[Adopted as Art. IV of the General Bylaws]
There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of nine legal voters of the Town, who shall be appointed by the Moderator as hereinafter provided. No elective or appointive Town officer or Town employee shall be eligible to serve on said committee.
The Moderator shall, at the Annual Town Meeting, appoint sufficient members to the Finance Committee for such terms of office as will result in a total membership of nine, with the terms of three of the total membership expiring each year. The terms of office of said members shall commence immediately upon qualification and shall expire at the close of final adjournment of the Annual Town Meeting at which their successors are appointed. Said committee shall choose its own officers and shall serve without pay. Said committee shall cause to be kept a true record of its proceedings.
The said Committee shall fill any vacancy which may occur in its membership, by vote, attested copy of which shall be sent by the Secretary to the Town Clerk. If any member is absent from five consecutive meetings of said committee, except in case of illness, their position shall be deemed to be vacant and shall be filled as herein provided. The term of office of any person so chosen to fill a vacancy shall expire at the final adjournment of the next succeeding Annual Town Meeting, and the Moderator thereof shall appoint their successor to complete the unexpired term of the member in whose office such vacancy originally occurred.
It shall be the duty of this Committee to consider all articles of any Town Meeting Warrant which have any direct or indirect financial impact on the Town and to report its recommendations, in writing, to the Select Board. The Committee may also make recommendations on those articles which do not have financial impact on the Town as it chooses, and such recommendations shall likewise be reported to the Select Board. The Select Board shall cause the report for the annual meeting to be printed in the Town Report and the Finance Committee's reason for approval or disapproval printed directly beneath the article considered in the Town Warrant.
[Amended 4-6-2010 ATM by Art. 6]
Each Town department shall annually submit to the Finance Committee, not later than January 31, an estimate of its requirements for the ensuing year, and the Select Board shall report all other requests for appropriations on or before February 5.
The Finance Committee shall, not later than March 31, submit to the Select Board its written report with its recommendations, including the amounts requested by those originating the above estimates. The Select Board shall cause the Finance Committee's budget submittal, including requested amounts, recommendations and the Finance Committee's report of reasons for differences, to be printed in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.
For Special Town Meeting, the Select Board shall immediately furnish the Finance Committee with a copy of the Warrant. The Finance Committee shall hold such hearings as may in its judgment be required, and report in writing to the Select Board at the meeting.