It is hereby affirmatively found that the city contains one or more manufacturing establishments within its corporate limits.
The city hereby changes to a type A general-law municipality.
A copy of the ordinance from which this section derives shall be entered upon the minutes of the city council, and a copy of the same, signed by the mayor and attested by the secretary under the corporate seal, shall be filed in the office of the county clerk.
(2002 Code, art. 1.300)
The official designation of the village is changed from “village” to “city,” and upon the effective date of this section the village shall be known as the “City of Bee Cave,” and the governing body, referred to as the “village council,” shall be known as the “city council.”
The change in designation from “village” to “city” shall not affect the municipality's corporate existence or powers.
The change in designation and title of the governing body from “village council” or “board of aldermen” to “city council” shall not affect the governing body's authority or current members or composition.
Further, staff shall be authorized to take all necessary steps to revise the name of “Village of Bee Cave” to “City of Bee Cave” on the municipal seal, all official and legal documents, and correspondence, and as may be necessary to effectuate such change.
Throughout the Code of Ordinances, wherever the term “village” appears it shall be replaced with the term “city,” wherever the term “alderman” appears it shall be replaced with the term “councilmember,” and wherever the term “board of aldermen” appears it shall be replaced with the term “council.”
Throughout the Code of Ordinances, wherever the term “village” appears as a title for administrative officials, staff, and departments, it shall be replaced with the term “city,” including but not limited to the words “village manager,” “village secretary,” “chief of police” or other village officers or departments, and shall be construed to mean the city manager, city secretary, chief of police or such other municipal officers or departments, respectively, of the city. Such change in designation and title of all administrative officials, staff and departments from the title of “village” to “city” shall not affect the authority of the current official or personnel or of the respective department.
Editor's note-The changes adopted by subsections (e) and (f) of this section have been made throughout the Code of Ordinances.
(Ordinance 06-11-14, secs. A-D, G, H, adopted 11/14/06)
Wherever in the Code of Ordinances the term “city administrator” may appear, the term “city manager” shall be substituted. Wherever in the Code of Ordinances a definition of “city administrator” shall appear, such definition shall be replaced with a definition of “city manager.” The term “city manager” shall be defined as “the city manager or his or her designee.”
Editor's note–The changes adopted by this section have been made throughout the Code of Ordinances.
(Ordinance 197, sec. 2B, adopted 4/8/14)