Parking lot and loading bay buffers shall be comprised of earthen
berms, fences, and landscaping, which shall be of a sufficient quantity
and size to screen parked automobiles from view of those at grade
or first floor level in adjacent buildings, to prevent the shining
of automobile headlights into the yards or adjacent property and to
screen parked automobiles from view of those traveling on public rights-of-way.
All loading bay areas and trash enclosures shall be screened from
roads and parking areas by fences, walls, plantings or a combination
of these elements.
The following regulations are applicable to all subdivisions and land development plans and shall be in addition to the specific landscape and buffer standards contained within Chapter
350, Zoning, of the Code of the Township of Upper Mount Bethel.
A. A buffer shall consist of earthen berms, where space is available,
and both high and low level plant materials, of sufficient mass to
provide an effective year-round visual screen to a height of not less
than six feet at maturity. This screen shall be provided in free form
planting beds to avoid the appearance of a straight line or a "wall"
of planting material. Plantings in all buffer areas shall be permanently
maintained by the property owner. While plantings are permitted in
a buffer, a buffer shall not be considered any area where there is
fill added, development, building, or other earth disturbance and
shall be considered a protective zone.
B. A transition area or riparian buffer shall exist adjacent to any delineated wetland or stream. The transition area shall be 50 feet on each side adjacent to any wetland or stream. Where the wetland, stream or the receiving stream is designated as high quality or exceptional value (25 Pa. Code Chapter
93), the transition area shall be 75 feet on each side. Measurement from a flowing stream shall be from the edge of the bank on each side.
(1) The transition area shall function as a buffer adjacent to the delineated
wetlands or stream. The transition area shall not be occupied by any
building, parking, outdoor storage, fill or any other development
use other than open space or approved pedestrian pathways.
(2) Where there is an occurrence of federally threatened or endangered
species, the determination of the width of transition area around
wetlands falls under the jurisdiction of the US Fish and Wildlife
Service in accordance with the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973.
All detention basins or retention facilities shall be landscaped
to minimize, rather than accentuate, their location. Appropriate low
maintenance and, whenever possible, native evergreen and deciduous
material should be located in a naturalistic manner along the rim
and slopes of the basin. Appropriate ground cover treatment shall
be specified for the detention basin floor. Appropriate aquatic vegetation
shall be chosen for the retention facilities shelf areas to provide
additional water quality treatment, habitant and aesthetic amenities.
[Added 3-30-2009 by Ord.
No. 2009-03]
A. General. This section must be used when an applicant chooses to implement one of the conservation design options in a Conservation Design Overlay District, as set forth in Chapter
350, Zoning, as amended. In general, all of the requirements of Article
IV shall apply to applications for development using conservation design options, except as modified by this section.
B. All major subdivisions/land developments shall avoid or minimize
adverse impacts on the municipality's natural, cultural and historic
resources, as defined below.
(1) Groundwater resources. This section is intended to ensure that the
limited groundwater resources in the Township are protected for purposes
of providing water supplies for its residents and businesses, and
to protect the base flow of the surface waters in the Township. This
chapter shall be applied in conjunction with those provided for in
other sections of this chapter, dealing with groundwater conservation
and replenishment.
The proposed subdivision and land development of any tract shall
be designed to cause the least practicable disturbance to natural
infiltration and percolation of precipitation to the groundwater table,
through careful planning of vegetation and land disturbance activities
and the placement of streets, buildings and other impervious surfaces
in locations other than those identified on the existing resources
and site analysis plan as having the greatest permeability where precipitation
is most likely to infiltrate and recharge the groundwater.
(2) Stream valleys, swales, springs, and other lowland areas. The Township's
Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan identifies and
maps stream valleys (which include stream channels and floodplains),
swales, springs and other lowland areas as resources that warrant
restrictive land use controls because of flooding hazards to human
life and property, their groundwater recharge functions, their importance
to water quality and the health of aquatic communities, and their
wildlife habitats. They are generally poorly suited for on-site subsurface
sewage disposal systems. Accordingly, the following activities shall
be minimized:
Disturbance to streams and drainage swales.
Disturbance to year-round wetlands, areas with seasonally high-water
tables, and areas of surface water concentration.
Because of their extreme limitations, stream valleys, swales
and other lowland areas warrant designation as open space or greenway
lands. They may also require adjoining buffer lands to be included
in the greenway lands, to be determined by an analysis of the protection
requirements of such areas on a case-by-case basis. In certain instances,
seasonal high-water table soils may be excluded from the greenway
lands where it can be demonstrated that they are suitable for low-density
residential uses and conventional on-site sewage systems.
(3) Woodlands. Woodlands occur extensively throughout the Township, often
in association with stream valleys and wet areas, poor and erodible
agricultural soils, and moderate to steep slopes.
Woodland conditions within the Township vary with respect to
species composition, age, stocking, and health. They range from relatively
recent post-agricultural young stands to mature mixed-age forests.
Most woodlands in the Township represent one or more of the following
resource values:
As soil stabilizers, particularly on moderate to steep slopes,
thereby controlling erosion into nearby streams, ponds, impoundments
and roads. A closely related function is their enhancement of groundwater
As a means of ameliorating harsh microclimatic conditions, in
both summer and winter.
As a source of wood products, i.e., poles, sawtimber, veneer
and firewood.
As habitats for woodland birds, mammals and other wildlife.
As recreation resources for walkers, equestrians, picnickers
and other related outdoor activities.
As visual buffers between areas of development and adjacent
roads and properties.
Because of their resource values, all woodlands on any tract
proposed for subdivision or land development shall be evaluated by
the applicant to determine the extent to which such woodlands should
be designated partly or entirely as greenway lands or as development
lands. Evaluation criteria shall include:
Present conditions, i.e., stocking, health and species composition.
Site potential, i.e., the site's capabilities to support
woodlands, based upon its topographic, soil and hydrologic characteristics.
Ecological functions, i.e., in protecting steep slopes, erodible
soils, maintaining stream quality and providing for wildlife habitats.
Relationship to woodlands on adjoining and nearby properties
and the potential for maintaining continuous woodland areas.
The evaluation of the tract's woodlands shall be undertaken by a forester, landscape architect, horticulturist or another qualified professional acceptable to the Township. This evaluation shall be submitted as a report and made a part of the application for a preliminary plan. At a minimum, that report shall include one or more maps indicating boundaries and conditions of woodland areas accompanied by a report addressing the criteria in Subsection
B(3)(a) above.
In designing a subdivision and land development plan for any
tract, the applicant shall be guided by the following standards:
Healthy woodlands exceeding one acre shall be preserved and
designated as greenway areas to the maximum extent possible. Proposed
site improvements shall be located, designed and constructed to minimize
the loss or degradation of woodland areas.
Subdivisions shall be designed to preserve woodlands along roadways,
property lines and lines occurring within a site such as streams,
swales, stone fences and hedgerows. Such lines and the native vegetation
associated with them shall be preserved as buffers between adjacent
properties and between areas being subdivided within a property. Preservation
shall include ground, shrub, understory and canopy vegetation.
Disturbance or removal of woodlands occupying environmentally
sensitive areas shall be undertaken only when approved by the Board
of Supervisors and on a limited, selective basis to minimize the adverse
impacts of such actions. This shall include but not necessarily be
limited to, vegetation performing important soil stabilizing functions
on wet soils, stream banks and sloping lands.
No clearing or earth disturbance (except for soil analysis for
proposed sewage disposal systems) shall be permitted on a site before
the completion of subdivision and land development agreements. The
determination of sight distance clearances along roadways shall be
made graphically and not by clearing on-site prior to final plan approval.
(4) Upland rural agricultural areas. These areas comprise fields, pastures,
meadows, and former agricultural areas in early stages of woodlands
succession, with fences, stone walls, tree copses and hedgerows, typically
bordered by stream valleys and upland woodlands. These comprise the
Township's historic working landscape, dotted with historic houses,
barns and other structures. They give the municipality much of its
rural character. They also contain the greatest concentration of prime
agricultural soils. Because of their openness and high visibility,
development in these areas is likely to be most readily seen and disruptive
to the historic landscape. They sometimes provide habitat for wildlife,
in conjunction with nearby woodlands and stream valleys. However,
it is recognized that these areas also frequently offer the fewest
constraints for development.
Several elements of these working landscapes lend themselves
to incorporation into the municipality's greenway land network.
These include prime agricultural soils and natural features which
visually punctuate the landscape, such as hedgerows, tree copses,
stone walls, and visually prominent places such as knolls and hilltops.
These areas can also accommodate development, with preferred
locations being the nonprime agricultural soils and lower topographic
settings where development will be visually less obtrusive. Compact
clustered residential designs, with coordinated architectural and
landscape architectural themes, are encouraged in highly visible locations
where future development cannot be avoided (such as at the far edge
of open fields).
(5) Slopes. Moderately sloping lands (15% to 25%) and steeply sloping
lands (over 25%) are prone to severe erosion if disturbed. Erosion
and the resulting overland flow of soil sediments into streams, ponds
and public roads, are detrimental to water quality and aquatic life,
and a potential hazard to public safety.
Areas of steep slope shall be preserved in accordance with Article
V, Overlay District Regulations, of Chapter
350, Zoning, of the Code of the Township of Upper Mount Bethel, and as required below.
All grading and earthmoving on slopes exceeding 15% shall be
No site disturbance shall be allowed on slopes exceeding 25%
except grading for a portion of a driveway accessing a single-family
dwelling when it can be demonstrated that no other routing which avoids
slopes exceeding 25% is feasible.
On slopes of 15% to 25%, the only permitted grading beyond the
terms described above shall be in conjunction with the siting of a
single-family dwelling, its access driveway and the septic system
(which should typically be designed with a long, narrow drainage field
following the land contours).
Grading or earthmoving on all sloping lands of 15% or greater
shall not result in earth cuts or fills whose highest vertical dimension
exceeds six feet, except where in the judgment of the Board of Supervisors
no reasonable alternatives exist for construction of roads, drainage
structures and other public improvements, in which case such vertical
dimensions shall not exceed 12 feet. Roads and driveways shall follow
the line of existing topography to minimize the required cut and fill.
Finished slopes of all cuts and fills shall be as required to minimize
disturbance of natural grades.
(6) Significant natural areas and features. Natural areas containing rare or endangered plants and animals, as well as other features of natural significance, exist throughout the municipality. Some of these have been carefully documented, e.g., by the Statewide Natural Diversity Inventory, whereas for others, only their general locations are known. Subdivision applicants shall take all reasonable measures to protect significant natural areas and features either identified by the Township's Map of Potential Conservation Lands or by the applicant's existing resources and site analysis plan (as required in §
298-19E herein) by incorporating them into proposed greenway land areas or avoiding their disturbance in areas proposed for development.
(7) Historic structures and sites. The Township's documented historical
resources begin in the early 18th century and extend through its colonial
agricultural, residential and industrial development in the late 18th
and 19th centuries. Many of the Township's historic structures
and sites have been extensively researched and remain intact. The
Township's extensive historic records are maintained by its Historical
Commission/Advisory Council.
All subdivisions and land developments shall comply with Chapter
350, Zoning.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General
Provisions, Art. I)]
Plans requiring subdivision and land development approval shall
be designed to protect existing historic resources of all classes.
The protection of an existing historic resource shall include the
conservation of the landscape immediately associated with and significant
to that resource, to preserve its historic context. Where, in the
opinion of the Board of Supervisors, a plan will have an impact upon
an historic resource, the developer shall mitigate that impact to
the satisfaction of the Board of Supervisors by modifying the design,
relocating proposed lot lines, providing landscape buffers, or other
approved means.
Township participation, review and approval of the applicant's
interaction with the State Historical and Museum Commission with regard
to the preservation of historic resources, as required for PADEP approval
of proposed sewage disposal systems, shall be required prior to detailed
final plan approval.
(8) Historic rural road corridors and scenic viewsheds. The Township's
Comprehensive Recreation, Parks and Open Space Plan identifies a number
of historic rural roads in various parts of the municipality. All
applications for subdivision and land development shall attempt to
preserve the scenic visual corridors along such roads by incorporating
them into open space or greenway areas or otherwise providing for
building setbacks and architectural designs to minimize their intrusion.
In instances where such designs fail to satisfactorily protect corridors,
applicants will be required to provide naturalistic landscape buffers
to minimize their adverse visual impacts. The species specified for
such buffers shall be selected on the basis of an inventory of tree
and shrub species found in existing hedgerows and along wooded roadside
edges in the vicinity of the development proposal.
(9) Trails.
When a subdivision or land development proposal is traversed
by or abuts an existing trail customarily used by pedestrians and/or
equestrians, the Board of Supervisors may require the applicant to
make provisions for continued recreational use of the trail.
The applicant may alter the course of the trail within the tract
for which development is proposed under the following conditions:
The points at which the trail enters and exits the tract remain
The proposed alteration exhibits quality trail design according
to generally accepted principles of landscape architecture (for example,
Bureau of State Parks publication entitled "Non-Motorized Trails").
The proposed alteration does not coincide with a paved road
intended for use by motorized vehicles.
When trails are intended for public or private use, they shall
be protected by a permanent conservation easement on the properties
on which they are located. The width of the protected area in which
the trail is located should be a minimum of 10 feet. The language
of the conservation easement shall be to the satisfaction of the Board
upon recommendation of the Township Solicitor.
The land area permanently designated for trails for public use may be credited toward the greenway land requirement described in §
350-24I of Chapter
350, Zoning, of the Code of the Township of Upper Mount Bethel.
An applicant may propose and develop a new trail. If said trail is available for use by the general public and connects with an existing trail, the land area protected for said trail may be credited toward the open space requirement described in §
350-24I of Chapter
350, Zoning.
Trail improvements shall demonstrate adherence to principles
of quality trail design.
Trails shall have a vertical clearance of no less than 10 feet.
Width of the trail surface may vary depending upon type of use
to be accommodated, but in no case shall be less than three feet or
greater than six feet.
No trail shall be designed with the intent to accommodate motorized
C. Design
(1) Streets. All of the provisions of §
298-20B, Streets, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein, except with the following modifications, which modifications shall only be applicable to applications submitted under §
298-28, as follows:
(a) Section
298-20B(1) shall be deleted and replaced with the following: "The arrangement, type, extent, width and location of all streets shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan. Minor streets shall be designed for no more than a maximum speed of 25 mph."
(b) Section 298-28F shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
The pavement and shoulder widths when curbs are not installed
are as follows:
Street Type
Pavement Width
Shoulder Width
PennDOT standards
PennDOT standards
4 each side (PennDOT Type 3); no parking permitted
4 each side (PennDOT Type 3); no parking permitted
The pavement width between curbs when installed shall be as
Street Type
Pavement Width
PennDOT standards
28 (parking one side only)
26 (no parking)
28 (parking one side only)
36 (parking both sides)
24 (no parking)
(c) Section §
298-20B(10) shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
"To assure adequate site distance, center line radii for horizontal
curves shall be as follows (except where otherwise indicated):
Arterial street: minimum 350 feet.
Collector street: maximum 300 feet.
Minor street: maximum 150 feet."
(d) Section §
298-20B(15) shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "A tangent of at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial streets and collector streets. On collector streets where reverse curves are proposed, the maximum center-line radius shall be a minimum of 250 feet."
(e) Section §
298-20B(20)(a) shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "Cul-de-sac streets shall be permitted with a minimum length of 250 feet measured from the right-of-way of the near side of the intersecting street to the furthermost right-of-way of the cul-de-sac turnaround."
(f) Section §
298-20B(20)(e) shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "A cul-de-sac street shall serve a maximum of 25 dwelling units. Additional dwelling units are permitted, but an additional emergency access must be provided."
(g) An additional § 298-20B(20)(i) shall be added as follows:
"Center islands required. The center of culs-de-sac shall be free
of pavement for a minimum horizontal distance or radius of 25 feet
from the center of the cul-de-sac. The paving width in a cul-de-sac
may be wider at the rear than at the sides. The cul-de-sac center
island shall be planted with a mix of appropriate canopy shade trees,
grasses and other vegetation, and a landscaping plan shall be provided."
(h) An additional § 298-20B(20)(j) shall be added as follows: "In lieu of culs-de-sac, loop lanes
shall be permitted with a maximum length of 750 feet. Loop lanes shall
be designed as two parallel, one-way travel lanes, each 14 feet wide
within a 130-foot wide right-of-way separated by an approximate sixty-foot
width central planting strip or stormwater bioretention area. The
central area of the right-of-way shall be planted with a mix of appropriate
canopy shade trees, grasses and other vegetation, and a landscaping
plan shall be provided. The central area may also be used for stormwater
bioretention structures. The turning radius at the end of loop lanes
shall be the same as required for culs-de-sac. The grade of the roadways
of loop lanes shall be such that drainage is directed toward the central
areas, and curbs on the inside edges of the loop lanes shall not be
required. Further, in lieu of culs-de-sac serving up to six dwelling
units, a turning tee or wye may be utilized. The dimensions of turning
tees or wyes shall be 20 feet by 60 feet."
(i) Section §
298-20B(22)(a) shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "A loop road served by a single access shall not serve more than 24 lots."
(j) An additional § 298-20B(23)shall be added as follows: "Alleys. The applicant may propose alleys or service roads to serve the rear of the lots. Alleys shall be a maximum of 14 feet in width, with a sixteen-foot right-of-way, and shall be laid out for one-way travel. Alleys shall not be constructed with curb, and shall be designed with a two-inch invert in the cross section of the pavement to accommodate stormwater runoff. Unless otherwise specified, garages and fences should be set back from the right-of-way by five feet. Except as provided herein alleys shall be constructed as set forth in §
298-37D(2), Road construction standards, herein. Alleys shall not be considered for dedication to the Township."
(k) An additional § 298-20B(24), Street trees, shall be added
as follows:
The coordinated planting of deciduous shade trees within the
right-of-way of all streets is a central unifying feature of development.
Such trees shall be two inches to 2.5 inches in diameter, measured
at chest height, when planted, and shall be spaced at intervals no
greater than 40 feet along both sides of each street, including arterial
roads, but not including rear access lanes or alleys. Shade trees
shall generally be planted in planting strips (sometimes called "tree
lawns") at least five feet wide, located between the pavement or curb
and the continuous sidewalk or footpath system (which shall also be
required). To the greatest extent possible, utility easements and
corridors should be located in the pavement area, or outside of the
Selection criteria.
[a] Species shall be selected according to the following
[i] Cast moderate shade to dense shade in summer;
[ii] Long-lived (over 60 years);
[iii] Mature height of at least 50 feet;
[iv] Be tolerant of pollution and direct or reflected
[v] Require little maintenance, by being mechanically
strong (not brittle) and insect- and disease-resistant;
[vi] Be able to survive two years with no irrigation
after establishment; and
[vii] Be of native origin, provided they meet the above
[b] Among the species that are recommended in this
chapter are sycamore or London plane, sweet gum, red maple, green
ash, Shademaster golden locust, littleleaf linden and village green
zelkova. For further relevant in formation, readers are specifically
referred to Street Tree Factsheets, Henry Gershold, Editor, School
of Forest Resources, Pennsylvania State University, 1989.
(2) All of the provisions of §
298-20C, Blocks, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein,
(3) All of the provisions of §
298-20D, Lots, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein, except with the following modifications, which modifications shall only be applicable to applications submitted under §
298-28, as follows:
(a) Existing §
298-20D(1) shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "All lots shall abut on a street. Flag lots (also known as "flagpole lots") are permitted at the end of culs-de-sac, however, no more than one plus 10% of all the lots in a subdivision shall be flag lots.
(b) Existing §
298-20D(3) shall be amended by adding the following language at the end of the section, as follows: "In addition, a 300-foot buffer area shall be maintained between the rear building line and the edge of the arterial street right-of-way. As an alternative, the applicant may propose a parallel access street design."
(c) Existing §
298-20D(5) shall be amended by adding the following language at the end of the section, as follows: "Alternatively, the applicant may propose that absorption areas for individual on-lot sewage disposal be located outside of the lots, in areas reserved for common space."
(4) Easements. All of the provisions of §
298-20E, Easements, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein.
(5) Building setback lines, minimum yard and driveways. All of the provisions of §
298-20F, Building setback lines, minimum yard and driveways. shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein, except with the following modifications, which modifications shall only be applicable to applications submitted under §
298-28, as follows:
(a) Existing §
298-20F(1) shall be amended by adding the following language at the end of the section, as follows: "The requirements of §
350-24, Conservation Design and Overlay Districts (CD), of Chapter
350, Zoning, and Schedule CD 2 shall be applicable."
(b) Existing §
298-20F(2) shall be amended by adding the following § 298-20F(2)(i): "The driveway standards may be modified by the Township in order to achieve the purposes of the Conservation Design Overlay District."
(6) Natural features. All of the provisions of §
298-20G, Natural features, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein.
(7) Park, recreation and open spaces. All of the provisions of §
298-20H, Park, recreation and open spaces, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein.
(8) Floodplain areas. All of the provisions of §
298-20I, Floodplain areas, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein.
(9) Bus loading and unloading zones. All of the provisions of §
298-20J, Bus loading and unloading zones, shall be applicable to applications for development under §
298-28 as if they were set out in full herein.
(10) Other applicability. The provisions of §
298-20K, Other applicability, shall not be applicable to applications for development under §
(11) Refer to §
298-20L, Design process for residential subdivisions with open space or greenway lands.
(12) Refer to §
298-20M. Design process for open space or greenway lands.
(13) Refer to §
298-20N, Dedication of land set aside for public use.
(14) Refer to §
298-20O, Resource conservation standards for site preparation and cleanup.