For the purpose of this chapter, the City of Oak Creek is hereby divided into 19 basic use districts and six overlay districts as follows:
A-1 Limited Agricultural District
ER Equestrian Residential District
Rs-1 Single-family Residential District
Rs-2 Single-family Residential District
Rs-3 Single-family Residential District
Rs-4 Single-family Residential District
Rs-5 Mobile Home Park District
Rd-1 Two-family Residential District
Rm-1 Multi-family Residential District
DTS Drexel Town Square Mixed-Use Planned Development District
B-2 Community Business District
B-3 Office and Professional Business District
B-4 General Business District
B-6 Interchange Regional Retail District
Lm-1 Light Manufacturing District
M-1 Manufacturing District
I-1 Institutional District
P-1 Park District
C-1 Shoreland Wetland Conservancy
FW Floodway District
FF Floodfringe District
GFP General Floodplain District
PUD Planned Unit Development Overlay District
Boundaries of these districts are established as a result of the adoption of this chapter as shown on the maps entitled "Zoning Map – City of Oak Creek, Wisconsin," dated March 23, 2022, and on the City of Oak Creek large-scale quarter-section zoning maps, which maps accompany and are made a part of this chapter along with all. This chapter hereby incorporates any future changes or any later zoning maps that may be adopted by ordinance of the City Council.
The district boundaries in all districts shall be construed to follow corporate limits; U.S. Public Land Survey lines; lot or property lines; center lines of streets, highways, alleys, easements, and railroad rights-of-way or such lines extended.
Vacation of public streets and alleys shall cause the vacated land to be automatically placed in the same district as the abutting property to which the vacated land reverts.
A certified copy of the Zoning Map shall be adopted and approved with the text as part of this chapter and shall bear upon its face the attestation of the Mayor and the City Clerk and shall be available to the public in the office of the City Clerk. Amendments to the general zoning districts, shall not become effective until entered and attested on the certified copy.
A-1 Limited Agricultural District. The A-1 Limited Agricultural District is intended to provide for the continuation of general farming and related uses. It is further the intent of this district to protect land from urban development until their orderly transition into urban-oriented districts.
ER Equestrian Residential District. The ER Equestrian Residential District is intended to provide for large residential lots with limited animal husbandry uses accessory to residential uses. Residential development in the ER District is permitted at densities not to exceed 0.3 dwelling units per net acre.
Rs-1 Single-Family Residential District. The Rs-1 Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development at densities not to exceed 2.0 dwelling units per net acre.
Rs-2 Single-Family Residential District. The Rs-2 Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development at densities not to exceed 2.9 dwelling units per net acre.
Rs-3 Single-Family Residential District. The Rs-3 Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development at densities not to exceed 4.4 dwelling units per net acre.
Rs-4 Single-Family Residential District. The Rs-4 Residential District is intended to provide for single-family residential development at densities not to exceed 5.4 dwelling units per net acre.
Rs-5 Mobile Home Park District. The Rs-5 Residential District is intended to provide for the location of mobile home parks in a residential setting that is compatible with adjacent land uses.
Rd-1 Two-Family Residential District. The Rd-1 Residential District is intended to provide for two-family residential development at densities not exceeding 5.8 dwelling units per net acre.
Rm-1 Multi-Family Residential District. The Rm-1 Residential District is intended to provide for multifamily residential development at densities not exceeding 14.5 dwelling units per net acre.
DTS Drexel Town Square Mixed-Use Planned Development District. The purpose of the Drexel Town Square Mixed-Use Planned Development District is to provide for a hybrid town center which integrates residential, commercial, civic, and park uses. The general development plan for the Drexel Town Square Mixed-Use Planned Development District establishes recommendations and for uses, infrastructure design, parking design, sustainability, building design guidelines, lot area and width, building height and area, setbacks and yards, and design standards.
B-2 Community Business District. The B-2 Community Business District is intended to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping at appropriate locations of businesses offering a range of retail products and services primarily serving adjacent residential neighborhoods. The character, appearance, and operation of any business in the district should be compatible with the surrounding area.
B-3 Office and Professional Business District. The B-3 Office and Professional Business District is intended to provide for individual or groups of buildings limited to office, professional, and special service uses where the character, appearance, and operation of the use would be compatible with the surrounding area.
B-4 General Business District. The B-4 General Business District is intended to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping at appropriate locations along federal, state, and county highway routes of those businesses and services which are logically related to and dependent upon highway traffic or which are specifically designed to serve the need of such traffic.
B-6 Interchange Regional Retail District. The B-6 Interchange Regional Retail District is intended to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping of high-intensity, destination retail, commercial and mixed uses along the federal interstate highway system.
Lm-1 Light Manufacturing District. The Lm-1 Light Manufacturing District is intended to provide for a mix of low-impact (of a limited nature and size) manufacturing, industrial, wholesaling, limited warehousing, research and development, engineering and testing, and related service facilities and uses which occur within enclosed buildings, and which will not have an adverse effect upon the district in which the use is located.
M-1 Manufacturing District. The M-1 Manufacturing District is intended to provide for manufacturing, industrial, and related uses of a limited nature and size which, on the basis of actual physical and operational characteristics, would not be detrimental to the surrounding area or to the City as a whole by reason of smoke, noise, dust, odor, traffic, physical appearance, or other similar factors.
I-1 Institutional District. The I-1 Institutional District is intended to provide for areas which are under public, public-related or private ownership and where the use for public purpose is anticipated to be permanent. Uses permitted shall generally serve the public benefit.
P-1 Park District. The P-1 Park District is intended to provide for areas where the open space and recreational needs, both public and private, of the citizens of the City of Oak Creek can be met without undue disturbance of natural resources and adjacent uses.
C-1 Shoreland Wetland Conservancy District. The C-1 Shoreland Wetland Conservancy District is intended to preserve, protect, and enhance the ponds, streams, and wetland areas of the City of Oak Creek. The preservation, protection, and enhancement of these areas will serve to maintain safe and healthful conditions; maintain and improve water quality, both ground and surface; prevent flood damage; control storm water runoff; protect stream banks from erosion; protect groundwater recharge and discharge areas; protect wildlife habitat; protect native and endangered plant communities; avoid the location of structures on soils which are generally not suitable for use; and protect the water-based recreation resources of the City.
FW Floodway District. The FW Floodway District is the channel of a river or stream and those portions of the floodplain adjoining the channel required to carry the regional floodwaters, within AE Zones as shown on the FIRM, or within A Zones shown on the FIRM when determined according to Wis. Stats. § 17.0309(e).
PUD Planned Unit Development Overlay District. The Planned Unit Development Overlay District is established to identify those parcels in the City of Oak Creek which are regulated by an approved planned unit development in accordance with Article VII of this chapter.
FF Floodfringe District. The FF Floodfringe District is that portion of a riverine special flood hazard area outside the floodway within AE Zones on the FIRM, or, when floodway limits have been determined according to Wis. Stats. § 17.0309(e), within A Zones shown on the FIRM.
GFP General Floodplain District. The GFP General Floodplain District includes those riverine areas that may be covered by floodwater during the regional flood in which a floodway boundary has not been delineated on the FIRM and also includes shallow flooding areas identified as AH and AO Zones on the FIRM.