Use of explosives prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person, company or other entity to engage in any commercial or industrial operation, including geophysical exploration, in the city using any explosives or explosive device. This prohibition does not prohibit the use of fireworks in connection with celebrations as may be allowed by the city council and in accordance with any other ordinance regulating pyrotechnics.
Use of Vibroseis.
It shall be unlawful for any person, company or other entity to engage in any commercial or industrial operation, including geophysical exploration, in the city using any kind of mechanical device for the purpose of creating vibrations and/or signals in the earth in varying frequencies (hereinafter called “Vibroseis”) without complying with all the terms and conditions of this article.
(1999 Code, sec. 3.1201)
Any person, corporation, partnership or other legal entity who shall conduct any commercial or industrial operation, including geophysical exploration, within the city using Vibroseis vehicles or other vibrating equipment without first obtaining a permit as required by this article, or who shall otherwise violate any of the terms of this article, shall be in violation of this article, and shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code for each occurrence. Each day that a violation shall occur shall be a separate offense.
(1999 Code, sec. 3.1205)
Any person, company or other entity wishing to engage in any commercial or industrial or geophysical operation in the city using Vibroseis shall first obtain a permit from the city by furnishing the following information:
Name of the person or entity seeking the permit, and its physical address, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
Name of the contact person capable of binding and contracting for the applicant with whom the city may communicate in connection with the permit and/or Vibroseis operation, the mailing address of such person, 24-hour telephone numbers at which such person will be available through the duration of the Vibroseis operation, and such person's telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
The name, address, telephone, and fax number and e-mail address of each contractor or subcontractor who will be performing services inside the city limits under the permit sought.
Name, telephone number, address and government-issued picture identification of all persons connected with the applicant, contractor or subcontractor and all employees thereof who will be working in the city limits under the permit sought. If any such person is to be driving a motor vehicle or machinery upon any public roadway within the city, the vehicle must be identified, and the operator must furnish a valid driver's license and proof of insurance.
(1999 Code, sec. 3.1202)
The applicant may enter onto property owned or controlled by the city for the purpose of conducting geophysical/seismic operations (operations). The operations on city property shall be limited to electronic receivers and necessary wiring to link the receivers. The applicant shall employ no vibrator trucks or similar vibrating machinery on any city property. The locations, whether on city property or on private property, where the applicant may conduct its operations are limited to those locations identified on a detailed map of the city, which shall be delivered to the city at least five (5) working days before commencement of any operations.
(1999 Code, sec. 3.1203)
The following conditions and requirements shall be met by the applicant prior to the commencement of any use and operation of Vibroseis vehicles or other vibrating equipment in connection with any commercial operation, including geophysical exploration, within the city:
General standards.
All commercial or industrial operations, including geophysical exploration, within the city using Vibroseis vehicles or other vibrating equipment (hereinafter called geophysical operations) shall be limited to the areas and locations depicted on a map hereafter required of the applicant. The locations of geophysical operations are subject to minor adjustment if such adjustment is required to maintain compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein, or to ensure the safety of adjacent structures or the general population. It is understood and agreed that in no event shall any Vibroseis vehicle vibrate on any public street right-of-way under the jurisdiction and control of the city. The geophysical operations that the applicant is authorized to conduct on city-owned property are specifically identified and described on the map submitted to the city. The only operation authorized within the right-of-way of city streets is the placement of recording equipment, including cables, sensing devices (geophones), and electronic recording equipment. Operations authorized at locations on city property other than public streets shall be limited to Vibroseis vehicles (vibrator trucks) and recording equipment. No detonation of explosive charges shall be permitted within the city.
The geophysical operations authorized hereby shall be completed within sixty (60) consecutive calendar days after the date of the approved permit.
The applicant shall be responsible for and shall settle all reasonable and legitimate claims, demands, and causes of action relating to property or persons arising out of, or as a result of, the applicant's operations and shall handle all such claims in an expedient manner.
The applicant shall employ an independent third-party engineer (specializing in seismology), to be approved by the city, who will be on the job during all periods where Vibroseis will be in operation, to mitigate any potential damage to public or private property.
The applicant shall obtain written permission from property owners before entering or crossing private property.
The applicant shall notify each owner, resident and/or business located within 200 feet of its planned operations twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours prior to performing the actual work. The applicant shall also provide to such owner, resident, and/or business, in writing, the name and telephone number of an individual to contact in case of a claim for personal injury or property damage, and the procedure for obtaining a copy of the applicant's insurance certificate.
The applicant shall place newspaper advertisements of not less than three inches by four inches (3” x 4”) in both the official newspaper of the city and a second daily newspaper in general circulation in the county explaining the work to be performed, the location of the work, and a toll-free telephone number where residents may call for more information.
All geophysical operations within the city, or adjacent to the city's corporate limits, shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures and in compliance with the terms, conditions, and limitations set forth in section 4.08.006.
Using industry standard equipment and techniques, the applicant shall, at all times during its operations, monitor ground motion at close proximity to all structures, homes, buildings, water wells, and city facilities. The applicant shall maintain all documentation of monitoring activities for a period of at least three (3) years and make said documentation available upon request for inspection by the city.
The applicant shall obtain water well, underground hazardous waste storage/disposal sites, and water, sewer, oil, gas, and chemical pipeline location maps and conduct all engineering calculations necessary to confirm that all operations meet standards established by the governing engineering codes and criteria. Information obtained by the applicant shall be used by the surveying teams and operations manager to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of this article and that safe operating distances are maintained. If requested by the applicant, the city shall make maps available for inspection and copying, if any, prepared by or on behalf of the city which indicate subsurface structures or facilities; provided, however, the applicant's reliance on any information furnished by the city or its agents, representatives, and employees, whether written or verbal, shall be at the sole risk of the applicant and the following disclaimer shall apply to any and all such information:
Testing, detonation, vibration, and recording operations shall only be conducted from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., local time, on Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., local time, on Saturday, and from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m., local time, on Sunday.
Use of city property.
The applicant shall restore any lands or rights-of-way used in its operations to original condition, free of damage, including ruts or any injury to vegetation. Any costs incurred by the city for restoration will be reimbursed to the city at full cost by the applicant. Such cost will be paid by the applicant to the city within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice.
The applicant shall ensure that its operations will not interfere with the free and safe flow of traffic. When operations are immediately adjacent to the pavement, all equipment shall be parked on one side of the roadway only.
The applicant shall notify the city of any equipment to be operated on city streets that will exceed the maximum load limit of 48,000 pounds and obtain any special permitting required.
The applicant shall provide a $100,000.00 cash bond to the city, the purpose of which is to protect the city from any damages to city-owned land, buildings, or structures, including, but not limited to, any traffic signs/markers, roads, bridges, drainage facilities, rights-of-way, water lines, sanitary sewer and storm sewer facilities owned by the city, occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with the applicant's operations. In the event the city, at its sole and exclusive option, determines that any repairs to the building, road, bridge, drainage facility, right-of-way, water line, sanitary sewer or storm sewer facility, or other city property are required, the city shall make such repairs, or shall cause same to be made, and deduct the cost thereof from the cash bond amount without further notice to the applicant, and upon expiration of one (1) year from the effective date of any permit hereunder the city shall refund any balance of the cash bond to the applicant, upon written application for same. The city shall invest such cash bond in a similar manner to other funds of the city and any interest earned thereon shall accrue to the benefit of the applicant. Should the costs to repair or replace damaged property exceed the amount of the cash bond, the applicant shall reimburse the city for such costs within thirty (30) days of the receipt of invoice.
Cables placed on the pavement within rights-of-way must be arranged so they do not create a hazardous condition or rumble strip effect. All cables must be securely anchored to the roadway with materials that will not damage and/or puncture the pavement. Nails, spikes, and similar materials used for anchors shall not be placed inside the pavement edge.
Operations under a permit issued hereunder that occur on city property shall be barred when the city administrator determines that the ground conditions are such that operations would cause extensive rutting in the rights-of-way, easements, or city property. In addition, operations will be barred when ground conditions would cause the tracking of mud, gravel, rock, or debris onto the roadway surface of any right-of-way or other city improvements. In the event that mud, gravel, rock, or debris is inadvertently tracked onto roadways in a way that creates a safety hazard or potential for damage to vehicles, the operator shall immediately cease operations and clean the roadway of all mud, gravel, rock, or debris.
Each work crew shall be accompanied by a police officer while performing operations on city property, streets, and rights-of-way, or otherwise impeding the flow of traffic. The applicant shall either hire off-duty city police officers or reimburse the city at the rate of $35.00 per hour (minimum of four hours) per police officer and $100.00 per day for each fully equipped police vehicle. The applicant shall pay such reimbursement within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice.
The applicant shall furnish adequate signs, barricades, flares, flagmen, etc., as necessary to protect the traveling public.
Conduct of testing.
The applicant shall furnish to the city administrator, or his designee, a schedule of each week's test plans.
Prior to performing the actual work, the applicant shall offer inspection in writing to each owner, resident, and/or business within 200 feet of any Vibroseis operation, and shall provide, if requested, pre-damage and post-damage inspections for all structures, including flow tests and lab tests for water wells. The applicant shall maintain records of such inspections for a period of three (3) years. The applicant shall make available to the city, upon request by the city, such records, in whole or in part.
The applicant shall maintain, for a period of three (3) years, and make available to the city, upon request to the city, the daily log of Vibroseis tests showing date, location, drive level, operator, and any other pertinent information related to the Vibroseis tests.
Prior to performing the actual work, the applicant shall offer, in writing, to the city and to the owners or agents of all buildings, structures, water wells, and underground facilities within 1500 feet of any vibration source locations, and shall provide, if requested, pre-inspections and post-inspections for all structures, including flow tests and lab tests for water wells. The applicant shall maintain records of such inspections for a period of three (3) years and shall make such records available for inspection upon request by the city.
The applicant shall furnish city on a weekly basis a copy of the daily logs for all tests (i.e., submit Monday through Friday logs on the following Monday).
Explosives shall be transported in accordance with all federal, state, and city laws, rules, and regulations. All vehicles transporting explosives will be placarded according to Regulation of Hazardous Materials, 49 C.F.R. Only the necessary amount of explosives for each day's operations, during such period as a permit issued hereunder is in effect, shall be transported within the city at any given time. No explosives shall be stored within the city's corporate limits, unless approved by the city's fire marshal. If such storage is approved, explosives must be stored in accordance with all federal, state, and city laws, rules, and regulations, at a single, isolated, and sparsely populated location.
Fees, insurance and indemnification.
As consideration for the issuance of a permit hereunder, the applicant agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions set forth herein, and pay to the city a fee in the amount established in appendix A to this code, as reimbursement for expenses incurred by the city in connection with the issuance of a permit hereunder.
Prior to conducting any operations hereunder, the applicant and its contractors shall furnish a certificate of insurance to the city showing the city as an “additional insured” with respect to operations conducted within the city and showing liability insurance coverage covering commercial, personal injury, general, and pollution liability in amounts not less than $1,000,000.00 per person, $2,000,000.00 per occurrence, and $1,000,000.00 property damage.
The applicant hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and hold the city and its officers, employees, agents, and representatives harmless from and against all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind and character of the applicant or the applicant's contractors, agents, or representatives, for injury to, or death of, any person or persons, damages, liabilities, losses, and/or expenses occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with the operations under a permit issued hereunder, including attorney fees, and any other costs and expenses incurred by the city in defending against any such claims, demands, and causes of action.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of same, the applicant shall notify the city, in writing, of each claim for injuries to or death of persons or damages or losses to property occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with its or its contractor's, agent's, or representative's operations conducted under this article. At the city's discretion, the city may conduct an independent investigation and monitor and review the processing of any such claim to ensure that such claim is handled as required herein.
Any permit issued under this article may be revoked by the city upon breach by the applicant of any term or condition contained herein.
The applicant shall not assign any permit issued hereunder, or any of its rights hereunder, without the express written consent of the city.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, any permit issued hereunder shall not be effective unless and until the cash bond and the certificates of insurance have been filed with the city secretary and approved by the city administrator.
(1999 Code, sec. 3.1204; Ordinance adopting Code)
Source locations will be planned on private property, county roads, and select city properties as shown in the accompanying map.
No source points will be located on city-owned streets or rights-of-way.
Receiver lines may be laid along city streets in city rights-of-way as needed.
Receiver lines.
Notice of operations will be provided to residents along city streets and rights-of-way where receiver lines are located. Such notice will be in the form of notices delivered to each house twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours prior to the deployment of equipment.
Source lines.
Residences and businesses located within two hundred feet (200’) of any shot hole or Vibroseis point will be notified twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours prior to shooting. Notice must be in the form of flyers delivered to each residence or business.
Inspections will be offered by permit holders to owners of all residences and businesses within two hundred feet (200’) of any source point.
Receiver layout.
A combination of private permits and city rights-of-way pre-approved by the city shall be utilized for receiver points.
Receivers shall be grouped at receiver point locations with excess wire grouped as neatly as possible.
In instances where cables or geophone wire must be laid across sidewalks or driveways, they will be taped down.
Along city rights-of-way, geophones and cables will be placed as close to the curbline as is possible and excess wire grouped as neatly as possible away from the road.
Requests for temporary removal of equipment for mowing will be responded to promptly. A local phone number for such requests will be included on each flyer distributed.
Source locations.
No shot holes will be located within the city.
Vibrator points will be positioned to avoid city water and sewer lines.
Traffic control.
The layout and subsequent pickup of equipment on city streets will be accompanied by a licensed peace officer to assist in traffic control. If available, and with the city's permission, off-duty city police officers will be employed.
All Vibroseis operations with the city will be accompanied by licensed peace officers to assist with traffic control. If available, and with the city's permission, off-duty city police officers will be employed.
Seismic monitors from a third-party subcontractor will be deployed on all vibrator points located in the city. Monitors will be positioned between the source point and the closest structure or object. The monitors will be placed as close to the structure or object as is reasonably possible. In congested areas, additional monitors will be deployed as necessary. During Vibroseis operations, in addition to monitoring the nearest structure or object, a second monitor will be located at the structure or object that will be closest to the next source point. Additional monitoring will occur at each city water well, wastewater treatment facility, water line, sanitary sewer line, and other sensitive structure.
On Vibroseis points, every source location will be monitored to confirm that the preselected drive level for the sweep is correct and to ensure that peak particle velocity (PPV) values will be below the 0.20 inches per second (IPS) threshold. To prevent exceeding this level, a test sweep will be taken and the energy level of the vibrator trucks will be set so as not to exceed 0.20 IPS. If vibrator energy levels cannot be set low enough to maintain PPV values below 0.20 IPS, the vibrator point will be moved farther from structures or dropped completely.
In addition to any other contractors employed by the permit holder, additional monitoring will be provided at the permit holder's cost.
Vibroseis sweeps.
Energy drive levels will be adjusted to ensure safe offset distances are maintained. For congested areas, drive levels of 50% and 30% are available to ensure PPV values can be kept below the 0.2 IPS threshold.
Multi-stage sweeps shall be employed to further reduce the levels of low frequencies. These sweeps shall have starting drive levels of 30% or less for the low frequencies, then step up to higher drive levels through the mid and high frequencies. An example of this would be sweeps with drive levels of 30% from 8-hertz through 18-hertz frequency range, then 50% for the 18-hertz and higher frequencies. For instances where lower drive levels are called for, 20% drive for the 8-hertz through 18-hertz range and 30% for 18-hertz and higher might be utilized.
Vibroseis sweeps within the city limits shall be at 16-hertz or above. Any other Vibroseis sweeps within three hundred (300) feet of any city water well, wastewater treatment facility, water line, sewer line, or other sensitive structure shall be at 16-hertz or higher. The city and the permit holder may agree to revise this frequency requirement if the permit holder can demonstrate, to the city's satisfaction, that a lower frequency or alternative method will not result in damage to city infrastructure.
(1999 Code, sec. 3.1206)