There is hereby created, in and for the city, Keep Katy Beautiful, a board created for the purpose of encouraging and securing the support of local citizens and businesses for beautifying and improving the appearance of the city.
(Ordinance 2880 adopted 11/26/18)
Members of the board shall possess at least one of the following qualifications:
Residency within the city limits;
Own or be employed by a business within the city limits;
Possess qualifications acquired through either experience, or special training and education, which will be useful to the improvement and beautification of the city. (No more than 2 board members qualifying solely under this subsection shall be appointed.)
Members of the board emeritus shall possess all of the following qualifications:
Be a former member of the Keep Katy Beautiful board;
Served Keep Katy Beautiful with distinction and excellence;
Held an important leadership role, and made or continues to make significant contributions to Keep Katy Beautiful;
Engaged in major volunteer or advocacy activities in his or her service on the board;
Completed the term(s) for which he or she was appointed, and has served at no less than 5 years; and
Served as chairman of one or more subcommittees.
(Ordinance 2880 adopted 11/26/18)
Keep Katy Beautiful shall consist of a board of thirteen (13) members and include as officers a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary. The board shall also have emeritus board members. The appointment of emeritus board members shall be by the mayor and approved by city council. A board member emeritus must be nominated by a current board member. Nominations must be submitted with supporting statements to the board for consideration as a board emeritus. The board will consider potential candidates and may nominate one or more individuals for a board emeritus position. A simple majority vote of board members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present is sufficient to approve the nomination. A board member emeritus shall be entitled to receive all written notices and information which are provided to the board of directors and to attend all board of directors meetings. A board member emeritus shall not be subject to any attendance policy, counted in determining a quorum, entitled to hold office, entitled to go to conferences on behalf of the board, nor entitled to vote at any board meeting. The appointment of members shall be by the mayor and approved by the city council for three-year overlapping terms with the exception of the initial members who shall be appointed as follows:
Four (4) members to be appointed for three (3) years.
Four (4) members to be appointed for two (2) years.
Three (3) members to be appointed for one (1) year.
All members so appointed shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for personal expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, when authorized in advance by the city administrator. Officers of the board will be named by the mayor with the approval of the city council for a one-year term.
(Ordinance 2880 adopted 11/26/18)
The board will hold one (1) regular monthly meeting and other special meetings as deemed necessary. All meetings of the board will be open to the public and in conformance with the rules and regulations of the Texas Open Meetings Law. The board shall hold all meetings at the city hall. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any member who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings of the board without valid excuse, as determined by the board, shall be automatically dismissed from membership and the city council advised that such vacancy exists. Vacancies occurring on the board, for whatever reason, will be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term within thirty (30) days, by appointment of the mayor with the consent of the city council.
(Ordinance 2939 adopted 1/27/20)
The chairman of the board shall be responsible for the calling and the conduct of all meetings and shall be responsible for the preparation and posting of meeting agendas as required by law.
The vice-chairman shall act in the absence of the chairman and perform other such duties as directed by the chairman.
The secretary of said board shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of meetings and submit a copy of said proceedings to the city council each month, and shall also keep a permanent record of donated funds. Such funds received shall be delivered to the city treasurer to be maintained in a separate trust account with the funds expended only for the purpose for which they were donated. Such account shall be audited annually as part of the regular city audit.
(Ordinance 2880 adopted 11/26/18)
The Keep Katy Beautiful board shall have the following expressed powers and functions:
To determine the goals of city beautification and develop long-range plans and programs for improvement and beautification within the city.
To prepare, with recommendations, an annual Keep Katy Beautiful budget, to be submitted for approval by the city council. The funds included in the budget shall be for normal administrative costs of the committee. In addition, the committee may recommend different projects for beautification which will be implemented by the city and budgeted as part of its regular budgeting procedure.
To recommend the selection and employment of such personnel, agents or consultants as the board deems necessary, within the limits of their approved city budget.
To act as the city's representative in all matters relating to state, federal and county beautification programs.
To arrange and conduct any form of publicity relative to its activities for the general purpose of public understanding. Any such plan shall have prior city council approval before implementation.
To negotiate and enter into agreements and contracts with the United States government, the state, municipal corporations or political subdivisions thereof for the planning, developing, construction or funds of improvement and beautification projects, provided such agreements and contracts are first ratified by the city council.
To accept, with approval of the city council, gifts, donations and grants on behalf of the city for the development of beautification and improvement of the city.
To recommend to the city council schedules of fees and charges for the use of any such facilities under the jurisdiction of said board.
To work closely with other city boards towards continued city improvement and beautification.
To actively encourage and secure support from the citizens of the city for improving and beautifying the city.
(Ordinance 2880 adopted 11/26/18)
The mayor and city council shall have the power to:
Remove from office any or all members of said board for any reason deemed sufficient by the majority of the city council.
Approve all plans for expenditure of funds donated to the city for beautification and to insure any funds donated for a specific purpose are used only for such purpose.
Reject any donations for particular projects which the city council may deem not feasible or in the best interest of the city.
(Ordinance 2880 adopted 11/26/18)