[Ord. 96, 8/10/1936, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or occupying any property in the Borough to permit any tree on its property, or in front of its property, to interfere with the shedding of light by any street lamps of the Borough of Mohnton.
[Ord. 96, 8/10/1936, § 2]
When the Light Committee of the Council of the Borough of Mohnton shall decide that any such tree does so interfere, it shall cause the Secretary of Council to notify the person, firm or corporation occupying the property on which said tree is, or in front of which said tree is, to remove the branches so interfering or, if necessary, to remove the tree.
[Ord. 96, 8/10/1936, § 3]
If said person, firm or corporation so notified shall not, within 10 days after receipt of said notice, comply with the terms thereof, the Light Committee of the Borough of Mohnton shall have authority to remove said branches or said tree, and the cost of said removal, plus 25% of said cost, shall be paid by the person, firm or corporation so notified within 10 days after receipt of said bill, and if same is not paid within said time, the Borough Council shall instruct the Borough Solicitor to take such proceedings as may be necessary to collect said bill from said person, firm or corporation.
[Ord. 96, 8/10/1936, § 4]
Any person, firm or corporation receiving said notice may appeal, in writing, to the Borough Council by handing the said appeal to the Secretary of Council of the Borough, and said appeal shall be heard at the next regular session of Council, and, if said Council determines that the said tree interferes with the light shed by the street lamps of the Borough of Mohnton, it shall dismiss said appeal, and the said person, firm or corporation shall comply within 10 days with the said order of the Light Committee, as aforesaid. If said Borough Council determines that said tree does not interfere as aforesaid, it shall sustain said appeal and the notice given by the Borough Secretary shall be null and void.