[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
This Section is intended to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City by preserving existing vegetation and providing that future development provide landscaping that meets the following objectives and criteria:
All efforts will be made to preserve existing trees.
Proposed landscaping improvements will be of such species as necessary to live in Southwest Missouri's environment.
Landscaping to be installed should be of a sufficient quantity and size to:
Screen all buildings from adjoining properties.
Screen parking areas from roads and neighboring properties with dense landscaping.
Provide a buffer between commercial properties and the road through substantial landscaping. Such buffers shall allow visibility by the general public, but also provide vegetation that will screen portions of the building and parking area.
Provide a landscaped area between residential properties and the street, including trees and other landscape materials.
Screen developments on slopes of over fifteen percent (15%). Developers shall be required to place additional trees in sufficient numbers to screen such properties from major thoroughfares, such as Highway 13.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
All yards and parking areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the following requirements:
Provisions for landscaping, screening and maintenance are a continuing obligation of the property owner, and where approved trees, shrubs or other landscaping materials die or are removed, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to replace them with materials of a comparable nature and size to those originally approved.
Site plans indicating landscaping improvements shall be included with the plans submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. Issuance of a building permit includes these required improvements which shall be completed or guaranteed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
Existing trees, plant material and special site features shall be preserved within a project site to the fullest extent possible.
All required yards and the entire open space of all multi-family dwelling sites, exclusive of walks, drives, parking areas and buildings, shall be landscaped and permanently maintained. Landscaping shall primarily consist of ground cover, trees, shrubs and other living plants with sufficient irrigation to properly maintain all vegetation. Decorative design elements such as fountains, pools, benches, sculptures, planters, fences and similar elements may be placed within the area, but shall not be the dominant feature of any yard.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
All open storage areas shall be screened from public rights-of-way or adjacent property by use of landscaping, berms or a combination of landscaping and other structural elements to a height of six (6) feet. Parking or storage uses accessory to a primary single-family use and located on an adjoining lot shall be fully screened with the use of decorative fencing that is architecturally compatible to the primary residence (using wood, stone or similar natural materials).
Any site contiguous to or facing any residential zone or residential use shall screen its parking areas, loading docks or similar uses through the use of landscaping elements to a height of four (4) feet.
All surface areas designated on the approved site plan that will not be a hard surface shall be planted with adequate ground cover as approved by the City and shall be top-dressed with a minimum of two (2) inches of top soil prior to planting. In addition, irrigation systems shall be provided in those instances where required to guarantee the proper growth of the landscaping being provided.
Trees shall be provided in the following manner:
Within all other yards, trees shall be provided in a number adequate to buffer the project from adjacent uses.
All required trees shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in height, with the exception that twenty-five percent (25%) of the required trees for any project shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height.
All required trees shall have a minimum caliper, measured two (2) inches above ground level, of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches.
Public rights-of-way adjacent to the site shall also be landscaped if in the opinion of the Planning and Zoning Commission such landscaping is necessary to complete the project. Specifically, the applicant is responsible for improving the area between the street roadway and the applicant's property line.
[Ord. No. 509, 8-11-2021]
Landscaping Area Required.
Wherever off-street surface parking abuts a public right-of-way, a minimum five-foot-wide landscaped buffer zone shall be provided.
Wherever off-street parking abuts a building or structure, a minimum five-foot-wide landscaped buffer zone shall be provided. The buffer zone may contain limited areas devoted to paved walkways and required handicapped access ramps and pathways but shall be predominantly landscaped.
Unused space resulting from the design of parking areas shall be landscaped.
Shrubs Required. Planting areas shall be planted with one (1) shrub or vine for every twenty-five (25) square feet of total landscape area. Fifty percent (50%) of the shrubs and/or vines shall be of five-gallon size or larger. The required shrubs and/or vines shall be evenly distributed throughout the site.
Turf Required. Turf incorporated into the landscape design shall not constitute more than fifty percent (50%) of the total landscaped area. The department may approve greater turf coverage, provided the turf serves a usable and beneficial purpose (e.g., recreation areas or temporary outdoor display area), or provided the percentage of turf area is provided in an approved specific plan. Turf shall be of a drought-tolerant variety. Turf shall not be used in parking area planting medians or islands.
Ground Cover. Areas not covered by trees, shrubs, vines, or turf shall be planted with ground cover. No more than thirty percent (30%) of the ground cover may be materials other than plant materials (e.g., decomposed granite, masonry, pavers, etc.) acceptable to the department. The use of artificial plants is prohibited.
Design Standards.
Planting areas directly abutting the parking area shall be enclosed by a raised, continuous curb of Portland cement concrete, or other material acceptable to the Building Official. The curb shall be at least six (6) inches high and six (6) inches wide. The finished grade within the planter shall be at least two (2) inches below the top of the curb.
Landscaped areas located wholly within and bordered on all sides by the parking area shall not be required to comply with Section 400.634(E)(1) of this Chapter to allow for natural drainage into landscaping medians.
Where vehicles are allowed to overhang landscaped areas, landscaped areas shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in width, and the vehicle overhang shall not exceed two (2) feet. Trees in these areas shall be aligned with the parking stripe or otherwise located to avoid tree damage by parked vehicles.
Authority To Alter. The Administrative Officer shall have the authority to require additional landscaping in excess of the minimum standards in Section 400.634, provided the additional landscaping is deemed necessary to:
Screen adjacent uses from parking areas that could cause a negative impact on the adjacent uses due to noise, odors, or aesthetics; or
Ensure compatibility and conformity with adjacent uses.