Regular meetings of the city council shall be held as prescribed herein and shall be no less frequent than one meeting each month. A special meeting is any meeting that is called on a date and/or time that is not the date and time of a regular meeting. A special meeting is authorized to be called by the city secretary upon the written request of the mayor or two (2) members of the city council.
Regular meetings of the city council shall be held at 6:00 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Subject to the requirements set in subsection (a), regular meetings of the council may be canceled by vote of the city council in the event that such meetings fall on a holiday, or in close proximity to a holiday, or when the holding of a regular meeting does not serve the public interest. All meetings shall be held at city hall or any other location as may be designated in the agenda posting and in conformance with any requirements of state law or the city's charter.
(Ordinance 384 adopted 8/14/18)
The city council shall have the power to inquire into the conduct of any office, department, agency, officer, or employee of the city and to make investigations as to municipal affairs, and for that purpose may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and compel the production of books, papers and other evidence.
Any person who shall be duly served with a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum issued as authorized in subsection (a) who shall fail or refuse to obey all of the terms and conditions of the subpoena or subpoena duces tecum shall be deemed guilty of a contempt against the authority of the city council and such contempt is hereby declared to be an ordinance violation; and, upon conviction therefor, such person shall be punished as provided in this section.
The municipal court of the city shall have the power to hear and determine alleged violations of this section, and upon the conviction of anyone thereunder shall punish all such guilty persons by a fine of not more than $500.00.
(Ordinance 188 adopted 1/28/14)
Except as provided below, councilmembers should keep all matters discussed in closed session confidential. Any councilmember who is found to have violated state law with regards to the conduct of closed sessions shall be deemed a violation of this code.
No waiver of the attorney-client privilege between the city council and its city attorney or designated attorney representing the city shall occur or be effective unless and until:
The issue of waiver of attorney-client privilege must first be a posted item on the city council agenda, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act;
The item must be fully voted upon by the council; and
Said waiver of attorney-client privilege shall only be effective if two-thirds (2/3) of the entire membership of the city council in such vote shall agree to waive the privilege. Should any court find this provision to be invalid, either on its face or as applied, a majority vote shall nonetheless be required.
In no case shall any action by an individual councilmember constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege for the city council. The only recognized waiver of attorney-client privilege by the city council is the process delineated in subsection (b). Any breach of the attorney-client privilege shall be deemed a violation of this code.
(Ordinance 493 adopted 9/27/2022)