The words and phrases used in this section, unless the context otherwise indicates, shall have the following meanings:
Commercial establishment.
Includes any business operating as a commercial, retail or industrial business or activity, and shall include any multifamily establishment. The term does not include single-family residential uses.
Garbage or refuse.
All rubbish, paper, and other decayable and nondecayable waste, including, but not limited to, vegetable, animal, fish offal and animal and fish carcasses.
Any waste management, garbage and/or recycling hauler operating within the corporate limits of the city shall only collect garbage or refuse and recyclable material from commercial establishments between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, regardless of the method of collection.
Enforcement: penalty.
The city may authorize its attorney to initiate appropriate actions in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this section or to enjoin such violations which occur within the city or any area subject to all or part of the provisions of this section. Any person in violation of any provision of this section shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each day of violation under this section shall be a separate violation. Prosecution or conviction under this provision shall not be a bar to any other remedy or relief for violations of this section.
(Ordinance 07-03-13-A, sec. 2, adopted 3/13/07)