For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply:
A business which is not a food service establishment; a business which does not sell produce or meat; an establishment which generates less than two (2) yards of refuse per week; establishments which are not part of an integrated business development or “shopping center”; multifamily dwellings containing four (4) units or less; small freestanding commercial establishments or offices which generate quantities of refuse comparable to residential units; those units described above which have not filed a waiver with the city signifying that they do not wish city service.
Each tenant of a commercial building designed to house more than (1) occupant shall be deemed a single commercial unit, except:
Commercial buildings, including apartments and office buildings, where the owner provides garbage collection as a part of the landlord's obligation and provides one (1) single location for collection of garbage;
Commercial buildings under more than one (1) ownership, including but not limited to condominiums and townhouses where a property owners’ association provides garbage collection at one (1) single location; and
Multiple detached buildings under single ownership on the same tract of land where the owner provides garbage collection at one (1) single location.
In the case of the exceptions in subsections (1)(A), (B) and (C), such service shall be billed as a single commercial unit. If more than one (1) location is provided by the owner or association, each separate location shall be billed as a separate single commercial unit.
In each case where a single building houses a commercial unit and a residential unit owned and occupied by the same person, the unit shall be billed as a commercial unit.
A commercial unit within a residential unit not owned and occupied by the same person shall be billed as a commercial unit.
All single-family residences, including those multifamily dwelling units containing not more than four (4) single-family units.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.402)
The city shall provide garbage pickup service to the citizens and businesses of the city on a regular basis upon terms established from time to time by the city council. The city may provide such service through contract with private collection services.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.401)
Every residential unit shall be required to participate in the city collection service. Each residential unit shall pay minimum garbage collection fees. Commercial units desiring to contract for private garbage collection may do so and pay no garbage fee to the city upon presentation to the city secretary of a copy of such private contract, provided such private contractor shall meet the requirements hereinafter set out.
All garbage shall be placed adjacent to a public street for pickup. Commercial accounts may place garbage in dedicated paved alleyways where access has been and continues to be available.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.403)
Residential units.
Each residential unit shall pay to the city the sum as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code. In those cases where the city is unable to provide garbage pickup service, no charge shall be levied.
Small commercial units.
Small commercial units generating less than two (2) cubic yards of uncompressed garbage per week shall pay a fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
Payment of charges.
The charges made by the city for collection of garbage, trash and refuse shall become a part of the monthly charges due the city the same as water and/or sewer services, on the condition that all payments and/or partial payments made by any customer on such monthly service bill shall be applied first to the payment of charges due and owing on the garbage collection fee due the city. Provided further that this service represents a health need to the citizens of the city and that the delinquent fees due for collection of garbage shall never constitute grounds to discontinue the collection thereof.
Collection in developments with private streets.
Where garbage collection is desired in developments with private streets, a letter holding the city harmless for any damages or deterioration to such property signed by the owner must first be on file with the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.404)
Residential standards.
Containers shall be in accordance with the city's solid waste agreement or regulations adopted by the city.
Commercial establishment standards.
Each commercial establishment shall provide at least one (1) container of a capacity of not more than thirty (30) gallons for the purpose of storing garbage and refuse which accumulates from and around such commercial establishment. Such container or containers shall be in good condition and repair with a substantial bottom of sufficient strength to hold the weight of the contents of such container, and with a securely fitting top enclosing such container.
Storage of trash.
All trash from commercial establishments shall be stored in the type of container provided in subsection (1) hereof, or shall be stored in substantial packing boxes; provided, however, any trash stored in a container other than provided in subsection (1) hereof shall be kept dry and under cover until the day when the trash is to be collected so the contents of such packing box will not blow out of the box or the box will not get wet and fall apart when loading on the truck.
Accumulation of garbage, trash or refuse prohibited.
No garbage, trash or refuse shall be allowed to accumulate or be stored around the outside of any commercial establishment in the open, or in containers, or in a manner other than as provided in subsections (1) and (2) hereof.
Removal of garbage and refuse.
All garbage and refuse shall be removed from the premises of every commercial establishment in the city at least two (2) times each week and all trash shall be removed from each commercial establishment at least one (1) time each week.
Violations; penalty.
The city, or its agent or contractors, shall be under no obligation to pick up, collect and remove any garbage, trash or refuse from any residence or commercial establishment where the residences or commercial establishments fail or refuse to provide the containers and enclosures meeting the standards required by this section.
The municipal health officer, fire marshal or any city official shall be entitled to file a complaint in the municipal court of the city against any owner or occupant of any residence or commercial establishment within the city who allows garbage, trash and/or refuse to accumulate, collect or be stored contrary to the provisions of this section.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall allow garbage, trash and/or refuse to accumulate, collect or be stored at any residence or commercial establishment within the limits of the city contrary to the standards and provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of creating a health hazard and/or fire hazard and upon conviction shall be fined as provided for in the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code.
Placing waste in another's container.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place refuse, trash, or garbage into a residential or commercial garbage container not belonging to or under the control of such person, without the consent of the owner of the container or the person legally entitled to the use and possession of such container. In the case of a commercial establishment operated by a corporation, such permission shall be granted only by an employee of the corporation over the age of eighteen (18) years. Anyone found to have violated this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.405; Ordinance 2832 adopted 1/22/18)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to empty trash or garbage on the outside of the trench at the city's sanitary landfill unless directed to do so by a landfill attendant.
No one shall be permitted access to the city's landfill save:
City residents who display current water bill stubs and whose refuse is derived from their residence or place of business;
Private haulers under contract to the city; and
Others expressly authorized by the city council, and then only after paying or agreeing to pay an appropriate fee established by the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.406)
Permit required for placement of container.
No person may place upon the premises of any other person a container for the collection and placement of garbage, refuse or trash with a capacity larger than fifty-five (55) gallons unless he/she shall first have obtained a permit for such container from the public works department or other department designated to supervise garbage collection.
Container requirements.
Each container to be used for garbage storage shall meet all requirements listed below:
Have a lid capable of sealing the container. Lids on containers shall be closed at all times except when unloading;
Be constructed of sturdy metal;
The mouth of the container shall be equal to or greater than that of the base;
Be leak-proof to prevent spillage or leakage; and
Be in capacity of two (2) cubic yards or more.
A private container must be maintained in a sanitary manner and no garbage, trash or refuse allowed to remain after emptying. The lid must remain on the container at all times.
Identification of containers.
Each container shall have applied to its exterior the name, address and telephone number of the owner in contrasting colors so as to be readily visible.
Notice of violation; filing of complaint; removal of container.
In the event of violation of this article or any other ordinance of the city or law or ordinance of any other governmental authority, the officer charged with enforcing this article shall send notice of the violation to the owner as shown on the container and deliver notice to the person on whose premises the container is located. In the event such violation is not corrected within ten (10) days from the date the notice is mailed, as certified by the U.S. Postal Service, then the enforcement officer may file a complaint against the person on whose premises the container is located. The container shall be removed to a city storage lot. Such container may later be redeemed by the owner or his agent upon the payment of a storage and hauling fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code. Containers unclaimed after thirty (30) days are declared abandoned and may be sold as surplus by the city upon resolution by the council, or destroyed upon recommendation of the enforcement officer which is approved by the council.
Permit required for operation of private garbage trucks; standards.
No person shall operate a private garbage truck within the city without first having obtained a permit from the city. A private garbage truck operating in the city shall meet the following standards:
Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) insurance for liability for property and/or personal injury or death; five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) each occurrence. The city shall be shown as an additional insured on each policy, and the policy shall provide that the insurance company will notify the city if the policy is canceled or terminated, ten (10) days prior to cancellation;
Storage areas shall be completely covered or self-contained while moving; and
Allow no liquids or other refuse to escape into the city streets.
Application for permit; display; marking of vehicles.
Any person desiring to maintain a private garbage container as herein provided or operate a private garbage truck shall furnish the following:
With each application for container, a fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
Name, address, and telephone number of the owner, or, if a corporation, the applicant must furnish the name, address, and telephone number of a company officer or representative for purposes of notice.
A certificate showing that each truck for which an application is sought is insured, showing the name and address of the insurance carrier.
An affidavit, signed by the applicant, and, in the case of a corporation, signed by an officer authorized to sign for the corporation, agreeing to indemnify and hold the city harmless from any claim or cause of action arising out of the use of any permitted container or truck.
Each container permitted by the city shall have affixed and maintained on an exterior surface a city permit issued by the city. Such permit may be by stencil and spray paint applied by the enforcement officer or his designees.
Each permitted truck operating inside the city shall have displayed inside the cab, for inspection at all reasonable times, a current permit signed by the enforcement officer.
Name, license number, and vehicle identification number of each truck. Permits shall be issued for each truck and are nontransferable.
Frequency of collection; disposal of waste.
Each permitted container shall be emptied at least two (2) times each week. No truck used for private hauling of garbage, trash, or refuse shall be allowed to remain inside the city limits overnight with garbage, trash, or refuse inside. All collected garbage, trash, or refuse shall be disposed of outside the city.
“Person” defined.
The word “person” shall mean an individual, partnership, corporation, club or political subdivision.
Any person who shall allow an unpermitted garbage container requiring a permit to remain on his premises for more than ten (10) days after written notice is given by the enforcement officer; or shall allow trash, garbage, or refuse to fall from, blow out of, overflow from, drop from, or otherwise escape from a container or a garbage truck onto a city street; or shall operate a private garbage truck as owner, operator, or driver without obtaining a permit and maintaining such permit within such truck; or shall violate any other provision of this article or any other ordinance of the city, shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine as provided for in the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each separate day or portion thereof during which the violation occurs or continues shall be deemed to constitute a separate violation.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.407)
Supervision of receptacles and surrounding area.
The owner of a commercial operation and/or the owner of the property on which a commercial operation is located shall maintain constant supervision and surveillance over the garbage, trash and refuse receptacles servicing the commercial operation and the area surrounding the receptacles and shall sanitize the receptacles at least weekly and not allow any garbage, trash or refuse to collect outside the receptacles.
Pad; screening and gates; setback; access.
The owner of a commercial operation and/or the owner of the property on which a commercial operation is already located on the effective date of this section shall provide a level all-weather surface or pad on which all garbage, trash and refuse receptacles servicing the commercial operation shall be placed. A level pad and screening from public view shall always be required. The term “pad” as used herein shall mean an all-weather surface designed to withstand ten thousand (10,000) pound single wheel loads. The pad and access shall be of sufficient size to allow placement of a receptacle or receptacles, construction of screening, and allow access from the owner's or operator's driveway or parking lot to a private hauler. A fence no less than 6 feet tall but at least 12 inches taller than the tallest dumpster inside, through which no light may pass, shall surround such area. Such fence shall be sight-obscuring with a gate with a latch, to secure the doors when closed, and to allow the placement of garbage, trash and refuse in said receptacles as well as access for a private hauler. Such gates shall be closed and latched at all times except when opened to provide access to the receptacles. Gates may be left opened during regular business hours on each regularly scheduled collection day.
If the location is such that access must be directly from a public right-of-way or roadway, the receptacle must be placed in a location no closer than fifteen feet (15’) to the curb of a paved curb and gutter street. The owner and operator must provide a curb cut with lay-down driveway access to the pad. If the location is such that access must be directly from a public right-of-way or roadway, the receptacle must be placed in a location no closer than twenty feet (20’) to the edge of the paved traveled portion of a street which is not a curb and gutter street. It shall be unlawful for any truck or other vehicle to cross over a curb for purposes of picking up garbage, trash or refuse. The driver or operator of any vehicle found guilty of violating this provision shall be subject to the fines set out in subsection (i) of this section.
Establishments using city collection service.
If the commercial operation is not using a private garbage collector and is relying on the city for garbage collection, such pad and fenced area shall be located as above set out in subsection (b)(1) and shall provide easy access for removal of the receptacles to the curbside for municipal pickup. No receptacles shall be allowed at the curbside before 6:00 a.m. on the day of pickup or later than 8:00 p.m. on the day of pickup. It shall be an offense for any owner or operator of a commercial operation or the owner of any property on which a commercial operation is located to place or allow to be placed garbage, trash or any garbage or trash receptacle at the curb for pickup on any day except on regularly scheduled or specially scheduled pickup days within the hours specified herein.
Food service establishments.
No portion of this section shall relieve the owner or operator of a restaurant or other food service business of the requirement found elsewhere in the city code that all garbage, trash and refuse shall be collected by a private garbage collector.
The owner of a commercial operation and/or the owner of the property on which a commercial operation is located at the time of the passage of this section shall bring such property in total compliance with this screening requirement within four (4) months of the effective date of this section. For purposes of this section, the effective date of this section shall be July 5, 1999. All new commercial construction shall be required to include drawings showing screening compliance prior to the issuance of a building permit. Fees for permits for new construction will be charged in accordance with the city permit fee schedule. No fee shall be charged for permits issued to owners and/or operators of a commercial operation in existence on the effective date of this section provided application for the permit is made within the time allotted for compliance.
Any owner of a commercial operation and/or the owner of the property on which a commercial operation is located whose property, because of unusual conditions on the property which prevent strict compliance with this section, may seek a variance from this section by presenting to the building and standards commission an alternate plan which accomplishes the purpose of this section, mainly the maintenance of a clean and sanitary storage area, screening from public view and proper access and setback from public roads and rights-of-way.
The term “commercial operation” shall mean a building or use of property which is not a single-family residence or a multiple-family dwelling containing no more than two dwelling units. Commercial operation includes but is not limited to all governmental buildings and property, private businesses, apartment buildings, condominiums, motels and hotels, shopping centers, townhouse developments, private and public schools, and mobile home parks on a tract of land divided into rental spaces under common ownership or management for the purpose of locating two or more HUD-code manufactured homes. Recycling bins for collection of waste paper, owned or operated by a public school district or other governmental entity shall not be included in the definition of “commercial operation”; however, such recycling bins shall be maintained on a concrete pad as described in subsection (b) hereof.
Receptacles stored inside closed building.
The screening requirements and requirements for construction of a concrete pad shall not apply to those commercial operations storing all trash receptacles inside a closed building except when placed curbside on collection day. In such cases, no receptacle shall be placed curbside before 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection and must be removed by 8:00 p.m. on the day of collection. No receptacles shall be placed or allowed to remain at curbside except on the collection day or days between the hours herein specified.
The city council has adopted this section requiring screening of garbage receptacles and related matters in order to protect health, life, and property and to preserve the good government, order and security of the city and its residents. Any owner in violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code. The establishment of a fine for the enforcement of this section is provided in the Local Government Code section 54.001.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.408; Ordinance adopting Code)