Position established; appointment and removal; qualifications.
The position of chief electrical inspector and deputy electrical inspectors in and for the city is hereby created, and said positions or so many as he deems necessary shall be filled by appointment by the mayor and council. Any person so appointed may be removed at any time, with cause, by the mayor and council. Said electrical inspectors shall be well versed in all the ordinances, rules and requirements of the city governing electrical matters.
Powers and duties.
Enforcement of regulations.
It shall be the duty of the chief electrical inspector and the deputy electrical inspector to enforce the provisions of this division or any ordinance or regulations now in force or which may hereafter be adopted concerning electric wiring or apparatus.
Right of entry.
The chief electrical inspector and/or any deputy electrical inspector shall have the right during reasonable hours to enter any building, manhole, or subway in the discharge of his official duties and/or for the purpose of inspecting the electrical apparatus or appliances therein contained, and for that purpose he shall be given prompt access to all buildings, private or public, and to all manholes and subways, on application to the company, firm, or individual owning or in charge or control of same.
Notification to violators.
Where wires or apparatus are found in a dangerous or unsafe condition, or are deemed to be an interference with the work of the fire department, inspectors shall notify the person, firm or company owning, using, or operating them to place them in a safe, secure and non-interfering condition. Any corporation, copartnership, association, or individual or agent thereof failing, neglecting, or refusing within a reasonable time to make the necessary repairs or changes, and have the necessary work completed within a reasonable time after the receipt of said notice, shall be deemed guilty of violation of this division.
Authority of deputy inspectors.
Each deputy electrical inspector shall in every case be known to be competent to discharge the duties of the chief electrical inspector, and the rights and privileges conferred upon the chief electrical inspector are hereby conferred upon each deputy electrical inspector when properly appointed.
Concealment of work.
The chief electrical inspector and/or any deputy electrical inspector is hereby authorized and directed to remove any flooring, lathing or plaster, sheetmetal or any other material which may conceal any electrical wiring or apparatus contrary to the provisions of this division. On completion of the inspection of any electric wiring or apparatus designed to be concealed and found to be in full compliance with the provisions of this division, it shall be the duty of an electrical inspector to post a notice to that effect at the main disconnecting means, or other conspicuous place, and said notice shall be considered as an express permission to conceal said electric wiring and apparatus, but no concealment shall take place until such notice has been posted by an electrical inspector.
Authority to remove wires or turn off current.
The fire marshal or an electrical inspector or a competent person delegated by them or either of them shall have the power to at once cause the removal of all wires, or the turning off of all electric current, where the circuits interfere with the work of the fire department during the progress of a fire. An electrical inspector is hereby authorized and empowered to cause the turning off of electric current from all conductors or apparatus which are deemed by him/her to be in an unsafe condition, or which have not been installed in conformity with the provisions of this division.
Decisions on questions.
The chief electrical inspector shall decide all questions not provided for in this division pertaining to the installation, operation, or maintenance of electric wiring and apparatus.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
No alteration or change shall be made in the electric wiring or apparatus nor shall any such electric wiring or apparatus be installed in any building without first securing from an electrical inspector a permit, nor shall any change be made in any wiring or apparatus after inspection without notifying an electrical inspector and securing a new permit.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
Before issuing a permit for the installation of any electric wiring or apparatus, or for the alteration of or change in any electric wiring or apparatus, as provided in the preceding section, an application shall be filed with the chief electrical inspector describing such installation, alteration or change to be made, including the apparatus and material to be used. No permit shall be issued until such application shall have been paid [made] to the permit clerk of the city. Permits shall be issued only when the application bears the true signature of the master electrician, except, when the applicant is physically incapacitated or expects to be absent from the county and the application so states under oath, special permission may be granted by the building and standards commission. No deviation shall be made in the details for wiring of apparatus as shown on any application unless a new application is filed and a new permit granted, for which a permit fee shall be charged and collected as though it were a new permit.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
Upon completion of the installation or of any alteration or change of electric wires and apparatus in any building, it shall be the duty of the corporation, copartnership, association or individual doing the same to notify an electrical inspector, who shall inspect the same within a reasonable time, and if in accordance with the ordinances, rules and regulations of the city shall issue a certificate of satisfactory inspection which shall contain the date of inspection and an outline of the results [and no certificate shall be issued] unless all apparatus, wires, etc., connected therewith are in strict conformity with the rules and regulations herein set forth; nor shall current be turned on any wiring apparatus until a certificate of satisfactory inspection is issued. All electrical construction, all material and all apparatus used in connection with electric work and the operation of all electrical apparatus shall be in conformity with this division.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
No permit shall be required for the installation, maintenance, or alteration of wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment for telegraph, telephone, signal service or central stations protective service used in conveying signals or intelligence, except where electrical work is done on the primary side of the source of power at a voltage over 50 volts and of more than 500 watts. No permit shall be required for poles and guy anchors for the installation, maintenance, or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, or equipment to be installed by an electric public service company for the use of such company in the generation, transmission, distribution, sale or utilization of electrical energy. However, an electric public service company shall not do any wiring on a customer's premises other than wiring which is a part of the company's distribution system, including metering equipment wherever located and transformer vaults in which company's transformers are located, nor shall any of its employees do any work other than that done for said company as hereinbefore provided for by virtue of this exemption.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
Electrical permit fees shall be collected by the city as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
No corporation, copartnership, association, or individual or agent thereof shall interfere with the chief electrical inspector or any person or persons deputized to assist him/her as hereinbefore provided while in the performance of duty, and each such interference shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense within the intent and meaning of this division.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
No corporation, copartnership, association, or individual or agent thereof shall hereafter conceal or cause to be concealed any electric wiring or apparatus mentioned in this division except with the express permission of an electrical inspector.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)
This division shall not be construed to relieve or loosen the responsibility of any party owning, operating or controlling any electric wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for damages to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the city be held as assuming by this division any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein, or the certificates of approval issued as herein provided, or otherwise.
(Ordinance 2874 adopted 10/22/18)