or properties, they may do so after having met all of the conditions of these rules and regulations. All extensions so constructed shall include, without limitation, all sewer mains, building sewers, pumping stations, sewer force mains, connections, and other necessary appurtenances.
The entire cost of the requested sewer main extensions shall be borne by the owner requesting or requiring the extension. The Township shall be subject to no cost.
The owner shall deposit with the Township, prior to the execution of any work, a sum of money sufficient to pay all of the Township's estimated costs associated with the proposed extension, including but not limited to engineering, legal, inspection, testing, observation, and administrative costs, as determined by the Township in its reasonable discretion, the deposit to be made upon the execution of an agreement between the Township and the owner. The amount of deposit shall be determined by the Township from time to time, and a minimum balance must be maintained in the escrow account. If the balance of the account falls below the minimum established by the Township, the Township may demand additional deposits from time to time at its sole discretion.
The owner shall enter into a written agreement with the Township, prior to the execution of any work, in a form satisfactory to the Township, the agreement to contain such pertinent conditions which include, but are not limited to, the following:
The streets in which the extension is to be located must be dedicated to public use, the lines and grades thereof established and the rough grading completed. Where a line is located in a private right-of-way, an easement shall be dedicated to the Township for its use and benefit, in a form acceptable to the Township.
The ownership title to all installations shall be conveyed to and vested in the Township, when approved by the Township.
The owner and its contractor, where applicable, shall be required to provide the Township with performance and payment bonds in the full amount of the work construction cost in accordance with applicable laws and the agreement required to be entered into between owner and Township.
The owner's contractor shall provide the Township with certificates of insurance in the amounts specified by the Township, with the Township and the Township's Engineer named as additionally insured on liability policies.
The owner shall be responsible for maintenance of any sewer main facilities for a period of 18 months following acceptance and dedication of such improvements by the Township. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining cash security on deposit with the Township or under a letter of credit acceptable in form and substance to the Township of an amount equal to 15% of the construction costs as security for owner's maintenance responsibilities for such eighteen-month period.
The Township shall have the right to make further extensions beyond or laterally from the extensions, such extensions not to be considered as connections subject to any refund.
The payment of refunds to the owner for additional new customers connecting by way of a lateral to the extension to be subject to such conditions as set forth in the agreement, and to limiting number of years, not to exceed 10 years, for the payment of refunds. No refunds are to be made unless the collection part of the tapping fee is received from the new customers for the privilege of obtaining direct service from the extension through a service line connection or sewer lateral. There is no refund for new customers connecting to subsequent extensions of the initial extension.
Such other related requirements.
It is the policy of the Township that conventional gravity sewage collection facilities shall be used wherever technically practical. Grinder pump units and other alternative sewer systems shall only be allowed for premises that cannot be served by conventional gravity sewage collection facilities. Final determination on whether the premises cannot be served by conventional gravity sewage collection facilities will be made by the Township, and whether an alternative sewer system will be acceptable.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Sewer main extensions shall be designed by the owner subject to Township approval, and shall comply with the following conditions:
The owner must secure the services of a registered professional engineer and a registered professional surveyor to prepare the necessary plans and specifications, which shall be subject to approval by the Township. Any revisions in the design considered necessary in the opinion of the Township's Engineer shall be made at the expense of the owner. Such plans so prepared shall be signed and sealed by the registered professional engineer and registered professional surveyor.
The plans shall include the proposed location of the extensions, the layout of the streets and roads, the layout of existing and proposed plans of lots, existing utilities, and other pertinent data, such plans to be in sufficient detail to permit the Township to review and approve the plans.
All extensions shall be located in dedicated streets or within right-of-way dedicated for public use. Where required sewer line easements (easement) have not been recorded, the Township shall be provided with a written easement suitable for recording. The easement shall be a minimum width of 20 feet, and to the extent possible the easement shall be uniform in shape and parallel to property lines with the sewer line placed in the middle area of the right-of-way. The entire post-construction easement shall be accessible for maintenance. The easement document shall be accompanied by individual legal descriptions and plots for each lot on which the easement is located, as well as an overall easement location plan for the entire project. Such descriptions and plots shall be in a form acceptable to the Township.
All extensions shall be designed in such a manner as will permit future extensions thereof with the dedication of the easement, whenever applicable, providing for future extensions.
No construction of any sewer main intended to be connected to the Township shall be undertaken until such plans and specifications are approved by the Township and all necessary permits are secured.
All construction shall be done in accordance with the standard construction specifications and approved plans and specifications and in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local statues, ordinances, and regulations. All construction is subject to inspection, testing, observation, and approval by the Township and its designated representatives.
The construction shall be observed on a full-time basis by the Township's representative and the owner is to be responsible for the payment of all observation costs.
All extensions shall be connected to sewer mains owned by the Township, and shall be dedicated to and become property of the Township after inspection and acceptance by the Township within the sewered area. The Township will accept dedication of the sewage system, provided that:
The owner has entered into an agreement with the Township that is suitable to the Township's Solicitor.
The owner has provided a bill of sale for all appurtenances being dedicated to the Township.
The sewage system has been properly installed and is in good repair.
If after completion of any main installed by a person or a contracting firm other than the Township, and if an acceptable offer of dedication is not received immediately upon completion of the work, at the Township's option, the Township may withhold service, or the Township may discontinue any service improperly instituted by the owner, or the Township may disconnect the owner's line from the Township sewer system with all costs associated therewith to be paid by owner.