As used in these regulations:
Adult arcade.
Any place the public is allowed or invited where image-producing devices are maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per device at any one time and where the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined in this article. Devices covered in this definition include machines that produce still or motion pictures, are coin- or slug-operated, or are electronically or mechanically controlled, and include computer monitors.
Adult bookstore or adult video store.
An establishment that as its primary business purpose offers for sale or rental, for any form of consideration, any one or more of the following:
Books, magazines, periodicals or other printed matter, photographs, films, motion pictures, videocassettes or video reproductions, computer programs, slides or other visual representations that depict or describe specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined in this article; and
Instruments, devices or paraphernalia that are designed for use in connection with specified sexual activities as defined in this article.
Adult cabaret.
A nightclub, bar, restaurant, or similar commercial establishment that features:
Persons who appear semi-nude or in a state of nudity as defined in this article;
Live performances which are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities as defined in this article; or
Films, motion pictures, computer simulations, videocassettes, slides or other reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined in this article.
Adult motel.
A hotel, motel or similar commercial establishment that:
Offers accommodations to the public for any form of consideration and provides patrons with closed-circuit television transmissions, films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides or other reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined in this article; and
Offers a sleeping room for rent for a period of time that is less than ten (10) hours or allows a tenant or occupant of a sleeping room to subrent the room for a period of time that is less than ten (10) hours.
Adult motion picture theater.
A commercial establishment that regularly shows, for any form of consideration, films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides or similar photographic reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas as defined in this article.
Adult theater.
A theater, concert hall, auditorium or similar commercial establishment that regularly features live performances characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas defined in this article.
To let happen, cause, suffer, or permit, including the failure to prevent.
The individual or entity submitting the application for a sexually oriented business permit. Where appropriate, this includes a designated agent of the applicant.
Any employee who handles cash or any other form of payment from clients of an enterprise for services or products provided.
Child care facility.
A facility used as a day nursery, children's boarding home, child placement agency or other place for the care or custody of children under fifteen (15) years of age, licensed by the state pursuant to chapter 42 of the Texas Human Resources Code.
Church or place of religious worship.
A facility, including all structures and grounds, at which persons regularly assemble for worship, intended primarily for purposes connected with faith or for propagating a particular form of belief.
A house, duplex, apartment, townhouse, condominium, mobile home or any other building used as a residence.
Any person who works in or about an enterprise and renders any service whatsoever to the patrons of an enterprise and receives compensation for such service or work from the enterprise operator or owner of the enterprise or from the patrons thereof.
An individual who, for consideration, agrees or offers to privately model, dance or similarly perform for another person, or to act as a private companion, guide or date for another person and offers a service intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to the customer.
Escort agency.
A business that, for consideration, furnishes, offers to furnish or advertises to furnish escorts as one of its primary business purposes and offers a service intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to the customer.
A building used to provide inpatient medical care for the sick or injured and licensed pursuant to the Texas Hospital Licensing Law, chapter 241 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, or operated by an agency of the federal government.
Live exhibition.
A live performance by one or more individuals conducted in front of at least one patron, including but not limited to dancing, modeling, sword swallowing, juggling, acrobatic acts, wrestling and pantomime.
Nudity or state of nudity.
Any state of dress which fails to opaquely cover a human buttock, anus, male genitalia, female genitalia or areola of a female breast.
A manager or other natural person principally in charge of a sexually oriented business enterprise.
Any customer or client of a sexually oriented business, including members of the public or club members invited or admitted.
An individual, partnership, corporation, association or other legal entity.
Public building.
A building used by the federal, state, or local government that is open to the general public.
Public park.
A tract of land dedicated for public use and accessible to the general public for recreational purposes, not including public roads, walkways, easements and rights-of-way. This term shall include locations owned by nonprofit organizations that provide educational and recreational facilities.
A facility, including all attached playgrounds, dormitories, stadiums and other appurtenances which are part of the facility, used for the primary purposes of instruction or education, including primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, both public and private.
Sexually oriented business (SOB).
A sex parlor, nude studio, modeling studio, love parlor, adult bookstore, adult movie theater, adult video arcade, adult movie arcade, adult video store, adult motel or other commercial enterprise the primary business of which is the offering of a service or the selling, renting, or exhibiting of devices or any other items intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to the customer.
Specified sexual activities.
Includes any of the following:
Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus or female breasts, whether clothed or nude;
Sex acts, actual or simulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, or sodomy;
Masturbation, actual or simulated; or
Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in subsections (1) through (3) hereinabove.
Transfer of ownership or control.
The sale, lease or sublease of the business; or
Transfer of a controlling interest in the business whether by sale, exchange, gift or other means.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.801)
This article is adopted by the city under the authority and in conformity with chapter 243 of the Local Government Code for the purpose of regulating sexually oriented businesses and promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the city and is not an attempt to restrict the content of any communication nor to prohibit the access by adults to sexually oriented businesses.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.802)
Any sexually oriented business operating in the city prior to enactment of this article shall comply with the provisions of this article within 90 days following its effective date. Any operator, owner or employee of a sexually oriented business operating within the city whose employment or ownership commenced prior to the enactment of this article shall comply with the terms of this article within 90 days following the effective date of this article. In the event such business is not in compliance with the distance requirements set out in section 4.06.031(d)(9) and an application is pending before the CPZ, a temporary license will be issued pending the application.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.812)
A person who violates any portion of this article is subject to suit to enjoin the operation of the sexually oriented business. The city attorney is authorized to file suit to enjoin violation of these regulations. A suit may be initiated upon information received from private citizens or any law enforcement agency.
Criminal prosecution.
A person who violates any provision of this article has committed an offense. An offense under this section is a class A misdemeanor.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.814)
The city administrator is directed to enforce the terms of this article and to investigate each applicant, grant licenses, deny licenses, and revoke licenses granted hereunder. The provisions may be enforced by any peace officer of the state.
Anyone aggrieved by a decision of the city administrator may appeal the decision of the city administrator to the city council, which shall hear such appeal at the second regular meeting of the city council unless the city council requests an earlier hearing and the appellant approves of such earlier hearing. Any decision of the city council may be appealed to the district court of the county in which the sexually oriented business is located.
(1999 Code, sec. 4.815)