[Amended 6-20-2007]
The purpose of this article is, within rural areas of Camden, to maintain the rural, natural, and scenic qualities of the Town and, within developing areas, to provide for flexibility in the design of open space residential development.
[Amended 6-20-2007]
Rural-1, Rural-2, and Coastal Residential Districts. The provisions of this article shall be mandatory for residential subdivisions with three or more lots, or for condominiums or cooperative ownership projects on one lot with three or more dwelling units that are located in the Rural-1, Rural-2, or Coastal Residential Districts. These provisions are not mandatory for lots within subdivisions that are located in other districts or for lots proposed as part of an affordable housing development.
[Amended 11-2-2021; 11-7-2023]
Village and Village Extension Districts. In Village and Village Extension Districts, the provisions of this article shall be optional.
Lots located in more than one zoning district. When a lot is located in two or more zoning districts and a majority of the lot falls within one of the mandatory open space zoning districts, then the lot shall meet the provisions of this article.
[Amended 6-20-2007]
Open space residential developments proposed under the terms of this article shall meet all requirements of this article, unless otherwise noted. The uses of the land shall not differ from the uses permitted in the district in which the development is located. "Buildable land" is all land except land within street rights-of-way, wetlands as defined in this chapter, 100-year floodplains, water bodies, or sustained slopes in excess of 20%. Modifications of space and bulk provisions shall not be construed as granting variances to relieve hardship.
Within the Rural-1 District:
The total number of dwelling units shall not exceed one unit per 60,000 square feet.
[Amended 11-2-2021]
Each lot within the subdivision shall contain a minimum of one acre of buildable land.
Lots and/or dwelling units shall be laid out so that, on average, they encompass (or, in the case of dwelling units not on individual lots, occupy) no more than two acres of buildable land per lot or dwelling unit, and so that at least 60% of the parcel remains as open space and not otherwise assigned to individual dwelling units or any other structures.
[Amended 11-2-2021]
Minimum road frontage shall be 75 feet. However, no individual lot or dwelling unit shall have its required frontage on a public road existing at the time of application for development or gain its access from such a road.
No building or structure shall be located within 25 feet of any property line.
Neither shore frontage nor setbacks from the normal high-water marks of water bodies shall be reduced below the minimum otherwise required in the district.
Dwelling units may be clustered within a single building or series of attached units. In these cases, the provisions of this Subsection A shall apply, with the following exceptions and additions:
[Amended 11-2-2021]
No building shall contain more than six dwelling units and no more than an average of four units per building for the development as a whole; and attached dwellings shall include no more than six dwelling units in any single series, and no more than an average of four per series for the development as a whole.
In addition to dwelling units, the project may also contain common ownership structures to support the development dwelling units, including but not limited to a common house or building, water and septic buildings, and land use support buildings such as barns and equipment storage.
Within the Rural-2 District:
The total number of dwelling units shall not exceed one unit per 60,000 square feet.
[Amended 11-2-2021]
Each lot within the subdivision shall contain a minimum of 30,000 square feet of buildable land.
Lots and/or dwelling units shall be laid out so that, on average, they encompass (or, in the case of dwelling units not on individual lots, occupy) no more than 1 1/2 acres of buildable land per lot or dwelling unit, and so that at least 50% of the parcel remains as open space and not otherwise assigned to individual dwelling units or any other structures.
[Amended 11-2-2021]
Minimum road frontage shall be 50 feet. However, no individual lot or dwelling unit shall have its required frontage on a public road existing at the time of application for development or gain its access from such a road.
No building or structure shall be located within 25 feet of any property line.
Neither shore frontage nor setbacks from the normal high-water marks of water bodies shall be reduced below the minimum otherwise required in the district.
Dwelling units may be clustered within a single building or series of attached units. In these cases, the provisions of this Subsection B shall apply, with the following exceptions and additions:
[Amended 11-2-2021]
No building shall contain more than six dwelling units and no more than an average of four units per building for the development as a whole; and attached dwellings shall include no more than six dwelling units in any single series, and no more than an average of four per series for the development as a whole.
In addition to dwelling units, the project may also contain common ownership structures to support the development dwelling units, including but not limited to a common house or building, water and septic buildings, and land use support buildings such as barns and equipment storage.
Within the Coastal Residential District:
The total number of dwelling units shall not exceed one unit per 30,000 square feet if the property is served by public sewerage, or one unit per 60,000 square feet if the property is served by one on-site wastewater disposal system.
Each lot within the subdivision shall contain a minimum of 10,000 square feet of land if served by public sewerage, or a minimum of 30,000 square feet of buildable land if the property is served by on-site wastewater disposal systems.
Lots and/or dwelling units shall be laid out so that, on average, they encompass (or, in the case of dwelling units not on individual lots, occupy) no more than 1 1/2 acres of buildable land per lot or dwelling unit, and so that at least 33% of the parcel remains as open space and not otherwise assigned to individual dwelling units or any other structures.
[Amended 11-2-2021]
Minimum road frontage shall be 50 feet. However, no individual lot or dwelling unit shall have its required frontage on a public road existing at the time of application for development or gain its access from such a road.
No building or structure shall be located within 25 feet of any property line.
Neither shore frontage nor setbacks from the normal high-water marks of water bodies shall be reduced below the minimum otherwise required in the district.
Dwelling units may be clustered in a single building or a series of single family attached units, in which case the provisions of this Subsection C shall apply, with the following exceptions and additions:
[Amended 11-2-2021]
Attached dwellings shall include no more than six dwelling units in any single series, and no more than an average of four per series for the development as a whole.
In addition to dwelling units, the project may also contain common ownership structures to support the development dwelling units, including but not limited to a common house or building, water and septic buildings, and land use support buildings such as barns and equipment storage.
Within the Village and Village Extension Districts, dwelling units may be clustered on individual lots, within a single building, or within a series of attached buildings.
If the open space residential development is of individual lots for single-family detached or two-family dwellings and lots and/or dwelling units are laid out so that, on average, at least 20% of the parcel remains as open space outside of the lots and not otherwise assigned to individual dwelling units and at least 20% of the open space is buildable land:
The total number of dwelling units shall not exceed one unit per 10,000 square feet, plus a 20% incentive bonus; however, no individual lot shall be less than 5,000 square feet (example: 200,000 square foot parcel = 20 lots plus 20% bonus = 24 total), provided that any lot not served by a public sewer or other approved community sewage collection and treatment system shall contain at least 20,000 square feet;
Each lot shall have at least 50 feet of frontage on an approved way, either existing or proposed;
Front yard setbacks shall not be reduced by more than 50%;
Side yard setbacks shall together contain a total of at least 20 feet;
Neither shore frontage nor setbacks from the normal high-water marks of water bodies shall be reduced below the minimum otherwise required in the district.
If the open space residential development is of individual lots for single-family detached or two-family dwellings and lots and/or dwelling units are to be laid out so that, on average, at least 10% of the parcel remains as open space outside of the lots and not otherwise assigned to individual dwelling units and at least 20% of the open space is buildable land:
The total number of dwelling units shall not exceed one unit per 10,000 square feet, plus a 10% incentive bonus; however, no individual lot shall be less than 5,000 square feet (example: 200,000 square foot parcel = 20 lots plus 10% bonus = 22 lots total), provided that any lot not served by a public sewer or other approved community sewage collection and disposal system shall contain at least 20,000 square feet;
Each lot shall have at least 63 feet of frontage on an approved way, either existing or proposed;
Front yard setbacks shall not be reduced by more than 25%;
Side yard setbacks shall together contain a total of at least 23 feet;
Neither shore frontage nor setbacks from the normal high-water marks of water bodies shall be reduced below the minimum otherwise required in the district.
If the development does not include creation of individual lots for single-family detached or two-family dwellings:
The parcel of land proposed for development shall contain a minimum gross lot area of 100,000 square feet; provided, however, that the minimum lot area per dwelling unit described in Subsection D(1)(a) above shall be met and the parcel shall have a minimum of 150 feet of frontage on an approved way, existing or proposed;
No building or structure shall be located within 25 feet of any property line;
The minimum distance between principal buildings on the same lot shall be equivalent to the height of the taller structure;
No structure shall contain more than six dwelling units and no more than an average of four dwelling units per structure for the development as a whole, and attached dwellings shall include no more than six dwelling units in any single series and no more than an average of four per series for the development as a whole;
Neither shore frontage not setbacks from the normal high-water marks of water bodies shall be reduced below the minimum otherwise required in the district.
In addition to other standards of this chapter and of Chapter 235, Subdivision of Land, individual building lots shall be laid out to achieve the following objectives (which are listed in order of priority, as it is recognized that some may conflict with others on a given site):
Within the Rural-1 and Rural-2 Districts:
Where on-site wastewater disposal is to be used, on suitable soils for subsurface wastewater disposal;
Below elevation 500 feet;
In a manner that maximizes as part of the required open space the amount of undisturbed, contiguous wildlife habitat;
[Amended 6-20-2007]
In a manner that maximizes as part of the required open space the amount of contiguous, usable area for agriculture or woodlot production;
Such that all buildings are located along the edges of open fields or within adjacent woodlands;
[Amended 6-20-2007]
In locations least likely to block or interrupt scenic vistas, as seen from the public roadway.
Within the Coastal Residential District:
Where on-site wastewater disposal is to be used, on suitable soils for subsurface wastewater disposal;
In a manner that preserves existing vegetation and other landscape features adjacent to public roadways;
In a manner that maximizes the amount of contiguous open space;
[Amended 6-20-2007]
In a manner that preserves existing scenic vistas as seen from public roadways;
In a manner that minimizes the length of roadways, public utility lines, and other infrastructure within the proposed development.
Within the Village and Village Extension Districts:
[Amended 6-20-2007]
Where on-site wastewater disposal is to be used, on suitable soils for subsurface wastewater disposal;
In a manner that minimizes the length of roadways, public utility lines, and other infrastructure within the proposed development;
In a manner that maximizes the amount of contiguous open space;
To provide planting, landscaping, fencing, and screening to buffer the development from, and integrate it with, the character of any surrounding development;
In locations where buildings will not interfere with the solar access of other properties.
The common open space created by the development shall be shown on the subdivision plan with the following notation on the face of the plan: "Common open space shall not be further divided or used for future building lots."
The common open space shall be accessible to the residents of the development, either by locating lots in a manner that they abut the common open space, or via a roadway, right-of-way, easements, or a combination of these mechanisms.
The common open space shall be used only for agriculture, woodlands, preserving the natural features of the site, or low-intensity recreation. Such uses shall not include rights-of-way (except easements for underground utilities), driveways, or parking areas, or tennis courts, swimming pools, or similar recreation development. Buildings related to allowed activities may be located in the common open space, provided that the footprints of such buildings shall not count toward the percentage of open space required by this article.
The formation and incorporation by the developer of a homeowners' association shall be accomplished prior to final subdivision approval. Covenants for mandatory membership in the association shall be approved by the Planning Board and included in the deed for each lot or unit or incorporated by reference from a master document recorded in the Knox County Registry of Deeds. The association's documents shall specify that:
The association shall have the responsibility of maintaining the common open spaces and other private facilities dedicated to the use in common by the development's residents.
The association shall levy annual charges against all property owners to defray the expenses, if any, connected with maintenance of the common open spaces and facilities.
The developer shall maintain control of common open spaces and facilities and be responsible for their maintenance until at least 51% of the development's lots or units have been completed and sold, with evidence of such completion and sales submitted to and approved by the Planning Board.