Composition; terms; vacancies; compensation.
There is hereby created a convention and tourism advisory board to be composed of sixteen (16) members who are resident citizens and qualified voters of the city. The members of the convention and tourism advisory board shall be appointed by the city council from the following occupational specialties or agencies as well as from the community at large:
Chamber of commerce; and
Lamar University.
The term of the office of each member of the convention and tourism advisory board shall be for two (2) years, expiring on September 30 of odd-numbered years or until a successor is appointed. Vacancies shall be filled by the city council for the unexpired term.
Duties; officers; bylaws.
The duties of the convention and tourism advisory board shall be advisory in nature to the city council and the city manager. It shall participate with the director of the CVB department or his or her designee, in developing convention and tourism goals and objectives, in devising marketing strategies for accomplishment of those goals and objectives, and in monitoring the results of implementation of those strategies. It shall participate in the formulation of the annual budget for convention and tourism activities. The city council shall select from the membership of the board a chairman, and vice-chairman and such other officers as may be deemed appropriate.
(Ordinance 86-75, sec. 1, adopted 7/29/86; Ordinance 86-94, sec. 1, adopted 9/9/86; Ordinance 90-61, sec. 1, adopted 10/9/90; 1978 Code, sec. 20-34; Ordinance 15-049, sec. 7, adopted 11/10/15)