The conduct of elections and the recount of ballots shall be in accordance with the provisions of Titles 21-A and 30-A, Maine Revised Statutes.
Nomination Petitions Required.
With the exception of the Budget Committee per Article 6.03(1), candidates for election to any elective office whose names appear on a written ballot must be nominated by petition.
Any qualified voter of the Town may be nominated for election by a petition signed by qualified voters of the Town.
Number Required. Not fewer than 25 nor more than 50 signatures of Camden residents are required.
Affidavit Required. The signatures to a nomination petition need not all be affixed to one paper, but to each separate paper of a petition there shall be attached an affidavit executed by its circulator stating the number of signers of the paper, that each signature on it was affixed in the circulator's presence and that certifies each signature to be the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be.
The signatures shall be executed in ink. Each signer shall indicate next to their signature the date of signing and the street address where the signer resides.
Filing and Acceptance of Nomination Petitions. Completed nomination papers, including all separate papers comprising the nomination petition, shall be assembled and filed with the Town Clerk during business hours. The Clerk shall make a record of the exact time when each petition is filed. No nomination petition shall be accepted unless accompanied by a signed acceptance of nomination.
Procedure After Filing Nomination Papers. Within five (5) days after the filing of a nomination petition, the Town Clerk shall notify the candidate and the person who filed the petition whether or not the petition satisfied the requirements prescribed by this Charter.
Insufficient Petition. If a petition is found insufficient, the Town Clerk shall return it immediately to the person who filed it with a statement certifying wherein it is found insufficient. Within the regular time for filing petitions, such a petition may be amended and filed again as a new petition, or a different petition may be filed for the same candidate.
Retention. The Town Clerk shall keep on file all petitions found sufficient at least until the expiration of the term for which the candidates are nominated in those petitions.
State Law Reference: Title 30-A MRS, § 2528.
Where two (2) or more candidates have been nominated for any office, the names of the candidates shall appear on the ballot in alphabetical order by last name. The name of each nominee or each candidate for nomination must appear on the ballot as follows: last name first followed by the first name and middle name or initial; last name first followed by the first name or the first initial and the middle name; or last name first followed by the first name. State Law Reference: Title 21-A MRS, § 601.
Number of Votes. Each voter shall be entitled to vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies to be filled.
Plurality. Election shall be determined by plurality vote. In case of a tie for any single one of the vacancies to be filled, a run-off election of those who tied shall be held within fourteen (14) days on one week's notice in a print and electronic media of general circulation in the Town and posted on the Town's website.
Publication. Copies of the full text of any ordinance or amendment to be enacted by ballot shall be made available in the Town office at least thirty (30) days before the election date and displayed on election day at the designated place of polling.
Title. An ordinance to be voted on by written ballot shall be presented for voting by ballot title. The ballot title of a measure may differ from its legal title but shall be a clear, concise statement describing the substance of the measure without argument or prejudice.
State Law Reference: Title 30-A MRS § 3001.
Summary. The Select Board may approve a brief summary, to be included on the Warrant and printed below the ballot question, which shall fairly and factually summarize the effect of the proposed Article, ordinance, or amendment.
The Select Board may provide for the use of mechanical, electronic or other devices for voting or counting the votes consistent with the law.
State Law Reference: Title 21-A MRS § 808 and 809.