It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate, or cause to be driven or operated, any taxicab upon or over any street in the city, unless and until a permit therefor has been issued by the city.
No permit certificate shall be issued by the city until the owner or person in charge or control of such taxicab shall make application in writing to the city for such permit, on blanks to be furnished by the chief of police, stating in such application the name of the owner, or person by whom such permit is desired, his street address, the type of motor vehicle to be used as a taxicab, the cubic inch displacement of the engine, the VIN number and license plate number thereof, the seating capacity, according to its trade rating, the owner thereof, and such other relevant information as may be deemed advisable and necessary by the city.
Such application shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant.
If the applicant for a permit is a corporation, such application shall be made by some duly authorized officer of the corporation, and shall state whether it is a foreign or domestic corporation, its address and place of business, its officers and their addresses, its correct corporate name and a “certificate of good standing” issued by the state agency which issued the corporation charter; if the applicant for a permit is a partnership or association, such application shall be made by some duly authorized officer or agent of the partnership or association, and shall give the trade name, or partnership name or association name of the partnership or association, together with the names and addresses of the partners.
(Ordinance 99-77, sec. 1, adopted 10/5/99; 1978 Code, sec. 29-41)
If the chief of police finds from investigation or hearing that such application shall be denied, the chief of police shall immediately give notice to the applicant of such action.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any taxicab to operate the same where a permit has not been issued therefor under the provisions of this article, and a violation of this section shall be sufficient reason to revoke the permit of such owner or operator with respect to any other taxicab. After the application to operate a taxicab or taxicabs upon or over the streets of the city has been granted, in accordance with this article, it shall be the duty of the chief of police to issue a permit therefor to such applicant.
All permits issued hereunder shall commence January 1 of each year and expire December 31 of such year. The annual company license permit fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00). The annual fee for each permitted vehicle shall be $75.00.
The permits issued under this article shall be deemed personal to the holder thereof and shall not be transferable or assignable.
(Ordinance 99-77, sec. 1, adopted 10/5/99; Ordinance 05-073, sec. 3, adopted 9/20/05; 1978 Code, sec. 29-42)
The permit holder shall be required to install and adequately maintain a system of bookkeeping which is subject to the approval of the finance officer of the city, which books shall be subject to inspection of such person as the city manager may designate, to verify the accuracy of amounts that may be due the city. Any neglect, omission or refusal by the permit holder to do so shall act as a forfeiture of such permit.
(Ordinance 99-77, sec. 1, adopted 10/5/99; Ordinance 05-073, sec. 4, adopted 9/20/05; 1978 Code, sec. 29-44)
Every permit held under the provisions of this article by the owner or operator of a taxicab may be canceled, unless taxicabs are operated thereunder in accordance with the provisions of this article on at least twenty (20) days out of each calendar month.
(Ordinance 99-77, sec. 1, adopted 10/5/99; 1978 Code, sec. 29-45)