The provisions of this division shall apply only to off-premises signs, as that term is defined in section 3.06.003 of this article, within the city limits.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610)
The following definitions shall apply to this division:
Commercial or industrial activitys.
Property that is devoted to use for commercial or industrial purposes, and not for residential purposes. "Commercial or industrial activity" shall not include the following:
Agricultural, forestry, ranching, grazing, farming and related activities, including, but not limited to, temporary wayside fresh produce stands;
Activities not housed in a permanent building or structure;
Activities not visible from the traffic lanes of the main traveled way;
Activities conducted in a building primarily used as a residence; and
Railroad right-of-way.
Primarily residential area.
The right-of-way (and adjoining property area) between two (2) intersecting public streets in which a majority of the total front footage is used for residential purposes.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610(1))
Effective the date of passage of this section, no new construction permits shall be issued for off- premises signs within the city limits and no additional off-premises signs shall be erected within the city limits. This prohibition shall apply to all classifications of signs, types of signs and special function signs, and all other signs used as off-premises signs, including portable signs, with the exception that off-premises signs which advertise the sale or rental of real property or direct persons to the location of real property for sale or rental, which signs shall be limited to forty (40) square feet in area, shall continue to be permitted for a single three-year term.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610(2))
All off-premises signs shall be located within eight hundred feet (800’) of a commercial or industrial activity.
No off-premises sign shall be located in a primarily residential area.
No off-premises sign shall be erected, constructed or established such that the face of the structure may be viewed from a scenic or historical right-of-way or district.
All off-premises signs other than those located on the interstate and freeway primary system shall be subject to the following spacing requirements from other off-premises signs on the same side of the public right-of-way (see also "Spacing of Off-Premises Signs" below):
No off-premises sign having a face area in excess of three hundred (300) square feet shall be located within four hundred feet (400’) of another off-premises sign;
No off-premises sign having a face area of from one hundred (100) to three hundred (300) square feet shall be located within two hundred feet (200’) of another off-premises sign; and
No off-premises sign having a face area up to one hundred (100) square feet shall be located within one hundred feet (100’) of another off-premises sign.
Spacing of Off-Premises Signs
Face Area of Sign
Distance to Other Signs in Feet
Area 300 - 900
Area 100 - 300
Area Less Than 100
In excess of 300 square feet
100 - 300 square feet
Less than 100 square feet
All signs on interstate and freeway primary system
From and after the date of adoption of this subsection, any sign using light-emitting diodes shall be permitted only if shielded from view by a covered sign face. CEVMS are prohibited in all areas.
The spacing provisions stated in this article relating to the location of off-premises signs shall not apply to the following signs:
Signs lawfully erected and lawfully existing on the date of final passage of this section which are on the federal primary system and subject to regulation under the provisions of the Texas Highway Beautification Act, V.T.C.A., Transportation Code, chapter 391, including all amendments (the Texas act), or are subject to regulation under the Federal Highway Beautification Act, 23 U.S.C.A. section 131 et seq., including all amendments (the federal act). Location and spacing of signs subject to the Texas act and federal act shall be regulated by the city only to the extent required by and in accordance with the directives of the appropriate state and federal agencies regulating such signs. Signs governed by the Texas act or the federal act with respect to location and spacing shall be subject to the remaining provisions of this article unless specifically excluded therefrom by the Texas act or the federal act or by the rules and regulations of the state and federal agencies implementing such acts;
Signs separated by buildings, natural surroundings or other obstructions in such a manner that only one (1) sign located within the above space distances is visible from the highway or street at any one time; and
Signs at street intersections which are located so that each is to be viewed primarily from a separate street; in no instance, however, shall any off-premises sign be located less than twenty-five feet (25’) from any other off-premises sign when located on street corner intersections.
Each double-faced, back-to-back, or V-type sign shall be considered as a single off-premises sign for spacing purposes. The largest face on a double-faced, back-to-back, or V-type sign will govern spacing requirements.
In computing the distance between off-premises signs, all measurements shall be made parallel to the edge of the street and on the same side of the street. In measuring the distance from back-to-back and V-type signs, the measurements shall be made from the street end of the nearest sign on the back-to-back or V-type structure.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610(3))
All off-premises signs and sign structures shall be within the deeded front building line, or, if no such line exists, within the property line, but in no event closer than twenty feet (20’) to the curbline of any public street.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610(4))
All off-premises sign structures which are not located on the interstate and freeway primary system shall be supported by not more than three (3) steel columns or three (3) columns of material that is of strength equal to or stronger than steel, if the face area of the sign is over three hundred (300) square feet or less [sic], the structure shall be supported by not more than two (2) steel columns or two (2) columns of material that is of strength equal to or stronger than steel.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610(5))
Within forty-five feet (45’) of an intersection, no part of the face of an off-premises sign shall be lower than a height of eight feet (8’) above the grade level of the nearest street.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610(6))
Any off-premises sign structure lawfully erected and maintained which has no copy, transcript, reproduction, model, likeness, image, advertisement or written material for a period of one hundred twenty (120) consecutive days is hereby declared to be a violation of this division, and as such shall be restored to use or removed by the owner or permittee within thirty (30) days after notice by the sign administrator of such violation. If the owner or permittee fails to restore the off-premises sign structure to use or move the abandoned off-premises sign structure within the specified thirty (30) days, the sign company which received a permit for the sign shall be deemed to have forfeited any required bond and the sign administrator shall use the proceeds to remove the abandoned off-premises sign structure.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.610(7); Ordinance adopting Code)