Specific Uses
The City Council by an affirmative vote may approve a Specific Use Permit for certain uses that are harmonious and adaptable to surrounding land uses. Such approval shall occur only after public hearing and proper notice to all parties affected, and after recommendations from the Planning and Zoning Commission that the uses are in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, the general objectives of the City, and contain such requirements and safeguards as are necessary to protect adjoining property. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider the following criteria in determining the validity of the SUP request:
Is the use harmonious and compatible with its surrounding existing uses or proposed uses?
Are the activities requested by the applicant normally associated with the requested use?
Is the nature of the use reasonable?
Has any impact on the surrounding area been mitigated?
Such other measures as will secure and protect the public health, safety and general welfare.
Specific Use Permit Regulations
Application for a specific use permit may be made by any property owner or other person having a proprietary interest in the property for which a specific use permit is requested and by filing an application on forms provided by the City and paying the established fee.
In recommending that a Specific Use Permit for the premises under consideration be granted, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine that such uses are harmonious and adaptable to building structures and uses of abutting property and other property in the vicinity of the premises under consideration.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make recommendations as to requirements for the paving of streets, alleys and sidewalks, the means of ingress and egress to public streets, provisions for drainage, adequate off-street parking, protective screening and open space, area or security lighting, heights of structures, and compatibility of buildings.
In granting a Specific Use Permit, the City Council may impose conditions which shall be complied with by the owner or grantee before a certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Chief Building Official for use of the building on such property pursuant to such Specific Use Permit and such conditions precedent to the granting of the certificate of occupancy. Any special conditions shall be set forth in writing by the City Council prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
No Specific Use Permit shall be granted unless the applicant, owner or grantee of the Specific Use Permit shall be willing to accept and agree to be bound by and comply with the written requirements of the Specific Use Permit, as attached to the site plan drawing (or drawings) and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council.
A Specific Use Permit may be granted for a specific period of time after which the Planning and Zoning Commission may inquire into the continuation of the permit and, based upon its finding, recommend its discontinuance or an extension of the time period as set forth in the ordinance establishing the Specific Use Permit.
If required, a building permit shall be applied for and secured within six (6) months from the time the City Council grants the Specific Use Permit, provided however, that the City Council may authorize an extension of this time upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. After six (6) months from the date of approval has elapsed, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may review the site plan for continued validity. If the site plan is determined invalid, the property owner(s) must submit a new or revised site plan for approval prior to any construction or application for building permit for the area designated for the Specific Use Permit.
No building, premise, or land used under a Specific Use Permit may be enlarged, modified, structurally altered, or otherwise significantly changed unless a separate Specific Use Permit is granted for such enlargement, modification, structural alteration, or change.
The Board of Adjustment shall not have jurisdiction to hear, review, reverse, or modify any decision, determination, or ruling with respect to the specific land use designated by any Specific Use Permit.
When the City Council authorizes granting of a Specific Use Permit, the Specific Use Permit shall become an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Map shall be amended according to its legend to indicate that the affected area has conditional and limited uses. Said amendment is to indicate the appropriate zoning district for the approved use prefixed by an “S” designation. Specific Use Permits granted shall be indicated by numerical designation on the Zoning District Map. Appendix C of this Ordinance shall list by the numerical designation each SUP and the conditions of approval.
Editor’s note–Appendix C is not printed herein.
Specific Use Permit Requirements
An application for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) shall be accompanied by the following:
the relationship of the intended use to all existing properties and land uses in all directions to a minimum distance of two hundred feet (200');
a site plan drawn to scale and showing the general arrangement of the project;
off-street parking facilities;
size, height, construction materials, location and relationship of buildings and uses;
the location and construction of signs;
the means of ingress and egress to public streets;
type of visual screening such as walls, plantings and fences
The Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council may require additional information, operating data, studies, analysis and expert evaluation or testimony concerning the location, function and characteristics of any building or use proposed.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16; Ordinance 17-41, ex. A, adopted 7/18/17; Ordinance 17-42, ex. A, adopted 7/18/17; Ordinance 17-70, ex. A, adopted 10/2/17; Ordinance 19-63 adopted 9/3/19)
Off-Street Parking General Provisions
All required off-street parking, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, shall be provided on the same site as the use it is to serve.
In residentially zoned areas, every means of access shall have a maximum drive width of twenty-five feet (25') at the property line.
In residentially zoned districts, no parking space, garage, carport, or other automobile storage space shall be used for the storage of any heavy load vehicle or farm equipment.
All required off-street parking spaces in the single-family, Patio Home and Townhome residential zoning districts (RE, R-12, R-10, R-8.4, R-7, PH, and TH), shall be located behind the front building line and shall be enclosed in a two-car garage except with the approval of a Special Exception as set forth in Section 2.1.F, Board of Adjustment, Special Exceptions. Historically significant dwellings as defined in Article 12, Definitions, that are moved from one location to another location within the city limits, are exempt from this requirement. All duplex lots (MD-1) shall provide one parking space enclosed in a garage except with the approval of a Special Exception as set forth in Section 2.1.F, Board of Adjustment, Special Exceptions.
In the MF District, parking shall be located behind the front building line.
In all nonresidential districts, free access through to adjacent parking areas shall be provided between adjoining parcels or building sites for safety and firefighting purposes.
In all nonresidential districts, all required parking shall be provided on an improved hard surface as defined in Article 12 - Definitions. Parking spaces shall be permanently and clearly identified by stripes, buttons, tiles, curbs, barriers, or other approved methods. Non-permanent type marking, such as paint, shall be regularly maintained to ensure continuous clear identification of the space.
All parking and loading spaces, and vehicle sales areas shall have wheel stops or other appropriate vehicle stopping devices to prevent vehicles from extending into any required landscaped areas, any public rights-of-way, or public sidewalk. Parking shall not be permitted to encroach upon the public right-of-way in any case.
Except for single-family, duplex and patio homes, parking and loading areas shall be arranged so that vehicles shall not be required to back out of the parking or loading spaces directly into a public right-of-way.
Handicap parking space(s) shall be provided according to State of Texas Program for the Elimination of Architectural Barriers and the Americans With Disabilities Act.
All vehicles, recreational vehicles, mobile equipment, boat storage and trailer storage require an improved hard surface for parking, storing and maneuvering as defined in Article 12 - Definitions. A Special Exception or Certificate of Appropriateness may be granted to allow alternative materials such as cobblestones or grass-crete in historic areas, areas of limited vehicular traffic or where deemed appropriate by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The quantity of parking spaces provided shall not exceed 25% of the required parking amount.
Drive Lane Widths and Parking Space Sizes
Drive lanes and parking space sizes shall be required as shown in the following illustration. A driveway for access to any nonresidential single parking space or to a parking lot shall not measure less than that shown in the parking layout illustration. All drive approach widths shall be no less than fifteen (15) feet wide. All two-way drive lanes shall be a minimum of twenty-four (24) feet in width.
Parking Angle
Stall Width
Stall Depth
Min. Aisle Width
Aisle Length Per Stall
Module Width
Parking spaces shall be nine (9) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet deep for all ninety (90) degree parking spaces. Angled spaces shall be as shown in the illustration. Truck spaces shall be a minimum of 40 feet deep and 50 feet in width. All parking space depths shall be measured from the required wheel stops or other appropriate vehicle stopping devices.
Off-Street Loading Space - All Districts
All retail, commercial and industrial structures shall provide and maintain an off-street area for the loading and unloading of merchandise and goods at ratios according to the following table.
Square Feet of Gross Floor Area in Structure
Maximum Required Spaces or Berths
Each additional 20,000
1 Additional
A loading space shall consist of an area of a minimum of twelve feet (12') by thirty feet (30').
All drives and approaches shall provide adequate space and clearances to allow for the maneuvering of trucks on-site. Each site shall provide a designated maneuvering area for trucks.
No portion of a loading facility may extend into a public right-of-way or into an off-street parking facility elsewhere herein required.
Areas designated for off-street loading shall be used only for the loading and unloading of passengers, equipment, supplies or merchandise.
In all districts when screening of loading areas facing a street is required, screening shall be provided not less than six (6) feet in height adjacent to the loading area at the property line. Said screening shall be required along all streets except where such use was in existence at the date of adoption of this ordinance.
Parking Table
Except as otherwise provided in this section, off-street parking spaces shall be as provided in the following table. The parking space requirements for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature.
Schedule of Parking Requirements
Land Use
Additional Requirements
Residential Uses
Assisted Living
1/3 beds
1 additional space/300 sq. ft. of office/administrative/employee areas
Bed and Breakfast, Hosted
1 space for each bedrooms
2 additional spaces for owner or agent occupants
Condominium, Multi-Family (market apts.)
1.5/1 bedroom 2.0/2 bedrooms 2.5/3+ bedrooms
Additional 10% of total for visitors
Senior Multi-Family (age restricted, 55+)
Convalescent, Rest, Nursing Home
1/5 beds
One Enclosed (garage)
HUD-Code Manufactured Home
Mobile Home/Manufactured Housing Park, Subdivision
Retirement Home
Short-term Rental, Commercial
1 space for each bedroom
2 additional spaces if site has on-site management
Short-term Rental, Residential Unhosted
1 space for each bedroom
For new construction of a residential use 2 spaces in conformance
Single-Family Detached, Patio Home, Townhome Units
Both Enclosed (garage)
Institutional and Public Uses
Athletic Stadium or Field
1/6 seats
1/4 seats in the main auditorium
Civic Center/Auditorium
1/4 persons of total capacity
1 per each employee
Community Center
Minimum 10, not including auditorium
1 additional space/300 sq. ft. of floor area in excess of 2,000 sq. ft. plus 1 additional space/4 seats for auditoriums that are part of the building
Day Care or Day Nursery
1/10 pupils
Foster Family Home
Foster Group Home
1 per every 3 residents
General Residential Operation
1 per every three residents
1 per each employee
Libraries, Museums
Min. 10
1/300 sq. ft.
College or University
1/each day student
Elementary School
1/20 students
1 per each employee
Jr. High or Middle School
1/15 students
1 per each employee
Senior High School
1/2 students
1 per each employee
Amusement and Entertainment
Amusement Center, Commercial
1/3 guests
Or 1/100 sq. ft. of gross floor space, whichever results in more spaces
Banquet Hall, Private
1/150 sq. ft. of floor area
Bowling Alley
6/lane or alley
1 per ea. employee
Golf Course
Golf or Country Club
1/150 sq. ft. of floor area
Or 1/5 members, which [whichever] results in more spaces
Lodge or Fraternal Organization
1/200 sq. ft.
Park and Recreational Facilities
1/500 sq. ft. of site area exclusive of buildings
Pickleball/Sport Courts (Indoor & Outdoor)
1/3 seats or bench seating spaces
Public Assembly Hall
1/3 seats or bench seating spaces
1/500 sq. ft. of site area exclusive of buildings
Theater, Sports Arena, Gymnasium, Auditorium, Athletic Fields
1/3 seats or bench seating spaces
Office and Professional
Office Center
1/250 sq. ft.
Office or Professional Business
1/250 sq. ft.
Real Estate Office
1/200 sq. ft.
Personal Service Stores
1/200 sq. ft.
1/300 sq. ft.
Retail, Services and Commercial
Antique stores
1/400 sq. ft.
Bank and Savings & Loan or Other Similar Institution
1/300 sq. ft.
Min. 3 stacking spaces from teller window or ATM, shall not conflict with required maneuvering
1/200 sq. ft.
Min. 3
Convenience Store
1/300 sq. ft.
Dry Cleaning
1/300 sq. ft.
Farmer’s Market
1 space per vendor, plus 1 space for each 400 sq. ft. of market or display area
Farmer’s Market parking shall be in addition to minimum parking requirements for the primary use of the property.
General Market
1/600 sq. ft. of site area utilized for market
Furniture, Appliance Sales
Min. 2
1 additional/300 sq. ft. of area over 1,000 sq. ft.
Grocery Store
1/300 sq. ft. of retail floor area
Min. 3 car stack space from any pick-up window, shall not conflict with required maneuvering
Hotel or Motel
1 space per room or suite
Plus 1/200 sq. ft. of public assembly area; and restaurants with seating capacity > 75 seats, 1 space/3 seats for those add’l seats > 75
1/300 sq. ft.
1/200 sq. ft.
Mortuary or Funeral Home
1/50 sq. ft. of floor space in parlors or funeral service rooms
Restaurant - Drive-In
1/150 sq. ft.
Min. 5 stacking spaces from voice order board or order window, shall not conflict with required maneuvering
Restaurant, Cafe, Cafeteria
1/2.5 seats
Retail Sales (other than Antique stores)
1/200 sq. ft.
Service and Repair Shops
1/300 sq. ft.
Shopping Center
1/300 sq. ft.
Veterinary Clinic
1/300 sq. ft.
Weight and Aerobics
1/200 sq. ft.
Wine Tasting Facility (Winery) or Brew-Pub (Micro-Brewery) or Micro-Distillery
1/2.5 seats or 1/300 sq. ft., whichever is greater
Medical Uses
Clinic, Medical
1/150 sq. ft.
1/bed or examination room
1/employee on the largest work shift
Medical, Dental Clinic or Office
1/150 sq. ft.
Automotive, Communication and Transportation
Auto or Machinery Sales (indoors)
1/500 sq. ft.
Or 1/2000 sq. ft. of lot area for outdoor uses, or whichever is greater
Auto Repair
Minimum of 5
1/200 sq. ft. of floor area or repair garage
Auto Service Station
Minimum of 6
Auto/Trailer Leasing
1/500 sq. ft.
Boat Sales, Repair, Rental
1/500 sq. ft.
Car Wash (full-serve, self-serve or automatic)
3 stacking spaces/wash bay
1 per each employee with a minimum of 1
Mobile home, Recreational Vehicle Sales
1/500 sq. ft.
Small Tractor and Small Implement Sales and Service and Repair, New
Small Tractor and Small Implement Sales and Service and Repair, Used
1/500 sq. ft.
Or 1/2,000 sq. ft. of lot area for outdoor uses, or whichever is greater
Terminal, Bus/Train/ Truck
Minimum of 5
1/200 sq. ft. of floor area or repair garage
Industrial and Heavy Commercial
Building Materials, Lumber Storage Yards
1/3 employees
Or 1/1,000 sq. ft. of floor area, whichever results in more spaces
Construction Equipment Rental and/or Sales
1/500 sq. ft.
Minimum of five provided
Feed Lot
1/1,000 sq. ft. site area
1 per ea. employee
Industrial/Manufacturing Activities
1/3 employees
Or 1/1,000 sq. ft. of floor area, whichever results in more spaces
Mini-Manufacturing [sic] or Heavy Commercial
1/500 sq. ft.
1 per each employee
Minimum 4/complex
1 additional space/5,000 sq. ft. of storage space
Portable Building Sales
1/500 sq. ft.
Showroom/Warehouse with Office
1/750 sq. ft.
1 per each employee
Warehouse, Wholesale
1/3 employees
Or 1/1,000 sq. ft. of floor area, whichever results in more spaces
Wrecking, Salvage, Reclamation Yard
1/3 employees
Or 1/1,000 sq. ft. of floor area, whichever results in more spaces
Rules for Computing Number of Parking Spaces
In computing the number of parking spaces required for each of the above uses, the following rules shall govern:
Floor Area shall mean the gross floor area of the specific use.
Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required shall be constructed to be the nearest whole number.
A building that was constructed or a use that was established after the effective date of this ordinance, and which is enlarged or expanded by at least ten (10) percent but less than fifty (50) percent, shall require only the number of off-street parking and loading spaces as would be required if such enlargement or expansion were a separate new structure or use.
Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this ordinance is enlarged by fifty (50) percent or more in floor area or in the area used, said building or use shall comply with the parking requirements set forth herein.
In the case of mixed uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately.
Up to fifty (50) percent of the parking spaces required for a theater or other place of evening entertainment (after 6:00 P.M.), or for a church, may be provided and used jointly by banks, offices, and similar uses not normally open, used, or operated during evening hours if specifically approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Shared parking must be on the same lot. Such approval may be rescinded by the City Council and additional parking shall be obtained by the owners in the event that the City Council determines that such joint use is resulting in a public nuisance by providing an inadequate number of parking spaces or otherwise adversely affecting the public health, safety, or welfare.
In cases where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use served, or where such spaces are jointly used, a written agreement thereby assuring their retention for such purposes, shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall be filed with the application for a building permit.
Location Of Parking Spaces
All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served, except when spaces are used jointly by two (2) or more buildings or establishments according to Section 11.2.E, Rules for Computing Number of Parking Spaces the required spaces may be located a distance from the building to be served as stated below:
not to exceed three hundred (300) feet from an institutional building
not to exceed six hundred (600) feet from any other nonresidential building
Fire Lanes
Fire lane easements shall be provided in accordance with the applicable City Fire Code.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16; Ordinance 17-41, ex. A, adopted 7/18/17; Ordinance 17-42, ex. A, adopted 7/18/17; Ordinance 17-70, ex. A, adopted 10/2/17; Ordinance 19-63 adopted 9/3/19; Ordinance 22-32 adopted 7/5/2022; Ordinance 23-07 adopted 1/3/2023; Ordinance 24-50 adopted 9/3/2024)
The location of dwellings and buildings shall be according to the following:
Only one main building for single-family and two-family use, with permitted accessory buildings, may be located upon a lot or unplatted tract.
No parking area, storage area, or required open space for one building shall be computed as being the open space, yard, or area requirements for any other dwelling or other use, except as otherwise authorized herein.
On corner lots, the front yard setback shall be observed along the frontage of both intersecting streets, unless shown specifically otherwise on a final plat or otherwise provided herein.
Unless otherwise provided, any building line established by a plat or ordinance approved by the City prior to the adoption of this ordinance that measures less than the front yard setback prescribed for the district in which the building line is located, shall comply with the building line so established by such ordinance or plat.
The front yard shall be measured from the property line to:
the front face of the building,
support columns of any covered porch or covered terrace,
Eaves and roof extensions or a porch without posts or columns may project into the required front yard for a distance not to exceed three feet (3').
Subsurface structures, platforms or slabs may not project into the front yard to a height greater than thirty inches (30") above the average grade of the yard.
When lots extend from one street to another creating a double frontage, a required front yard shall be provided on both streets unless a building line for accessory buildings has been established along one frontage by ordinance or on a plat, in which case only one required front yard must be observed.
Where a right-of-way easement or line has been established for future widening or opening of a street or thoroughfare upon which a lot abuts, building setbacks shall be measured from the right-of-way easement or line.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16)
On lots that were official lots of record prior to the effective date of this ordinance, the minimum side yard adjacent to a side street shall comply with the minimum required side yard for the respective district.
Every part of a required side and rear yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground upward except for:
Accessory buildings as permitted herein;
The projection into the side and rear yard of window sills, belt courses, cornices, and other architectural features not to exceed twelve (12) inches;
Roof eaves not to exceed thirty-six (36) inches projecting into the required side and rear yard;
Air conditioning compressors and similar appurtenances are permitted in the side and rear yard.
In all nonresidential zoning districts, cantilevered structures shall be permitted to extend 10' into the rear yard except when adjacent to a required landscape buffer.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16)
At street intersections, clear vision must be maintained within a sight visibility triangle created by the property lines being measured a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the intersection corner of the property line in both directions.
At a street intersection with an alley, clear vision must be maintained for ten (10) feet across any lot measured from the corner of the property line in both directions.
Within any sight visibility triangle fences, walls, architectural screen, earth mounding, landscaping, etc. shall not exceed two feet (2') in height, measured from the top of the nearest curb; nor shall anything be placed, erected, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner as to impede vision between a height of two feet (2') and eleven (11) feet above the top of the nearest curb.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16)
Residential Districts
Materials for exterior facades for all buildings or structures shall be of masonry construction as defined herein in Article 12, Definitions, unless pre-empted by State statute. For Planned Development Districts (Section 6.1 - Special Districts) requested by an applicant under this Ordinance, the applicant shall be required to submit a PD Restriction and record the PD Restriction in the Hood County Deed Records Office, binding those construction design elements, such as: exterior building materials, their placement and apportionment as depicted on the building elevations, to the property.
Residential Districts
New principal buildings, structures and detached garages located in the RE, R-12, R-10, R- 8.4, R-7, PH, TH, MD-1, and MF zoning districts shall be constructed of exterior fire resistant material having at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls to the top plate, excluding doors and windows, as masonry construction or masonry-like construction, unless pre-empted by State statute. Other materials of equal or similar characteristics may be approved by the Director of Community Development or his designee. The Director of Community Development, at his discretion may refer any request for alternative material to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a recommendation to the City Council for final approval.
Existing structures that are expanding the footprint of the building by 50% or less, or modifying the exterior walls, may use the same exterior construction material as the existing, primary building. If the same material is not available, an alternative, similar material may be used if approved by the Community Development Director. Existing structures that are expanding the footprint by more than 50%, or are proposing to use a material inconsistent with the primary structure for any expansion, must meet the 80% minimum masonry requirement of the total exterior walls, excluding doors and windows, as masonry or masonry-like construction prior to approval of the final inspection and occupation of the residence.
Roof Design Standards - Residential: Any new structure constructed for the purpose of a residential use must have a roof with a pitch ratio of at least four(4) verticals to twelve (12) horizontals (4:12).
The standards and regulations governing the Historic Preservation Overlay and landmarked properties set forth in Section 6.2 - Historic Preservation Overlay, contained herein as may be amended, shall supersede the base requirements set forth in Section 11.7.A of the City of Granbury Zoning Ordinance regarding exterior materials and roofline requirements upon issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Historic Commission. No building permit shall be issued for new construction until the Historic Preservation Commission has first issued a Certificate of Appropriateness (C of A).
Solar panels or related equipment on buildings in all solar installations within the city limits must follow the Texas State Law, including but not limited to interconnection guidelines and agreements, adhere to Homeowners Association (HOA) rules if located in an HOA, and also obtain authorization from the City of Granbury by securing any required permits from the Chief Building Official.
Nonresidential Districts
Materials for exterior facades for all buildings or structures shall be of masonry construction as defined herein in Article 12, Definitions, unless pre-empted by State statute. The extent of the application and placement of the masonry construction shall conform the regulations contained within this Section.
All separate buildings and structures < or = to 30,000 sq. feet located in the BC, LC and HC, zoning districts, and all nonresidential buildings and structures in the IH zoning districts, shall be constructed of exterior fire resistant material having at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls, measured from the finished floor to the top-plate line of the highest floor, excluding doors and windows, as masonry construction or masonry-like construction. Approved Masonry or Masonry-Like Construction for separate buildings or structures < or = to 30,000 sq. feet, shall be that material and form which is comprised of natural stone or brick with 20% minimum stone, laid-up unit-by-unit and set in mortar and shall have a required thickness of at least two inches (2"). Faux-Stone (or pre-cast stone) may be utilized in-lieu of natural stone however, samples shall be provided to the Community Development Department to ensure that the product and/or material meets the specifications of this ordinance. If brick is to be utilized, at least 20% of the 80% requirement will be natural/native or Faux-Stone. Samples of the Faux- Stone (or pre-cast stone) not approved by the Community Development Department or other materials of equal or similar characteristics may be allowed by special exception.
This does not allow for exterior materials such as: EIFS, Stucco, CMU. Exposed-metal R-Panel or other similar type of construction, except that 20% of the building elevation sum measured to the top-plate line of the highest story may be utilized as accent coating to masonry or masonry-like as defined above.
All separate buildings and structures > than 30,000 sq. ft. located in the BC, LC and HC, zoning districts, and all nonresidential buildings and structures in the IH zoning districts, shall be constructed of exterior fire resistant material having at least eighty (80) percent of the total exterior walls, measured from the finished floor to the top-plate line of the highest story excluding doors and windows, as masonry construction or masonry-like construction. Approved Masonry Construction or Masonry-Like for separate buildings and structures > than 30,000 sq. ft. shall be that material and form which is comprised of natural stone, brick, concrete tilt-wall with 1" or greater stone/rock aggregate on the exterior face, split-faced CMU or combination each, laid-up unit-by-unit and set in mortar and shall have a required thickness of at least two inches (2"). Faux-Stone (or pre-cast stone) may be utilized in-lieu of natural stone however, samples shall be provided to the Community Development Department to ensure that the product and/or material meets the specifications of this ordinance. At least 20% of the 80% exterior materials requirement will be natural/native or Faux-Stone. Samples of the Faux-Stone (or pre-cast stone) not approved by the Community Development Department or other materials of equal or similar characteristics may be allowed by special exception.
This does not allow for exterior materials such as: EIFS, Stucco, smooth-faced CMU. Exposed-metal R-Panel buildings or other similar type of construction, except that 20% of the building elevation sum measured to the top-plate line of the highest story may be utilized as accent coating to masonry or masonry-like as defined above.
The following regulations shall be applied to industrial uses contained within a Industrial Zoned District only:
Principle structures located in the industrial zoned district (I) and consisting primarily of business offices and administrative offices shall be of 80% masonry construction as described in Section 11.7.B.2 or Section 11.7.B.3 [section 1.1.C.2 or section 1.1.C.3] whichever is applicable.
Administrative offices contained inside an industrially used building within an industrial zone which is the primary structure on the parcel shall be required to be of 40% masonry construction on the front face only.
Accessory and secondary structures that do not contain administrative offices shall be exempt from the masonry requirement, but shall meet all building code requirements for the construction of permanent structures.
For architectural design or creativity or for compatibility with surrounding structures, other materials which are equivalent to the standards set forth in this ordinance may be permitted by the Director of Community Development or his designee. The Director of Community Development, at his discretion may refer any request for alternative material to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a recommendation and to the City Council for final approval.
All existing structures that are expanding the footprint of the building over an area that was not previously used in the same manner, or modifying the exterior walls must meet the 80% minimum masonry requirement of the total exterior walls, excluding doors and windows, as masonry or masonry-like construction prior to issuance of a new certificate of occupancy, as provided for in Section 11.7.B.2 or Section 11.7.B.3 [section 1.1.C.2 or section 1.1.C.3] whichever is applicable.
All existing structures that do not meet the 80% minimum masonry requirement and are not expanding the footprint of the building or modifying the exterior walls shall have a minimum of 30% of the total exterior walls, excluding doors and windows, as masonry or masonry-like construction, as provided for in Section 11.7.B.2 or Section 11.7.B.3 [section 1.1.C.2 or section 1.1.C.3] whichever is applicable, prior to issuance of a new Certificate of Occupancy.
The standards and regulations governing the Historic Preservation Overlay and landmarked properties set forth in Section 6.2 - Historic Preservation Overlay, contained herein, as may be amended, shall supersede the requirements set forth in Section 11.7.B [section 1.1.C] of the City of Granbury Zoning Ordinance regarding exterior materials, roofline requirements, articulations standards, and other design elements. No building permit shall be issued for construction until the Historic Preservation Commission has first issued a Certificate of Appropriateness (C of A).
Roof Design Standards - Commercial:
All non-residential roofs shall be designed to completely conceal all rooftop equipment such as HVAC units from any property line or adjoining street. Pitched roofs shall have a minimum pitch of at least four (4) verticals to twelve (12) horizontals (4:12). All roofs with a pitch less than 4:12, including flat roofs, shall be designed to conceal all roofing materials in addition to rooftop equipment. A minimum of a 4:12 pitched roof or a roof with unique architectural features shall extend along a minimum of 50% of the perimeter of the building. Unique architectural features shall project from the plane of the main exterior wall or parapet of the building a minimum horizontal distance (B) of 5% of the building height and shall have a minimum vertical dimension (A) of 10% of the building height. Such architectural features shall include cornices, moldings, trims, variations in coursing and similar design elements and shall not extend above the roof more than 70% of the wall height. Standing seam metal roofs shall be constructed of a factory-treated, non-metallic, matte finish. Other metal roofs, such as corrugated metal, are prohibited.
Exposed Columns:
Exposed structural support columns shall be constructed of or clad in the same masonry material as the principal structure. Architecturally significant columns (e.g. fluted, etc.) may be permitted.
Reflective Glass:
No more than 50% of any building facade may be glass, mirrored or reflective material.
Articulation Standards:
For non-residential structures with a building footprint (floor area at-grade only) of 7,500 sq. ft to 30,000 sq. ft., no building wall shall extend greater than three (3) times the wall’s height without having a minimum off-set of 5% of the wall’s height, and such off-set shall continue for a minimum distance equal to at least 10% of the maximum length of either adjacent plane and extend from the floor to the highest top plate. For all non-residential structures greater than 30,000 sq. ft. (floor area at-grade only), no building wall (H) shall extend greater than three (3) times the wall’s height without having a minimum off-set of 10% of the wall’s height, and such off-set shall continue for a minimum distance equal to at least 20% of the maximum length of either adjacent plane and extend from the floor to highest top plate. For all commercial structures, articulations shall be required to be constructed of either stone or brick. Building wall shall be defined as the vertical plane of the exterior surface of the primary, masonry, construction material.
(Ordinance 19-77 adopted 11/5/19; Ordinance 23-08 adopted 1/3/2023)
The sale of seasonal items is permitted subject to the following.
The following seasonal sales are permitted:
Christmas Trees;
Other items typically sold as temporary or seasonal sales items.
A permit shall be required and a temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Chief Building Official for any seasonal sales.
Prior to a temporary certificate of occupancy being issued for a seasonal sales location, the following requirements shall be adhered to:
Temporary Certificate of Occupancy and approval by the Chief Building Official.
Written permission from the landowner if different than that of the sales operator.
On-site parking as required by the Chief Building Official (minimum of two).
Restroom facility or written permission from landowner or tenant if different than that of the sales operator.
Sign permit according to the sign ordinance.
Compliance with the Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Health Codes.
Enforcement of this section will be governed by the Police Department and the Chief Building Official.
Time limits must be stated on the temporary certificate of occupancy. Seasonal sales are allowed for a period up to 120 days per calendar year, based on the discretion of the Chief Building Official.
Permit fees will be as established by the City Schedule of Fees as approved by City Council.
The seasonal sales location shall be located within a nonresidential or Interim Holding zoning district.r
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16; Ordinance 20-26 adopted 5/5/20)
Temporary street vending, as described in Article 12, Definitions, is permitted only for a period of fourteen consecutive days within a calendar year in the “HC” Heavy Commercial and “I” Industrial District, and with the consent of the property owner (unless the Chief Building Official determines the street vending is a seasonal use). A site plan or other information may be required by the Chief Building Official upon the review of the temporary permit providing evidence of compliance with parking, access and maneuvering and other site or use related requirements before issuing the permit.
Permanent street vending of merchandise or food for sale for consumption to the general public is strictly prohibited. This does not apply to mobile food establishments properly permitted pursuant to Article 6, Section 6.03 [section 6.03.002] of the City of Granbury Code of Ordinances.
(Ordinance 18-45 adopted 7/3/18)
Accessory Dwelling Units
Accessory dwelling units in the IH, RE, R-12, R-10, R-8.4, and R-7 Districts shall be allowed on the same lot or tract as the main dwelling unit and used by a person or persons related to the occupants of the main dwelling unit upon meeting the following standards:
One accessory dwelling unit may be constructed by right on any lot with an area not less than 12,000 sq. ft., unless a lesser lot area is found to be adequate for an accessory residence by the City Council and is approved as a Specific Use Permit.
Accessory dwelling unit height, area and yard requirements shall be the same as the main structure. An accessory dwelling unit, other than a garage apartment, shall not exceed the height of the principal building on the lot it is constructed.
All accessory dwelling units shall be separate from the main dwelling and must contain kitchen facilities.
An accessory dwelling unit may be constructed only with the issuance of a Building Permit.
An accessory dwelling unit may be sold only with the sale of the entire property, including the main dwelling unit.
All accessory dwelling units shall be constructed to the rear of the main structure. No accessory buildings are permitted in the front yard setback.
Accessory Structures in Residential and Multi-Family Districts
Accessory building yard requirements in the MF district shall be the same as the main building[.]
Accessory uses in the PH, TH, IH, RE, R-12, R-10, R-8.4, and R-7 Districts shall be allowed as an incidental use of a building on the same lot or tract and shall be subject to the following:
No accessory buildings are permitted in the front yard setback.
Accessory buildings shall maintain the following setbacks:
Accessory buildings shall be located towards the rear portion of the property. Accessory buildings shall not be located closer than 3' from the rear property line.
In all locations where building lines, setback lines or side yard lines are shown on recorded plats, the minimum side yard setback shall be as shown on the plat.
In all other locations, the minimum side yard setback shall be 3 feet.
Fifteen feet (15') for buildings adjacent to a side street
The total maximum floor area of accessory buildings, on a lot, shall be 420 square feet, unless allowed to exceed this by Special Exception.
An accessory building shall not be permitted within a utility or drainage easement.
There shall be no more than two (2) accessory buildings per single-family lot and they must be separated by a distance of not less than ten feet (10').
Accessory buildings are not permitted without a main structure unless on tracts or lots of (2) acres or more and used solely for agricultural purposes. In such case, a one hundred foot (100') front building setback from all property lines is applicable.
The maximum height of an accessory building shall not exceed the height of the primary structure and may not exceed fifteen feet (15'), unless allowed to exceed this by Special Exception.
Accessory, Ancillary and Secondary Structures
All accessory, ancillary or secondary structures shall comply with the provisions of this Ordinance, the current building code and all other related and applicable policies and regulations. Under no circumstance shall a mobile trailer, Recreational Vehicle (RV), semi-trailer, cargo trailer, cargo container, mobile or manufactured home or other similar mobile unit, configuration, device or structure be permitted unless specifically addressed by the regulations contained herein. This restriction shall not include seasonal activities temporarily permitted (such as: snow-cone stands, etc.) in accordance with Section 11.8 - Temporary and Seasonal Sales and all other applicable regulations or mobile units temporarily permitted under an approved event/festival permit.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16; Ordinance 19-77 adopted 11/5/19)
The purpose of site plan approval is to coordinate improvements to properties other than single-or two-family use. Through site plan approval, zoning standards and other applicable municipal standards or ordinances which may apply to specific site development can be uniformly implemented by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for multi-family and nonresidential zoned properties. This procedure is intended to promote, among other items the efficient and harmonious use of land, safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking and loading, lighting, screening, and landscaping.
When required by this ordinance, a site plan must be approved prior to the issuance of a building permit by the City.
A site plan shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council unless the City Council designates the Commission to administer site plan review and approval.
A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued by the Chief Building Official until all provisions of the approved site plan are complied with by the applicant for the building permit.
Changes to the Site Plan
Changes to the site plan shall be processed in the same manner as the original approval of the site plan.
Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 3, below, any site plan that is amended shall require approval of the City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Changes to the site plan which will affect the use of the land may require either an amendment to a Planned Development or a rezoning of property, whichever applies.
Changes of details within a site plan which do not alter the basic physical relationship of the property to adjacent properties; do not alter the use permitted; and do not increase the density, floor area, height, or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site as indicated on the approved site plan, may be authorized by the administrative official or his/her designee. An aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the administrative official or his/her designee to the Zoning Board of Adjustment in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Site Plan Elements
A site plan shall be accurately and legibly drawn to scale with dimensions and shall show:
Vicinity map, north arrow, scale, name of development, name of owner, name of planner, total acreage of project, and street address or common description of the property;
Legal description of the total site area proposed for rezoning, development or specific use permit;
The boundary lines and dimensions of the existing property;
Topography, if requested by the City Engineer, of the property proposed for development in contours of not less than two feet, together with any proposed grade elevations, if different from existing elevations;
Flood plains, water courses, marshes, drainage areas, and other significant environmental features including, but not limited to, rock outcroppings and major tree groupings. Topographic and drainage map information provisions may be waived by the reviewing body when the inclusion of such data would not materially contribute to the necessary evaluation of the project;
Existing subdivision lots;
Setbacks, lot coverage, and when relevant, the relationship of the setbacks provided and the height of any existing or proposed building or structure.
Existing and/or proposed structures including minimum distance between structures. The location of each structure and the minimum distances between structures, and between structures and property line, street line, and/or alley;
Proposed occupancy. If multiple types of uses are proposed, a delineation of the specific areas to be devoted to various land uses;
Off-street parking and loading area layouts, driveway locations and a parking table showing the parking requirement calculations, the minimum number of parking spaces required and the number of parking spaces provided;
Means of vehicular ingress and egress and circulation within the property and all special traffic regulation facilities proposed or required to assure the safe function of the circulation plan;
Fire lanes;
Areas to be landscaped including type, location and quantity of all plant material used for landscaping, and the type, location, and height of fences or screening and the plantings around them, and a landscape table showing the landscape calculations, the minimum required landscaping areas and the amount of landscaping provided;
Public and private sidewalks;
Refuse facilities with screening;
Adjoining streets and alleys, including curbs, medians, and storm drains;
The location and size of existing and proposed surface and subsurface, electric, telephone, gas, cable television or other utility easements;
Location and size of existing and proposed surface and subsurface drainage facilities, including culverts, drains and detention ponds, showing size and direction of flow;
Square footage of the property that will constitute impervious area or impervious surface and vegetated areas after construction;
Architectural drawings, such as all building elevations, and other significant proposed improvements including the treatment and use of open spaces, etc., where the submission of such drawings would more clearly portray the nature and character of the applicant’s land use and development proposals. The elevations shall also include exterior building materials, their placement and apportionment as depicted on each differing building elevation;
Signature, title and date of the applicant, at the conclusion of the written documents, certifying that the information presented in the plans, and supporting documents, reflect a reasonably accurate portrayal of the general nature and character of the applicant’s proposals;
Emergency access easements;
Current zoning and land uses of the property and contiguous properties;
Size and location of all existing and proposed structures on the site and within twenty-five (25) feet of the property boundaries;
Computations of building area for each occupancy, site area and parking ratio;
Existing or proposed water and sanitary sewer lines;
Location of all sign, auditory speakers and lighting;
Location of outside seasonal display area(s) and any proposed cargo container placement areas (a Specific Use Permit may be required).
Phasing of development (if any) showing the location of future building and parking expansion areas;
Other such information as considered essential by the Community Development Director or his/her designee, Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16; Ordinance 19-77 adopted 11/5/19)
Standards set forth in this Section are intended to encourage the appropriate use of land and conserve and protect the privacy and value of adjacent permitted uses. Regulations are prescribed for the location and type of various screening devices to be used when required in the various zoning districts or in this section in accordance with the following standards.
General Fence/Wall Requirements
Electric fences are not permitted in any zoning district.
All masonry screening walls and/or columns shall be equally finished on both sides of the wall or around the column[.]
No wall or fence shall exceed a height of 8' measured from the highest of the two adjoining grades on either side of the wall or fence.
A fence permit is required to be approved by the Chief Building Official prior to the construction of any wall or fence.
No wall or fence shall be taller than four feet (4') when located between a street and the front face of a building in any residential zoned district.
No wall or fence shall be located within any Visibility Access and Maintenance Easement or within any sight visibility triangle as defined in this Ordinance.
Location and Design of Required Screening
When a boundary of a nonresidential Zoning District or use sides or backs upon an RE, R- 12, R-10, R-8.4, R-7, MD-1, PH, TH or MF District, residential use or any nonconforming residential use in a commercial or industrial zoned district, a solid screening wall or fence of not less than six (6) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in height, measured from the grade of the nonresidential Zoning District or use, shall be erected on the property line separating these districts. The purpose of the screening wall or fence is to provide a visual barrier between the properties. This requirement shall apply to:
All nonresidential rezoning requests;
All building permit request[s] for any new nonresidential buildings (primary or secondary building), or;
Where an existing nonresidential building or use has existed prior to the effective date of this ordinance and is enlarged by fifty percent (50%) or more in floor area or in the area used.
The owner of such non-residentially zoned property shall be responsible for and shall build the required wall or fence on his property line dividing his/her property from the residentially zoned district.
Unless otherwise provided for herein, a nonresidential property owner shall be required to construct a wooden privacy fence w/ stone or brick columns. The columns shall not be spaced further than 25' on-center and shall be constructed to have a minimum diameter of 2 feet. All required wooden fencing shall be treated to protect against weathering and shall be constructed in a manner which displays two decorative (smooth) sides, one facing the residential zoned property and the other towards the nonresidential zoned property.
All required wall or fence openings shall be equipped with gates compatible in height and screening characteristics to the wall or fence.
In cases where the Planning & Zoning Commission and/or City Council has determined to use alternate material for opaque screening during the review of a Planned Development or Site Plan for nonresidential applications abutting the residential property, such standards shall supersede the requirements set forth herein.
Required walls or fences shall not be constructed of chain-link, barbed wire or other similar materials.
All required screening elements shall be permanently maintained by, and become the responsibility of the nonresidentially zoned property owner. The screening fence and/or related elements shall be kept in good structural and aesthetic condition by the nonresidentially zoned property owner at all times. If the fence is in a state of disrepair or has become dilapidated, the City may issue a citation or withhold issuance of a permit or C. of O. until the property owner or tenant of the nonresidential property has either replaced or repaired the fence in good structural and aesthetic condition.
All required masonry screening walls and/or columns shall be equally finished on both sides of the wall or around the column.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16)
In connection with the operation of a dwelling, any use permitted as a home occupation may be operated subject to compliance with the following conditions:
The use is operated in its entirety within the dwelling unit and/or other accessory structures and only by the person or persons maintaining a dwelling therein.
The home occupation does not have a separate entrance from outside the building to an isolated area of the house that is exclusively used for the home occupation.
The use does not display or create outside the building any external evidence of the operation of the home occupation.
The home occupation does not have any employee or regular assistant not residing in the dwelling unit in which the home occupation is operated or maintained, unless said employee does not perform services on the property.
No traffic or parking shall be generated by such home occupation that would unreasonably impact a residential neighborhood, and any need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street and other than in a required front yard.
Commercial delivery service required by the Home Occupation shall not deliver goods or products to the home more than four (4) times per month. Commercial delivery service shall be limited to vehicles with two axles.
No home occupation shall constitute a nuisance.
No outdoor storage of any type shall be permitted with any home occupation.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16)
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the open display of items intended for direct retail sales or rental in the appropriate zoning district(s) shall not be subject to the screening requirements set forth in each respective zoning district, provided such display meets all of the following conditions:
Items can only be displayed between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.;
The area used shall not be greater than ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the establishment maintaining such display;
Items may not occupy any required parking area;
Items may not be displayed in any required front, side, or rear yard setback or public right-of-way;
Items may not obstruct vision sight lines from any public right-of-way or driveway, be deemed a traffic hazard by the Chief Building Official, or City Engineer, or be located in any required sight visibility easements; and
The display area shall be within twenty (20) feet of the main building; except for special out-of-doors promotional sales, which occur behind the front building line and do not extend longer than four (4) continuous weeks, unless alternative outside display is permitted by the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP).
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16)