No. 621
WHEREAS, the city council has determined it in the best interest of the City of Katy to avail itself of zoning powers granted by the laws of the State of Texas, and
WHEREAS, a duly appointed Zoning Commission has reported its findings and recommendations to the city council, and
WHEREAS, the city council has debated such findings and recommendations and conducted public hearings to allow the citizens of Katy an opportunity to express themselves on the subject,
The purpose of this ordinance is to zone the entire area of the City of Katy and the districts in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the general public. The regulations and districts herein established have been designed to lessen congestion in the streets; to provide safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air, to prevent the overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population, to provide and facilitate adequate provisions for transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks and other public requirements. Said districts have been established with reasonable consideration of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses, and with the view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community.
For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and terms as used herein are defined as follows:
Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural, and vice versa; the word "building" includes the word "structure"; the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory; the term "used for" includes the meaning "designed for" or "intended for."
Accessory building or use. A subordinate building having a use customarily incident to and located on the lot occupied by the main building; or a use customarily incident to the main use of the property.
Alley. A minor way which is used primarily for vehicular access to the back or side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
Apartment. A suite of rooms or a room arranged and intended as a place of residence of a single person, a single family or a group of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit, and equipped for the preparation of food.
Apartment house. Same as "Dwelling, Multiple-Family."
Barn. A building for the storage of farm products or feed or farm animals or farm equipment.
Basement. A story partly or wholly underground. For purposes of height measurement, a basement shall be counted as a story where more than one-half (1/2) of its height is above the average level of the adjoining ground.
Bed and Breakfast. A private single-family residence offering tourist lodging services including breakfast within rooms of the property owner's principal residence and accessory buildings or structures served by a single water and electrical meter.
Block. A piece or parcel of land entirely surrounded by public highways or streets, other than alleys. In cases where the platting is incomplete or disconnected, the building inspector shall determine the outline of each block.
Boarding House. A building other than a hotel, motel or an apartment hotel where, for compensation and by prearrangement for a definite period, meals, or lodging and meals are provided for five (5) or more persons but not exceeding twenty (20) persons.
Commercial Amusement. Any enterprise whose main purpose is to provide the general public with an amusing or entertaining activity. Commercial amusements may include bowling alleys, dance halls, indoor shooting ranges, skating rinks, miniature golf, and other similar enterprises. Sexually-Oriented Businesses and Nightclubs are excluded from this definition.
Condominium. A form of ownership wherein residents own the interior space, appliances and accessories in their individual living units. All other elements of a condominium development (structural systems, ground, etc.) are owned in common with other resident owners.
Council, City. The legislative and governing body of the City of Katy or the city council.
Court. An open, unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot with the building or group of buildings and which is bound on two (2) or more sides by such buildings or building.
Curb Level. The elevation of the established curb in front of a building measured at the center of such front.
Depth of Rear Yard. The mean horizontal distance between the rear line of the main building and the rear lot line.
Dwelling. A building or portion thereof, designed exclusively for residential occupancy, including one-family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings, but not including boarding houses, apartment hotels, hotels, tourist courts, motels and condominiums.
Dwelling, One-Family. A detached building arranged, intended, or designed for occupancy by one (1) family.
Dwelling, Two-Family. A building arranged, intended or designed for occupancy by two (2) families, living independently of each other.
Dwelling, Multiple-family. A building or a portion thereof arranged, intended or designed to contain five (5) or more dwelling units.
Dwelling Unit. A residential unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one (1) family including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, eating, and sanitation.
Family. An individual, or two (2) or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, or a group or not more than five (5) unrelated persons living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit on a nonprofit cost-sharing basis. The above shall include employees working within the residence for the family.
Flatwork. All-weather surface extending a maximum of four inches (4") above grade level when used as driveways, patios and sidewalks, not including structural foundations.
Garage, Private. An accessory building primarily uses [used] for the storage of motor vehicles.
Garage, Public. A building or portion thereof, designed or used for the storage, sale, hiring, care or repair of motor vehicles, which is operated for commercial purposes.
High-Rise. A building or structure whose overall height exceeds forty-five feet (45') or three (3) stories.
Height of Buildings. The vertical distance measured from the highest of the following three (3) levels:
From the street curb level;
From the established or mean street grade in case the curb has not been constructed;
From the average finished ground level adjoining the building if it sets back from the street line; to the level of the highest point of the roof beams of flat roofs or roofs inclining not more than one (1) inch to the foot, or to the main height level of the top of the main plates and highest ridge for other roofs.
Hotel. A building occupied or used as a more or less temporary abiding place of individuals or groups or individuals who are lodged, with or without meals, and in which there are more than twelve (12) sleeping rooms and no provision for cooking in individual rooms.
Industrial, Heavy. A use engaged in the basic processing and manufacturing of materials or products or parts, predominantly from extracted raw materials, or storage and manufacturing processes that potentially involve hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions.
Industrial, Light. A use engaged in manufacturing, predominantly from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, incidental storage, sales, and distribution of such products, but excluding basic industrial processing.
Industrial, Micro. A use engaged, on a limited scale, in basic processing and/or manufacturing of materials or products or parts, predominantly from extracted raw materials, entirely contained within a building and not deemed to be a public nuisance, as determined by the City Planner.
Lot. A parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by one (1) building, or group of buildings, and the accessory buildings or uses customarily incident thereto, including such open spaces as are required under this ordinance, and having its principal frontage upon a public street, alley or a place.
Lot, Corner. A lot abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection. A corner lot shall be deemed to front on that street on which it has its least dimension, unless otherwise specified by the building inspector.
Lot, interior. A lot whose side lines do not abut upon any street.
Lot, through. An interior lot having frontage on two (2) streets.
Lot lines. The lines bounding a lot as defined herein.
Lot line, front. The boundary between a lot and the street on which it fronts.
Lot line, rear. The boundary line which is opposite and most distant from the street line; except that in the case of uncertainty, the building inspector shall determine the rear line.
Lot line, side. Any lot boundary line not a front or rear line thereof. A side line may be a part lot line, a line bordering on an alley or place or a side street line.
Lot depth. The mean horizontal distance from the front street line to the rear line.
Lot width. The horizontal distance between side lines, measured at the front building line, as established by the minimum front yard requirement of this ordinance.
Mobile home. A movable or portable dwelling which is constructed on a chassis, and which is designed to be towed over Texas roads and highways under special permit, designed for yearround occupancy, designed primarily to be used without a permanent foundation, but which may sit on a permanent foundation, and designed to be connected to utilities. It may consist of one (1) or more units that can be telescoped when transported and expanded later for additional capacity, or of two (2) or more units, separately transportable, but designed to be joined together into one (1) integral unit. The following shall not be included in this definition:
Travel trailers, pickup coaches, motor homes, camping trailers, or other recreational vehicles.
Manufactured modular housing which is designed to be set on a permanent foundation, and which uses standard sheathings, roofing, siding and electrical, plumbing and heating systems.
Nonconforming use. A nonresidential single-family use, building or yard which does not, by reason of design, use or dimensions, conform to the regulations of the district in which it is situated. It is a legal nonconforming use if established prior to the passage of this ordinance, and an illegal nonconforming use if established after the passage of this ordinance and not otherwise approved as provided herein.
Parking space. An area of two hundred fifty (250) square feet minimum which shall include driveway exits and entrance areas.
Zero lot line subdivision. (Also known as patio home subdivision.) A development designed for small to single-family detached dwelling units which are situated on their respective lots so as to provide maximum usable open space for the private use of occupants of each individual unit. Usable open space is achieved by allowing one (1) side building line and property line to coincide and the orientation of windows and doors toward the remaining yards.
Person. The word "person" when used in this ordinance shall, for the purpose of this ordinance, means every natural person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or society, and the term "person" shall include both singular and plural, and the masculine shall embrace the feminine gender.
Personal Service Shop. An establishment which provides services related to grooming, appearance, care, or repair of personal apparel; and which may sell products used or recommended for those same purposes incidental to the services provided.
Place. An open, unoccupied space other than a street or alley permanently established or dedicated as the principal means of access to property abutting thereon.
through 2.39.4. Reserved for future use.
Recreational vehicle. Recreational vehicle being travel trailer, pickup coach, motor home or camping trailer that does not exceed eight feet, six inches (8'6") in width and forty feet (40') in length.
Sexually Oriented Business. Sexually Oriented Business means: a sex parlor, nude studio, modeling studio, love parlor, adult bookstore, adult movie theater, adult video arcade, adult movie arcade, adult video store, adult motel or other commercial enterprise the primary business of which is the offering of a service or the selling, renting, or exhibiting of devices or any other items intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to the customer.
Stable, private. An accessory building for the keeping of horses, ponies, or mules owned by occupants of the premises, and not kept for remuneration, hire or sale.
Stable, riding. A structure in which horses, ponies, or mules used exclusively for pleasure riding or driving, are housed, boarded, or kept for hire.
Story. That part of a building included between the surface on [of] one (1) floor and the surface of the floor next above, or if there be no floor above that part of the building which is above the surface of the highest floor thereof. A top story attic is a half story when the main line of the wall plates is not above the middle of the interior height of such story. The first story is the highest story having its interior floor not more than four (1) [sic] feet above the curb level.
Street. A public maintained thoroughfare which affords principal means of access to property abutting thereon and normally consists of the road surface, ditch or curbs, and sidewalk or parkway areas.
Street line. The dividing line between the street and the abutting property, normally to the lot property line.
Structure. Anything constructed or erected, which requires location on the ground, or attached to something having a location on the ground; including, but not limited to, advertising signs, billboards, and poster panels, but exclusive of customary fences or boundary or retaining walls.
Structural alterations. Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders.
Surface, all-weather. Concrete or asphalt.
Tourist court. A group of attached or detached buildings which are provided primarily for transient guests; including auto courts, motels and motor lodges.
Townhouse development. A development designed for small-lot single- or multiple-story attached dwellings which are situated on their respective lots so as to provide residents with commonly owned open space and recreation areas in close proximity to their places of residence.
Mobile home park. Any plot of ground where accommodation is provided for two (2) or more mobile homes used as living or sleeping quarters.
Yard. An open space between a building and the nearest lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure from the ground upward. In measuring a yard for the purpose of determining the width of a side yard, the depth of a front yard or the depth of a rear yard, the least horizontal distance between the lot line and the main building shall be used.
Yard, front. A yard across the full width of the lot extending from the front line of the main building to the front line of the lot.
Yard, rear. A yard between the rear lot line and the rear line of the main building.
Yard, side. A yard between the main building and the adjacent side line of the lot, and extending entirely from the front yard to the rear yard thereof.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance adopted 1/14/88; Ordinance 1020 adopted 10/22/92; Ordinance 1141 adopted 7/8/96; Ordinance 1183 adopted 9/22/97; Ordinance 2158 adopted 6/11/01; Ordinance 2516 adopted 10/10/11; Ordinance 3037 adopted 5/23/2022)
For the purpose of regulating and restricting the use of land and the erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, or use of buildings, structures or land, the City of Katy is hereby divided into districts as follows:
“R-1” Single-family residential district
“R-2” Medium density residential district
“R-3” Multiple-family residential district
“C-1” Commercial district
“C-2” General business district
“M” Industrial district
“PDD” Planned development district
“MH” Mobile home district
“OKD” “Old Katy” district
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 699 adopted 2/28/85; Ordinance 731 adopted 9/26/85; Ordinance 952 adopted 7/12/90)
Boundaries of the districts as enumerated in section 3 of this ordinance are hereby established and adopted on the zoning maps of the City of Katy which are made a part of this ordinance as fully as if the same were set forth herein in detail, and such maps shall be in triplicate, each of which shall bear the signature of the mayor and attestation of the city secretary for identification and authentication; one of said triplicate originals shall be hung in the office of the secretary of the City Planning and Zoning Commission; one other triplicate original shall be hung in the office of the Building Inspector of the City of Katy; and the remaining triplicate original shall be hung in the city council chamber for the use and benefit of the public.
It shall be the duty of the secretary of the City Planning and Zoning Commission to keep up to date the triplicate originals on file in his/her office, and in the office of the building inspector, and in the city council chamber, showing all the changes, amendments or additions thereto, and noting on such maps the ordinance number and date of passage of each such change, amendment or addition.
When definite distances in feet are not shown on the zoning district maps the district boundaries are intended to be along existing street, alley or platted lot lines, or extensions of the same, and if the exact location of such lines is not clear, it shall be determined by the building inspector, due consideration being given to the location as indicated by the scale of the zoning district map.
When streets or alleys on the ground differ from the streets or alleys as shown on the district zoning map, the building inspector may apply the district designations on the map to the street or alleys on the ground in such manner as to conform to the intent and purpose of this ordinance.
Whenever any street or alley is vacated, the particular district in which the adjacent property lies shall be automatically extended to the centerline of any such street or alley.
All undeveloped territory which may hereafter be annexed to the City of Katy shall automatically be classed as lying and being in District “R-1” until such classification shall have been changed by an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as provided by law or, in the case of a preplanned development acceptable to the City Planning and Zoning Commission and conforming to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Katy, appropriate zoning classification may be applied to the annexed area after public hearing. If required such “R-1” designation shall be changed by act of the city council within one hundred twenty (120) days after annexation.
No building or structure shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed or altered, nor shall any building, structure or land be used for any purpose except as provided herein in which such building, structure, or land is situated except as provided herein.
No building or structure shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed or altered to exceed the height limit herein established of the district in which such building or structure is located.
No lot area shall be reduced or diminished so that the yards or other open spaces shall be smaller than prescribed by this ordinance, nor shall the density of population be increased in any manner, except in conformity with the area regulations established herein. No parking area, parking space or loading spaces which existed at the time this ordinance became effective or subsequent thereto which is provided for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this ordinance, shall thereafter be relinquished or reduced in any manner below the requirement established by this ordinance.
The “R-1” single-family district is the most restrictive district. The principal use of land in this district is for low density, single-family dwellings and related recreational, religious and educational facilities normally required to provide the elements of a balanced, orderly, convenient and attractive residential area. The following regulations shall apply in all “R-1” districts:
Uses Permitted.
Dwellings, one-family.
Public parks and playgrounds, including public recreation or service buildings within such parks.
Tool house and construction shed to be used for construction purposes only, and which shall be removed upon completion or abandonment of construction work.
Customary home occupations ordinarily carried on in a home that are not detrimental or injurious to adjoining property by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, gas or unsightly appearance. These may include dressmaking, millinery, washing, ironing, the office of a physician, dentist, surgeon, architect, lawyer, engineer, musician, or artist, provided that such uses are located in the dwelling used by such a person as his or her private residence, and provided that no assistant not a member of the family residing on the premises is employed. Said incidental use shall never be permitted as a principal use but only as a secondary use when indispensable necessary to the enjoyment of the premises and cannot involve the conduct of retail business. Customary home occupations shall not include barbershops, beauty shops, carpenter shops, electrician shops, plumbing shops, radio shops, tin shops, auto repairing, furniture repairing, or other similar uses. No use shall be permitted which is noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, gas or unsightly appearance.
Municipal surface or underground or overhead water storage, water wells, and pumping stations.
Public schools.
Reserved for future use. [Deleted and reserved for future use by Ordinance 2158 adopted June 11, 2001.]
Accessory Dwelling Unit. A dwelling unit to a principal single-family residence for use by family members, guests or employees, working within the residence for the family. The principal dwelling and accessory unit shall have all utilities under single metering. Such accessory dwelling shall be for the use and convenience of the family and shall be used for no commercial purpose. Such accessory dwelling may have self-contained kitchen and bath facilities. The accessory dwelling may have its own entrance and exit to the outside.
Bed and Breakfast establishments with a Special Use Permit in accordance with Section 15 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Height and Area Requirements.
The main building shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet and shall not exceed two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
Minimum Lot Size.
Every single-family dwelling hereafter erected or altered shall provide a lot area of not less than eight thousand six hundred twenty-five (8,625) square feet per family, except that where a lot has less area than required and had separate ownership at the time of the passage of this ordinance, this regulation shall not prohibit the erection of one-family dwelling. Where a public or community sewer is not available and in use for the disposal of all sanitary sewage, each lot shall provide not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet per family.
Rectangular residential lots shall have a width of at least seventy-five (75) feet.
All lots shall have a depth of at least one hundred fifteen (115) feet, inclusive of utility easements.
Radial residential lots shall have a minimum width of seventy (70) feet with such measurement to be made at the building line.
Corner residential lots shall have a minimum width ten (10) feet greater than the adjacent lot except on a major street, then they shall have a width fifteen (15) feet greater than the width of the adjacent lot.
Lots facing a major street shall be at least ten (10) feet deeper than the average interior lot depths facing a minor street.
Each lot shall front upon a public street. Lots of irregular shape shall have a frontage of at least thirty-five (35) feet unless otherwise approved by the City Planning and Zoning Commission.
Yard Requirements:
Corner lots.
A minimum building setback of twenty-five (25) feet shall be provided on the front and fifteen (15) feet on the side of all corner single-family residential lots where such lots side upon minor streets.
A minimum building setback of thirty-five (35) feet shall be provided on the front and twenty (20) feet on the side of all corner single-family residential lots where such lots side upon major streets.
Interior lots.
A minimum building setback of twenty-five (25) feet shall be provided on the front of lots facing minor streets, thirty-five (35) feet setback on those facing major streets and seven and one-half (7.5) feet on each side of all interior single-family residential lots facing on minor and secondary streets.
Floor Area.
Every dwelling unit hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, or altered in a District “R-1” shall have a floor area, excluding basements, open and screened porches and garages of not less than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet.
Reserved for future use. [Deleted and reserved for future use by Ordinance 2158 adopted June 11, 2001.]
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 699 adopted 2/28/85; Ordinance 871 adopted 1/14/88; Ordinance 971 adopted 12/13/90; Ordinance 1020 adopted 10/22/92; Ordinance 1077 adopted 12/13/94; Ordinance 2158 adopted 6/11/01; Ordinance 2516 adopted 10/10/11)
Editor's note-Section 7 was deleted and reserved for future use by Ordinance 2158 adopted June 11, 2001.
The “R-3” residential district is designed to provide higher density residential development and provide the religious, recreational and educational uses normally associated with residential areas. The following regulations shall apply to all “R-3” Districts:
Uses Permitted.
Any use permitted in the foregoing “R-1” and “R-2” Districts in accordance with requirements of each respective district.
Multiple-family dwellings and apartment houses.
Boarding and lodging houses.
Hotels and apartment hotels.
Hospitals, sanitariums or homes for convalescence or aged other than for the insane or feeble-minded or alcoholics.
Schools (private, elementary, high, college and universities)
Libraries, museums, art galleries.
Fire stations, police stations, public administrative offices.
Private clubs, fraternal orders, or civic organizations, except those whose chief activity is carried on as a business.
Public recreation buildings, community buildings, little theater groups.
Golf courses (except miniature golf courses, driving ranges, and other similar activities operated as a business).
Agriculture, nurseries, and truck gardens limited to the propagation and cultivation of plants; provided no retail or wholesale business shall be conducted upon the premises and provided that no obnoxious fertilizer is stored upon the premises, and no obnoxious soil or fertilizer renovation is conducted thereon.
Same as “R-1” for single-family structures. Buildings or structures for multiple-family dwellings shall not exceed forty-five (45) feet.
Floor Area.
Every multiple-family dwelling hereinafter erected, constructed, reconstructed or altered in a District “R-3” shall have a floor area, excluding common corridors, basements, open and screened porches and garages, of not less than eight hundred (800) square feet for each efficiency or one (1) bedroom unit, eleven hundred (1,100) square feet for each two (2) bedroom unit, fourteen hundred (1,400) square feet for each three (3) bedroom unit.
Dwelling Unit Density.
No more than one (1) dwelling unit per each one thousand eight hundred fifty (1,850) square feet of area to be developed shall be constructed in an “R-3” District.
Common Open Space.
There shall be a minimum of five hundred (500) square feet of usable common open space per dwelling unit in each development. Common open space must be usable for recreational activities of the residents of the development. Such space shall be assembled in contiguous areas of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet. Common open space shall not include streets and parking areas.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 664 adopted 3/22/84; Ordinance 2158 adopted 6/11/01)
The "C-1," Commercial District is established to provide locations for a range of light commercial uses, including retail, business and service uses. This district allows shopping areas or uses which are generally compatible near or adjacent to residential neighborhoods and generates moderately low traffic volumes. The following regulations shall apply:
Uses Permitted.
Special use permit is required for residential use in the "C-1" District and is limited to single-family "R-1" use. No special use permit shall be required for a single-family use or building when such building or use was in existence on March 24, 1983, as a nonconforming use or building and such building has not been structurally changed to accommodate a conforming use of the zone in which the building is located.
Barber and Beauty Shops.
Clinic (Medical or Dental).
Commercial Daycare, Pre-School, Childcare, Nursery.
Dry Cleaning Establishment, provided that only non-explosive cleaning fluids be used.
Funeral Home.
Laundry, Laundromat, Washateria.
Municipal Facilities (Administrative Office, Fire Station, Police Station, etc.).
Offices, Business or Professional, Including Banks.
Personal Service Shop.
Restaurant (Dine-In or Drive Thru) with a maximum gross area of 5,000 square feet.
Retail Sales.
Storage or Warehouse as an accessory use to on-site sales or retail. No storage or warehouse use may exceed 45% of the gross area of any single tenant or structure.
Studio (Art, Dance, Music, Drama, Photography, Interior Decorating).
Teahouses and Coffee Shops.
Any comparable use to those listed above, as determined by the City Planner, provided such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, fumes or unsightly appearance.
Prohibited Uses.
Sexually Oriented Businesses.
Smoke Shop (vape pens, CBD products, accessories, etc.)
Liquor Store.
Tattoo Shop.
Height and Area Requirements.
No structure or building may exceed 35 feet in height, measured at the eave.
Maximum Facade Length.
No facade in the C-1 District shall exceed 150 feet in length.
[1]Front Yards. The minimum front yard setback is 25 feet, except where established buildings in this district within the same block have front yards of less depth. Any building hereinafter constructed shall provide a front yard a minimum depth of which shall be twenty-five (25) feet from the street line (front property line, provided that if forty (40) percent or more of the frontage on the same side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets is developed with buildings having a greater front yard depth, the average of such front yard depth shall establish the minimum front yard depth for the entire frontage).
Editor's Note: Renumbered to address duplicate subsection number.
Side Yards.
No side yard setbacks are required except where the property directly abuts a lot in the R-1 District, then a side setback of 7.5 feet shall be required. Any residential use or combined residential-commercial use in C-1 shall have a 7.5-foot side yard.
Rear Yards.
The depth of a rear yard shall be at least fifteen (15%) percent of the depth of the lot, with a maximum width of twenty (20) feet.
Width of Lot.
The minimum lot width shall be fifty (50) feet, if used exclusively for uses enumerated in R-1 District, except as otherwise provided, in the R-1 District standards.
Corner Lots.
A minimum twenty-five (25) foot front yard and side yard adjacent to streets shall be required on all corner lots. A canopy of at least six (6) feet in height, attached to the primary structure may be built within fifteen (15) feet of the right-of-way so long as such construction is not supported by columns that will obstruct the vision of vehicles driving upon adjacent streets.
Lot Area per Family.
8,625 square feet per family, with the exception of nonconforming lots of record, this regulation shall not prohibit the erection of one single-family dwelling. Where a public sewer is not accessible, each lot shall provide not less than 10,000 square feet per family.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 671 adopted 5/24/84; Ordinance 971 adopted 12/13/90; Ordinance 1141 adopted 7/8/96; Ordinance 1183 adopted 9/22/97; Ordinance 2158 adopted 6/11/01; Ordinance 3037 adopted 5/23/2022)
The "OKD" Old Katy District is primarily intended to encourage adaptive reuse of existing structures in the historic downtown area of Katy. The Old Katy District includes original small lots and should consist of pedestrian-oriented development and the regulations of this district are designed to aid rehabilitation of existing structures and promote infill and redevelopment. The following regulations shall apply:
Uses Permitted.
Any use permitted in the "R-1" district granted by special use permit. No special use permit is required for any nonconforming single-family use if established before March 24, 1983 and has not been structurally changed to accommodate a nonresidential use.
Bed and Breakfast establishments with a Special Use Permit in accordance with Section 15 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Dry cleaning establishment, provided that only nonexplosive cleaning fluids be used.
Teahouses and Coffee Shops.
Offices, Business or Professional, including Banks.
Parking as a Primary Use, including parking garages that have a maximum height of 45 feet and meet the architectural standards listed in subsection 9B.2-3.2.
Restaurants (No Drive-Thru) with a maximum gross area of 3,500 square feet.
Retail Sales.
Micro-Industrial (brewery, winery, distillery, roastery) with a maximum gross area of 3,000 square feet.
Municipal Facilities (Administrative Office, Fire Station, Police Station, etc.).
Personal Service Shop.
Any retail business for use of a similar character to those listed above and not included in or excluded from any other district described herein, provided that such use is not noxious, or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas, or unsightly appearance.
Prohibited Uses.
Sexually Oriented Businesses.
Self-Storage Facilities.
Smoke Shop (vape pens, CBD products, accessories, etc.).
Liquor Store.
Tattoo Shop.
Exterior Building Standards.
This article applies to all nonresidential buildings constructed after October 1, 2019.
If existing building structures are expanded by 40 percent or more of their building, or if improvements constitute at least 51 percent of the current value of the structure as established by the most current value established by the applicable Appraisal District, the entire structure shall be brought into compliance with these Building Standards.
Definitions - As used in these regulations, the following words, terms, and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section:
Metal buildings - Shall mean a metal structure fabricated with steel for the internal support, and metal sheeting for the exterior or any fabricated structure with any material for internal support but uses metal sheeting for the exterior.
Category "A" exterior wall finishes - Shall be applicable to nonresidential buildings and shall mean exterior wall finishes of fiber concrete siding (hardieplank), brick veneer, face brick, clay brick, stucco/dry-vit, cement (tinted), stone, concrete tilt walls for parking structures (must be designed to blend with surrounding architecture), or other comparable masonry, or other materials of equal characteristics. The following will not be allowed: unfired or under-fired clay, sand, or shale brick: unfinished concrete block, lightweight concrete block, metal panels and smooth or untextured concrete and fluorescent finishes, wood, and glass.
Corner lot - Shall mean a lot abutting upon two (2) or more streets at their intersection. A corner lot shall be deemed to front on that street on which it has its least dimension, unless otherwise specified by the Planning Department.
Front of a building - Shall mean the side of each building or structure located on a lot facing a required front yard.
Rear of a building - Shall mean the side of each building or structure located on a lot facing a required rear yard.
Side of a building - Shall mean the side of each building or structure located on a lot facing a required side yard.
Facade and exterior standards.
All nonresidential buildings located in this district shall comply with the following minimum standards:
Front Facade - One hundred (100) percent of any exposed exterior wall forming the front of a building, exclusive of windows, doors, roofs, or sidewalk and walkway covers, shall be constructed to finished grade using Category "A" exterior wall finishes. However, if the building is on a corner lot and/or the lot abuts more than one street, each street side of the building exterior shall meet the front wall requirements.
Side Facades - No less than eighty (80) percent of any exposed exterior wall forming a side of a building, exclusive of windows, doors, roofs, or sidewalks and walkway covers, shall be constructed to finished grade using Category "A" exterior wall finishes.
Rear Facades - No less than eighty (80) percent of any exposed exterior wall forming the rear of a building exclusive of windows, doors, roofs, or sidewalks and walkway covers, shall be constructed to finished grade using Category "A" exterior wall finishes.
Roof mounted mechanical or other equipment - Roof mounted mechanical or other equipment shall be screened from view so that such equipment is not visible from the ground. All rooftop equipment on flat roofs is to be enclosed with a parapet wall constructed at least 42" high or as high as the equipment it is designed to screen from view, whichever is higher. The parapet shall be constructed with building materials that match the structure or is visually compatible with the structure. This provision shall not apply to satellite earth station antennas, or any communication electronic facilities protected by the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (47 USC 251 et seq.).
Exterior ground mounted equipment - Exterior ground mounted equipment including, but not limited to, mechanical equipment, utility, meter banks and heating or cooling equipment, shall be sufficiently screened so that no portion of said equipment is visible from an adjacent street. The screening required by this subsection may be accomplished with vegetative landscaping material or with a solid structure using Category "A" exterior finishes compatible in architecture, design and color with the building or structure the equipment serves.
Architectural detailing - Use of architectural detailing that supports the quality and character expressed by these building design guidelines is required. The following are examples of such details:
Height and Area Requirements.
Buildings shall not exceed forty (40) feet.
Front Yards.
Same as District "R-1" except where established buildings in this district within the same block have front yards of less depth. In which case the front yard shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet. There will be no exceptions made for less front yard where the lot fronts on a major thoroughfare (i.e., twenty-five (25) foot minimum).
Side Yards.
No side yards required in this district.
Rear Yards.
The depth of a rear yard shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet from any structure. Commercial lots that have a public alley at the rear of the property, which has not been abandoned, shall subtract one-half the width of the alley from the calculation.
Width of Lot.
A minimum width shall be no smaller than the original lot size as set out in the Katy Townsite Map filed in Volume 2, page 38, of the Maps Records of Harris County, Texas.
Corner Lots.
A minimum of fifteen (15) foot front yards and side yards adjacent to streets shall be required on all corner lots.
Lot Area Per Family.
Same as district "R-3."
Off-Street Parking
For all existing and new nonresidential uses/developments within this district, no off-street parking is required. Any new off-street parking lots shall not be developed in front of the principal/primary building, within any portion of the Old Katy District boundaries.
"OLD KATY District"
South side of George Bush Drive.
West side of Avenue A between the south side of George Bush Drive and the north side of First Street.
West side of Avenue B between the north side of First Street and the north side of the Railroad Right-of-way.
North side of First Street between the west side of Avenue A and the west side of Avenue B.
North side of Railroad Right-of-way between the west side of Avenue B and the east side of Avenue D.
East side of Avenue D.
(Ordinance 2916 adopted 8/12/19; Ordinance 3037 adopted 5/23/2022; Ordinance 3117 adopted 10/23/2023)
The "C-2," General Business District is intended predominantly for heavy retail and commercial uses of a service nature which typically have operating characteristics or traffic service requirements compatible with typical retail or shopping, but generally not with residential environments. The following regulations shall apply:
Uses Permitted.
Any use permitted in the "C-1" or "OKD" Districts.
Assembly Hall.
Bus Barns or Lots.
Carpenter, Cabinet or Pattern Shops.
Commercial Amusement (See Definitions).
Commercial Greenhouse.
Educational Facility (Tutoring/Vocational/Trade Only).
Fuel Sales.
The following requirements apply to new construction only:
Number of Rooms.
A hotel shall have at least sixty-three (63) guest rooms.
A guest room shall be accessible only from an internal hallway and the internal hallway shall be accessible only from a central lobby area contained within the hotel.
Minimum Height.
A hotel shall be a minimum of three (3) stories in height.
Laundry, Laundromat, Washateria.
Machinery or Tool Sales, Rental, and Services, provided all activities are contained within a building, and no machinery shall be displayed outside within thirty (30) feet of the front property line.
Municipal Facilities (Administrative Office, Fire Station, Police Station, etc.).
Personal Service Shop.
Produce Markets (wholesale).
Restaurants (Dine-In or Drive-Thru).
Storage or Warehouse as an accessory use to on-site sales or retail. No storage or warehouse use may exceed 45% of the gross area of any single tenant or structure.
Vehicular Sales, Rental, Repair, or Service (No Outdoor Storage Permitted).
Veterinary Clinics for small animals (Indoors).
Wholesales and Distribution.
Any comparable use to those listed above, as determined by the City Planner, provided such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, fumes or unsightly appearance.
Prohibited Uses.
Sexually Oriented Businesses.
Smoke Shop (vape pens, CBD products, accessories, etc.).
Liquor Store.
Tattoo Shop.
Height and Area Requirements.
No maximum.
Front Yards.
The minimum front yard setback is 25 feet, except where established buildings in this district within the same block have front yards of less depth. Any building hereinafter constructed shall provide a front yard a minimum depth of which shall be twenty-five (25) feet from the street line (front property line, provided that if forty (40) percent or more of the frontage on the same side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets is developed with buildings having a greater front yard depth, the average of such front yard depth shall establish the minimum front yard depth for the entire frontage).
Side Yards.
No side yard setbacks are required except where the property directly abuts a lot in the "R-1" District, then a side setback of 7.5 feet shall be required. Any residential use or combined residential-commercial use in "C-2" shall have a 7.5-foot side yard.
Rear Yards.
The depth of a rear yard shall be at least fifteen percent (15%) of the depth of the lot, with a maximum width of twenty (20) feet.".
Width of Lot.
The minimum lot width shall be fifty (50) feet, if used exclusively for uses enumerated in "R-1" District, except as otherwise provided, in the "R-1" District standards.
Lot Area Per Family.
8,625 square feet per family, with the exception of nonconforming lots of record, this regulation shall not prohibit the erection of one single-family dwelling. Where a public sewer is not accessible, each lot shall provide not less than 10,000 square feet per family.
Single-family residential structures developed exclusively within the "C-2" District shall comply with all dimensional requirements of the "R-1" District.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 671 adopted 5/24/84; Ordinance 1141 adopted 7/8/96; Ordinance 1183 adopted 9/22/97; Ordinance 2158 adopted 6/11/01; Ordinance 2810 adopted 8/14/17; Ordinance 3037 adopted 5/23/2022)
The "M" District is designed to provide land for a wide range of industrial uses, including research and development, manufacturing, assembly and fabrication, warehousing and distribution and industrial activities which typically generate more nuisances than activities permitted in the "C-1" and "C-2" zoning districts. Permitted uses within this district are generally not compatible with residential uses of any density or lower intensity commercial uses. The following regulations shall apply:
Uses Permitted.
Uses permitted in an "M" zoning district are limited to those included in the uses set forth below, subject to the indicated district regulations provided that such permitted uses shall not create any danger to health or safety to occupants of surrounding areas and do not create any offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat or glare, and by reason of high volume in relation to size and weight of merchandise handled, create objectionable generation of truck traffic.
[1]Any use permitted in the "C-2" District except single-family residences, clubs, hotels, educational, institutional uses construction and use of facilities which shall be used only for housing a night watchman, may be allowed by Special Use Permit.
Editor's Note: Subsections renumbered.
Bulk Storage Tanks.
Commercial Dry Cleaning or Laundry.
Electric power plants.
Industrial, Heavy.
Industrial, Light.
Industrial, Micro.
Outdoor Storage of Equipment and Materials.
Railroad roundhouses or shops.
Recycling Facilities.
Refreshment Stands, Food Trucks, etc.
Restaurants (Dine-In or Drive-Thru).
Scientific Testing, Research Laboratory, Research & Development.
Smoke Shop (vape pens, CBD products, accessories, etc.).
Tattoo Shop.
Truck Stop or Freight Terminal.
Warehousing & Distribution.
Sexually Oriented Businesses, meeting the requirements for Special Use Permits set out in Section 15 of this ordinance shall be allowed in an "M" District.
Any other uses not now or hereinafter prohibited by ordinance of the City of Katy regulating nuisances, except that the following uses will be permitted only by approval of the City Council after report from the Health Department, Fire Department, and City Planning and Zoning Commission:
Acid manufacture.
Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of Paris manufacture.
Distillation of bones.
Explosive manufacture or storage.
Fertilizer manufacture and storage.
Gas manufacture.
Ammonia, Bleaching powders, chemical plants.
Hides and skins (storage, curing or tanning).
Meat or fish packing or storage plant.
Height and Area Requirements.
No maximum.
Front Yards.
No front yard is required except that where a portion of District "M" lies within the same block and fronts upon the same streets with a portion of a District "R-1" to "C-2" inclusive adjoining, then in such case the front yard requirements of such adjoining District "R-1" to "C-2" inclusive shall likewise be applicable to such portion of District "M".
Side Yards.
No side yard setbacks are required except where the property directly abuts a lot in the R-1 District, then a side setback of 7.5 feet shall be required.
Rear Yards.
The depth of a rear yard shall be at least fifteen (15%) percent of the depth of the lot, with a maximum width of twenty (20) feet.
Width of Lot.
No minimum.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 971 adopted 12/13/90; Ordinance 1078 adopted 12/13/94; Ordinance 1183 adopted 9/22/97; Ordinance 3037 adopted 5/23/2022)
The purpose of Planned Development District, hereinafter referred to as PDD, is to encourage the unified design of residential, commercial, office, professional services, retail and institutional uses and facilities or combinations thereof in accordance with an approved comprehensive development plan. The PDD may be a single use district or a combination of any or all of the uses listed. This district provides for greater flexibility in the design of buildings, yards, courts and circulation than provided by other districts.
Uses Permitted.
Industrial parks or districts.
Office complexes.
Commercial or service centers.
Shopping centers.
Medical center or hospital.
Recreation center.
Any appropriate combination of uses which may be planned and developed as integral land use units by a single owner or combination of owners.
Single-family residential development provided that the smallest lot shall be 12% greater that those required in District R-1.
Single-family residential development of 100 or more acres.
Height, Floor Area, Density, Parking and Loading Standards.
The maximum heights, lot width, lot depth, floor area, lot area, and maximum off-street parking and loading requirements for uses proposed shall be established for each PDD based upon the particular merits of the development design and layout. Such standards and requirements shall comply with or be more restrictive than the standards established for the specified type uses in the particular districts in which they would ordinarily be permitted under the general Zoning Ordinance. All buildings and structures shall be set back from any peripheral property line on street right-of-way at least twenty-five (25) feet.
Application and Procedure.
An application for a PDD shall be made to the City Planning and Zoning Commission in the same manner that an application for any amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is made and shall be processed according to the procedure in Section 23. As in the instance of new subdivision platting, a pre-planning conference is required as set out in Code of Ordinances Section 9.201 [10.02.001] preparatory to the filing of the application for a PDD. The city council, after recommendation by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and after public hearing and proper notices to all parties affected, may authorize the creation of a commercial PDD on sites of five (5) acres of more and a single-family residential PDD on sites of ten (10) acres of [or] more.
Procedure for Establishing Standards.
In approving the development plan and the ordinance establishing the PDD, the city council shall after recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commission, specify such maximum off-street parking and loading standards within the limits of those specified in the districts for the specified usage involved as is appropriate for the development. The city council shall, after recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commission establish the standards for yards, signs, building space, site coverage, access, screening walls, landscaping, building area, open space, pedestrian ways, public or private streets or alleys to be observed in the PDD and such standards shall be specified in the ordinance establishing the district.
Development Schedule.
An application for a PDD shall be filed with the City Planning and Zoning commission and be accompanied by a development schedule indicating the approximate date on which construction is expected to begin and the rate of anticipated development to completion. The development schedule, if adopted and approved by the city council, shall become part of the development plan and shall be adhered to by the owner, developer, his successors and assigns in interest.
Where a development schedule has been required, the building inspector shall report annually to the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the actual development accomplished in the various PDD as compared with the development schedule.
The City Planning and Zoning Commission, if in its opinion, the owner or owners of property are failing or have failed to meet the approved schedule, may, with city council approval, initiate proceedings under Section 23 to amend the Zoning Map or the PDD by removing all or part of the PDD from the Zoning District Map and placing the area involved in another appropriate zoning district. Upon the recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commission and good cause shown by the owner and developer, the City Council may also extend the development schedule or adopt such new development schedules as may be indicated by the facts and conditions of the case.
Development Plan Required.
An application for a PDD shall include and be accompanied by a development plan which shall become a part of the amending ordinance and shall be referenced on the Zoning District Map. Changes in the development plan shall be considered the same as changes in the Zoning District Map and shall be processed as required in Section 1 [4] except that changes of detail which do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property and which do not alter the uses permitted or increase the density, floor area ratio, height or coverage of the site, or which do not decrease the off-street parking ratio, or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site, as indicated on the approved development plan, may be authorized by the City Planning and Zoning Commission. Any applicant may appeal the decision of the City Planning and Zoning Commission to the city council for review and decision as to whether an amendment to the PDD Ordinance shall be required.
The Development Plan shall include:
A plat, prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer, showing proposed public or private street or alley; building sites or building lots; any area proposed for dedication or reserved as parks or parkways; playgrounds; utility easements; school sites; street widening, street changes, and the points of ingress and egress from existing public streets and defining boundaries and topography with a contour interval of not less than two (2) feet, or spot grades where the relief is limited[.]
Where multiple types of land use are proposed, a land use plan delineating the specific areas to be devoted to various uses shall be required.
Where building complexes are proposed, a site plan showing the location of each building and the minimum distance between buildings, and between buildings and property line, street line and/or alley line shall be submitted. For buildings more than one (1) story in height, except single-family and two-family residences, elevations and/or prospective drawings may be required in order that the relationship of the buildings to adjacent property, open spaces and to other features of the development plan may be determined. Such drawings need only indicate the heights, number of floors, and exposures for access, light and air.
Where off-street loading is required, a plan indicating the arrangement and provisions shall be submitted. Such a plan may be presented as a ratio of off-street parking and off-street loading area to building area when accompanied by a typical example indicating the feasibility of the arrangement proposed and when the areas where the example would be applied are dimensioned on the drawing of the entire site. Any special traffic regulation facilities proposed or required to assure the safe function of the circulation plan shall also be shown.
A designation of the maximum building coverage of the site shall be indicated upon the site land [plan].
Screening and landscaping plans shall be required where such treatment is essential to the proper arrangement of the development in relation to adjacent property. Such plan shall, when required, include screening walls, ornamental planting, playgrounds, wooded areas to be retained, lawn and gardens, if such are determined to be necessary by the City Planning and Zoning Commission.
Any or all of the required features may be incorporated on a single drawing if such drawing is clear and capable of evaluation by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and interpretation by the Building Inspector.
Every PDD approved under the provisions of this ordinance shall be considered as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as applicable to the property involved. In carrying out the development of a PDD, the development conditions of the development schedule, if required, shall be complied with. Such conditions as are specified for the development of a PDD shall not be construed as conditions precedent to the approval of the zoning amendment, but shall be construed as conditions precedent to the granting of a certificate of occupancy and compliance.
Single-family residential development of 100 or more acres.
Single-family residential developments of 100 or more acres may be developed in the following manner:
No lot in the development shall be less than 55 feet in width and 100 feet in depth for a minimum of 5,500 square feet in size;
No more than 25% of the lots in the development shall be 55 feet in width;
No less than 25% of the lots in the development shall be a minimum of 60 feet in width and a minimum of 7,200 square feet in size.
No less than 50% of the lots in the development shall be a minimum of 70 feet in width and a minimum of 8,600 square feet in size;
No less than 20% of the development must be used for Open Space.
Open Space includes parks, landscape reserves, pipeline easements, trails, linear trails, tot lots, natural open space areas, usable drill sites, and publicly accessible detention/drainage facilities.
The developer is required to maintain the Open Space. The developer must state in the PDD application who will maintain the Open Space.
The Open Space will not be dedicated to the City of Katy.
The Open Space requirement is not in lieu of the City of Katy Parks dedication requirement (Sec. 9.701 [section 10.07.001] of the City of Katy's Subdivision ordinance), but may be utilized to satisfy the park dedication requirement if it meets the approved criteria.
Private Street cells may be an element within the overall development however; the entire development may not consist solely of Private Street cells.
Private Street cells must:
Have 100% of the lots meet the City of Katy Private Street Ordinance minimum lot size requirements of 70 feet in width and a minimum of 10,000 square feet in size; or
Be in an age-restricted area that complies with the minimum lot size requirements of the overall development plan including the number of lots that can be 55 feet in width and 100 feet in depth for a minimum of 5,500 square feet in size and the number of lots in the development that can be a minimum of 60 feet in width and a minimum of 7,200 square feet in size; and
Comply with all other requirements of the City of Katy's Private Street Ordinance.
Single-family residential developments of 100 or more acres must comply with all other City of Katy Ordinance requirements not in conflict with the provisions set forth in 12.8(a) above.
-12.11 [Reserved]
West Ten Business Park is an integrated commercial development combining various commercial uses with various industrial uses, as set out in its application for the Planned Development District dated July 29, 2009 on file in the office of the City Secretary, (The Application) which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.
West Ten Business Park is located on a tract of land consisting of 473 acres in the City of Katy, Fort Bend County, and Waller County, Texas, described by metes and bounds in Exhibit A attached hereto [to Ordinance 2445] and made a part hereof.
West Ten Business Park shall be designated on the official Zoning Map of the City of Katy as a Planned Development District.
The District shall consist of those commercial and industrial uses as identified in The Application.
West Ten Business Park shall be developed in accordance with the West Ten Business Park Construction Schedule contained in The Application and the Utility Functions and Services Allocation Agreement approved by the City of Katy and Developer marked Exhibit “B,” attached hereto [to Ordinance 2445] and made a part hereof (The Agreement). West Ten Business Park is to be constructed in strict compliance with this Ordinance and other developmental and construction ordinances of the City of Katy as they exist on the date of construction. In addition, the following matters shall be required:
Prior to construction, a development plan for each separate phase shall be prepared in accordance with The Application and the Agreement, and shall contain, in addition to the matters required for development plans set out in the Zoning Ordinance, Section 12.7, certification that anticipated runoff shall not exceed the standard set by any flood control authority exercising control over the development and if so, shall set out in detail how such runoff shall be controlled.
The development plan shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of a building or occupancy permit. The PDD approved may be subdivided and a copy of the subdivision plat shall be filed in the Deed Records of the county in which located. In approving the development plan for each phase, City Council reserves the right to exercise all or any of the rights and powers granted it under Section 12 of the Zoning Ordinance or any other applicable ordinances.
The development plan or amendment thereto shall be accompanied by a title report identifying all the then-current owners of the property and lienholders, all of whom shall be required to execute an acceptance of the PDD or amendment and a subordination of their interests to the PDD.
The development schedule shall commence as set out herein unless changed by ordinance. Failure to comply with the development schedule or comply with any other portion of this Ordinance shall subject the PDD, the Owners and Developers, to the sanctions of Section 12.5-3 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Katy Main Street is an integrated commercial development combining various commercial uses, as set out in its application for the Planned Development District on file in the office of the City Secretary, (The Application) incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.
Katy Main Street is located on a tract of land consisting of 86.78 acres in the City of Katy, Fort Bend County, Texas, described as 86.78 acres of land in the Jesse Thompson Survey Abstract 393 and John McKnight Survey, A-292 Fort Bend County, Texas as described by metes and bounds in The Application.
Katy Main Street shall be designated on the official Zoning Map of the City of Katy as a Planned Development District.
The District shall consist of those commercial uses as identified in The Application.
Katy Main Street shall be developed in accordance with the Katy Main Street Construction Schedule contained in The Application and the Utility Functions and Services Allocation Agreement approved by the City of Katy and Developer marked Exhibit “A,” attached hereto [to Ordinance 2427] and made a part hereof (The Agreement). Katy Main Street is to be constructed in strict compliance with this Ordinance and other developmental and construction ordinances of the City of Katy as they exist on the date of construction. In addition, the following matters shall be required:
Prior to construction, a development plan for each separate phase shall be prepared in accordance with The Application and the Agreement and shall contain, in addition to the matters required for development plans set out in the Zoning Ordinance, Section 12.7, certification that anticipated runoff shall not exceed the standard set by any flood control authority exercising control over the development and if so, shall set out in detail how such runoff shall be controlled.
The development plan shall be approved by the City Council prior to issuance of a building or occupancy permit. The PDD approved may be subdivided and a copy of the subdivision plat shall be filed in the Deed Records of Fort Bend County, Texas and shall remain under single ownership or control unless this PDD is amended. In approving the development plan for each phase, City Council reserves the right to exercise all or any of the rights and powers granted it under Section 12 of the Zoning Ordinance 621 or any other applicable sections or other ordinances.
The development plan shall be accompanied by a title report or attorney's opinion letter identifying all of the then-current owners of the property and lienholders, all of whom shall be required to execute an acceptance of the PDD and a subordination of their interests to the PDD.
The development plan shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by Developer's engineer bearing the engineer's seal stating that the plan contains no deviations from the Application or Utility Functions and Services Allocation Agreement.
All Katy Main Street signs shall be constructed, displayed and located in accordance with the signage regulations contained in Exhibit “A” attached hereto [to Ordinance 2476] and made a part hereof and with all City of Katy ordinances.
The development schedule shall commence as set out herein unless changed by ordinance. Failure to comply with the development schedule or comply with any other portion of this Ordinance shall subject the PDD, the Owners and Developers, to the sanctions of Section 12.5-3 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Katy Main Street is amended to reflect the subdivision plat approved by the City Council on May 9th, 2011.
Tracts of land within Katy Main Street may be subdivided in accordance with the City of Katy's Subdivision Ordinance's rules, regulations and procedures without amending the Katy Main Street PDD. The subdivision of land provided for by this section does not authorize the subdivision of land where the subdivision will conflict with guidelines, rules or regulations adopted by the City Council for Katy Main Street.
Katy Main Street is amended to the changes set forth in Exhibit A attached to [Ordinance 2794] and incorporated herein for all purposes. The revised regulations may be incorporated into the Code of Ordinances where applicable.
Editor's note-A list of planned development districts adopted under the provisions of this section is provided as an attachment to this ordinance.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 971 adopted 12/13/90; Ordinance 2158 adopted 6/11/01; Ordinance 2427 adopted 4/13/09; Ordinance 2445 adopted 8/24/09; Ordinance 2476 adopted 7/12/10; Ordinance 2497 adopted 5/9/11; Ordinance 2545 adopted 9/24/12; Ordinance 2794 adopted 3/27/17)
The “MH” mobile home district is for low density, single-family occupancy of mobile homes and related personal services allowing for open space within the area and separation from areas with permanent construction.
Uses Permitted.
Single-family occupation of a mobile home.
Community or recreational building for use by residents within district.
Mobile home park management offices.
Laundry service facilities for persons living within a mobile home park.
Commercial sale of mobile homes which are located on a mobile home stand within a mobile home park and connected to all utilities.
The minimum number of mobile home spaces contained in any mobile home park shall be twenty (20).
The average density of mobile homes in the mobile home park shall not exceed eight (8) per gross acre.
The mobile home park shall have direct access to a street having a dedicated and accepted right-of-way not less than sixty (60) feet.
An internal street shall be provided to each mobile home space. Each internal street shall be paved to a width of not less than thirty (30) feet. The internal streets shall be continuous and connect with other internal streets or with public streets, or shall be provided with a paved cul-de-sac having a diameter of eighty (80) feet. No internal street ending in a cul-de-sac shall exceed four hundred (400) feet in length.
Each mobile home space shall have no less than two (2) off-street parking spaces at the mobile home stand and one (1) per stand elsewhere within the mobile home park.
Every mobile home shall be separated from every other mobile home, building or structure by at least fifteen (15) feet provided that an accessory building which has a horizontal area exceeding twenty-five (25) square feet and has an opaque top or roof that is higher than the nearest mobile home window may be attached to or located within twenty (20) feet of the mobile home of which it is an accessory.
Every mobile home shall be located at least twenty-five (25) feet from the property lines of the mobile home park which abut a public street or highway, except that the front line of any porch may be located fifteen (15) feet from the street or highway. Every mobile home shall set back at least fifteen (15) feet from the other mobile home park property lines.
The minimum distance between mobile homes and the pavement of a mobile home park street, common parking area, or other common area at any point shall be ten (10) feet.
A solid wall or a solid fence at least six (6) feet high shall be erected and thereafter properly maintained along all boundaries of the mobile home park.
The height of the mobile home chassis above the ground elevation, measured at ninety (90) degrees to the frame, shall not exceed three (3) feet at the low end.
Not less than five (5) percent of the gross area of the mobile home park shall be designated common area for recreational use. Streets, parking area, and areas used for service facilities shall not be counted as common recreational area. No single outdoor recreational area shall contain less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet.
Every mobile home stand shall:
Be connected to a common system of walks by a paved walkway no less than two (2) feet wide, a paved parking space, a paved driveway, or any combination thereof, or
Be connected to a paved street by a paved walkway not less than two (2) feet wide, a paved parking space, a paved driveway, or any combination thereof[.]
Each mobile home stand (space) shall be at least fifty (50) feet wide and one hundred (100) feet long. Lots fronting on cul-de-sacs shall contain not less than five thousand five hundred (5,500) square feet and may not conform to the fifty (50) feet by one hundred (100) feet configuration.
One (1) HUD-Code Manufactured Home is permitted within the boundaries of a Municipal Utility District located within any zoned or unzoned area within the City of Katy for a period not to exceed 12 months in connection with the holding of an election to confirm the creation of a Municipal Utility District.
No mobile home or HUD-Code manufactured home, as defined in Tx. Civ. St. Art. 5221f shall be placed or occupied in an “R-1,” “R-2,” “R-3,” “C-1,” “C-2,” or “M” District and no travel trailer, camper or recreational vehicle shall be occupied, temporarily or permanently, in an “R-1,” “R-2,” “R-3,” “C-1,” “C-2,” or “M” District.
All mobile home uses must comply with City of Katy ordinances as they now exist or may hereafter be adopted or amended, and in the event of conflict with this Section 13, the terms of Section 13 shall prevail.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 2178 adopted 3/25/02; Ord 2849 adopted 5/14/18)
The purpose of the Master Planned Community District, hereinafter referred to as MPC, is to encourage the unified design of large primarily residential communities consisting of eight hundred (800) acres or more a portion of which may be located outside the City in accordance with an approved comprehensive development plan. This district provides for greater flexibility in lot sizes, street widths circulation and overall design and layout of the area than provided by other districts.
Uses Permitted.
Dwellings, one family.
Customary home occupations ordinarily carried on in a home that are not detrimental or injurious to adjoining property by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, gas or unsightly appearance. These may include dressmaking, millinery, washing, ironing, the office of a physician, dentist, surgeon, architect, lawyer, engineer, musician, or artist, provided that such uses are located in the dwelling used by such a person as his or her private residence, and provided that no assistant not a member of the family residing on the premises is employed. Said incidental use shall never be permitted as a principal use but only as a secondary use when indispensable necessary [sic] to the enjoyment of the premises and cannot involve the conduct of retail business. Customary home occupations shall not include barbershops, beauty shops, carpenter shops, electrician shops, plumbing shops, radio shops, tin shops, auto repairing, furniture repairing, or other similar uses. No use shall be permitted which is noxious or offensive by reason of vibration, noise, odor, dust, smoke, gas or unsightly appearance.
Public parks and playgrounds, including public recreation or service buildings within such parks.
Schools (private, elementary, high, college and universities).
Public recreation buildings, community buildings, theater groups.
Libraries, museums, art galleries.
Child care, adult care, memory care, and nursing home facilities.
Fire stations, police stations, public administrative offices.
Municipal surface or underground or overhead water storage, water wells, and pumping stations.
Restaurants, cafes or cafeterias who service includes the sale of alcoholic beverages by the drink, provided such uses are in compliance with the distance requirements from other uses provided for by state law or City ordinance.
Development of Master Planned Community (MPC).
A MPC may be developed in accordance with the Master Planned Community Development Standards adopted by the Katy City Council. A copy of the Master Planned Community Development Standards will be available in the City Secretary's office.
A MPC must comply with all applicable development standards set forth in the Master Planned Community Development Standards adopted by the Katy City Council.
A MPC must comply with all other City of Katy Ordinance requirements not in conflict with the provisions set forth in subsections 14.3-1 and 14.3-2 above.
A copy of the Master Planned Community Development Standards is attached to Ordinance 2599 and incorporated herein as though each and every word were set forth in this ordinance.
Signs located within the Cane Island Master Planned Community must comply with the sign guidelines adopted by the City Council for the Cane Island Master Planned Community [attached to Ordinance 2765].
An application for a MPC shall be made to the City Planning and Zoning Commission in the same manner that an application for any amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is made and shall be processed according to the procedure in Section 23 of the City of Katy's Zoning Ordinance. As in the instance of subdivision platting, a pre-planning conference is required as set out in Code of Ordinances Section 9.201 [10.02.001] preparatory to the filing of the application for a MPC. The City Council, after recommendation by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and after public hearing and proper notices to all parties affected, may authorize the creation of a MPC on sites for a community of eight hundred (800) acres or more a portion of which may be located outside the City.
Development Schedule and Plan.
An application for a MPC shall be filed with the City Planning and Zoning Commission and be accompanied by a development schedule indicating the approximate date on which construction is expected to begin and a rate of anticipated development to completion. The development schedule if adopted and approved by the City Council shall become part of the development plan and may be updated on an annual basis.
The building inspector shall report annually to the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the actual development accomplished in the MPC as compared with the development schedule.
The City Planning and Zoning Commission, if in its opinion, the owner or owners of property are failing or have failed to meet the approved schedule, may, with City Council approval, initiate proceedings under Section 23 of the City of Katy's Zoning Ordinance to amend the Zoning Map or the MPC by removing all or part of the MPC from the Zoning District Map and placing the area involved in another appropriate zoning district. The property, or a portion of the property, may not be rezoned or placed in another zoning category if the actual development of the property meets or exceeds the rate of anticipated development submitted by the developer pursuant to Section 14.5-1. Upon the recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commission and good cause shown by the owner and developer, the City Council may also extend the development schedule or adopt such new development schedules as may be indicated by the facts and conditions of the case.
An application for a MPC shall include and be accompanied by a Development Plan which shall become a part of the amending ordinance and shall be referenced on the Zoning District Map. Changes in the Development Plan shall be considered the same as changes in the Zoning District Map and must be approved by City Council. However, changes of detail which do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property and which do not alter the uses permitted or increase the density, floor area ratio, height or coverage of the site, or which do not decrease the off-street parking ratio, or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site, as indicated on the approved development plan, may be authorized by the City Planning and Zoning Commission. Also, the platting or replatting of lots in accordance with the Master Planned Community Development Standards shall not be considered an amendment to the City of Katy Zoning Ordinance and may be processed in accordance with the City of Katy's Subdivision Ordinance. The platting or replatting of lots in accordance with the Master Planned Community Development Standards will be considered an amendment to the Master Plan Community Development Plan. Any applicant may appeal the decision of the City Planning and Zoning Commission to the City Council for review and decision as to whether an amendment to the MPC Ordinance shall be required.
The Development Plan shall include the following:
A plat or land plan, prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer, showing proposed major through fares, residential pods; any area proposed for dedication or reserved as parks or parkways; playgrounds; fire station sites; police station sites; water well sites; school sites; and the points of ingress and egress from existing public streets and defining boundaries and topography with a contour interval of not less than two (2) feet, or spot grades where the relief is limited.
A statement on the plat or land plan that all residences will be constructed in accordance with the residential construction material standards set forth in the Master Planned Community Development Standards adopted by the Katy City Council[.]
Where multiple types of land use are proposed, a land use plan delineating the specific areas to be devoted to various uses shall be required.
Where building complexes, except for single-family residences, are proposed, a site plan showing the location of each building and the minimum distance between buildings, and between buildings and property line, street line and/or alley line shall be submitted. For buildings more than one (1) story in height, except single-family residences, elevations and/or prospective drawings may be required in order that the relationship of the buildings to adjacent property, open spaces and to other features of the development plan may be determined. Such drawings need only indicate the heights, number of floors, and exposures for access, light and air.
Where off-street loading is required, a plan indicating the arrangement and provisions shall be submitted, except for single-family residences. Such a plan may be presented as a ratio of off-street parking and off-street loading area to building area when accompanied by a typical example indicating the feasibility of the arrangement proposed and when the areas where the example would be applied are dimensioned on the drawing of the entire site. Any special traffic regulation facilities proposed or required to assure the safe function of the circulation plan shall also be shown.
A designation of the maximum building coverage of the site shall be indicated upon the land site, except for single-family residences.
Screening and landscaping plans shall be required, except for single-family residences, where such treatment is essential to the proper arrangement of the development in relation to adjacent property. Such plan shall, when required, include screening walls, ornamental planting, playgrounds, wooded areas to be retained, lawn and gardens, if such are determined to be necessary by the City Planning and Zoning Commission.
Any or all of the required features may be incorporated on a single drawing if such drawing is clear and capable of evaluation by the City Planning and Zoning Commission and interpretation by the Building Inspector.
Every MPC approved under the provisions of this ordinance shall be considered as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as applicable to the property involved. In carrying out the development of a MPC, the development conditions of the development schedule, if required, shall be complied with. Such conditions as are specified for the development of a MPC shall not be construed as conditions precedent to the approval of the zoning amendment, but shall be construed as conditions precedent to the granting of a certificate of occupancy and compliance.
Editor's note-Prior to the adoption of Ordinance 2599, section 14, pertaining to “RR” Railroad District, was repealed by Ordinance 699 adopted February 28, 1985.
(Ordinance 2599, sec. I, adopted 11/11/13; Ordinance 2655 adopted 8/25/14; Ordinance 2765 adopted 9/26/16)
General Conditions.
A special use permit may be granted by the city council for the construction of a building and/or the establishment of a use as described in this section, upon a tract of land in single ownership or under unified control.
Upon application for a special use permit and submission of a development plan and construction schedule, the City Planning and Zoning Commission shall conduct a public hearing, duly advertised and with proper notice being given to all parties affected, as provided herein. Said development or site plan shall be drawn to scale and shall show the arrangement of the project in detail, including parking facilities, location of buildings, building uses to be permitted, means of ingress and egress and other pertinent information.
After public hearing and upon recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commission the city council may modify the final development plan and issue a special permit containing such requirement safeguards as are necessary to protect adjoining property. Said requirements and safeguards may include, but shall not be restricted to, the paving of streets, alleys, and sidewalks, means of ingress and egress to the public streets, provisions for drainage, parking space and street layouts, protective screening and open spaces.
Failure to begin construction within one (1) year after issuance or as scheduled under the terms of a special permit shall void the permit as approved, except upon an extension of time granted after application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. If construction is terminated after the completion of any stage and there is ample evidence that further development is not contemplated, the ordinance establishing such special permit may be rescinded by the city council, and the previous zoning of the entire tract shall be in full effect on the portion which is undeveloped.
Every special permit granted as provided herein shall be considered as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as applicable to such property. Conditions which may have been imposed by deed restrictions may be enforced before a certificate of occupancy may be issued by the building inspector for the use of the buildings on such property.
Special Permit Uses and Special Districts.
Single-Family Residential use in districts where such use is allowed by special use permit.
Any use of public buildings to be erected or used by the city, county, state or federal government in any district.
Public elementary, junior high and high schools in any district not specifically permitted herein.
Private schools, day nurseries, kindergartens, dancing schools, drama schools, etc., in any district not specifically permitted herein.
Institutions of a religious, educational or philanthropic nature in any district not specifically permitted herein.
Private clubs and community buildings on a site of one (1) acre or more in any district not specifically permitted herein.
Municipal water supply reservoirs, filter beds and filtration plants in any district not specifically permitted herein.
Hospital, dental and medical offices, clinics, children's homes, convalescent homes/homes for the aged, or maternity homes in any district not specifically permitted herein.
Temporary commercial amusement enterprises such as circuses, driving ranges, miniature golf courses, and rodeos in any district not specifically permitted herein.
Wireless telecommunications facilities includes personal wireless services, commercial mobile service, commercial radio broadcasting tower, television towers and buildings, equipment, transmission/receiving equipment mounted on a tower and other necessary ancillary structures of telecommunications providers. “Tower” is defined as any structure designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas for telephone, radio and similar communication purposes, including self-supporting lattice towers, guyed towers or monopole towers and includes radio and television transmission towers, microwave towers, common carrier-towers, cellular telephone towers, and alternative tower structures. “Telecommunications Facilities” as used herein applies only to those facilities using wireless technology but does not apply to wireless devices attached to public utility poles fifty (50’) feet or less in height with approval of the pole owner and under an approval agreement with the City of Katy.
No special use permit for a telecommunications facility shall be approved if:
the proposed facility would affect the residential integrity of adjacent or area neighborhoods including areas adjoining the Old Katy District;
the proposed facility would create a visual blight;
the proposed facility would create noise or light pollution;
the proposed facility would create a nuisance to adjacent or area properties;
the applicant is unable to establish that it cannot provide service to the city from other available location or facilities;
the proposed facility would fail to utilize state-of-the-art technology to achieve the above objectives;
the proposed facility would fail to comply with all safety standards promulgated by the Federal Communications Commission or other agency having jurisdiction over the facility; or
the center of the base of the proposed tower is located inside or within 1,500 feet of an R-1, R-2 or R-3 district, or the Old Katy District, or within 1,500 feet of a structure used for residential purposes.
Each applicant seeking a special use permit for construction of a new telecommunications facility or modification of a telecommunications facility requiring an increase in the height of a tower for which a special use permit has already been granted shall provide a site plan showing:
the dimensions of the site (“Site” is defined as the amount of property required by the applicant to contain the wireless telecommunications facilities) and the dimensions of the property out of which the site is taken;
the name and address of the owner of the site. If the site is being utilized under lease, the application shall show the name of the owner and all lienholders. The owner of the site and all lienholders shall sign the application;
the center of the base of the tower set back from the edge of the site a distance equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the height of the tower from the site boundary line;
that all guys and accessory buildings meet all minimum zoning setback requirements;
that an 8-foot-high security fence with no opening larger than four inches shall fence the site;
that all gates for ingress and egress will be provided with automatic closing and locking devices and assurances that the gates will be closed at all times except when opened for maintenance or servicing purposes; and
that the site boundary will be landscaped with evergreen shrubs capable of growing to a minimum height of five feet with one shrub planted for each four linear feet of screening fence.
No special use permit is required for addition of an antenna array or equipment to an existing tower or construction of any ancillary building to an existing site. Such exemption does not eliminate the necessity of obtaining any other required building permit.
Each tower for which a special use permit is sought shall be designed, engineered and constructed to accommodate the placement of a minimum of three (3) antenna arrays. This ordinance in no way limits the number of antenna array above three (3) or the amount or kind of equipment placed on a tower necessary to accommodate such antenna.
Each applicant for a Special Use Permit filed under this section shall submit with the application, proof of compliance with other provisions of the City of Katy Code of Ordinances and any other City of Katy standards established or hereafter promulgated by the City of Katy, state or federal law or agency rule applicable thereto.
If any of the requirements and conditions described in this Section 15.2-10 are found to be in conflict with any other provision of Section 15 of the City of Katy Code of Ordinances, then the provisions of this section shall be deemed controlling.
Motels and tourist courts in Districts “C-1” and “C-2”.
Drive-in theaters in any “C-2” or “M” District on sites of ten (10) acres or more.
Drive-in restaurants, refreshment stands, etc., where persons are served in their automobiles, in any commercial district.
Dog kennels and veterinary hospitals in any “C-1”[,] “C-2” or “M” District.
Auto wrecking yards and junkyards, in an “M” District, if enclosed within a solid fence or screen, at least six (6) feet high.
Residential facilities for housing a night watchman on commercial nonresidential property within a “C-2” or “M” district under the following conditions:
Housing must be constructed within any industrial plant or on unimproved tracts of sixty (60) acres or more. Such plant site or acreage tract is hereinafter referred to as the premises.
The housing use is limited to one full-time paid employee, a spouse and children, if married, when such occupancy is determined to be part of the consideration paid by the employer to the employee. The unimproved tract must be used in some manner in connection with employer's business. No other persons shall be allowed to remain in the facility except for guests remaining no more than one night. The facility may not be rented to any person or persons. All utilities must be in the employer's name.
The housing may be included within the construction of the plant built in conformity with all building code requirements, or the employer may place one and one only, employer-owned, HUD-code manufactured home (“the facility”) on the premises to be occupied by the employee. Such HUD-code manufactured home must be placed on a concrete pad, anchored and skirted and may not have more than one accessory building. Such accessory building shall be for purposes of housing any vehicle operated by the employee and storing employee's belongings. No open outside storage shall be permitted at the facility. No accessory building may be constructed to house employer's and employee's property together. Such storage shall be separate except for an enclosed portion of a main building constructed as part of a commercial facility. Vehicles, except for employee's vehicle or vehicles titled in the employer or vehicles of other employees, invitees or guests on premises during normal business hours for less than twenty-four (24) hours, operable or inoperable, shall not be stored on the property.
Such HUD-code manufactured home, whether within a plant or on unimproved acreage, shall not be located within one thousand feet (1,000’) of the nearest single-family residence located within an R-1 district. If located within a commercial plant, the facility must be attached to the sanitary sewer system created for the plant. If located on unimproved land and the facility is within three hundred feet (300’) of a sanitary sewer line, it must be attached to said sewer line. If septic system is required, it must be installed in accordance with all city, county and state standards, statutes and ordinances. No outhouses or “port-a-can” type facilities shall be allowed.
The application for Special Use Permit must contain a plan detailing the location of the facility accompanied with a statement showing clearly that all of the requirements of this section have been met and the name of the person who will be occupying the facility. The owner to whom the Special Use Permit is issued must notify the building inspector within five (5) days of any change in occupancy of the facility. If the building inspector shall determine this section has been violated, the permit shall be revoked, and the holder of the permit shall cause the facility to be vacated. In the event the Special Use Permit is revoked, the holder shall, within fifteen (15) days after notice of revocation, appeal such decision to the board of adjustment. The board of adjustment shall either sustain the revocation or reinstate the Special Use Permit under the same conditions or may impose additional terms and conditions. The Special Use Permit granted under this provision must be renewed annually by submitting a statement to the building inspector stating under oath that the facility is still necessary and that it remains occupied by a full-time paid employee of the holder. Such affidavit shall be filed no sooner than ten (10) days before each anniversary date of the granting of the Special Use Permit. The building inspector may deny the renewal of the Special Use Permit if the building inspector determines that the terms of the permit are being violated.
Additional requirements for approval or renewal of a Special Use Permit may be recommended by the City Planning and Zoning Commission. Such additional requirements and other requirements deemed necessary by city council may be imposed by the city council.
Sexually Oriented Businesses shall be allowed only in C-2 and M Districts, provided, however, a sexually oriented business shall not be located closer than 1,500 feet to a church, public or private school, licensed day school or nursery, hospital, clinic, or any area designated by the City of Katy Zoning Ordinance as R-1, R-2, R-3 or C-1, any public building, public park, dwelling, or within 1,000 feet of another sexually oriented business. The applicant for a special use permit for a Sexually Oriented Business must present a survey prepared by a licensed professional engineer verifying compliance. Any special use permit issued for a Sexually Oriented Business may be revoked if at a later date it is shown that at the time of the permit application the business was closer than 1,500 feet to a church, public or private school, licensed day school or nursery, hospital, clinic, or any area designated by the City of Katy Zoning Ordinance as R-1, R-2, R-3 or C-1, any public building, public park, dwelling, or within 1,000 feet of another Sexually Oriented Business. Any person applying for a Special Use Permit for a Sexually Oriented Business must show that at the time of the application the applicant has also filed for a license to operate a Sexually Oriented Business in the City of Katy. The City of Katy may revoke the Special Use Permit upon a showing that the Licensed Owner of the Sexually Oriented Business has been convicted of [on] two or more occasions in any 12-month period of any violation of his license or the ordinances regulating Sexually Oriented Businesses. The special use permit issued is nontransferable and shall be revoked if the applicant is no longer the owner of the business. If the owner desires to transfer the Special Use Permit to a corporation or other entity in which he owns 100% of the shares or interest in the business entity, the owner may make application to the CPZ, provided the new entity has also applied for a license to operate the business. The transfer of all or any part of the entity or the death of the owner shall be grounds for the City to terminate the Special Use Permit. Sexually Oriented Businesses in operation on the date of adoption of this provision shall obtain a Special Use Permit for the Sexually Oriented Business within 3 years after the date of adoption.
Bed and Breakfast use in R-1 Single-Family and Old Katy “OKD” Districts. Bed and Breakfast establishments shall be subject to the following limitations in addition to the conditions set forth in the Zoning ordinance:
One parking space per bedroom;
Food service shall be limited to overnight guests of the bed and breakfast establishment and may or may not be prepared on-site;
A permanent, wired smoke alarm system meeting all City codes must be installed and operating;
Cooking and cooking facilities prohibited in guest rooms;
Length of stay is limited to not more than 29 consecutive days;
Owner must provide City with a copy of sales tax and/or hotel motel tax certificate from State Comptroller;
The residential character of the lot and the dwelling shall be maintained. Neither the interior nor the exterior of the dwelling shall be structurally altered so as to require compliance with nonresidential construction codes to accommodate the Bed and Breakfast;
No equipment or materials associated with the Bed and Breakfast shall be displayed or stored where visible from anywhere off the premises;
No vehicle that requires a commercial driver's license to operate shall be parked on the premises or on any adjacent street;
The Bed and Breakfast shall not be advertised in a “R-1” Single-Family District by any sign(s) on the premises, including business sign(s) on vehicles; and
Deliveries from commercial suppliers may not be made more than once a week and may not restrict traffic circulation.
Conditions for Approval.
A Special Use Permit shall be issued only if all of the following conditions have been found:
That the specific use will be compatible with and not injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property, nor significantly diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity.
That the establishment of the specific use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property;
That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary supporting facilities have been or will be provided;
The design, location and arrangement of all driveways and parking spaces provides for the safe and convenient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic without adversely affecting the general public or adjacent developments;
That adequate nuisance prevention measures have been or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise and vibration;
That directional lighting will be provided so as not to disturb or adversely affect neighboring properties;
That there is sufficient landscaping and screening to insure harmony and compatibility with adjacent property; and
That the proposed use is in accordance with the comprehensive plan.
The city council may impose additional reasonable conditions necessary to protect the public interest and welfare of the community.
The procedure for amendment of a Special Use Permit shall be the same as for a new application.
Processing fee.
The following fees shall be payable by applicants at the time application is made for a special use permit; amended special use permit; renewal of special use permit; staff review:
Special use permit (new).
$2,000.00 any commercial use including religious and other nonprofit uses.
$100.00 for any single-family residential SUP when application is made by owner and use is for the benefit of owner who will occupy the property.
Amended and renewal special use permit.
$1,000.00 any commercial use including religious and other nonprofit uses.
$100.00 for any single-family residential SUP when application is made by owner and use is for the benefit of owner who occupies the property.
Request for staff review.
$200.00 any review of the application beyond the initial review by city personnel either prior to filing or after filing for each review requested;
$50.00 for a review of application made by the owner occupied structure/use made the basis of the SUP.
Editor's note-A list of special use permits adopted under the provisions of this section is provided as an attachment to this ordinance.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 971 adopted 12/13/90; Ordinance 1078 adopted 12/13/94; Ordinance 1183 adopted 9/22/97; Ordinance 2136 adopted 1/22/01; Ordinance 2158 adopted 6/11/01; Ordinance 2516 adopted 10/10/11; Ordinance 3001 adopted 9/27/21)
General Provisions.
No tent, boxcar, shack or other structure shall be constructed, erected or moved in or onto any location in the City of Katy, if such tent, boxcar, shack or other structure does not conform with the sanitary, health, and building regulations of such location and is not in keeping with the average value and construction of established property in any such location. This section shall not apply to those temporary buildings used in connection with a construction project; provided that such buildings shall be removed within thirty (30) days after occupancy of the permanent building being constructed.
[Repealed by Ordinance 906 adopted November 10, 1988.]
Temporary real estate sales offices, whether portable or nonportable, shall be permitted in the “R” District upon issuance of a permit by the building inspector for a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months. Extensions of time for the purposes of such use shall be allowed only by action of the city council.
A permanent sight-obscuring fence of masonry and/or solid wood (weather-resistant redwood, cedar or equal), not less than six (6) feet in height, shall be erected prior to the beginning of any other construction on commercial property that abuts an “R-1” or “R-2” District. Said screening fence shall be erected along the entire length of the common line between such commercial property and the abutting residential property, and it shall be permanently and adequately maintained by the commercial property owner. For purposes of this section only, sight-obscuring is defined as a fence that prohibits the passage of light through the fence.
On any lot on which a front yard is required by this section, no wall, fence, or other structure shall be erected and no hedge, tree, shrub or other growth or structure of any kind shall be maintained in such location within such required front yard so as to obstruct the view. Any such fence, wall, hedge or screen planting higher than a baseline extending from a point two and one-half (2-1/2) feet above wall grade, at the walk to a point four and one-half (4-1/2) feet above wall grade at the depth of the front yard required is considered an obstruction to view, except single trees having a single trunk.
The provisions prohibiting the construction of fences, as set out in paragraph a, shall not apply to lots of one acre or more in size, where, at the time a fence is constructed, there is no structure, not including flat work, located closer than 50 feet to a structure, not including flat work, located on an adjoining tract of land. On such a lot, a non-sight-obscuring fence no higher than 6.0 feet above grade along the property line where the fence is to be located may be placed along the front and side property lines. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no fence of any height shall be placed within a visibility triangle formed on lots bordering two or more streets, where such streets intersect so as to form a corner. The visibility triangle shall have as its sides the right-of-way lines of the intersecting streets extending away from the point of intersection of the two right-of-way lines, a distance of 25 feet to a point, with a straight line connecting the two points to form the third side of the triangle.
For purposes of this section only, a non-sight-obscuring fence is defined as a fence, no portion of which, between any two fence posts or between two corners, is higher than 6.0 feet above the ground and constructed of either (i) chain-link mesh woven of metal wire, or (ii) woven fence made of wire or other material, or (iii) wooden, plastic or other similar material, rail fencing, either attached vertically or horizontally between the fence posts, or (iv) single or double strand smooth wire, which blocks no more than 50% of the light that would otherwise pass through the area between the fence posts or corners.
No lot, tract, or area located in an “R” District, upon which are existing dwellings or other buildings, shall be changed to other districts until said dwellings or other buildings have been demolished or reconstructed to meet construction standards, except upon application for a special permit, as provided herein.
No building, structure, parking lot, facility or improvement of any kind shall be placed on any property located within twenty-five (25) feet of the centerline of the main line of any railroad, including the MKT main line track, within the City of Katy.
At all intersections of the main line of any railroad company, including the MRT [MKT] line through the City of Katy (hereinafter referred to as the Main Line) and any public or private street (hereinafter referred to as the street), no building, structure, parking area facility or improvement of any kind shall be built within the boundaries of a triangle (hereinafter referred to as a “visibility triangle”) described as a right triangle, the hypotenuse of which is one hundred fifty (150) feet long lying perpendicular to the centerline of the Main Line, with the center of said hypotenuse located at the intersection of the Main Line centerline and right-of-way of the street. The right angle of the visibility triangle shall rest on the centerline of the Main Line at a point seventy-five (75) feet from the intersection of the Main Line and the street right-of-way, as shown below. Visibility triangles shall be imposed on either side of the street as it crosses the Main Line, with the right angle of the triangle located on either side so that a line drawn from the right angle to the center of the hypotenuse does not cross the centerline of the street. For purposes of this section, centerline of the Main Line shall be a line halfway between the iron rails of the Main Line.
Height Exceptions.
In any district, public or semi-public buildings, such as hospitals, hotels, churches, sanitariums or schools, where permitted, may be erected to a height not exceeding seventy-five (75) feet, provided that such buildings shall have yards the depth or width of which shall be increased one (1) foot on all sides for each additional foot that such buildings exceed the specified height limit as established by the regulations of the district in which such buildings are situated.
Dwellings in Districts “R-1” or “R-2” may be increased in height not exceeding ten (10) feet in addition to the limitations of two and one-half (2-1/2) stories, or thirty-five (35) feet, as prescribed in such districts provided that two (2) side yards of not less than fifteen (15) feet in width each are provided. In no case shall such dwellings exceed three (3) stories in height.
Parapet walls and false mansards shall not extend more than six (6) feet above the height limit.
On through lots one hundred twenty-five (125) feet or less in depth, the height of a building may be measured from the curb level of either street. On through lots of more than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet in depth, the height regulations for the street permitting the greater height shall apply to a depth of not more than one hundred twenty-five (125) feet from that street.
Area Exceptions.
For any building used jointly for business and dwelling purposes or industry and dwelling purposes, the number of families permitted by the lot area requirements per family shall be reduced in the same proportion as the floor area devoted to business or industry bears to the entire floor area of the buildings, provided that floor area below the first floor of such building shall not be included in any calculation under this provision.
For any building providing jointly for hotel and apartment house uses, the number of families permitted in apartments by the lot area requirements per family shall be reduced in the same proportion as the total floor area devoted to hotel or non-housekeeping rooms bears to the total floor area devoted to both uses.
Yard Exceptions.
In districts “R-1” to “R-2” inclusive, where lots comprising forty (40) percent or more of the frontage on the same side of a street between two (2) intersecting streets (excluding reverse corner lots), are developed with buildings having front yards with a variation of not more than ten (10) feet in depth, the average of such front yards shall establish the minimum front yard depth for the entire frontage, except that where a recorded plat has been filed showing a setback line which otherwise complies with the requirements of this ordinance, which is less than the established setback for the block as provided above, such setback line shall apply; provided that the City Planning and Zoning Commission may permit variations in cases of hardship, or where the configuration of the ground is such as to make conformity with the front yard requirements impractical.
Where an official line has been established for future widening or opening of a street upon which a lot abuts, then the depth or width of a yard shall be measured from such official line to the nearest line of the building.
Every part of a required court or yard or open space shall be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, chimneys, buttresses, ornamental features and eaves; provided that none of the above projections shall extend into a minimum yard more than twenty-four (24) inches; and provided further that canopies or open porches having a roof area not exceeding sixty (60) square feet may project a maximum of six (6) feet into the front or rear yard.
An open fire escape may project into a required side yard not more than half the width of such yard and not more than four (4) feet from the building. Fire escapes, solid floored balconies and enclosed outside stairways may project not more than four (4) feet into a rear yard.
Except as specifically required adjacent to a District “R-1” to “R-2” inclusive, buildings in Districts “C-1”, “C-2” or “M” used wholly or partially for business or industrial purposes, need not provide a side yard, provided that portions of such buildings which are designed or used for dwelling purposes shall provide on any floor so used, in addition to the front and rear yard requirements, open space equivalent to the area of side yards for buildings used exclusively for dwelling such building is situated [sic]. Such open space may be in the form of additional front or rear yards or one (1) or more courts opening to the street or rear yard.
No rear yard shall be required in Districts “C-1” to “M” inclusive on any lot used for business or industrial purposes, the rear line of which adjoins a railway right-of-way or which has a rear railway tract connection.
In computing the depth of a rear yard for any building where such yard abuts an alley, one-half (1/2) of such alley may be assumed to be a portion of the rear yard.
On a corner lot, a private garage, when attached to the main building and not exceeding the height of the main building, may extend into the required rear yard to a point not less than eighteen (18) feet from the rear lot line, and shall not occupy more than thirty (30) percent of the required rear yard.
Flatwork may extend beyond the required side yard building line to the property line, exclusive of alleys, drainage or utility easements.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 705 adopted 3/14/85; Ordinance 1020 adopted 10/22/92; Ordinance 1109 adopted 8/10/95; Ordinance 1134 adopted 4/22/96)
Accessory Buildings and Uses Permitted.
Buildings or uses which are customarily accessory to a use permitted in one district shall not be permitted in a district of a higher classification.
For any single-family dwelling, there shall be permitted one (1) detached private garage, provided that such garage shall be located not less than sixty (60) feet from the front lot line, not less than six (6) feet from any side lot line, nor less than one (1) foot from any alley line, except that when the rear lot line is common to a side or rear lot line of another lot, such outbuilding must be a minimum of three (3) feet from said rear lot line and in the case of corner lots not less than the distance required for dwellings from side streets.
In any district, a detached accessory building not exceeding twenty-four (24) feet or two (2) stories in height or, in any case, not higher than the main building, may occupy not more than thirty (30) percent of a rear yard. In District “R-2” through “M” inclusive, if such building is not more than one (1) story or sixteen (16) feet high, it may occupy forty (40) percent of the rear yard. No part of a detached accessory building may be connected with the main building [except] by a lightly constructed, covered passage, open on each side and not more than six (6) feet wide inside, the roof of which is not more than twelve (12) feet high at its highest point and is not an extension of the roof or main building.
A barn may be built in any district if placed on a tract of land three (3) acres or larger without having a main building provided the bar [barn] does not exceed two stories or twenty-four (24) feet in height.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 1141 adopted 7/8/96)
To secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to lessen congestion in the streets; to facilitate adequate transportation; to conserve the value of buildings; and to encourage the most appropriate use of land, minimum off-street parking shall be provided as set forth in the following schedules and provisions.
Schedule of minimum off-street parking for single-family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings residential district:
R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District
R-2 Multiple-Family Dwelling District
Single-Family Dwelling (Detached)
Single-Family Dwelling (Attached)
Two-Family Dwelling Spaces per Dwelling Unit
R-1 and R-2 the same
2.5 per dwelling unit or 1 per bedroom, whichever is greater.
Multiple-Family Dwelling Spaces per Dwelling Unit
R-1 and R-2 the same
2.5 per dwelling unit or 1 per bedroom, whichever is greater.
Schedule of minimum off-street parking for single-family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings - nonresidential districts.
Minimum off-street parking for single-family, two-family and multiple-family dwellings in nonresidential districts is hereby established as follows: 2.5 spaces per dwelling unit or one (1) space per bedroom, whichever is greater.
Schedule of Minimum Off-Street Parking for Specified Uses.
Number of Parking Spaces
Required for Each
Boarding or Rooming House
Dwelling or rooming unit
Mobile Home or House Trailer
Lot, plot, tract, or stand.
Hotel, Motel or Tourist Court
Guest room or residence unit
College, University or Private School
for 3 day students + 1 for each staff and faculty
3 seats in sanctuary
Public, Community, Health, or Welfare Center
100 sq. ft. floor area
Day Camp, Kindergarten or Day Nursery
5 pupils
Fraternity or Sorority
3 members or residents
Institute for Alcoholic, Narcotic or Psychiatric Patients
2 employees or attendants employees [sic]
Hospital, General Acute Care
Each bed + 1 for each staff physician
Hospital, Chronic Care
3 beds
Institution, Religious Charitable or Philanthropic
10 residents 2 employees
Nursing or Convalescent Home
3 beds
Institutional Home for Aged
3 residence units
Residence Home for the Aged
Dwelling Unit
Place of Public Assembly
3 seats
Elementary School
20 Students + 1 per staff or faculty member
Junior High School
15 students + 1 per staff or faculty member
Senior High School
3 students + 1 per staff or faculty member
Lodge of [or] Fraternal Organization
100 sq. ft. floor area
Eating or Drinking Place Service to Auto
12 minimum
+ 1
50 sq. ft. floor area
Eating or Drinking Place No Service to Auto
50 sq. ft. dining area floor space
Bank or Savings and Loan
400 sq. ft. floor area
Clinic or Doctor's Office
400 sq. ft. floor area
Office, General
400 sq. ft. floor area
Dance, Display, Drama or Music Studio
200 sq. ft. floor area
Veterinarian Office or Clinic
300 sq. ft. area
School, Business, Trade, or Craft
4 day students + 1 for each faculty or staff member
Personal Service Shop or Establishment
200 sq. ft. floor area
Retail Stores or Shops in Buildings
200 sq. ft. floor area
Open Retail Stores
600 sq. ft. site area exclusive of buildings
Commercial Amusements
For 3 guests, or each 100 sq. ft. floor area, whichever is greater
Bowling Alley
Per lane
Private Club or Nightclub
50 sq. ft. floor area
For each 3 seats
Auto Laundry, Attended
500 sq. ft. floor area
Auto Laundry, Self Service
For each stall
Auto Repair, Garage or Shop
500 sq. ft. floor area
Vehicle or Machinery Sales - Indoor
500 sq. ft. floor area
Auto Parts and Accessory Sales - Indoor
200 sq. ft. floor area
Auto Parts and Accessory Sales - Outdoor
1,000 sq. ft. floor area
Vehicle or Machinery Sales - Outdoor
1,000 sq. ft. site area
Recreational Vehicle or Travel Trailer Sales
300 sq. ft. air-conditioned floor area
Brick or Lumber Yard or Similar Area
1,000 sq. ft. site area
Open Storage Sand, Gravel, or Petroleum Products, Etc.
2,000 sq. ft. site area
Under 25,000 sq. ft.
2,000 sq. ft. + 1 each employee
25,000 - 50,000 sq. ft.
3,000 sq. ft. + 1 each employee
Over 50,000 - 100,000 sq. ft.
4,000 sq. ft. + 1 each employee
Over 100,000 sq. ft.
5,000 sq. ft. + 1 each employee
Office Warehouse Storage
2,000 sq. ft. warehouse + 1: 400 sq. ft. office
12,000 sq. ft.
General Provisions.
An off-street parking space shall be a striped area of not less than one hundred sixty-two (162) square feet, measuring approximately nine (9) feet by eighteen (18) feet not located on a public street or alley. Such parking space, aisles and maneuvering areas shall have an all-weather surfacing, enclosed or unenclosed, and shall be connected by an all-weather surfaced driveway to a street or alley. Head-in or indented parking adjacent to a public street or alley wherein the maneuvering of the vehicle in parking or leaving a parking space is done on a public street or alley shall not be classified as off-street parking in computing any parking requirements herein specified, except in the “Old Katy District.” All additional parking provided for the use (“overflow parking”) must be constructed of asphalt or concrete.
The driveway, as required in Section 18.5-1, if for a single-family residence on one acre of land and larger and in excess of 150 feet from the street to the required off-street parking area, may be any material that is normally used for road construction. The drive shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet wide and graded to not hold water. The driveway shall be all-weather surface from the street or alley to the property line.
In determining the required number of parking spaces, fractional spaces shall be counted to the nearest whole space. Parking spaces located in buildings used for repair garages or carwashes shall not be counted as meeting the required minimum parking.
Where a lot or tract of land is used for a combination of uses, the off-street parking requirements shall be the composite or sum of the requirements of each type of use and no off-street parking space provided for one type of use or building shall be included in calculations of off-street parking requirements for any other uses of buildings.
Floor area of structures devoted to off-street parking of vehicles shall be excluded in computing the floor area for off-street parking requirements.
In all districts, except the “C-2” District, the required off-street parking for all permitted uses, except institutional uses shall be available to customers, employees, tenants, clients, and occupants of a use on a prearranged basis, other than an hourly or fee basis, as free or contract parking in accordance with the minimum parking ratio prescribed for the various districts and uses in the preceding schedule.
Except for institutional uses, required off-street parking for permitted uses in single-family, two-family and multiple-family districts shall be provided on the lot or tract occupied by the main use. For institutional uses in residential districts and for permitted uses in all other districts, off-street parking shall be provided on the lot or tract occupied by the main use or upon a tract dedicated to parking use by an instrument filed for record and consolidated under a single certificate of occupancy with the main use. Such parking facility shall be located in the same zoning district as the main use or in any other district which permits a commercial parking lot or garage; and all or any part of such facility shall be located within a distance (including streets and alleys) of three hundred (300) feet of the property upon which the main use is located.
No parking shall be permitted within six (6) feet of an adjoining lot located in Districts “R-1” to “R-2” inclusive. Any lights used to illuminate said parking areas shall be so arranged as to direct light away from any adjoining premises located in Districts “R-1” to “R” inclusive. Where such parking area is located in an “R” District, no fee shall be charged for parking thereon, and no signs of any kind shall be erected except those necessary for the parking thereon.
Special Off-Street Parking Provisions Nonresidential Districts.
In all nonresidential districts, surface parking may extend to the front property line.
In the “C-2” District, additional off-street parking space for all uses, other than single-family, two-family and multiple-family usage, shall be provided at the ratio of one (1) space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area exceeding two thousand (2,000) square feet.
Minimum Off-Street Loading.
Off-street facilities shall be provided and maintained for receiving and loading merchandise, supplies and materials within a building or on the lot or tract adjacent thereto. Such off-street loading space shall be adjacent to a public alley or private service drive or may consist of a truck berth within the structure. No portion of the loading space shall extend into the public right-of-way. Such space or berth shall be provided in accordance with the following schedules:
For all retail, commercial and industrial uses.
Square Feet of Gross Floor Area in Structure
Minimum Required Spaces or Berths
0 - 10,000
10,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
Each 100,000
1 additional
For all hotels, office buildings and similar establishments.
Square Feet of Gross Floor Area in Structure
Minimum Required Spaces or Berths
1 - 50,000
50,001 to 150,000
150,001 to 300,000
300,001 to 500,000
500,001 to 1,000,000
Each additional 500,000
1 additional
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 664 adopted 3/22/84; Ordinance 1079 adopted 12/13/94; Ordinance 1141 adopted 7/8/96; Ordinance 2546, sec. I, adopted 9/24/12; Ordinance 2546, sec. II, adopted 9/24/12; Ordinance 2714 adopted 8/10/15)
The lawful use of any building, structure or land, existing at the time of the enactment of this ordinance, may be continued although such use does not conform with the provisions of this ordinance, provided, however, the right to continue such nonconforming usage shall be subject to regulations prohibiting the creation of a nuisance and shall terminate when inappropriate use of the premises produces a condition which constitutes a nuisance and further, the right of nonconforming uses to continue shall be subject to such regulations as the maintenance of the premises and conditions of operations as may, in the judgment of the Board of Adjustment, be reasonably required for protection of adjacent property and further, the right of nonconforming uses to continue shall be subject to the specific regulations herein contained.
Nonconforming Buildings.
A nonconforming building or structure may be occupied except as herein otherwise provided.
Repairs and alterations may be made to a nonconforming building or structure provided that no structural alteration shall be made except those required by law or ordinance and further provided these regulations shall never be constructed to allow an addition to a nonconforming building.
A nonconforming building or structure shall not be added to or enlarged in any manner unless such addition and enlargement is made to conform to all the requirements of the district in which such building or structure is located.
No nonconforming building or structure shall be moved in whole or in part to any other location on the lot, or on any other lot, unless every portion of such building or structure is made to conform to all of the regulations of the district.
A nonconforming building or structure which is damaged or partially destroyed by fire, flood, wind, explosion, earthquake, or other calamity or act of God, shall not be again restored or used for such purpose if the expense of such restoration exceeds seventy-five (75) percent of the replacement cost of the building or structure at the time such damage occurred. Any nonconforming building or structure partially destroyed may be restored provided restoration is started within twelve (12) months of the date of partial destruction and is diligently prosecuted to completion. Whenever a nonconforming building or structure is damaged in excess of seventy-five (75) percent of its replacement cost at that time, the repair or reconstruction of such building or structure shall conform to all the regulations of the district in which it is located and it shall be treated as a new building.
Sale of a nonconforming building to a person who will continue the nonconforming use or to an entity which will continue the nonconforming use is not prohibited by this Section.
Nonconforming Uses of Buildings.
Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the nonconforming use of the building or structure lawfully existing at the time of the effective date of this ordinance may be continued.
The use of a nonconforming building or structure may be changed to a use of the same, or more restricted classification, but where the use of a nonconforming building or structure is hereafter changed to a use of a more restricted classification, it shall not thereafter be changed to a use of less restricted classification.
A vacant, nonconforming building or structure lawfully constructed may be occupied by the use for which the building or structure was designated or intended, if so occupied within a period of one (1) year after the effective date of this ordinance, and the use of a nonconforming building or structure lawfully constructed which becomes vacant after the effective date of this ordinance, may also be occupied by the use for which the building or structure was designated or intended, if so occupied within a period of one (1) year after the building becomes vacant.
Nonconforming Use of Land.
The nonconforming use of land existing at the time of the effective date of this ordinance may be continued, provided that no such nonconforming use of land shall in any way be expanded or extended either on the same or adjoining property, and provided that if such nonconforming use of land or any portion thereof is discontinued or changed and such discontinuance or change continues for one (1) year.[,] Any future use of such land, or portion thereof, shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance.
A nonconforming use of any building, structure or land which has been abandoned shall not thereafter be returned to such nonconforming use. A nonconforming use shall be considered abandoned.
when the intention of the owner to discontinue the use is apparent, or,
When the characteristic equipment and furnishings of the nonconforming use have been removed from the premises and have not been replaced by similar equipment within one (1) year, or,
When a nonconforming building, structure or land, or portion thereof which is or hereafter becomes vacant and remains unoccupied or out of use for a continuous period of one (1) year, or
When it has been replaced by a conforming use.
The limitations in this section on nonconforming uses and buildings shall not apply to single-family residential uses or buildings in existence at the time of adoption of this ordinance.
When the nonconforming building used for R-1 purposes is structurally converted to accommodate a conforming use of the zone in which the use and/or building is located, the nonconforming building may not thereafter be used for the nonconforming use without special use permit.
Any existing used car/junk area or junk/salvage area or yard, occupying an open site or any existing used car/junk business or junk/salvage business conducted within structures, or utilizing structures valued at less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), excluding fencing, shall be discontinued within six (6) months after the effective date of this ordinance or six (6) months after being annexed into the City of Katy.
Used car/junk area is defined as any open area, other than a street, alley or public place, used for the dismantling or wrecking of used automobiles or the storage, sale or dumping of dismantled or wrecked cars or their parts.
Junk/salvage area or yard is defined as a lot upon which waste or scrap materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, packed, disassembled or handled, including but not limited to, scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber tires and bottles. A junkyard includes an automobile wrecking yard and automobile parts yard. A junkyard does not include such uses conducted entirely within an enclosed building.
To encourage the most appropriate use of the land and to conserve and protect the value of adjacent land and buildings, regulations are prescribed for the location and screening of open storage of materials, commodities and vehicles of all types in the various districts in accordance with the following standards[.]
Location of Open Storage.
In addition to the regulations concerning commercial and industrial storage uses, the following regulations shall apply to storage accessory to residential and retail uses.
In all one-family, two-family, multiple-family and mobile home districts, no open accessory storage or display outside a building containing materials or commodities for sale at wholesale or retail or for storage purposes shall be permitted nor shall any motor vehicle or machinery storage, other than that which is incidental to the use of a premises as herein provided, be permitted; nor shall any truck or commercial vehicle storage be permitted, except that one (1) panel delivery or pickup truck not exceeding one and one-half (1-1/2) ton capacity, may be stored by the owner of a premises when such vehicle storage is incidental to the main use of such premises.
In the “C-2” District, no open accessory storage or display of materials and commodities, including used cars for sale, shall be permitted between the street line and the front setback or yard line as herein provided, except that such restrictions shall not apply to provisions of off-street parking facilities in conformance of the requirements of this ordinance. For a gasoline service station, the front setback or yard line applicable to this regulation shall be interpreted as the specified setback for fuel pump islands. Permitted open accessory storage shall be screened as required by section 20.3-2
Screening Regulations.
Location of Required Screening.
Where the rear or service side of a nonresidential building in a residential district is exposed to a residence and where a nonresidential building in a “C-1”, “C-2” or “M” District is exposed to a residential district boundary line, and where such building is closer than one hundred fifty (150) feet to the boundary line, a screening wall or fence not less than six (6) feet in height shall be erected separating the rear or service side of such building from the adjacent building or residential district. Where all service, storage and loading facilities are contained within a building, the screening provisions of this section shall not apply.
In a “C-1” or “C-2” district where parking for motor vehicles for nonresidential buildings is provided adjacent to a residential district which is occupied or is to be occupied by residential buildings, whether the district boundary lines are separated by a street or alley or not, a screening wall or landscaped visual barrier not less than five (5) feet in height shall be provided along the boundary of such parking area. This requirement does not waive the requirements of any other section of this ordinance.
In all districts where open storage is permitted and screening of the storage area is required, a screening wall or fence shall be provided not less than six (6) feet in height.
Garbage storage areas shall be visually screened by an eight (8) foot high solid fence on all sides except when one (1) side is adjacent to an alley or easement used for garbage pickup service, no screening fence shall be required on that side.
All wrecking yards (junk and salvage) and salvage yards (outside) with open storage of wrecked or salvaged automobiles, machinery, appliances, or other used commodities and equipment, shall be surrounded by a screening wall or fence not less than eight (8) feet in height.
Standards for Screening.
A required sight-obscuring wall or fence shall be constructed of masonry or of a concrete or metal frame or base which supports a permanent type wall material, the surface of which does not contain openings more than forty (40) square inches in each one (1) square foot of surface of such wall or fence, and which surface shall constitute a visual barrier. No openings shall be permitted for access unless a solid gate equaling the height of the wall is provided. Such gate shall remain closed at all times except in actual use.
Where barriers are required for parking facilities as specified in Section 18 such barriers shall consist of a screening wall not less than five (5) feet in height or a landscaped strip not less than six (6) feet in width, containing a solid planting or hedge not less than five (5) feet in height, which planting shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition.
No screening wall, planting or other visual barrier shall be so located or placed so that it obstructs the vision of motor vehicle drivers approaching any street, drive or alley intersection. This requirement takes precedence over any other requirements of this Section.
Walls and landscaped strips shall be protected from vehicle wheels by a bumper rail or wheel barrier located at least three (3) feet from such planting or wall.
Any wall or fence constructed to comply with any screening provision herein specified shall be maintained so as to meet the minimum standard of screening.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83)
This section shall apply to all new or replacement outdoor lighting on nonresidential and multifamily properties.
Decorative holiday lighting;
Lighting required by local, state, or federal law;
Temporary emergency lighting needed during activities of law enforcement, fire, and other emergency services;
Temporary lighting at construction sites;
Entertainment lighting that occurs only during the course of a special event;
Accent lighting that targets specific features of a building or monument (not facade lighting);
Lighting at historic landmarks where historic light fixtures are used;
Lighting directed at a displayed flag that does not interfere with the visibility on thoroughfares or shine directly at any adjacent residential use; and
Streetlights, including lighting in a public right-of-way.
Site Lighting Design Requirements.
Light Source/Lamp.
Any light source shall not project below an opaque housing.
Only incandescent, fluorescent, metal halide, mercury vapor, or color corrected high-pressure sodium or LEDs may be used. Other light sources may be approved at the discretion of the City Planner.
Fixtures shall be mounted in such a manner that the projected cone of light does not cross any property line.
No fixture shall directly project light horizontally or cause light trespass onto any adjacent residential use.
All fixtures incorporated into non-enclosed structures (i.e., gas pump canopies, carwashes, etc.) shall be fully recessed into the underside of such structures.
All permanent light fixtures are required to be full cutoff fixtures with the light source fully shielded and directed downward. Examples of acceptable/unacceptable lighting fixtures are shown in Exhibit A below:
14-Exhibit A.tif
(Ordinance 3054 adopted 8/22/2022)
No person, unless otherwise permitted by this ordinance, shall erect, construct, reconstruct, structurally alter or relocate any sign within the city which does not comply with the requirements of this section and without first satisfying the permitting requirements and complying with the construction and size standards otherwise adopted by the City of Katy.
Permitted Sign Use.
R-1 and R-2 Districts:
Only temporary on-premises ground signs are permitted on tracts occupied by dwellings. Other locations where dwellings are not located only on-premises ground signs are permitted. Portable signs and CEVMS are prohibited.
[Reserved. Deleted and reserved by Ordinance 2378, section VI, adopted May 12, 2008.]
C-1, C-2 and M Districts:
No off-premises signs, or CEVMS are permitted whether temporary or permanent, shall be located in the Old Katy District or within five hundred (500) feet of a single-family residential zone.
Classification and Definitions.
To seek the attraction of or to direct the attention of the public to any goods, services, or merchandise whatsoever.
Includes any activity with a business purpose, any activity not involving a residential purpose.
Business Purpose.
The use of any property or structure for the purpose of conducting a commercial enterprise or church as herein defined. The definition shall, in any R-1 area as defined in the City of Katy Zoning Ordinance, include any nonresidential use or purpose.
Those organizations identified and defined as religious organizations in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and those activities conducted by those organizations granted exempt status under IRC Sec. 501 when such activities are conducted on the same premises as the religious organization.
An imaginary line drawn along the edge of the pavement on either side of a public street.
General Right-of-Way.
A right-of-way which is not classified as a predominantly residential right-of-way or scenic or historical right-of-way or district and which is owned, leased or otherwise legally controlled by the person placing a sign thereon.
Nonresidential Purpose.
Use or activity which is not a residential purpose, including but not limited to businesses, nonprofit organizations and churches.
Off-Premise Sign.
Any sign advertising a business, person, activity, goods, product or service not usually located on the premises where the sign is installed and maintained, or which directs persons to any location not on the premises.
On-Premise Sign.
Any sign identifying or advertising the business[,] person, activity, goods, products or services primarily sold or offered for sale on the premises where the sign is installed and maintained when such premise is used for business purposes; and
An individual, company, corporation, partnership, association, or any other entity.
Predominantly Residential Right-of-Way.
A public right-of-way between two (2) intersecting public streets in which a majority of the total front footage is used for residential purposes.
Public Right-of-Way.
Any part of a right-of-way not privately owned or controlled, and which is the responsibility of the city or other similar public agency to maintain.
Public Street.
The entire width between property lines of any road, street, way, alley, bridge, or other similar thoroughfare not privately owned or controlled, when any part thereof is open to the public for vehicular traffic, is the responsibility of the city or other similar public agency to maintain, and over which the city has legislative jurisdiction under its police power.
Residential Purposes.
The use of property in an R-1, R-2, or R-3 district devoted to occupancy by persons of a dwelling. Property devoted to both residential and nonresidential use shall be considered as used for residential purposes.
The property fronting on, immediately adjacent to, and on either side of a public street or a nonpublic street.
Any outdoor display, design, pictorial, or other representation, which shall be so constructed, placed, attached, painted, erected, fastened, or manufactured in any manner whatsoever so that the same shall be used for advertising. The term “sign” shall include the sign structure. Every sign shall be classified and conform to the requirements of each of such classifications set forth in this section.
Sign Structure.
Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting any sign. A sign structure may be a single pole and may or may not be an integral part of a building.
Total Front Footage.
The total length of the footage of property fronting on both sides of a public street.
Types of Signs.
All signs shall further be classified into one of the following type signs:
Ground Sign.
Shall consist of one (1) or two (2) sign faces and a support structure. Each pair of identical faces on a ground, pole or projecting sign structure shall constitute a separate sign.
Marquee Sign.
A projecting sign attached to or hung from a canopy or covered structure projecting from and supported by a frame or pipe support extending beyond a building.
Projecting Sign.
Any sign which is affixed to any building wall or structure and extends beyond the building wall or structure more than twelve (12) inches.
Roof Sign.
Any sign erected, constructed or maintained above the roof of any building.
Wall Sign.
Any sign affixed to or painted upon the wall of any building.
Ancillary Sign.
One which conveys information regarding a service or facility subsidiary to the main or principal business use of a property, such as telephone signs, restroom signs, credit card signs, etc. Ancillary signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size.
Special Function Signs.
Any on-premise or off-premise sign of any type which may include electrical sign, portable sign, and spectacular sign or combination, according to special functions.
Electrical Sign.
Any sign containing electrical wiring or utilizing electrical current, but not including signs illuminated by an exterior light source[.]
Portable Sign.
Any sign assigned or constructed to be easily moved from one location to another, including signs mounted upon or designed to be mounted upon a trailer, bench, wheeled carrier or other non-motorized mobile structure; a portable sign which has its wheels removed shall still be considered a portable sign hereunder. For the purpose of this section, trailer signs and signs on benches are “portable signs.”
Spectacular Sign
Shall mean any sign which has automatically changing advertising or which is equipped with glaring or rotating strobe or spotlights or which has any moving message whatsoever. A changing or moving message that does not change or move more than once every four (4) hours, shall not be considered “automatically changing advertising.”
Temporary Sign.
Any sign constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard, or other light material not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in size. A portable sign shall not be considered a temporary sign.
Vendors Variable Message Sign.
A ground sign that incorporates within its design and construction the ability for the vendor to easily alter the wording of the sign message. This sign shall conform to all structural requirements of ground signs, Subsection 1 of this section.
Changeable Electronic Variable Message Sign (CEVMS)
Shall mean a sign which permits light to be turned on or off intermittently, or which is operated in a way whereby light is turned on or off intermittently, including any illuminated sign on which such illumination is not kept stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use including an LED (light emitting diode) or digital sign, and which varies in intensity and color. A CEVMS does not include a sign located within the right-of-way that functions as a traffic-control device (MUTCD) approved by the Federal Highway Administration as the National Standard.
Inflatable Sign.
Shall mean a sign or form of advertisement in the form of or attached to a balloon or other inflatable or floating device.
On-Premise Sign Provisions.
Signs on General Rights-of-Way.
Property on which only one (1) nonresidential purpose activity is located:
No nonresidential activity (activity) shall have more than a total of five (5) on-premise signs; provided, however, that each activity may select any combination of the signs described below in this subsection to reach that total:
Each (activity) shall place no more than two (2) on-premise ground signs;
Each (activity) shall place no more than three (3) on-premise wall signs, which shall not occupy more than fifty (50) percent of the total wall surface;
Each (activity) shall place no more than three (3) on-premise roof or wall signs, designed to be architecturally compatible with the building;
Each (activity) shall place no more than three (3) on-premise projecting signs, which shall not extend above the uppermost portion of the building to which it is attached unless otherwise such extension is excepted;
Each (activity) shall place no more than three (3) on-premise marquee signs.
With the exception of on-premise signs lawfully permitted or erected prior to the passage of this section, all on-premise signs and sign structures shall be contained wholly within the premises upon which they are located and shall not extend onto the public right-of-way; provided that on-premise projecting signs may extend up to ten feet (10’) outward from the building to which they are attached as long as such extension is not closer than two (2) feet behind the curbline.
Spectacular signs are to be prohibited.
Integrated business developments (defined for purposes of this section as shopping centers, strip centers, or any tract of land with more than one (1) commercial activity or for a commercial development of at least 20 acres in size, consisting of multiple lots, and platted as a common development).
Wall signs are permitted for each business within the integrated business development with an allowable total sign area of one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet for each linear foot of the building frontage. The wall sign shall not project above the roofline and must be located on the portion of the building at the site where the goods or services are offered.
One (1) freestanding community sign shall be permitted for integrated business developments of two (2) or more separate businesses. The total area for all freestanding community signs shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each five (5) linear feet of lot frontage up to a maximum size of one hundred (100) square feet . No community sign shall be smaller than fifty (50) square feet. A community sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height. The lowest point of the sign's facing shall be no lower than eighteen (18) inches above the adjacent grade.
Any business within the integrated business development that is on a separately platted lot with at least seventy- five (75) linear feet of street frontage, may have its own on-premises ground sign. If said on-premises ground sign is on the same frontage as the freestanding community sign, then the business may not advertise on the freestanding community sign.
Temporary or portable signs are prohibited in integrated business developments. Temporary or portable signs located in integrated business developments in violation of this provision upon the effective date of this amendment, December 12, 1985, shall be removed no later than six (6) months after the effective date of this amendment. Such six (6) month "grace" period shall not apply to any sign for which a permit has not been obtained.
One vendor's variable message sign, or [for] every one hundred fifty (150) linear frontage feet or portion thereof shall be permitted for integrated developments. The maximum display surface area for each vendor's variable message sign shall not exceed forty (40) square feet per side. A vendor's variable message sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height. The lowest point of the display area shall be no lower than five (5) feet above adjacent grade. All vendor's variable message signs shall be subject to permit fees.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a new tenant in an integrated business development may place a portable sign on the premises of said development for a period not to exceed the first thirty (30) days of tenant's conducting business in such development. A permit shall be required.
It shall be the responsibility of the integrated business development owner to advise his tenants of, and monitor compliance with, the sign ordinance.
Service Stations.
It shall be permissible for retail business offering motor fuel and oil to motor vehicles to place signs furnished by petroleum company suppliers identifying the brand of motor fuel and oil on overhead canopies provided the sign shall contain only the name and/or logo of the supplier and there is only one sign on each canopy face.
Residential Rights-of-Way.
All on-premise signs on residential rights-of-way shall conform in all respects to the requirements set forth herein for general rights-of-way, and shall be subject to the following additional restrictions.
Ground signs shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height or seventy-five (75) square feet in size;
Spectacular signs shall be prohibited; and
Electrical signs shall be limited to not more than ten (10) bulbs of one hundred (100) watts or less, shall be limited to one hundred twenty (120) volts in the lighting circuit, and may be illuminated only indirectly.
On-Premise Activity Required.
An on-premise sign must be erected in connection with an activity or purpose in connection with the activity being conducted on the premises or it shall be considered an off-premise sign.
Visibility Triangle
Within forty-five (45) feet of an intersection, no part of the face of an on-premise sign shall be lower than a height of eight (8) feet above the grade level of the nearest street[.]
Off-Premise Sign Provisions.
Prohibition of New Off-Premise Signs.
Effective the date of passage of this subsection. No new off-premise signs shall be constructed within the city limits of the City of Katy and no additional off-premise signs shall be erected within the city limits of the City of Katy. This prohibition shall apply to all classifications of signs, types of signs and special function signs, and all other signs used as off-premise signs, including portable signs, with the exception of off-premise signs which advertise the sale or rental of real property or direct persons to the location of real property for sale or rental.
Prohibition of CVMS [CEVMS] and Light Emitting Diodes.
From and after the date of adoption of this subsection, no CEVMS or any sign using light emitting diodes not shielded from view shall be permitted or allowed within the City of Katy or its extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Prohibition of Inflatable Signs.
All inflatable signs are prohibited.
Other Regulations.
Signs lawfully erected and lawfully existing on the date of final passage of this subsection which are subject to regulation under provisions of the Texas Highway Beautification Act, or are subject to regulation under the Federal Highway Beautification Act, except for the prohibition contained herein forbidding new off-premise signs, prohibiting CEVMS, and general construction standards adopted by the City, shall be regulated by the City only to the extent of the exceptions and to the extent required by and in accordance with the directives of the appropriate state and federal agencies regulating such signs.
Visibility Triangle.
Within forty-five (45) feet of an intersection, no part of the face of an off-premise sign shall be lower than a height of eight (8) feet above the grade level of the nearest street.
Abandonment of Off-Premise Sign Structures.
Any off-premise sign structure lawfully erected and maintained which has no copy, transcript, reproduction, model, likeness, image, advertisement or written material for a period of one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days is hereby declared to be a violation of this subsection, and as such shall be restored to use or removed by the owner or permitted [permittee] within thirty (30) days after notice by the sign administrator of such violation. If the owner or permittee fails to restore the off-premise sign structure to use or move the abandoned off-premise sign structure within the specified thirty (30) days, the owner or person in possession of the sign shall be deemed in violation of this ordinance and each day shall constitute a separate violation. No sign shall be restored after the expiration of the thirty (30) day notice period.
If allowed in the use district where it is to be located, no permit shall be required under this section for on-premise signs of the following descriptions, unless any such sign is a spectacular sign or a portable sign. Any sign listed hereunder shall be erected and maintained in compliance with the other provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and this subsection, and in a safe condition in the conformity with the construction and maintenance standards adopted by the City of Katy.
Signs painted on glass surfaces or windows or doors:[;]
Wall signs on the wall of a building relating to the ownership or occupancy of the building;
Signs erected by the city, State of Texas (including its political subdivisions, such as counties and school districts), or the federal government and the lessees of such governmental entities:[;]
Railroad signs;
Legal notices and house numbers;
A sign not over forty (40) square feet in area setting forth information concerning a building or other structure under repair or construction or advertising the sale or rental of the premises;
A non-electrical ground sign of not over thirty-two (32) square feet in area no closer than two (2) feet to the curbline, no higher than eight (8) feet, setting forth the address, name of owner, and the name of business, provided there shall be no more than one (1) such sign;
Temporary signs, provided the number of such signs on any premise does not exceed two (2) in number, and provided such signs are displayed on consecutive days, and for only a maximum of seven (7) days in any thirty (30) day period;
Signs otherwise required by federal, state or local laws;
On-premise signs setting forth the location of or directions to parking or buildings located on the premises, or regulating the flow of on-premise traffic. Such directional signs may be lighted, consistent with the other requirements for electrical signs in this section and with the requirements of the Katy City Code;
Signs displayed, designed or used for or upon motor vehicles;
Signs designed and used for display upon or with lighter or heavier-than-air craft;
Signs which are mounted on the face of a building no higher than the roof line or form an integral part of a canopy or marquee entrance and state only the street number, name of the proprietor and name of the premises therein; provided, that the number of such signs shall not exceed the number of entrances for such premises;
Flags and banners used on premises where only one (1) business is located and flags and banners erected by landlords in integrated business developments (shopping centers) to advertise vacant space for lease; and/or
Three (3) or fewer ancillary signs at any business location.
Holiday displays and similar temporary displays erected without advertising, provided such displays comply with the Fire Prevention Code and rules and regulations for fire safety promulgated by the fire marshal.
Signs erected solely for and relating to a public election for a period commencing sixty (60) days prior to and for ten (10) days following such public election, provided that such unpermitted signs shall be located on private property only, shall be constructed of lightweight material, and shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in size.
Informational signs indicating the presence of fraternal organizations, civic organizations and/or religious denominations or churches within the City of Katy may be erected pursuant to the regulations of set out in this section, provided, however, that such signs shall:
Be limited to the name and/or symbol of such fraternal or civic organization, or the name and address of the religious denomination or church being identified as present within the city, and further listing the time and place of regular meetings of the religious organization, and the name of the Minister of Religion or Practitioner with whom contact may be made and the telephone number of such person;
Contain information identifying more than two (2) such civic or fraternal organizations and more than two (2) such religious denominations or churches, it being the intent of this subsection to prohibit separate signs for each organization or denomination; and
Be located only within two thousand feet (2,000’) of the city limits and adjacent to U.S. Highway 90 where it traverses the city.
Informational signs announcing special events for nonprofit organizations and service groups may be posted up to twenty-one (21) days after the event. Such signs do, however, require registration with the city prior to erection and shall otherwise conform to the ordinances of the City of Katy. No such signs shall be posted upon public property unless the event is being sponsored by an organization partially or wholly funded by public funds or a governmental agency or being sponsored by a group or organization using publicly owned facilities. No such signs shall be allowed on a public street. These signs shall not exceed forty (40) square feet. Street banners shall be allowed, but must be approved in writing by the city administrator.
Pre-Existing Signs.
Every person, business, church, group, organization or other entity which has a sign on the effective date of this section shall, within one (1) year, identify each sign located on the premises and shall furnish a list of such sign or signs to the City of Katy. All signs must meet the construction and spacing standards contained in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Katy. All signs located in districts where such signs are permitted shall be deemed conforming signs. All signs located in use districts where such signs are not allowed shall be deemed nonconforming signs and shall be governed by Section 19 of this Zoning Ordinance.
Where such variance will not be against the public interest and to avoid unnecessary hardship, the owner of a tract of land wishing to place a sign thereon or remove a sign therefrom, may obtain a variance from the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment however is authorized only to grant a variance relating to height, size or time allowed to remove a sign. The Board of Adjustment is not authorized to grant a variance permitting the placement of a sign in a district where such sign is not allowed. The procedure for obtaining a variance before the Board of Adjustment shall be as set out in Section 22 of this Zoning Ordinance.
(Ordinance 1021 adopted 10/22/92; Ordinance 1042 adopted 8/12/93; Ordinance 1141 adopted 7/8/96; Ordinance 2378, secs. IX, XI, adopted 5/12/08; Ordinance 2460, secs. III–VI, adopted 12/14/09; Ordinance 2499 adopted 5/23/11; Ordinance 3102 adopted 8/28/2023)
There is hereby created a Board of Adjustment consisting of five (5) regular members and four alternate members who shall serve in the absence of one (1) or more regular members when requested to do so by the mayor. Each member of the Board of Adjustment shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed and shall be removable for cause by the mayor and city council upon written charge and after public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose position becomes vacant for any cause in the same manner as the original appointment was made. The members of the Board of Adjustment heretofore existing shall continue to serve as members of the board until the terms for which they were originally appointed expire. Members of the board shall serve without compensation.
The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules to govern its proceedings, provided, however, that such rules are not inconsistent with this ordinance or statutes of the State of Texas. Meetings of the board shall be held at the call of the chairman and at such other times as the board may determine. The chairman, or in his absence, the acting chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the board shall be open to the public. The board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon each question, or, if absent or failing to vote, indicate such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and other official actions, all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the board and shall be public record.
Appeal process.
The appeal shall be accompanied by a processing fee in the following amount:
$500.00 appeals of any contested decision involving residential or commercial structure.
$200.00 any review of the appeal beyond the initial review by city personnel either prior to filing or after filing for each review requested.
$50.00 for a review of appeal made by the owner occupied structure/use made the basis of the appeal.
Stay of Proceeding.
An appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Board of Adjustment, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed, otherwise, than by a restraining order which may be granted by the board or by a court of record upon application after notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown.
General Powers.
The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers.
To hear and decide appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement of this ordinance. The board must find the following in order to grant an appeal:
That there is a reasonable difference of interpretation as to the specific intent of the zoning regulations or zoning map.
That the resulting interpretation will not grant a special privilege to one property inconsistent with other properties or uses similarly situated.
The decision of the board must be such as will be in the best interest of the community and consistent with the spirit and interest of the city's zoning laws.
To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this ordinance. The term “special exception” shall mean a deviation from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, specifically enumerated herein, which shall be granted only in the following instances, and then only when the board finds that such special exception will not adversely affect the value and use of adjacent or neighboring property or be contrary to the best public interest:
To reconstruct, extend or enlarge a building occupied by a nonconforming use on the lot or tract occupied by such building, provided that the reconstruction, extension, or enlargement does not prevent the return of the property to a conforming use.
To deviate yard requirements in the following circumstances:
An exception from the front yard requirements where the actual front yard setback of an abutting lot does not meet the front yard requirement or a rear yard exception where the actual rear yard setback of any four (4) or more lots in the same block do not meet the rear yard requirements of these regulations.
A yard exception on corner lots.
An exception where the existing front yard setbacks of the various lots in the same block are not uniform, so that any one of the existing front yard setbacks shall, for buildings hereafter constructed or extended, be the required minimum front yard depth.
An exception from the minimum front yard requirements for owner identification signs where a structure existing at the effective date of this ordinance precludes locating a sign in compliance with the setback regulation.
An exception from a minimum interior side yard setback requirement for owner identification signs for existing businesses which were developed prior to the effective date of this ordinance, where there is no safe place to erect a sign in compliance with the minimum setback requirements. A condition for granting of the exception is that the applicant must demonstrate that the sign shall not screen or obstruct the view of an existing sign, building or outdoor display area.
To waive or reduce off-street parking and loading requirements when the board finds the same are unnecessary for the proposed use of the building or structure for which the special exception request applies.
To authorize upon appeal in specific cases such variance from the terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest, where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of said laws will result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. The term “variance” shall mean a deviation from the literal provisions of the Zoning Ordinance which is granted by the board when strict conformity to the Zoning Ordinance would cause an unnecessary hardship because of circumstances unique to the property on which the variance is granted. Except as otherwise prohibited under subsection 22.6 hereof, the board is empowered to authorize a variance from a requirement of the Zoning Ordinance when the board finds that all of the following conditions have been met:
That the granting of the variance will not be contrary to the public interest;
That literal enforcement of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship because of exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape, topography or other extraordinary or exceptional physical situation unique to the specific piece of property in question. “Unnecessary hardship” shall mean physical hardship relating to the property itself as distinguished from a hardship relating to convenience, financial considerations or caprice, and the hardship must not result from the applicant or property owner's own actions; and
That literal enforcement of the ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship as applied to a structure. The board may consider the following as grounds to determine whether compliance with the ordinance as applied to a structure that is the subject of the appeal would result in an unnecessary hardship:
the financial cost of compliance is greater than 50 percent of the appraised value of the structure as shown on the most recent appraisal roll certified to the assessor for the municipality under Section 26.01, Tax Code;
compliance would result in a loss to the lot on which the structure is located of at least 25 percent of the area on which development may physically occur;
compliance would result in the structure not being in compliance with a requirement of a municipal ordinance, building code, or other requirement;
compliance would result in the unreasonable encroachment on an adjacent property or easement; or
the municipality considers the structure to be a nonconforming structure; and
That by granting the variance, the spirit of the ordinance will be observed and substantial justice will be done.
The applicant shall have the burden of proving to the board that the foregoing conditions have been met.
Use Variance Prohibited.
No variance shall be granted to permit a use in a zoning district in which that use is prohibited.
Additional Conditions.
The board is empowered to impose upon any variance or special exception any condition reasonably necessary to protect the public interest and community welfare.
Revocation or Modification.
A variance or special exception may be revoked or modified for any of the following reasons:
That the variance or special exception was obtained or extended by fraud or deception.
That one (1) or more of the conditions imposed by the board in granting such variance or special exception has not been complied with or has been violated.
That the variance or special exception, although granted in accordance with all requirement[s] hereof, has caused a nuisance or is otherwise detrimental to public health, safety and welfare.
An action to revoke or modify a previously granted variance or special exception may be initiated by order of the city council, the mayor, any member of the board or the person who obtained the variance or special exception.
The Board of Adjustment shall hear a request for the revocation or modification of a variance or special exception in accordance with the same notification and hearing procedures established for original variances and special exceptions.
Notification and Hearing Process.
Any request for an appeal, variance or special exception shall require a public hearing before the board. Notice of said hearing shall be published at least one (1) time in the official newspaper of the City of Katy, at least ten (10) days prior to the day of the hearing. A written notice of the hearing shall be sent to owners of property situated within two hundred (200) feet of the exterior boundary of the property with respect to which such appeal, variance or exception is requested. It shall be sufficient that such written notice is addressed to the owner appearing on the most current tax roll of the city and addressed to such owner at the address stated on said roll. If no owner is stated on the tax roll, or no address appears thereon, the written notice to such property owner shall not be required. Such notice as herein provided shall be in addition to any and all notices required by state law.
Action of the Board.
The concurring vote of four (4) members of the board shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of any such administrative official, or to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter upon which it is required to pass under any such ordinance, or to effect any variation in such ordinance.
Appeal from Decision of Board.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Adjustment, or any officer, department or other board or commission of the city or the city council, may appeal the decision or action of the Board of Adjustment by filing a petition for same in a court of competent jurisdiction, setting forth that such decision is illegal in whole or in part, and specifying the grounds for the alleged illegality. Such petition shall be filed with the court within ten (10) days from the day the board renders its decision, and not thereafter. The time period set forth herein shall be deemed jurisdictional.
No application for a variance, special exception, or appeal which has been denied shall be again filed earlier than one (1) year from the date of original denial.
If an application is granted by the board, all permits necessary for the prosecution of the work must be obtained within ninety (90) days and construction completed within the time established by the building code. All previous applications approved by the board for which building permits have not been issued shall be valid only if a building permit is obtained within ninety (90) days after receipt of a written notice of the requirements of this section and construction must be completed within the time limits set forth in the building code. Written notice shall be considered received on the date such notice is mailed to the person, firm or corporation who received the variance addressed to the address of such person, firm or corporation as the same shall appear in the records of the City Planning and Zoning Commission relating to the granting of such application.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 3001 adopted 9/27/21; Ordinance 3014 adopted 1/10/22)
The Planning Commission, created in accordance with an ordinance of the City of Katy, shall have the duties and responsibilities of the Zoning Commission provided for in Section 211.007 Local Government Code, V.T.C.A. (formerly Article 1011f) and shall be the City Planning and Zoning Commission. The City Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of seven (7) members who are resident citizens and qualified voters of the city. The members of the City Planning and Zoning Commission shall be appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council for two (2) year terms or until a successor is appointed. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose position becomes vacant for any cause in the same manner as the original appointment was made. The members of the Planning Commission existing on the effective date of this ordinance shall continue to serve as members of the City Planning and Zoning Commission until the terms for which they were originally appointed expire. Thereafter, to provide for staggered two-year terms of the City Planning and Zoning Commission, following the next mayor's election, the mayor shall appoint (i) three (3) member[s] of the City Planning and Zoning Commission to serve a one-year term; upon expiration of such one-year term the mayor shall appoint three (3) members whose terms shall expire in two (2) years; (ii) four (4) members who shall serve for a term of two (2) years. Members of the City Planning and Zoning Commission shall serve without compensation. Failure of any regular or alternate member to attend a minimum of eighty (80) percent of all meetings and workshops of the City Planning and Zoning Commission during any calendar year shall result in automatic removal from membership of the City Planning and Zoning Commission. Excused absences which have been approved by the chairman of the City Planning and Zoning Commission shall not be counted as absences in calculating the percentage of attendance.
In addition to the seven (7) members who serve as Zoning Commissioners, two (2) alternates shall be appointed, to wit: alternate position number one to be filled by appointment expiring at the regular city officers election 1988, and alternate position number two to be filled by appointment expiring at the regular city officers election 1989. The terms thereafter for such alternates shall be two (2) years. Qualifications of alternates shall be the same as for regular members. Vacancies shall be filled as are vacancies among regular members. Alternates shall not vote on any commission business but may participate in discussion. Alternates shall have full voting authority as a Zoning Commissioner when asked by the chairman to fill a vacancy at any meeting of the City Planning and Zoning Commission created by the absence of any Zoning Commissioner.
From time to time in this ordinance and in other ordinances and city communications, the City Planning and Zoning Commission may, in the interest of time, be referred to by the abbreviation “CPZ” Commission.
The “CPZ Commission” shall adopt rules, regulations and bylaws to govern its proceedings; provided that such rules shall not be inconsistent with this section or the laws of the State of Texas. All meetings of the “CPZ Commission” shall be open to the public. Four (4) members of the “CPZ Commission” shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
The existing Planning Commission of the City of Katy having been incorporated herein shall be called the City Planning and Zoning Commission, and the ordinance creating such commission, to the extent it is in conflict with the procedures, powers, and duties as herein stated, is amended to reflect such procedures, powers and duties.
Powers and Duties.
The “CPZ Commission” shall have the following powers and duties:
To make studies and project plans for improvement of the city, with a view toward its future development and extension, and to recommend to the city council all matters for the development and advancement of the city's facilities, layout and appearance, and to perform all duties imposed upon the “CPZ Commission” by the statutes of the state.
To make plans and maps of the whole or any portion of the city and of land outside the city located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Katy, which, in the opinion of the “CPZ Commission,” bears a relation to the planning of the city, and to make changes in, additions to, and extensions of such plans or maps when it deems same advisable.
To confer with and advise property owners pertaining to location and erection of structures in order to promote conformity to the overall city plan.
To aid and assist the city council in the preparation of budgets and determination of sources of funds, and in the procuring of financial and other aid and assistance for the city from the state and federal governments and their agencies, for each and all of the purposes herein enumerated.
To assist all other municipal and governmental agencies, and especially the city council, in formulating and executing proper plans of municipal development.
To plan and recommend the location, plan, and extent of city alleyways, viaducts, bridges, subways, parkways, parks, playgrounds, airports, automobile parking places and other public properties, and of public utilities, including bus terminals, railroads, railroad depots, and terminals, whether publicly or privately owned, for water, lights, sanitation, sewage, sewage disposal, drainage, flood control, transportation, communication, marketing, and shipping facilities, power and other purposes and for the removal, relocation, widening, extension, narrowing, vacation, abandonment or change of use of any of the foregoing public places, works, buildings, facilities, or utilities.
To select and recommend to the city council routes of streets, avenues and boulevards, and particularly to investigate and recommend the opening, widening, or abandonment of streets, avenues, boulevards, and alleys or the changing thereof to conform with the city's system, present and future, of boulevards, streets, avenues, alleyways, parks and parkways.
To investigate, consider and report to the city council upon the layout or platting of new subdivisions of the city or of property situated within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Katy and to approve all plans, plats, or replats of additions within the city limits, or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Katy.
To recommend to the city council the approval or rejection of subdivisions in accordance with subdivision ordinances of the City of Katy.
To conduct a regular comprehensive review of this ordinance, beginning in March 1994 and in March of every other calendar year thereafter to determine whether the ordinance has become deficient, obsolete, or inadequate for any reason including the following:
Defects in the original text.
Defects in the Zoning Map.
Deficiencies created by improper or lax administration and subsequent amendments to the original ordinance which are inconsistent, conflicting or ambiguous.
Inconsistency with state statutes or judicial decision.
Failure to reflect current public opinion and prevailing community values.
Failure to provide modern zoning concepts and techniques or innovative development practices.
To hear requests for proposed changes and classifications filed by any interested party when such request is made in writing and accompanied by the appropriate filing fee [as provided in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code].
All hearings on requests for amendments, change and classification and review as above set out shall be public hearings and shall conform to the notice requirements of Section 211.007, Local Government Code, V.T.C.A. (formerly Article 1011f) and shall be conducted within thirty (30) days after receipt of the request by the chairman of the “CPZ Commission.”
To recommend any change or modification to the city council which shall have the right to adopt by ordinance any recommended change.
A public hearing shall be held by the city council before adopting any proposed amendment, supplement or change, at which interested parties and citizens shall have the opportunity to be heard. A notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published as required by state law and notice provided as set out in Section 211.007, Local Government Code, V.T.C.A., (Formerly Article 1011f). When the “CPZ Commission” has recommended a change in zoning together with recommendations as to requirements as provided herein, the city council shall be at liberty to either accept, reject, or make other or additional requirements and any such requirements, at the discretion of the city council to be made, shall become a part of the ordinance changing the zoning classification of such property, and such requirements shall be considered as an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as applicable to such property. Such requirements shall not be considered conditions precedent to the granting of the change in zoning or the granting of building permits on such property. Such requirements shall be construed as conditions precedent to the granting of a certificate of occupancy in compliance, and shall be complied with before a certificate of occupancy may be issued by the building inspector for the use of [or] occupancy of the building, land, or structure on such property.
In case of a protest against such change, signed by the owners of twenty (20) percent of more either of the area of the lots included in such proposed change or of those immediately adjacent in the rear thereof extending two hundred (200) feet therefrom, or of those directly opposite thereto extending two hundred (200) feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such amendment shall not become effective except by a favorable vote of four-fifths (4/5) of all the city council.
Other Department Heads and Officials.
All department heads and officials of the city shall be available to the “CPZ Commission” for advice and consultation, and they shall cooperate with and render such services for the “CPZ Commission” as shall come within the scope of the duties of such department heads and officials. All such department heads and officials shall attend meetings of the “CPZ Commission” upon the request of the “CPZ Commission” or its duly authorized official or officials.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 841 adopted 7/23/87; Ordinance 1020 adopted 10/22/92; Ordinance 2435, sec. I, adopted 6/8/09)
Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, the building inspector of the City of Katy shall administer and enforce this ordinance, the inspection of premises and the issuing of building permits and certificates of occupancy. No building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the building inspector unless the provisions of this ordinance have been complied with.
No person shall erect or construct or proceed with the erection or construction of any building or structure nor add to, enlarge, move, improve, alter, repair, convert, extend or demolish any building or structure or cause the same to be done in any zoned district in the City of Katy without first applying for and obtaining a building permit therefor. All applications for such permits shall be in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and the Building Code of the City of Katy unless upon written order of the Board of Adjustment [and] no such building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any building where such construction, addition, alteration or use thereof would be in violation of the provisions of this ordinance.
Powers and Duties of the Building Inspector.
The building inspector may order work stopped on any building or structure being constructed in violation of this ordinance and revoke the building permit theretofore issued by notice in writing served on any person owning such property or their agent or on any person engaged in the doing or causing of such work to be done, and any such person shall forthwith stop and cause to be stopped such work until authorized by the building inspector to recommence and proceed with the work or upon issuance of a building permit in cases in which the building permit has been revoked. Such stop work order and revocation of permit shall be posted on work being done in violation of this ordinance.
Whenever any building or portion thereof is being used or occupied contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, the building inspector shall order such use or occupancy to be discontinued, and such person shall vacate such building or portion thereof within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice or make the building or portion thereof comply with the requirements of this ordinance.
Upon written request of a property owner a Zoning Verification Letter describing and verifying the zone in which the applicant's property is located shall be issued. Such written request shall be accompanied by a fee [as provided in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code].
Certificate of Occupancy.
No vacant land shall be occupied or used except for agricultural purposes, and no building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be used or occupied until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the building inspector stating that the building or proposed use thereof complies with the provisions of this ordinance and all other existing building and sanitation ordinances.
No nonconforming use shall be maintained, renewed, changed, or extended without certificate of occupancy having first been issued by the building inspector therefor.
Application for a certificate of occupancy shall be made in writing coincident with the application for a building permit, or may be directly applied for where no building permit is necessary and shall be issued or refused in writing within five (5) days after the building inspector has been notified that the building or premises is ready for occupancy.
The building inspector shall maintain a record of all certificates and copies shall be furnished upon request to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected.
No permanent water, sewer, electrical or gas utility connections shall be made to the land, building or structure until and after a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the building inspector.
Upon request by the owner or authorized representative, the building inspector may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the temporary use and occupancy of a portion of a building prior to the completion and occupancy of the entire building provided such temporary occupancy or use will not in any way or manner jeopardize life or property. Such temporary certificate may be issued for a period not exceeding six (6) months. Such temporary certificate shall not be construed as in any way altering the respective rights, duties or obligations of the owner in relation to the use or occupancy of the premises, or in any other matter covered by this ordinance, and such temporary certificate shall not be issued except under such restrictions and provisions.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83; Ordinance 2435, sec. II, adopted 6/8/09)
Any person, firm or corporation in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
In case any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used in violation of the general law or of the terms of this ordinance, the City of Katy, in addition to imposing the penalty above provided, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings in court to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use, to restrain, correct or abate such violation, or to prevent the occupancy of such building, structure or land, to prevent the illegal act, conduct, business or use, in or about such land; and the definition of any violation of the terms of this ordinance as a misdemeanor, shall not preclude the City of Katy from invoking the civil remedies given it by law in such cases, but same shall be cumulative of and in addition to the penalties prescribed for such violation.
All rights or remedies of the City of Katy, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of any Zoning Ordinance or amendments thereto, of said City of Katy, that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and as to such accrued violation, the court shall have all the powers that existed prior to the effective date of this ordinance; and that all existing violations of previous zoning ordinances which would otherwise become nonconforming uses under this ordinance but shall be considered as violations of this ordinance in the same manner that they were violations of prior zoning ordinances of said City of Katy.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed insofar as the same are in conflict with the provisions hereof.
This ordinance and accompanying Zoning Map on file in the office of the city secretary shall be in full force and effect from and after publication in the official newspaper of the City of Katy, Texas as required by the Katy City Charter. The city secretary is authorized to publish only the descriptive caption of this ordinance to comply with the Katy City Charter requirement.
(Ordinance 621 adopted 3/24/83)