For the purpose of this article, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:
A person, firm, or corporation, whether one (1) or more or a combination of one (1) or more, engaged in the business of improving and selling or using land for the purpose of constructing residential, commercial or industrial buildings thereon to be sold or leased to others.
Lateral (sewer).
A sewer eight inches (8”) or less in diameter, and to which are connected service lines, and the main purpose of which is to conduct sewage to a sewer main.
Lateral (water).
A water pipe eight inches (8”) or less in diameter, and to which are connected service lines, and the main purpose of which is to conduct water from a water main.
Lift station.
An installation constructed and operated for the purpose of lifting a flow of sewage to a sewer at a higher elevation.
Off-site main.
A sanitary sewer and/or water main required to bring sewer and/or water service from an existing main to the developer's property. Mains located on the developer's property are not included in this definition.
The owner of a particular lot or lots or tracts of land, whether improved or not, as shown by the records of the county clerk of the county wherein the property is situated.
Private easement.
An easement that is not a public easement, and is used exclusively by the owner thereof to serve only his property with sanitary sewer or water service.
Public easement.
An easement, street or right-of-way dedicated to a governmental body or to the public, either by a recorded map or plat or by a recorded instrument or conveyance, or acquired by condemnation, and within which sewer and/or water lines, mains, and facilities may be constructed, maintained, and operated.
Public sewer or water line.
A sewer or water pipe located in a public easement and under the control, management and use of the city and available for use by the public.
Recorded map, plat or instrument.
Legally recorded in the records of the applicable county clerk.
Service line.
The pipe that connects the waste disposal or water supply facilities of a particular property to a lateral or main pipe which serves as a lateral.
A sanitary sewer.
Sewer main.
A sewer, more than eight inches (8”) in diameter, to which are connected laterals, the major purpose of which is to receive and transport sewage to a disposal plant. A main can also serve as a lateral where service lines are connected directly to it.
A tract or area of land subdivided into lots or tracts by a recorded map or plat and to be sold or leased to others, or used for residential, commercial or industrial purposes.
Treatment plant.
A plant designed, constructed and operated for the treatment and disposal of domestic and commercial waste.
Water main.
A water line, more than eight inches (8”) in diameter, to which are connected laterals, the major purpose of which is to convey water from its source of supply to said laterals. A main can also serve as a lateral where service lines are connected directly to it.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.601)
The city shall accept and/or construct laterals, mains, other pipes and facilities under the provisions hereof only in public easements as that term is herein defined. All such laterals, mains and facilities when constructed shall remain the property of the city, and no person shall, by the payment of a connection charge or any other fee provided herein, acquire any interest or right in any laterals, mains or facilities, or any portion thereof, other than the privilege to have their property connected thereto for service in accordance with the ordinances of the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.602)
The following procedure shall be the exclusive method whereby a developer or other person (hereafter called “developer”) may finance the construction of off-site sanitary sewer and/or water mains within the city to serve a subdivision and recover from the city a portion of the cost. The city may enter into an agreement with the developer to provide for the financing of such offsite sanitary sewer and water mains upon the following terms and conditions:
Developer to advance funds.
The developer will advance to the city, by letter of credit or other means acceptable to the city attorney, funds sufficient to pay for the estimated construction and engineering costs.
Professional engineer to design mains.
The design of the off-site sanitary sewer and/or water mains will be done by a professional engineer retained by the city and mutually acceptable to the city and the developer.
Bids will be obtained by city.
Bids will be obtained by the city in compliance with statutory requirements.
City to determine best and lowest bid.
Upon receipt of bids, the city council will determine the best and lowest bid acceptable to the city.
Developer's options when bids exceed estimated costs.
If the bids exceed the estimated costs, the developer may advance the additional necessary funds or he may abandon the project and receive his original escrow or other deposit, less expenses incurred to date.
City to contract with contractor.
If the developer elects to proceed, the city will contract with the contractor whose bid is accepted by the city council for the construction on the project.
Agreement to collect and disburse off-site refund payments.
The agreement on behalf of the city to collect and disburse off-site refund payments and interest will never be enforceable as an obligation of the city.
Developer to construct and pay for lateral lines.
The developer will construct and pay for the entire cost of lateral sewers and lateral water lines in accord with all city ordinances, and upon completion and approval by the city those lines will become the property of the city without cost to it, and subject to the city's exclusive ownership, control, management, use and operation.
Off-site refund charge.
The city will permit other areas, outside of the subdivision area of the developer who has entered into the agreement provided for above, to connect to sewer and water mains constructed under the provisions above, upon the condition that the other area owner pay to the city, to be passed on to such construction developer, an off-site refund charge to be determined in the manner herein provided and applicable to the property to be connected.
Criteria for approval of agreement.
A developer desiring to take advantage of this article shall make application to the city. If the city council finds:
That the project is technically practicable;
That the project is economically feasible;
That the project is consistent with the city's master plans;
That a substantial area of land other than the developer's land will benefit from the project;
then the city attorney shall be instructed to prepare an agreement between the applicant and the city in accordance with the provisions of this article. Such agreement shall further provide that the provisions thereof shall never be nor create an enforceable obligation or debt of the city.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.603)
The refund agreement between the city and the developer shall specify the work to be done, the extent of the developer's property to be served by the work, and other areas which will be assessed the off-site refund fee upon their connection to the off-site mains. Other areas to be assessed shall be limited to areas adjacent to the off-site mains or adjacent to the subdivision for which the off-site mains were initially installed.
The off-site refund fee shall be calculated on a per-acre basis by dividing the project cost for construction and engineering into the total acres to be served by the off-site sewer and/or water mains contemplated in this article. Said per-acre off-site refund fee, when collected from other landowners, together with four percent (4%) annual interest from acceptance of construction by the city, shall constitute the off-site refunds which the developer is due. Provided, however, that the sum of such off-site refunds to the developer may not exceed the cost of construction and engineering of the off-site mains, less a prorated allowance for the developer's area, with interest calculated at the annual rate of four percent (4%).
The refund agreement between the city and the developer shall be authorized by city council resolution which identifies the other properties that will be assessed the off-site refund fee and establishes such fee.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.604)
Upon receipt of a subdivision plat or other development plan, the city shall determine whether the property in question will connect its water and/or sewer facilities to an off-site main constructed by a developer under an agreement authorized by this article. In the event of an affirmative determination, the city shall notify the prospective subdivider and/or landowner. The amount of the fee shall include interest at an annual rate of four percent (4%) from the date of acceptance of the off-site mains by the city. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the off-site refund fee, the city shall pay the same amount to the developer.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.605)
The cost of off-site sanitary sewer and/or water mains constructed in accordance with the provisions of this article shall not be used by any developer in computing the construction cost of water and sanitary sewer systems for which the developer will seek refunding under chapter 10.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.606)
A failure to comply with any requirement herein shall constitute a violation of this article, and upon conviction the violator shall be punishable in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(1999 Code, sec. 11.607)