[Adopted as Art. XI(A) of the General Bylaws]
The Select Board shall appoint a Council on Aging to consist of nine residents of the Town. Appointments shall be for terms of three years. The Select Board shall annually appoint three members. No fewer than two of the members shall be over 65 years of age. Members may serve no more than two consecutive terms. However, upon the expiration of one year after completion of a second consecutive term, a former member shall be eligible for reappointment.
The duties of said Council on Aging shall be to:
Identify the total needs of the community's older adult population.
Educate the community and enlist the support and participation of all citizens concerning these needs.
Design, promote or implement services to fill these needs or coordinate present existing services in the community.
Promote and support any other programs which are designed to assist the older adults in the community.
[Amended 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2]
The Council on Aging shall cooperate with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs and shall be cognizant of all state and federal legislation concerning funding, information exchange and program planning which exists for better community programming for older adults.
[Amended 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2]
The Council on Aging shall give an annual report, in writing, to the Select Board with a copy of that report directed to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.
[Added 10-23-2023 STM by Art. 2]
The names, addresses, telephone numbers, or other identifying information about older adults in the possession of the Council shall not be public records, but the use of these records shall comply with MGL c. 19A, § 14 et seq., as a condition of receiving a government contract, program grant or other benefit, or as otherwise required by law.