Acting pursuant to V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, section 22.076, the office of town marshal for the city is abolished.
The board of council members shall be authorized to appoint, hire, and designate a police chief to serve as the chief law enforcement officer for the city upon such conditions and for such tenure and at such rate of pay as in the best judgment of the board of council members may be deemed appropriate. In keeping with the same, the board of council members shall also be entitled to select and appoint and hire such assistants to aid and assist the chief of police of the city in the performance of the duties of the chief of police as may be deemed appropriate at any given time.
All previous rights, functions, obligations, and duties attendant to the office of city marshal are hereby transferred and conveyed over to the person occupying the designated office of chief of police for the city.
(Ordinance 1998-09-0018 adopted 7/27/98)
There is hereby created a police department for the city consisting of the chief of police and such other police officers as may be appointed by the chief and confirmed by vote of the city council.
The chief and other police officers shall not be appointed unless eligible for certification by the state commission on law enforcement officer standards and education as a peace officer.
The chief and other police officers shall serve at the pleasure of the city council. The chief may suspend any police officer until the council can act.
No bond shall be required of the chief or any other police officer.
(Ordinance 1999-02-0029 adopted 1/11/99)