[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Camden as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 3-9-1987]
This article shall be known and may be cited as an "Ordinance for the Regulation of Running Road Races." This article is codified to the General Police Powers of the Town of Camden.
The purpose of this article is to control the issuance of permits and the standards of operation for the conduct, sponsoring and management of running road races within the Town of Camden, and to assure that acceptable safety standards are observed and enforced in connection with such races.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any recreational or promotional event in which individuals, by invitation or otherwise, are permitted to utilize the public ways for running, competitively or otherwise, under the sponsorship of any individual, organization or other entity as defined herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, it is the intent of this article to include in the definition of "running road race" any event organized for the purpose of permitting or encouraging the public or individuals by invitation to participate in such a race, for any reason. This article shall also include within its purview any biathlon, triathlon, or similar multievent activity which includes a running road race.
The individual, organization, business or other entity organizing, promoting, advertising, or otherwise originating a running road race, for any purpose.
No running road race shall be conducted within the municipal limits of the Town of Camden, in whole or in part, until the sponsor of such running road race shall have obtained a permit with approval from the following: Camden Parks and Recreation Director, Camden Chief of Police, Camden Fire Chief and President of the Camden First Aid Association. If said approval is not obtained, an appeal to the Camden Select Board may be made.
Any running road race or like event within the meaning of this article shall comply with the following minimum safety and organizational standards, which standards shall be promulgated by the Town of Camden and made available to sponsors in connection with issuance of permits:
Any running road race, biathlon, triathlon or like event in which the running course exceeds five miles may be conducted only if, by arrangement of the sponsor and at the sole expense of the sponsor, an ambulance and customary ambulance personnel are present at or upon the site of the event during the event.
Any running road race, biathlon, triathlon or like event occurring between May 1 and October 1 shall have a starting time prior to or at 9:00 a.m. or at or after 6:00 p.m.
No running road race, biathlon, triathlon or like event shall be conducted unless Penobscot Bay Medical Center and Camden First Aid Association shall have been notified of such event, including the particulars of the event schedule, route, and related details, at least four weeks prior to the date of such event. Notwithstanding this requirement, a sponsor may arrange for availability of an ambulance and ambulance personnel with any ambulance service company.
Any running road race, biathlon, triathlon, or like event shall be conducted in full compliance with guidelines established by the American College of Sports Medicine or, alternatively, by such guidelines as may be specifically established and promulgated by the Town of Camden.
At the request of the municipal officials, the Town may require as a condition of the issuances of any municipal permit for a road race that the sponsor provide liability insurance in a form satisfactory to the municipal officers to protect the municipality from any claim resulting from the conduct of a road race within the boundaries of the Town roads or public ways in the Town of Camden.