There is hereby created and established within the city, a city planning and zoning committee, which shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the city council. The planning and zoning committee shall be composed of five (5) members, three (3) of whom shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The members shall be resident citizens and qualified voters of the city. Members shall be appointed by the city council for a term of office of two (2) years, provided however, that two (2) members shall be initially appointed for a term of one (1) year, with those terms being for two (2) years thereafter. All vacancies on the planning and zoning committee shall be filled by appointment by the city council for the unexpired term of the vacated member.
(Ordinance 2004-01-096, sec. 1, adopted 1/11/04; Ordinance 202103-03-222 adopted 3/1/21)
It shall be the function of the planning and zoning committee to review, investigate, hold hearings as necessary and required and arrive at specific conclusions and recommended actions on specific city council assigned projects. A written report and verbal/visual presentation shall be presented to the city council within project specified time constraints. The report shall contain recommendations as to the final disposition of the project. Any additional recommendations as to possible future related project actions will also be included.
All documentation of the projects will be managed and maintained by the committee utilizing committee personnel and resources. If additional resources are needed to carry out project requirements, the committee will present such needs to the city council for their consideration.
A system of priorities shall be established to ensure timely and orderly project management. This priority system shall be approved by the city council prior to being instituted by the committee.
(Ordinance 2004-01-096, sec. 2, adopted 1/11/04; Ordinance 202103-03-222 adopted 3/1/21)
The planning and zoning committee shall develop its own operating rules and procedures, including but not limited to the selection of officers, the time and places for holding its meetings as well as other matters that the committee deems proper.
(Ordinance 2004-01-096, sec. 3, adopted 1/11/04; Ordinance 202103-03-222 adopted 3/1/21)
Any public hearing required by the planning and zoning committee may be held jointly with the city council, with proper and legal notice being given for both bodies. The city council shall take no action on any matter related to zoning, until a final written project report has been received by the council from the planning and zoning committee.
(Ordinance 2004-01-096, sec. 4, adopted 1/11/04; Ordinance 202103-03-222 adopted 3/1/21)