[Adopted as Art. X of the General Bylaws]
These bylaws may be amended at any Annual or Special Town Meeting.
These bylaws shall supersede all previous bylaws.
[Amended 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2]
The Select Board, upon the submission to them it for insertion in the warrant for any Annual or Special Town Meeting of all articles relating to the adoption of any bylaw or amendment to any bylaw, shall refer such articles to the Town Counsel, who shall submit, in writing, to the Town Meeting at which action is to be taken their opinion as to the legality thereof, together with a statement containing such information as they shall deem will be of assistance to the voters in passing thereon. Each voter, board, committee and commission submitting such articles shall cooperate with the Town Counsel by furnishing all information which they may have on the subject matter of the proposed bylaw or amendment to a bylaw.