The purpose of this article is to serve as a guideline for the process of changing the name of an existing street.
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
In this article:
Affected property owner.
Any owner who owns property that abuts the right-of-way proposed for renaming.
The person or persons, or entity, shown on the county ad valorem tax rolls who is responsible for payment of property taxes.
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
An application to change a street name may be filed with the city by:
Not less than 51 percent of the affected property owners; or
An officer or attorney representing a governmental subdivision, agency, or department.
An application must include all of the following:
The current official street name;
The proposed new street name;
The name, address and telephone number of the person or persons, or entity, requesting the change of street name and the name, address, and telephone number of a person authorized to represent the applicant(s) and to execute any necessary documents, if different from the applicant;
The name, address, and telephone number of each affected property owner whose property abuts the street proposed for the name change;
Proof that all affected property owners have been contacted for their signature and agreement to the proposed name change; contact may be made using the owner information and mailing address of record from the county real property ad valorem tax records;
A statement or petition containing the names, addresses and signatures from a minimum of 51% of the affected property owners evidencing their agreement to the street name change. The circulator or circulators of the statement or petition shall execute and submit with the statement or petition a sworn affidavit attesting that the signatures contained in the statement were obtained in the circulator’s presence and that the signatures are from affected property owners whose property abuts the street proposed for the name change. If multiple persons own a lot or parcel, this requirement is satisfied with the signature of at least one of the lot or parcel’s owners;
A description of the extent of the street to be renamed;
A statement certifying that the proposed new street name is compliant with the city’s street naming guidelines per section 30.05.004(b) and (c);
One or more reasons as described in section 16.05.005 (allowed reasons for street name change) for the street name change; and
Any applicable application fee.
For roadway segments contained entirely within the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), applicants may substitute a copy of their application to the county for requirements of subsections (b)(1)-(7) above; subsection (b)(9) is not required.
For roadway segments that span the ETJ and city limits, the application requirements of subsection (b) above must be met.
An applicant, other than the city, shall pay:
An application processing fee as set out in the city’s current fee schedule in appendix A; and
For street segments within the city limits, the estimated cost of the manufacture and installation of new street name signs, calculated under section 16.05.004 (fee for new street signs; refund).
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
The city manager shall determine the fee that is charged under section 16.05.003(e)(2) (application and fees) based on an average cost for a street sign calculated by the city at the beginning of each fiscal year multiplied by the number of signs within city limits that are necessary to implement the name change.
In setting the annual average cost for a sign, the city manager shall consider prevailing and projected market costs, prior bid costs, or both for the labor and material necessary to install a standard street sign.
If an application for a street name change is denied by the city council, the new street sign manufacture and installation fee shall be refunded to the applicant by the city.
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
The city may consider an application for a street name change if the name change is:
To establish continuity of a street name, including establishing new street names necessitated by roadway realignments or intersection reconfigurations;
To eliminate duplication of name spelling or phonetics;
To correct a misspelling;
To enhance ease of location;
For consistency with the street numbering system designation, including compass direction;
To provide a necessary roadway designation, including: “street,” “road,” “lane,” “circle,” “drive,” or “boulevard”; or
To enhance a neighborhood through the association of a street name with its location, area characteristics, and history.
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
The application shall be reviewed for completeness pursuant to section 16.05.003. If the application is incomplete, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the deficiencies. Correction must be made within 30 days of this notification or the application will expire.
Copies of complete applications shall be distributed for review and comment to:
The city’s engineer;
The applicable emergency service providers (including 911 addressing);
The county, if the street proposed for renaming is located within the ETJ; and
Any other department or entity the city may determine is appropriate.
The city’s engineer shall determine if the proposed name is composed of a non-English alphabet or number of letters that may require a nonstandard or outsized sign necessitating additional fees.
All reviewers must return written approval of the proposed street name change.
If the street name change is found to conflict with the city’s naming standards or those of the county or 911 addressing, as applicable, the application will be returned to the application for revision. Resubmittal must be made within 30 days of this notification of the application will be expire.
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
Except as provided in subsection (b), the owners of property abutting the street subject to the proposed name change shall be notified of the date and time of the city council meeting during which the name change will be considered. Notice under this section shall be made by mail not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days before the scheduled meeting.
Notice to owners and the placing of the item on a city council agenda will not occur unless and until the applicant has paid the fees and estimated costs established in section 16.05.003(e) (application and fees).
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
Following administrative review and owner notification, applications meeting the requirements of this article will be presented to city council for consideration.
Except as provided in subsection (2), city council may act on an application for a name change without a public hearing.
City council shall hold a public hearing before taking action on the application for a street name change if less than one hundred percent (100%) of the affected property owners provide agreement statements as described in section 16.05.003(b)(5). However, proposed name changes entirely with the ETJ pursuant to section 16.05.003(c) shall not require a public hearing if one has already been convened by the county commissioners court.
City council will review the request and the ordinance changing the street name and either approve or deny.
If denied, the case is closed without further action;
If approved, the street name change is final upon ordinance signature of the mayor and recordation with the city secretary. City staff shall implement the name change; for roadway segments within the city limits, staff will notify the city secretary when installation of the new street name signs is complete.
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)
The city secretary shall provide a copy of each recorded street name change ordinance and a copy of a sketch map that shows the affected street to:
Each governmental entity, city department, or other person that participated in the review and comment process;
The Travis County Tax Appraisal District (TCAD);
The applicable school district;
The United States Post Office; and
Any other person the city manager requests.
(Ordinance 405 adopted 4/23/19)