It shall be unlawful for any person to create or cause any unreasonably noxious, unpleasant or strong odor which causes material distress, discomfort or injury to persons of ordinary sensibilities in the immediate vicinity thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any person to create or cause any odor, stench or smell of such character, strength or continued duration as to substantially interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of private homes by persons of ordinary sensibilities.
The following acts or conditions, among others, are declared to be odor nuisances in violation of this code, by such enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
Offensive odors from cow lots, hog pens, fowl coops and other similar places where animals are kept or fed which disturb the comfort and repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities;
Offensive odors from privies and other similar places;
Offensive odors from the use or possession of chemicals or from industrial processes or activities which disturb the comfort and repose of persons of ordinary sensibilities;
Offensive odors from smoke from burning trash, rubbish, rubber, chemicals or other things or substances;
Offensive odors from stagnant pools allowed to remain on any premises or from rotting garbage, refuse, offal or dead animals on any premises.
(Ordinance 1998-05-0014, sec. 4-2, adopted 3/9/98)