For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this article. Note: Terms used in this article which are not defined within this section are defined in section 13.05.001 of this chapter.
Building (house) drain.
That part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes within the walls of the building, and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning two feet (2’) outside the inner face of the building wall or foundation.
Domestic sewage.
Waterborne wastes normally discharging from the sanitary conveniences of dwellings (including apartment houses and hotels), office buildings, factories and institutions, free from storm and surface water and industrial wastes.
House lateral.
The extension from the public sewer main to the nearest property or easement line.
Properly shredded garbage.
The waste from the preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food that has been shredded to such degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers.
A combination of the water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions, and industrial establishments.
Sewage treatment plant.
Any city-owned facility, devices and structures used for receiving and treating sewage from the city sanitary sewer system.
Sewage works.
All facilities for collecting, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage.
A pipe or conduit for carrying sanitary sewage.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.203)
Sanitary sewer service.
Charges for sanitary sewer service for customers who are water customers of the city shall be based upon building use and water consumption, in accordance with the schedule of rates as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code for customers located inside the city.
Charges for sewer services for customers who are not water customers of the city shall be determined based upon an estimated consumption volume determined by the water superintendent for the city or an engineer acting for the city, and at a price in accordance with the appropriate rate schedule, plus an additional administrative charge as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code. The utility security deposit for sewer-only customers shall be as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
Sewer system connection and extension charge.
Charges for connection to the existing city sewer system inside the city limits shall be paid by the property owner in advance, in accordance with the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
Charges for extension of the city sewer system to serve a customer inside the city limits shall be paid in advance by the property owner based on the actual total cost of the extension as established by the city's bidding process and the Texas Local Government Code, chapter 252, subchapter B, section 252.021.
Special commercial sewer service rate.
Commercial water users served by two-inch (2”) or larger water lines and meters [users] whose primary business is the manufacture of a product which uses water as a raw material in the manufacture of that product may elect to pay a monthly sewer charge as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code. “Primary business” shall mean that part of the water user's business derived from the sale of the product in which the water is used, which must produce more than fifty percent (50%) of the water user's gross income. The water user must apply for such special rate, furnishing the city a sworn statement stating that at least fifty percent (50%) of the user's income is derived from the sale of a product which uses water as a raw material in its manufacture. This subsection shall be effective as of September 1, 1980, and users entitled to the rate as of that day shall be entitled to credit for such period if application for the special commercial sewer service rate is made on or before December 1, 1980.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.201)
Billing procedures and payment for sewer services shall be in accordance with section 13.03.002 of this chapter.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.202)
The city sanitary sewers and sewage treatment shall be under the control and management of the city council and the waterworks department, and the waterworks department shall make and keep a complete transcript of the records of the sanitary sewers and sewage treatment.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.204)
Sewer connections.
It shall be the duty of the waterworks department to issue all permits for sewer connections.
Before making connection with any sewer, the builder or plumber shall take out a plumbing permit with the office of the waterworks department. The application for a plumbing permit shall give the exact location of the property, the name of the owner and the name of the person employed to do the plumbing work.
Maintenance or replacement of building sewer.
No person shall break or remove any portion of any building sewer without taking out a plumbing permit with the waterworks department. Such building sewer will be subject to inspection by the plumbing inspector to assure that a tight and well-constructed building sewer has been constructed to prevent surface water from entering the city sewer system.
Authority to revoke prior to completion of work.
All permits to connect with sewers shall be given upon the express condition that the waterworks department may, at any time before the work is completed or the sewer is connected to the city's sanitary sewer system, revoke and annul the same, and no party interested shall have the right to claim damage in consequence of such permits being revoked or annulled.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.205)
No person shall injure, break or remove any portion of any manhole, lamphole or any part of the city's sanitary sewer system, and when any person shall desire to lay or drive any pipe in any of the streets upon which sewers are laid they shall give at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the waterworks department.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.206)
No person shall connect any open gutter, rainwater conductor, privy, vault or cistern with any public sewer, or with any private sewer connecting with a public sewer.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.207)
All of the rules and regulations contained in this article applicable to patrons within the city shall likewise be applicable to patrons now being served without the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.208)
It shall be the policy of the city to supply sewer service to the city's patrons through mains and lines owned and controlled by the city and which shall be located behind curbs in a dedicated street, alley or approved easement adjacent to the property being served.
All connections within the city limits shall be made in the following manner:
Connection when sewer main available.
If the property to be served is adjacent to a dedicated street, alley or easement where there exists a city sewer main or line, the city, upon payment by the applicant of the regular sewer tap charge, will construct such lines that shall be necessary to serve such patron.
Connection when sewer extension is necessary.
If the property to be served is adjacent to a dedicated street, alley, or easement, and an extension of the city sewer main line is necessary, the city, upon payment of the regular sewer tap charge and payment as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code[, will construct such line that shall be necessary to serve such patron].
The term “regular sewer tap charge” shall mean charges for the construction of a four-inch (4”) sewer tap and building sewer line. Larger size sewer taps shall be installed at an additional cost to the patron.
All lines constructed under the provisions of this section shall be the property of the city and the city shall have full control and jurisdiction over such lines.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.209)
The construction of sewer mains and lines within an addition or subdivision, inside or outside the city, shall conform to the platting requirements of the city subdivision ordinance and shall be approved by the city planning commission.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.211)
Abandoned sewer taps.
“Abandoned sewer tap” shall mean a sewer tap that has been disconnected from the building sewer line. All such taps must be plugged in such a manner that will prevent ground or subsurface drainage from entering the sewer main. All such abandoned taps must be plugged at a depth below the ground surface of not less than one foot (1’) to prevent damage to the house lateral and sewer main. In the event service is restored at the same location, a service charge as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code shall be made. In all such cases where the abandoned sewer tap is not used to restore service at the same location, a “regular sewer tap charge” shall be made.
Service to vacant lots.
In no event shall sewer service be furnished to any vacant lot, either by a sewer tap or by an extension of the sewer main, unless or until sufficient proof is given to the city that a building will be constructed on such vacant lot.
Separate tap required for each new residence or building.
For any service hereafter installed at each individual residence, building or trailer house located on one (1) lot or plot of ground, each shall have a separate sewer tap. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to garages, wash houses or utility buildings that serve an individual residence, building or trailer house.
For the convenience of the city, should the need be determined to connect two (2) or more residences, buildings or trailer houses into an existing sewer connection, the additional connections will be considered separate connections as is covered in section 13.04.009 of this article.
Multiple buildings served by single tap.
In existing cases where more than one (1) building or house is served by a single sewer tap, the entire amount of the monthly sewer charge shall be billed to the building or house nearest the sewer tap and shall include regular monthly sewer charges for each building or house being served by such tap. Such procedure shall continue until such buildings are served by separate sewer taps.
Tourist courts or trailer parks served by single tap.
Any number of rooms or trailers on one (1) plot of ground owned by one (1) person, firm or corporation and constituting a bona fide tourist court or trailer park shall be entitled to sewer service through one (1) sewer tap. In all such cases, each room or trailer shall constitute a separate unit, and the entire amount of the monthly charge shall be billed to the person, firm or corporation owning such tourist court or trailer park and shall include a regular monthly sewer charge for each unit.
Apartments served by single tap.
Any number of apartments on one (1) plot of ground and constructed in one (1) building shall constitute a bona fide apartment unit and shall be entitled to service through one (1) sewer tap. In all such cases, each apartment shall constitute a separate unit, and the entire amount of the monthly sewer charge shall be billed to the person, firm, or corporation owning such apartment unit or units and shall include a regular monthly sewer charge for each apartment.
Apartments with separate water meters served by single tap.
Where apartment units or apartment houses are served with one (1) sewer tap and such apartment units or apartment houses are served with separate water meters for each such apartments or houses, the monthly sewer charge shall be billed to the person [in whose name] such water service is registered, the same as to single-family dwellings.
Residence and garage apartment served by single tap.
Where a residence and garage apartment are served by a single sewer tap and the garage apartment is used by a member of the same immediate family occupying the residence, no separate charge shall be made for sewer service to the garage apartment. The term “immediate family” shall mean only those relatives or members of the property owner's family who would normally reside in the owner's household.
Consent of council required.
No patron of the city sewer system shall permit any person to tap any sewer line leading into his premises without the consent of the city council.
Persons authorized to make taps.
No plumber or other person, except the city water department, or other persons acting under the direction of the city council, shall be allowed to tap any city sewer main or line.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.212)
The provisions of this article shall not abridge any existing refunding contract between the city and any person, but such contract shall remain in full force and effect.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.213)
It shall be unlawful for any person to make or cause to be made any sewer connection except as provided in this article and the city plumbing regulations.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.214)
The building sewer two feet (2’) outside the building shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this article and the city plumbing regulations covering methods and materials for building sewer construction. Such building sewers will be subject to inspection and approval by the city's plumbing inspector as required by this article and the city plumbing code. The waterworks department shall refuse to connect to the sanitary sewer system any building sewer not meeting the requirements of such regulations as to workmanship and materials. To assure such quality of workmanship, the plumbing inspector shall have performed such water or infiltration tests as necessary to assure a tight and well-constructed building sewer.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.215)
It shall be unlawful for any reason [person] to do any of the acts designated in this article except as provided by this article, or to uncover any city sewer for any purpose, or to make connection therewith, unless by consent and under the supervision of the waterworks department or its authorized representative, whose duty it shall be to insure full compliance with the provisions of this article and the city plumbing code pertaining to connections.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.216)
It shall be the duty of the waterworks department to compel all persons owning or occupying property with occupied buildings thereon, situated in any portion of the city where a sanitary sewer has been laid, [to connect with the sanitary sewer,] provided that no person shall be compelled to make such connection unless or until such sanitary sewer has been laid within one hundred fifty feet (150’) of such property, and having suitable city water service available to make closet connections with the sanitary sewer of the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.217)
It shall be the duty of the waterworks department to notify the owner or occupant of every building situated where there has been laid a sanitary sewer, and where there is sufficient water service from the city's waterworks, to make closet connections with the city's sanitary sewer, and any such owner or occupant of any building so situated who shall fail to make at least one (1) water closet connection with the city's sanitary sewer within thirty (30) days after receipt of such water closet suitably arranged for the use of a urinal, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.218)
No person shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, any stormwater, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, downspouts, yard drains, yard fountains, and ponds, or lawn sprays into any sanitary sewer. Water from swimming pools, unpolluted industrial water, such as [water from] boiler drains, blow-off pipes or cooling water from various equipment, shall not be discharged into sanitary sewers if a closed storm sewer is available. If a closed storm sewer is not available, it may be discharged into the sanitary sewer by an indirect connection whereby such discharge is cooled if required and flows into the sanitary sewer at a rate not in excess of three (3) gallons per minute, provided that the waste does not contain materials or substances in suspension or solution in violation of the limits prescribed by this article or other sections of this chapter.
No person shall discharge, or cause to be discharged, into any public sewer any of the substances, materials, waters or wastes specifically prohibited in article 13.05 of this chapter.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.219)
It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse or fail to connect all wash stands in his house or yard with the city's sewer, or to allow any slops, wash or wastewater of any kind to flow over the pavement, or under the pavement, or into any open gutter or into the street.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.220)
Where, in the opinion of the city council and the city engineer, the property is subject to flooding or the sanitary sewer is subject to being surcharged due to infiltration or stormwaters, or the premises are subject to being flooded by an overcharged sewer due to its elevation in relation to the main sewer line, then the owner or user of the premises shall be denied a connection to the sanitary sewer unless the owner agrees to install a check or backflow valve in his house sewer and agrees to indemnify fully the city and save it whole and harmless from and against any and all damages, costs, or expense of every kind, character and nature, whether real or asserted, accruing upon or about the building due to surcharge of the sanitary sewer. Such agreement shall be executed by the owner of the property and filed in the deed records of the county, and shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the owner, his successors or assigns.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.221)
Failure to pay monthly bills when due or failure to pay the established pro-rata fee or charge for sanitary sewer installations, as provided in this chapter, when due, or repeated discharge of prohibited wastes into the sanitary sewer, shall be sufficient cause to disconnect any and all services from the water mains of the city waterworks, and the same penalties and charges provided for within this Code of Ordinances shall apply.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.222)
The city officials and authorized employees of the city acting as its duly authorized agent and bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to gain access to such properties as may be necessary for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of this article or other regulations of the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.223)