In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where articles and sections of the General Bylaws have been included in the 2023 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Article/Title From General Bylaws
Location in 2023 Code
General Bylaws
Article I, Town Meetings
Ch. 68, Art. I
Article II, Government of Town Meeting
Ch. 68, Art. II
Article III, Town Affairs
§ 1
Ch. 25, Art. I
§ 2
Ch. 61
§ 3
Ch. 61
§ 4
Ch. 61
§ 5
Ch. 25, Art. I
§ 6
Ch. 5, Art. I
§ 7
Ch. 25, Art. I
§ 8
Ch. 5, Art. I
§ 9
Ch. 52, Art. I
§ 10
Not passed by 2013 ATM
§ 11
Ch. 68, Art. III
Article IV, Finance Committee
Ch. 5, Art. II
Article V, Public Safety
§ 1
Ch. 105, Art. II
§ 2
Ch. 256, Art. I
§ 3
Ch. 117, Art. II
§ 4
Ch. 117, Art. I
§ 5
Ch. 117, Art. I
§ 6
Ch. 117, Art. I
§ 7
Ch. 137
§ 8
Ch. 179
§ 9
Ch. 179
§ 10
Ch. 237
§ 11
Ch. 237
§ 12
Ch. 237
§ 13
Deleted 1980 ATM, Art. 22
§ 14
Ch. 204
§ 15
Ch. 270, Art. I
§ 16
Ch. 270, Art. II
§ 17
Ch. 160
§ 18
Ch. 160
§ 19
Ch. 256, Art. II
§ 20
Ch. 113
§ 21
Ch. 105, Art. I
§ 22
Ch. 175, Art. I
§ 23
Ch. 175, Art. I
§ 24
Ch. 175, Art. I
§ 25
Ch. 175, Art. II
§ 26
Ch. 170, Art. I
§ 27
Ch. 270, Art. III
§ 28
Ch. 129, Art. I
§ 29
Ch. 221
§ 30
Ch. 256, Art. III
§ 31
Ch. 279, Art. I
§ 32
Ch. 124
§ 33
Ch. 160
Article V(A), Removal of Earth
Ch. 151
Article V(B), Rules & Regulations for Burglar Alarms
Ch. 109, Art. I
Article V(C), Smoking Prohibition
Repealed 5-7-2018 ATM by Art. 18
Article V(D), Fire Alarm Systems
Ch. 109, Art. II
Article V(E), Underground Storage Tanks
Ch. 243
Article V(F), Stormwater Management
Ch. 252
Article VI, Enforcement
§ 1
Ch. 129, Art. II
§ 2
Ch. 1, Art. I
§ 3
Ch. 1, Art. II
Article VII, Legal Affairs
Ch. 43
Article VII(A), Equal Employment Opportunity
Ch. 20
Article VII(B), Temporary Repairs on Private Ways
Ch. 256, Art. IV
Article VIII, Planning Board
Repealed 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2
Article VIII(A), Board of Appeals for Subdivisions
Deleted 1968 ATM by Art. 20
Article VIII(B), Scenic Roads
Ch. 232
Article IX, Zoning Bylaw
Ch. 295
Article X, Amendments
Ch. 1, Art. III
Article XI, Personnel Administration Plan
Deleted 1997 ATM by Art. 34
Article XI(A), Council on Aging
Ch. 5, Art. III
Article XII, Town Property
Ch. 72
Article XIII, Plumbing Bylaw
Superseded by the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code
Article XIV, Perpetual Care of Burial Places
Ch. 133
Article XV, Building Code
Ch. 129, Art. III
Article XVI, Town Seal
Ch. 76
Article XVII, Fees
§ 1
Ch. 170, Art. II
§ 2
Ch. 170, Art. III
§ 3
Ch. 170, Art. IV
Article XVIII, Licenses & Permits Subject to Unpaid Taxes & Fees
Ch. 199, Art. I
Article XIX, Appoint Tree Warden
Ch. 52, Art. II
Article XX, Prohibition & Regulation of Overhead Utilities
Ch. 265, Art. I
Article XXI, Highway Surveyor
Repealed 1997 ATM by Art. 33
Article XXII, Wetlands Administration
Ch. 283
Article XXIII, Water Resource Protection Committee
Repealed 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2
Article XXIV, Upper Hop Brook Protection
Ch. 216, Art. I
Article XXV, Capital Planning
Ch. 11
Article XXVI, Public Way Access Permit
Ch. 256, Art. V
Article XXVII, In-Ground Irrigation Systems
Ch. 279, Art. II
Article XXVIII, Demolition Delay of Historically Significant Buildings, Structures or Sites
Ch. 145
Article XXIX, Community Preservation Committee
Ch. 5, Art. IV
Article XXX, Removal of Double Utility Poles
Ch. 265, Art. I
Article XXXI, Farming Preservation Bylaw
Ch. 166
Article XXXII, Illicit Discharge and Connection
Ch. 248, Art. I
Article XXXIII, Revolving Funds
Ch. 25, Art. II
Article XXXIV, Plastic Bag Ban
Ch. 156, Art. I
Article XXXV, Regulation of Sale and Use of Bottled Water
Ch. 156, Art. II
Article XXXVI, Polystyrene Reduction
Ch. 156, Art. III
Article XXXVII, Disposable Plastic Pollution Reduction
Ch. 156, Art. IV