The city requires that any building that is site built or moved in or manufactured housing set up and installed on private land or within a subdivision must have the building permit before any work begins and before electricity will be turned on.
Noncompliance; fees; penalty.
Failure to comply with this section will result in no electric service, possible fines, and/or eviction from the building until this section has been met to the fullest.
Fees are as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code.
The fine for failure to comply shall be $50.00, and $50.00 per day after the third day of noncompliance.
Time allowed to complete construction; continuance.
Any and/or all new construction of or moving of any building into the city limits, or remodeling of any building within the city limits, must be completed within one calendar year from the date the building permit was obtained from the city.
If the new construction of or moving of any building into the city limits or remodeling of any building within the city limits is not complete within one calendar year of the date the building permit was obtained from the city, then the owner must obtain a continuance from the city council.
In granting a continuance, the city council may require that a new building permit be obtained at the fee schedule that is in place at the time the continuance is granted.
If construction continues without a continuance being granted, the fine for failure to comply shall be $50.00, and $50.00 per day after the third day of noncompliance.
(Ordinance 1999-014-0041 adopted 6/2/99; Ordinance 1999-23-0050, sec. II, adopted 8/30/99; Ordinance adopting Code)
The city requires any home that is site built or manufactured housing set up and installed on private land or within a subdivision must have the occupancy inspection before electric service can be turned on. All systems must be inspected at the same time.
Failure to comply with this section will result in no electric service, possible fines, and/or eviction from the home until this section has been met to the fullest. The fee for the inspection is as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. If the system does not pass inspection, such person will be required to pay the inspection fee for each trip made to the home site, until the city inspector is satisfied such person is in compliance with the city and county codes.
(Ordinance 1997-02-0008 adopted 7/31/97; Ordinance adopting Code)
Holes, ditches, or excavations that are dug on a particular day within the corporate city limits shall be covered/barricaded or fenced on the same day they are dug.
Holes, ditches, or any excavation that is dug on a particular day must be covered/barricaded or safety fencing put up at the end of the work day and if a contractor fails to do that the fine will be $100.00 a day and $200.00 each day after that this is not taken care of.
(Ordinance 2001-05-0077 adopted 5/7/01)