[Ord. 161, 3/15/1954, § 1; as amended by Ord. 307, 7/21/1969, § 1; by Ord. 308, 7/21/1969, § 1; by Ord. 361, 11/10/1976, § 1; by Ord. 362, 11/10/1976, § 1; and by Ord. 657, 2/17/2003, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for boys and girls under 18 years of age, such persons being defined for purposes of this Part as a "child" or "children," to be or remain in or upon the streets (which includes the area located between the building lines as set forth on the topographical survey of the Borough of Mohnton), alleys, parks or public places in the Borough of Mohnton at night after the hour 10:00 p.m., prevailing time, until 6:00 a.m., prevailing time, the following morning, unless such child is accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or other person having the legal care or custody of such child.
[Ord. 161, 3/15/1954, § 2; as amended by Ord. 308, 7/21/1969, § 2; and by Ord. 361, 11/10/1976, § 2]
It is hereby made unlawful for any child, children, parent, guardian, or any other person to violate any of the posted rules and regulations adopted by the Borough in connection with the authorized use of any parks or public places in the Borough of Mohnton.
[Ord. 161, 3/15/1954, § 3; as amended by Ord. 308, 7/21/1969, § 2; and by Ord. 361, 11/10/1976, § 3; and by Ord. 362, 11/10/1976, § 2; as amended by Ord. 478, 8/10/1988]
Any person in violation of any provisions of this Part 2 shall, upon conviction thereof, be forced to pay a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $300, plus costs of a prosecution, or, in failure thereof, to be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not to exceed 90 days; and in the case of a minor, said parent, guardian or person having legal care or custody of said minor who shall allow said minor to violate any of the provisions of this Part 2 shall likewise, upon conviction thereof, be similarly sentenced.
[Ord. 161, 3/15/1954, § 4]
Any child who shall violate this Part 2 more than three times shall be reported to the juvenile probation officers of Berks County and such proceedings shall be initiated in the Court of Common Pleas of Berks County exercising jurisdiction as the Juvenile Court as may be deemed necessary by said juvenile probation officers or by any citizen who is a resident of Berks County, and the parent, guardian or person having the legal care or custody of said child shall likewise be reported to said juvenile probation officers and a like procedure followed as in the case of said child.
[Ord. 161, 3/15/1954, § 5]
The police officers of the Borough, in taking children into custody, shall use their discretion in determining age and in doubtful cases may require positive proof, and, until such proof is furnished, the officer's judgment shall prevail.
[Ord. 478, 8/10/1988]
The Mayor and the Borough Council shall have the power to vary the curfew hours during special events.