[Adopted as Art. III, §§ 6 and 8, of the General Bylaws]
All special committees created by act of the Town Meeting shall, unless the Town by vote shall otherwise determine, be deemed to be dissolved as of the date of the adjournment of the Annual Town Meeting next following their creation or extension. All special committees in existence at the time of passage of this article shall be deemed to be in existence until the adjournment of the Annual Town Meeting of 1962.
If any appointed committee member is absent from five consecutive regularly scheduled meetings of his committee, except in the case of illness, their position shall be deemed vacant and shall be filled by vote of said committee, attested copy of which shall be sent by the Secretary of said committee to the Town Clerk and to the appointing authority. The term of office of any person so chosen to fill a vacancy shall expire at the final adjournment of the next succeeding Annual Town Meeting and the pertinent appointing authority shall thereupon appoint their successor to complete the unexpired term of the member in whose office such vacancy originally occurred. This bylaw shall apply only to those committees whose formation is not specifically covered by the General Laws of the Commonwealth or by other existing bylaws of the Town.