In this article:
Digital network
means any online-enabled application, software, website, or system offered or used by a transportation network company that enables a prearranged ride with a transportation network company driver.
Operating permit
means the permission granted by the city to operate a TNC inside the city for a period of one year, renewable under the provisions of this chapter. The permit term shall automatically renew for additional terms of one (1) year upon payment of fees, unless a party sends written notice of termination to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the then current term.
Prearranged ride
means transportation provided by a transportation network company driver to a transportation network company rider or passenger, beginning at the time a driver accepts a ride requested by a rider or passenger through a digital network controlled by a transportation network company and ending at the time the last requesting rider departs from the driver’s personal vehicle. The term does not include:
A shared expense carpool or vanpool arrangement or service; or
Transportation provided using a taxicab, limousine, or similar for-hire vehicle.
Transportation network company (TNC)
means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity operating in this state that uses a digital network to connect a transportation network company rider to a transportation network company driver for a prearranged ride. The term does not include an entity arranging non-emergency medical transportation under a contract with the state or a managed care organization for individuals qualifying for Medicaid or Medicare.
Transportation network company (TNC) driver
shall mean an individual who operates a motor vehicle that is:
Owned, leased or otherwise authorized for use by the individual;
Not a taxicab; and
Used to provide transportation network company services.
Transportation network company (TNC) rider/passenger
means an individual who uses a transportation network company’s digital network to connect with a transportation network company driver who provides a prearranged ride to the individual in the driver’s personal vehicle between points chosen by the individual.
Transportation network company (TNC) services
shall mean transportation of a passenger between points chosen by the passenger and prearranged with a TNC driver through the use of a TNC digital network or software application. TNC services shall begin when a TNC driver accepts a request for transportation received through the TNC’s digital network or software application, continues while the TNC driver transports the passenger in the TNC driver’s vehicle, and ends when the passenger exits the TNC driver’s vehicle. TNC service is not a taxicab or street hail service.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
A TNC or TNC driver may charge a fare for the services provided to passengers; provided that, if a fare is charged, the TNC shall disclose to passengers the fare calculation method on its website or within the software application service. The TNC shall also provide passengers with the option to receive an estimated fare before the passenger enters the TNC driver’s vehicle.
If a TNC utilizes dynamic pricing through its software application to incentivize drivers in an effort to maximize the supply of available vehicles on the network to match the demand for rides and increase reliability, the software application must:
Provide clear and visible indication that dynamic pricing is in effect prior to requesting a ride;
Include a feature that requires riders to confirm that they understand that dynamic pricing will be applied in order for the ride request to be completed;
Provide a fare estimator that enables the user to estimate the cost under dynamic pricing prior to requesting the ride; and [sic]
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
The TNC must maintain an agent for service of process in the state.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
Before a TNC ride is accepted, the TNC’s software application or website shall display the driver’s first name, an accurate picture of the TNC driver, a picture or description of the vehicle, and the license plate number of the motor vehicle utilized for providing the TNC service.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
Within a reasonable period of time following the completion of a trip, a TNC shall transmit an electronic receipt to the passenger that lists:
The origin and destination of the trip;
The total time and distance of the trip; and
An itemization of the total fare paid, if any.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
The TNC shall implement a zero tolerance policy on the use of drugs or alcohol while a TNC driver is providing TNC services or is logged into the TNC’s digital network but is not providing TNC services, and shall provide notice of this policy on its website, as well as procedures to report a complaint about a driver with whom a passenger was matched and whom the passenger reasonably suspects was under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the course of the trip.
Upon receipt of such passenger complaint alleging a violation of the zero tolerance policy, the TNC shall immediately suspend such TNC driver’s access to the TNC’s digital platform, and shall conduct an investigation into the reported incident. The suspension shall last the duration of the investigation.
The TNC shall maintain records relevant to the enforcement of this requirement for a period of at least two years from the date that a passenger complaint is received by the TNC.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
A TNC driver shall exclusively accept rides booked through a TNC’s digital network or software application service and shall not solicit or accept street hails.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
The TNC shall adopt a policy prohibiting solicitation or acceptance of cash payments from passengers and notify TNC drivers of such policy. TNC drivers shall not solicit or accept cash payments from passengers. Any payment for TNC services shall be made only electronically using the TNC’s digital network or software application.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
The TNC shall adopt a policy of non-discrimination on the basis of destination, race, color, national origin, religious belief or affiliation, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity with respect to passengers and potential passengers and notify TNC drivers of such policy.
TNC drivers shall comply with all applicable laws regarding non-discrimination against passengers or potential passengers on the basis of destination, race, color, national origin, religious belief or affiliation, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
TNC drivers shall comply with all applicable laws relating to accommodation of service animals.
A TNC shall not impose additional charges for providing services to persons with physical disabilities because of those disabilities.
A TNC shall provide passengers an opportunity to indicate whether they require a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. If a TNC cannot arrange wheelchair-accessible TNC service in any instance, it shall direct the passenger to an alternate provider of wheelchair-accessible service, if available.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
A TNC shall maintain:
Individual trip records which must include driver and passenger identity information for at least one year from the date each trip was provided; and
TNC driver records at least until the one-year anniversary of the date on which a TNC driver’s activation on the TNC digital network has ended.
Within seven (7) business days of the receipt of a duly issued subpoena, court order or warrant relating to investigation of a criminal matter, or within a longer period of time if agreed to by the parties, the TNC shall furnish the requested records to the chief of police. For any noncriminal investigations conducted by the chief of police in his administrative capacity, a TNC will conduct an internal investigation and shall within ten (10) business days or within a longer period of time if agreed to by the parties furnish records in response to a written request related to the underlying complaint, in accordance with its publicly posted privacy policies.
Any record or information made available by a TNC to the city pursuant to this article may be confidential and proprietary. If the city is required to disclose such confidential information under court order or other applicable law, the city shall promptly notify the TNC of such requirement, prior to disclosure in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act or other applicable law.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)
A TNC shall not disclose a passenger’s personal identity information to a third party unless: the passenger consents, disclosure is required by a legal obligation, or disclosure is required to protect or defend the terms of use of the service or to investigate violations of those terms. In addition to the foregoing, a TNC shall be permitted to share a passenger’s name and/or anonymized telephone number with the TNC driver providing TNC services to such passenger in order to facilitate correct identification of the passenger by the TNC driver, or to facilitate communication between the passenger and the TNC driver.
(Ordinance 16-001, sec. 2, adopted 1/12/16)